Re: [閒聊] Stonewall008 Jungle的評價

看板LoL作者 (Hirdaramani)時間11年前 (2013/01/20 12:46), 編輯推噓59(59021)
留言80則, 57人參與, 最新討論串6/8 (看更多) 大家最愛的TRUNDLE Speed B - He's not fast even with the new jungle favoring single target junglers. He does tear buff camps to pieces though even at level 1. He can give himself a strong buff to buff path even if he gets no leash at all so that's an artificial speed boost. 速度B 就算S3單體江狗有BUFF速度他還是不快 他的Q讓他能夠江爽 Resilience B+ - Trundle's recovery is weird to paste. He really can't be kept down when it comes to jungling and his wall allows him to contribute to the team later. His ultimate also allows him to just strip tankiness from the enemy team if he needs it. His whole debuffer role pretty much saves him from his a terrible early game (if he gets harassed). He loses points though because, even if not killed, he can be slowed down and he is a jungler that needs levels. 韌性B+ 他很吸哈 難以被打爛 QWR給他會戰功能 但是吃等級 Build A - Trundle faces a bit of a conflicting dilemma. His item builds are cost effective but expensive. To better define this - the items and components he takes towards his builds are great but he has to keep his build up in order to do anything beyond putting up a wall. His damage falls off, the effectiveness of his abilities starts to wear down as the game goes on unless he gets cooldown reduction and utility items to pad them, and so on. He has plenty of flexibility in his builds sure but his constant need to upgrade himself eventually catches up to him. This will be covered a bit later in the transitions. 裝備A 矛盾困境 他的出裝可以有經濟效率但是太貴了 他要CDR來讓棒棒一直存在 又要輸出讓你不會打醬油 彈性很大但是還是要點裝備 是說這樣有A也蠻怪== Sustain S+ - Trundle will quickly reach a point of never taking any damage from camps. I mean he'll take damage but he'll be at full health completely. Even in his first clear he will be nearly topped off. As for mana, this is where some people show their ignorance about Trundle's mana issues. Trundle mana pool is tiny and Trundle could run out of mana jungling but it's something you can easily manage simply by not spamming contaminate and his bite at all times. His Q is a strong swing reset and helps land another hit - however most people forget that it also adds more attack damage to Trundle. If Trundle is low on mana but still needs to clear - he only needs to bite in order to maintain that buff. His clearing speed will barely be affected. Contaminate is not recommended as a clearing tool if you're below half mana - it doesn't help clear if you're spamming your Q anyways because of the attack speed interaction anyways. So in short, Trundle's health is godlike and his mana issues are non-existent beyond the first clear. 續戰S+ 神續戰 無損江狗 MANA有問題但是你可以只要持續Q BUFF而不是一直Q來解決 Ganking A+ - This is a part where a lot of people definitely have issues with Trundle. Some say he's a terrible ganker and some say he's a godly ganker. I side with neither and say Trundle is one of the best gank enablers in the game. He himself will never gank a laner that isn't stupid. He has no gap closer outside of contaminate which has been made weaker thanks to the League of Gap Closers and his wall has a long cooldown early. He likely used his wall to start the gank. To be more accurate - he might chomp someone but will rarely finish them off himself. He has no real means of finishing off a target. GANK A+ 激烈的戰點 開GANK神角 WE讓你直接跟上 你不能收頭但是可以GANK Anyways - Trundle is a gank enabler. His wall, in my opinion, is one of the best ganking tools period. A responsive teammate can make good use of it especially those that would normally not be able to close the gap but have killer damage. A well placed Trundle wall will force the escapes out of the opponents immediately. The longer they delay their escapes the worse it will be for them. If the wall is put behind them - they now have walk around it and suffer the grueling slow and awkward pathing. The wall forces the most awkward situations for the targets. Normally you'd try to juke through the bushes to avoid a gank but against Trundle (if he still has his wall) it can prove to be a death sentence as they'll just be trapped. Being anywhere near a wall can be a death sentence. Being around minions when the wall pops could end up causing you to be minion blocked. 總之 棒棒是史上最佳GANK神技能 隊友跟上棒棒 爽 用棒棒讓對手哭泣吧 別想進草叢抵抗川島 你會被卡到高潮 The wall reveals the fog, it forces enemy movement, it causes awkward situations and it has really good range allow it to be used for direct ganks. Hell it's an incredibly powerful disengage tool as well. A Trundle towerdive is incredibly powerful for all the same reasons. The turret can be used to pin the target down as well. Trundle's wall is very powerful for ganking but it is very difficult to use effectively. It is all about timing. It's just a shame that Trundle heavily relies on his teammate to follow up. 棒棒開視野 可以抗開戰可以塔殺 川搗爛都是隊友不跟上 Dueling S - Trundle is perhaps the most crafty jungle duelist in the game. While Olaf is the most dangerous in a fight, Trundle has more tools to mess with his opponents and put them at a disadvantage. For starters - Trundle's wall is incredibly powerful in the jungle. It's all corridors and narrow pathways - he'll abuse the hell out of movement screwing his opponents, trapping them for the chase or simply escaping easily. Trying to fight Trundle head on proves difficult for many junglers as he strips them of their offensive capabilities and uses it against them while dealing a crapload of damage thanks to his steroid and short cooldown Q reset. Trundle's dueling works either as a full engage when someone's fighting capabilities are down (they used their abilities or are low on health) or going in for some damage and then running away before they're capable of fighting but then hitting them again during an ambush to wither them down. Trundle is very strong at engaging and disengaging - an experienced Trundle duelist will make someone afraid of their own jungle. 單挑S 單挑陰險王 QWER都是打架用途 他可以在任何狀況打都很棒 別想和有經驗的川島來場激烈的草叢戰 Invasion A+ - Out of all the junglers in the game - Trundle is probably the hardest to kill in the jungle. He's hard to catch especially because his wall is incredibly powerful in the jungle. You can't chase the bastard down. Combine it with his super sustain and his "stupid to duel Trundle" nature, it is really hard to keep Trundle from messing in your jungle. He also slaughters buff camps like no tomorrow. 入侵A+ 最難殺的江狗 棒棒讓他跑掉 單跳又猛 你很難阻止他 偷BUFF能力驚人 Transition ? - This is where things get shaky for Trundle. He is completely at the mercy of the meta and the enemy team. He's a very situational pick now and, while it didn't look that way at first, the current meta again pushed him out. While teams aren't taking more than one tank (a meta he would excel in) they are all just stacking health instead. Trundle's ultimate is severely weakened if there is no one to strip stats from. Sure he can heal more off the death of someone but that conditional heal is far less valuable to him than the stat drain his ultimate allowed. His damage doesn't compare to other characters and the meta is filled with burst assassins and all that jazz. 會戰 ??????? META不合 現在出血才是正途 川島偷不到東西 哭哭 Trundle becomes nearly unkillable vs the right team comps but a complete wall bot against teams he doesn't excel vs. A wall bot then is either relatively useful or useless - again depending on the team. These factors also determine his build options. If the enemy team were to have a really tanky character - he could opt for more damage since he has someone he'll drain for tank stats. 好得棒棒讓你無敵 但是隊友知道你的技能嗎 對面有坦出些輸出裝吧 Special - Trundle is one of my favored champions and I just want to point this out. He's a lot stronger for solo queue than I would have thought and this is amplified with a duo queue partner. You can simply overwhelm the enemy team at certain points of the game. Trundle's wall is great for disengaging and punishing the enemy team. You can save your teammates from their stupidity just by tossing up the wall and discouraging the enemy team. You can trap and overzealous poker and murder them. You can punish inexperienced junglers. Just hope you have someone in your team that can provide the damage. 額外 石牆愛川島 棒棒很棒 棒棒可以抓人保人打架 希望你隊友認識川島 ------------------ UDYR Speed A+ - The former king of the jungle still has his incredible speed but is finding difficulty in maintaining it. Though he gets bonus points because his tiger speed improved significantly. 速度A+ 古代江狗之王速度依然非凡但是難以保持這種速度 老虎的改良幫他加分 Resilience C - This was formerly a strong trait for Udyr but it's since gone to hell. Note that I haven't tried him with his new passive buff so I can't tell if that helped his overall jungle. I can tell it likely will not affect his resilience too much. Basically, aside from just farming, Udyr can't do much else if he's harassed. Normally this wouldn't be held against farming junglers too much but considering Udyr is still going to suffer Udyr problems regardless if he still gets farmed (ie get kited to hell) it doesn't make any difference. If he gets behind - things are only going to be made worse. He needs to be ahead of others in order to make any impact before team fights get crazy and his effectiveness drops harshly. 韌性C 最近有BUFF但是沒測試 但是果斷猜測無法增加你的韌性 只能農 農完還是有缺陷 被騷擾就更慘了 翻身困難 Build A - There is not much to say here except that he's pretty strong with items, his items are cost effective and he has a lot of builds - none which ultimately solve his problems. 裝備A 出裝上非常有效率和經濟 多樣性 Sustain A - His sustain is not what it used to be. His turtle has been nerfed to hell and back and doesn't provide enough initially without a severe drop in his speed. His first clear is either slower than it should be or riskier depending on how he wants to use his turtle. Later on this doesn't matter but it's kind of sad to see him suffer this way. His speed is maintained with items and his sustain is strong health wise (mana will always be an issue). He lost points because of how his efficiency has been slapped down. 續戰A 烏龜被NERF 第一輪變慢或變危險看你要不要用烏龜 速度/HP可以跟裝備成長 MP有點問題 Ganking C+ - Udyr is definitely a weaker ganker now. He has the damage just the means of applying it has become difficult. The mobility creep did him in and the reliance on his teammates (or enemy stupidity) has increased ten fold. In short, if he touches someone they're dead - he has to actually be able to gnab them though. GANK C+ 爛GANKER 隊友和對面程度決定你的能力 你要拍到人才能殺人 Dueling S - Udyr's dueling is similar to Darius. His mobility issues vs laners become irrelevant in the confines of the jungle. Udyr will be able to grab someone (or ambush) and just tear them to pieces with his insane early offense and they won't be able to fight back (his tankiness). 單挑S 和達瑞斯接近 走得慢在江狗不是問題 拍到人然後打爛他 Invasion S - High jungle presence, dangerous jungle dueling, super tanky and fast clearing? Yeah he's a powerful invader. You need the cavalry to come help you if you want to push him out. 入侵S 高速高單挑高坦 入侵王 M. Transition B - All I say is, he'll be tanky and he will tear anyone he touches. The problem is he'll be kited to hell and back. It helps that he's a tanky stunbot but again he's just going to get kited. He's a glorified bodyguard if anything. 中期B 坦然後打爛人 但是 風箏飛壓飛 你是個CC機 但是 風箏飛壓飛 想辦法保住重要的人 L. Transition B - It's the same exact thing albeit his effectiveness is dropping. At least at this point he has utility items to back up his lack of real usefulness. 後期B 沒啥用了 用功能性出裝彌補你的醬油 ----------- NUNU Speed B - Nunu has never been a fast jungler. He's not slow but he's completely reliant on chomping monsters and it eventually starts getting weaker. 速度B 從來不快 不慢但是最終你會悲劇 Resilience B+ - Nunu is a support jungler and ultimately it doesn't matter how much you cripple him since he'll still be able to do his job. However, him being picked makes it so his team better have picked a team comp that excels with him as a support to justify not taking a proper cc bot or a damage dealing jungler. If Nunu is kept from dominating the map and being a pest - while he himself will not suffer much, his team will suffer as a whole from having two low gold supports. The oracle nerf also brought him down heavily all around. 韌性B+ SUP江狗 你無法讓他喊GG因為他還是能夠做出貢獻 WE之類 想辦法打爛他讓他們隊伍成為兩個乞丐SUP隊伍 特別是放棄輸出和硬CC江狗選NUNU的情況下 ORACLE NERF的受害者 Build B+ - He's a support so he can make good use of any build really. He's effective without gold but he's nowhere near as effective with the gold he's earning compared to other junglers. He will not have enough gold to do that AP Nunu build so and Nunu bruiser builds are niche at best - he'll only have pure tank (which are annoying at best) and support builds. He at least won't be hurt from donating camps to his teammates. 裝備B+ SUP江狗出裝很有效綠 無法農出AP/大男NUNU 當個純坦/SUP吧 Sustain S - He'll be topped off just by devouring monsters and he won't have mana issues as long as he makes smart use of his passive. Not much to say here - free spell passive that is usually timed with the cooldown of his minion destroying Nunu healing nom nom ability. His speed will start to drop but it doesn't matter too much for a thief jungler like him. 續戰S 吞怪 靠被動MANA不是問題 會減速但是他是個江狗小偷 沒問題! Ganking B - It may just be a slow but it's annoying, crippling, spammable slow from hell. He also donates mobility and murder power to another teammate during his ganking while moving fast. The bastard is basically an annoying and slow murder. GANK B 煩人的雪球 加速隊友給他們一擊斃命得機會 煩死人 Dueling S - He's like Fiddlesticks - he's just annoying to deal with. He would be destroyed in a straight up fight with many junglers so he's better off just shooting balls of ice at them and slapping them while running. He can't lose fights because most junglers are easy to kite and, even then, wouldn't be able to finish him off before the bastard scampers off. He likely won't win a fight where he's not jumping some half dead jungler but he'll rarely lose a fight. He's the type of fighter that will climb a high perch and then knock the ladder over and say he's won the fight. Yeah the other fighter is still standing but Nunu hasn't been beaten all the meanwhile Nunu is throwing dirt and soil from the nearby plants. 單挑S 和FIDDLE一樣 單挑很討厭而已 雪球逃跑術 江狗只會被你風箏到爽 你打不死我我打不死你 Invasion S - Nunu is a bastard who pretty much will steal your jungle and you can't do much about it. He can steal it right from under you too with his consume. Combine that with his really annoying dueling style and it can be really demoralizing. His invasion is incomplete though - he tends not to finish camps. His aim is to cripple his opponent and hold them down. Jungle Nunu doesn't contribute any more than a support Nunu while the enemy jungler is likely contributing to his team with either cc or damage. However, Nunu can work his controlling magic to slow and cripple his opponent to the point where they're so useless that they end up contributing far less than normal. 速親S 當你面Q怪都不客氣 雪球逃跑術 拉拉拉拉拉拉 打爛你野區讓你將狗哭哭 你只能哭著吃垃圾怪吧 Transition S - His mid and late game count the same. He's support - he'll always be able to do something regardless of what's happened. It just depends on whether he was the right pick or the wrong pick for the team. If we assume the player picked Nunu appropriately then his transition is godlike. 會戰S 中期後期一樣棒 SUP 永遠就是作一樣的事情 問題是你的隊伍組成 好得NUNU帶隊伍上天堂 ------------ MUNDO Speed S+ - Dr. Mundo is still the fastest jungler in the game. He just grinds camps down and his cleaver allows him to melt buff camps like nothing even dragon is quickly destroyed by Dr. Mundo. 速度S+ 最快江狗之王 蒸發江狗然後用Q回血 吃龍跟吃餅乾一樣簡單 Resilience B - Dr. Mundo is a very fast jungler and can just focus on farming if he's behind. His ungodly build efficiency and fast farming will help him recover from even the most harshest of harassments. However, that is not to say he doesn't suffer from harassment. In fact, he is a jungler who is easily affected by how harassment. He has negative sustain and is running on low during his first clears. If he's killed - he'll have to burn more of his health to clear camps as they become stronger. He's also rather fragile early. The thing that saves his resilience is his bounce back is incredibly easy. Once he achieves his turning point - it just clicks. He goes from pathetic to obscene relatively easy unless he was utterly stomped throughout the game. 韌性B 你可以騷擾他 但是他只要農農濃濃 他容易被騷擾因為續戰是負的 初期脆弱不堪 直到轉捩點讓他變成神 Build S+ - Dr. Mundo has perhaps the most build power over any other jungler in the game. He scales off solely off health. His damage, his sustain, his tankiness, his resources, his clearing - everything becomes stronger off of just health. It is very effective to buy health and/or health/resistance items. Dr. Mundo ramps this up by basically triple dipping the value of his health items. I'm not sure how much better I can put this - he's an incredible farmer all his wealth is effectively spent. He truly is a corporate powerhouse. 裝備S+ 江狗中裝備最高分的 HP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 傷害續戰坦 HP全包 Sustain D+ - Here is the thing about Dr. Mundo. He has negative sustain and it's really bad. He will kill himself. It's made better by the fact that he will buy items to fix this later so this will not matter later but it is still important to show that Dr. Mundo is basically bleeding to death when clearing camps in his initial clears. Thank Urf that all his builds end up fixing this issue quickly. 續戰D+ 會被自己燒死 晚點買裝可以補足 Ganking C+ - Dr. Mundo's ganking is definitely not reliable. I mean if he hits a cleaver and manages to hit more - he'll probably murder the target. Other than that, his ganking is lackluster and tends to fail without the use of a bait or exhaust. Admittedly - his super fast clearing allows him to attempt ganks even with his haphazard nature. GANKC+ 不穩定GANK 神Q上天堂 爛Q喊gg 短cd你想gank就可以試試看 Dueling S - Take note that this does not count his early dueling. His early dueling is risky since he tends to be fragile and suicidal. Later on though - his dueling is arguably one of the best. He can kite most other junglers and just outsustain them while pushing incredible amounts of damage. 單挑s 不算早期喔 早期爛爛 晚期很棒 q風箏大家還可以打傷害 Invasion S - Combine his ungodly speed with his super painful dueling and his near unkillability and you have a jungler who's going to waltz into the enemy jungle and take whatever he wants. Mundo reaches a point where he really doesn't give a shit and will force a lot of effort from his opponents in order to deal with him. 入侵s 速度和單挑和打不死 棒棒 M. Transition B - He's no slouch here but it can still improve. Around mid game - Mundo is stuck doing the whole poking and peeling thing for his team and only works as an "mvp diver" during a counter-initiate. He still won't be ungodly tanky but he'll be useful. He'll be moderately hard to kill, he'll participate heavily in poking, he'll demand to be peeled by the enemy team and he'll deal respectable damage. 中期b 尚未巔峰 poke然後想辦法在隊伍被硬抓的時候弄掉mvp 難殺 poke 輸出 L. Transition S - Dr. Mundo will go where he fucking well damn pleases. Unless he's ignited and full team focused (which is asking to lose a team fight) he'll reach the enemy carry. He'll demand hard peels or else he'll tear the enemy mvp apart or force them out of the fight. Even with all this pain going his way - there is a good damn chance he will still survive. Dr. Mundo becomes nearly unkillable and deals incredible damage with his Q and his E steroid that it is almost unfair that a jungler like this could exist. At least it is balanced out by forcing his team to have some other forms of crowd control as he provides nothing but a slow. 後期s 上帝來了 除非變點燃或者對面神裝 他可以走到mvp旁邊然後打爛他或趕走他在活下來 qe給你強大的力量 但是他沒有硬cc所以不要喊imba喔~~ ---- Volibear Speed D+ - As hard as it may be to believe it - Volibear ties Shen as one of the slowest junglers in the game. Shen at least has his ultimate to pad his speed later while Volibear has nothing. He will not get faster. 速度d+ 和shen一樣都是來搞笑的 Resilience C - Volibear is a weak cc bot but it helps him transition better. Still, he's easy to take down because of his awful speed. Volibear can be overwhelmed or counter ganked to the point where his clearing takes a swift kick to the nuts. The latest changes to the jungle do help him somewhat but not significantly. 韌性c 軟cc讓你會戰有貢獻 但是你還是因為太慢容易被淘汰 慘不忍睹 Build A - Admittedly, Volibear does have a good range of builds he can take and health items are pretty strong on him. He has builds similar to that of Nautilus - and he might as well seeing as Volibear is a much weaker Nautilus. 出裝a 出裝很廣泛 但是問題和那nauti很像 而且比nauti還爛喔 Sustain C - This guy is mad slow and it doesn't get any better. His pace actually becomes worse and it really affects his other sustain factors. His health sustain suffers because he's taking an extended beating from the monsters and his mana, while not a big issue, is spent more than it should be. 續戰c 太慢了 被小怪欺負 還要mana去江狗 哭 Ganking A+ - If there is anything redeeming about him it is his ganking. His Q is a very strong ganking tool as it's both a gap closer and a toss-back. It also has the Skarner bug attacked to it where he will fling you even though you flashed it. Not much to say here except it enacts a lot of control on his ganking target - he does need his teammate to follow up with damage though. gank a+ q江狗神技 突進甩背 和蠍子一樣可以用背後判定那個bug cc機 沒傷害吃隊友 Dueling A - Largely thanks to his fat ass and passive - he can trade blows with a lot of jungle duelists and "may" eventually come out on top. His tools aren't reliable so this would mean that he can be outmaneuvered by some opponents (and that's the key to beating them) but he's a competent opponent in straight out engages. 單挑a 被動imba讓他單挑有點功能 但是不穩定阿阿阿 主動出擊還是有點能力 Invasion D+ - Aside from probably wanting to bully weaker duelists, there is not much reason for him to be invading unless the path to do so is so blatantly open. He's slow and clumsy with awful cooldowns. Not something you want in an invader. 入侵d+ 慢 cd長 放棄吧 Transition - It's the same in both situations. He's a weaker cc bot but a cc bot still has some great transitioning capabilities. He does have some strong damage- if they stand still. He does have good peeling. He will get kited to hell and back. There simply isn't much to say here. He has a very basic transition. He can build pure tanky and just fling people with a low cooldown later and be a crowd control bot. 會戰 中期後期差不多 軟cc製造機 會戰還是ok 如果可以還是有點傷害 被風箏到死 中規中矩的會戰 純坦 衝出去把人丟來丟去吧 --------- 隨便亂翻歡迎改進指教 細節請看原文 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/20 12:51, , 1F
YA 可以戰川島了
01/20 12:51, 1F

01/20 12:52, , 2F
我最喜歡的英雄就是川島阿 QAQ
01/20 12:52, 2F

01/20 12:53, , 3F
01/20 12:53, 3F

01/20 12:53, , 4F
01/20 12:53, 4F

01/20 12:55, , 5F
01/20 12:55, 5F

01/20 12:55, , 6F
01/20 12:55, 6F

01/20 12:55, , 7F
其實他真的頗強 只要坦跟CDR
01/20 12:55, 7F

01/20 12:56, , 8F
01/20 12:56, 8F

01/20 12:59, , 9F
他有說現在meta出Trundle不好阿 大家都疊血偷不到防
01/20 12:59, 9F

01/20 12:59, , 10F
01/20 12:59, 10F

01/20 13:03, , 11F
JG界的超級輔助 事情作完一切看隊友
01/20 13:03, 11F

01/20 13:05, , 12F
最爛腳色之一 卡瑪還比他好
01/20 13:05, 12F

01/20 13:05, , 13F
01/20 13:05, 13F

01/20 13:06, , 14F
話說我好久好久沒看到川島了 卡瑪還看過..
01/20 13:06, 14F

01/20 13:07, , 15F
起碼他不是勝率倒數前10的 但出場率是倒數的沒錯
01/20 13:07, 15F

01/20 13:07, , 16F
01/20 13:07, 16F

01/20 13:07, , 17F
01/20 13:07, 17F

01/20 13:09, , 18F
01/20 13:09, 18F

01/20 13:09, , 19F
01/20 13:09, 19F

01/20 13:09, , 20F
NG場看的到川島拉 免費的時候...
01/20 13:09, 20F

01/20 13:11, , 21F
川島S2的時候是燈籠冰心振奮耳語 S3不知道
01/20 13:11, 21F

01/20 13:11, , 22F
01/20 13:11, 22F

01/20 13:12, , 23F
燈籠是一定要的 S2那時順風可以三向 現在兵槌就好
01/20 13:12, 23F

01/20 13:12, , 24F
01/20 13:12, 24F

01/20 13:14, , 25F
01/20 13:14, 25F

01/20 13:15, , 26F
01/20 13:15, 26F

01/20 13:17, , 27F
我最近打二十場有看到三場川島 但都是我玩的...
01/20 13:17, 27F

01/20 13:19, , 28F
Buff his skins!!!!!
01/20 13:19, 28F

01/20 13:19, , 29F
01/20 13:19, 29F

01/20 13:20, , 30F
打電腦還蠻常遇到的阿 在對面
01/20 13:20, 30F

01/20 13:21, , 31F
01/20 13:21, 31F

01/20 13:25, , 32F
還是玩李星吧 有音效有趣多了 給酷~~~~~~~~
01/20 13:25, 32F

01/20 13:30, , 33F
川島跟寒冰應該也蠻搭的 -cd+防 又能配合低cd招黏人
01/20 13:30, 33F

01/20 13:33, , 34F
01/20 13:33, 34F

01/20 13:33, , 35F
01/20 13:33, 35F

01/20 13:34, , 36F
01/20 13:34, 36F

01/20 13:34, , 37F
川島音效也很有趣阿 噁樂阿!!
01/20 13:34, 37F

01/20 13:35, , 38F
完蛋了 joke入侵XD
01/20 13:35, 38F

01/20 13:37, , 39F
01/20 13:37, 39F

01/20 13:41, , 40F
01/20 13:41, 40F

01/20 13:47, , 41F
01/20 13:47, 41F

01/20 13:54, , 42F
其實川島很強 兩大AD殺手之一
01/20 13:54, 42F

01/20 13:54, , 43F
1.石頭人降攻速 2.川島降攻擊 這兩隻AD最怕
01/20 13:54, 43F

01/20 13:55, , 44F
stonewall把trundle缺點都講得很明白了 尤其是R
01/20 13:55, 44F

01/20 13:56, , 45F
另外trundle跟Lee互幹 一定要趁lee半血 E緩AS很傷
01/20 13:56, 45F

01/20 13:57, , 46F
01/20 13:57, 46F

01/20 13:57, , 47F
這是stonewall唯一沒講的點 AA系的Q不會爆輸出就很爛
01/20 13:57, 47F

01/20 13:58, , 48F
01/20 13:58, 48F

01/20 14:00, , 49F
01/20 14:00, 49F

01/20 14:01, , 50F
咬到人降一半攻擊,自己多一把BF攻擊 還會爆就太OP啦
01/20 14:01, 50F

01/20 14:05, , 51F
01/20 14:05, 51F

01/20 14:06, , 52F
前陣子玩過 川島出寒冰緩到爆 不過傷害頗低的
01/20 14:06, 52F

01/20 14:07, , 53F
01/20 14:07, 53F

01/20 14:09, , 54F
AD不會很怕川島吧 Q降的AD也沒降很多@.@
01/20 14:09, 54F

01/20 14:10, , 55F
01/20 14:10, 55F

01/20 14:12, , 56F
01/20 14:12, 56F

01/20 14:14, , 57F
他說起來mundo好像很強 可是使用起來不一樣啊
01/20 14:14, 57F

01/20 14:16, , 58F
昨天cloud templar用起來很強阿_A_
01/20 14:16, 58F

01/20 14:29, , 59F
01/20 14:29, 59F

01/20 14:38, , 60F
01/20 14:38, 60F

01/20 14:56, , 61F
01/20 14:56, 61F

01/20 15:00, , 62F
前幾天用過trundle上路對到慎 愉悅~
01/20 15:00, 62F

01/20 15:02, , 63F
不過我是出智慧末刃-振奮-寒冰霸權 然後就贏了
01/20 15:02, 63F

01/20 15:11, , 64F
不覺得盟多有強到他說的那樣 @@
01/20 15:11, 64F

01/20 15:12, , 65F
nunu jg也不見得完全沒火力...
01/20 15:12, 65F

01/20 15:42, , 66F
01/20 15:42, 66F

01/20 15:51, , 67F
蒙多後期就只剩丟菜刀功能了 別人根本懶得打他
01/20 15:51, 67F

01/20 16:00, , 68F
01/20 16:00, 68F

01/20 16:17, , 69F
懶得打就想走哪就走哪,團戰是有CC的牆壁耶 萌多棒
01/20 16:17, 69F

01/20 17:00, , 70F
蒙多 出智慧末刃+e 前中期輸出超高
01/20 17:00, 70F

01/20 17:32, , 71F
川島:time to troll
01/20 17:32, 71F

01/20 18:44, , 72F
01/20 18:44, 72F

01/20 20:20, , 73F
蒙多那邊說的中肯 前期弱 中後期撐滿血就回到場上了
01/20 20:20, 73F

01/20 23:05, , 74F
01/20 23:05, 74F

01/21 12:38, , 75F
給原po 你好像把群控錯認成硬cc了
01/21 12:38, 75F

01/21 12:39, , 76F
硬CC 是指暈眩擊飛壓制這類完全無法動作的技能
01/21 12:39, 76F

01/21 13:41, , 77F
15+ 打Team rank會出川島,solo不敢出
01/21 13:41, 77F

01/21 17:02, , 78F
01/21 17:02, 78F

01/21 17:03, , 79F
盟多是說盟多隊伍需要更多硬CC 應該翻得還過得去吧QQ
01/21 17:03, 79F

01/27 15:26, , 80F
推這句"別想進草叢抵抗川島 你會被卡到高潮" XD
01/27 15:26, 80F
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