Re: [閒聊] Stonewall008 Jungle的評價

看板LoL作者 (Hirdaramani)時間11年前 (2013/01/14 21:02), 編輯推噓25(25015)
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Xin Speed B - Xin Zhao has never been a fast jungler and hasn't improved in Season 3. There isn't much to say that, even with single target becoming stronger, he's still slower than most junglers and he sadly has to burn a few of his abilities in order to clear camps. If he builds pure offense he does become faster but at a huge cost to his survivability. 速度B Xin從來不快 就算s3生態改了還是慢 他必須要點特定技能去清怪 全攻擊裝快但是死的也快 Resilience C - Surprisingly, Xin Zhao is one of the easiest junglers to shut down and he utterly falls apart vs control junglers (especially thieves). The combination of his slow jungling and his need for items makes it so the jungler creeps scale faster than his ability to clear them. If he's shut down early - he'll be slowed down almost to a halt and won't be able to contribute much except desperate ganks. 韌性c 他是最好被打爛的江狗之一 他太吃裝而且打太慢所以別人可以把他打爛然後他讓永遠翻不了身 Build A - Even with his atrocious clearing speeds he comes out a jungler with more than a handful of item builds and pathing options. He has builds ranging from assassin to tank to bruiser. He is also able to transition in between them though not to dramatically. Still, very few other junglers have the luxury to have lethal offensive builds and super high survivability builds. All that combined with his power to pseudo-initiate gives him a strong score. 裝備a 他吃很慢但是很多元 他可以當刺客坦克大男或者混合出裝 充滿傷害和生存 這種能力值得給他高分 Sustain C+ - There really isn't much to say here. After the first clear, he is able to easily sustain himself (though it requires a damage item or a lifesteal item) with his passive. All he has to do is auto attack and it will happen. He keeps a weak pace in the jungle that needs to be supplied by items and, as already stated, his pace can easily be broken by harassment. 續戰c+ 他可以靠吸血或ad裝加上被動一直在江狗區玩耍 但是太慢了太容易被打爛 Ganking A - This is where Xin Zhao excels and the main reason he's picked anyways. He has super high damage ganks along with two forms of cc (one fused with his gap closer). If done properly he will be able to use his gap closing slow twice in the gank thus forcing more control. His ultimate doesn't really improve his ganking too much as the knock back is hard to control but it can be useful sometimes outside of just damage. He has no disengage and likely already burned all his abilities in order to engage a gank so he tends to be vulnerable to counter ganks from most junglers. gank a 他還可以當江狗就是gank猛有兩個cc 一個敲一個突進 而且傷害高 如果弄的好可以緩兩次 大對於gank沒啥幫助因為太難敲退但是可以多一點傷害 但是沒辦法退場而且需要放全部的技能讓他相對脆弱 Dueling A - Another thing that Xin Zhao excels at is murdering his opponents in a 1v1 scenario. His damage is much stronger than most other junglers early on in the game (though his tankiness isn't equal yet) and can outright shred most of his opponents in an even fight. He is able to turn some fights around if he's caught off guard at least against some of the non-god duelists though that is still something few other junglers can boast. His weakness lies in that, outside of his initial volley, he has no mobility or control and is purely contributing damage to the duel (cooldowns aren't exactly great early). 單挑a 單挑很猛 大部分的人傷害跟不上他 跟不是神級的很難輸阿 但是除了VOLLEY(不知道q還是e 我猜是e) 他跟不上人 Invasion C - Aside from looking to duel someone, he shouldn't be trying to invade the enemy jungle unless it's wide open to him. He's too slow and needs his abilities to clear - he's just setting himself up to get caught. While he can hold his own in a duel - being in the enemy jungle just calls the enemy team to converge on him. 入侵c 除非你要單挑 不然不要入侵 他太慢而且要放技能江狗 被抓到圍毆就死 M. Transition B+ - He's a very item reliant champion with no real means to farm it outside of ganking. If he gets ganks then he becomes rather threatening but if he doesn't then he better have gone a tanky build. He still has reasonable amounts of damage as a tank this early and thus can attempt to piledriver the enemy carry - his ultimate even gives him some time to do that as it knocks the enemy team around. His purpose in the game really isn't that complex but he is very gold reliant and mid game is when your first purchases start coming into play. 中期轉換b+ 吃裝 有gank到滾雪球變魔王沒gank出坦裝好 反正坦裝也有傷害 大可以破陣 中期可以一波打爛carry 太需要裝備了所以出裝很重要 L. Transition B+ - He is still very much the same except his damage has probably sunk by now if he hasn't bought any offensive items. His initiation still works in that it forces an immediate peel/escape from the enemy team while making him very tanky. He likely will get kited around after his first volley of abilities so he's not going to be contributing too much unless he focuses on peeling after initiating. 後期b+ 跟中期差不多但是傷害悲劇 只好當坦進去破陣 可能在突進之後被風箏到死 除非很猛不然沒啥用 ----------------------- Rammus Speed B - Rammus used to be the fastest jungler (long time ago) then he was slowly nerfed to hell and other faster junglers became available. Now he's just an average speed jungler who needs to level his W in order to speed up later. 速度B 遠古時代超快後來變超慢然後要加速要W Resilience C - Rammus is a jungler that is easy to shut down and harass to hell and back. He is an item and level reliant jungler and that works against him very harshly. Like other resilience weak junglers, he needs to keep up with the jungle or it starts breaking him apart. Even as a tank with some powers of initiation, it doesn't help redeem him as his initiation demands he stay alive. 韌性C 他是最容易被打爛的江狗之一 吃裝吃等級 沒跟上遊戲就不用打了 他是開戰坦 但是要活著才有用 Build C - Rammus doesn't have many item build or pathing options. He has a lot of deficiencies that he quickly has to remedy such as weak health, mobility (more mobile champs than before), and cooldown reduction. He's not the best farmer and, unless he leveled W, his clearing will take a hit. 出裝C 出裝路線都很死板 缺陷過多 位移英雄過多/CDR太久 點W才能江狗但是沒用 Sustain C - Rammus is definitely a jungler that needs to be helped here. He suffers from both health and mana issues and his pacing requires him to level up his W (which isn't that best skill to level up first most of the time). Still he reaches a point where he starts taking no damage if he buys the appropriate items. 續戰C 需要改善的江狗 HP/MP都是問題 點W才能江狗但是沒用 出對裝也沒傷害 Ganking S - Though this is Rammus's best trait and it is by far one of the highest ranking amongst junglers. It almost redeems him as a jungler (certainly tends to as a pick). Rammus is able to, thanks to his powerball, ignore certain key ward spots and initiate a gank with ease. From there he is able to exert plenty of control onto the target with an AoE slow and an armor piercing taunt. Once more, the cooldowns of these abilities aren't exaggerated and he may be able to use them once again during a gank attempt thus exerting more control. The mobility granted to him by his Q allows him to pull off multiple forms of ganks including ganks straight through the enemy turret (tanking it as he goes) in order to pincer the target. GANK S 神 值得出的理由 Q無視眼睛開戰猛 AOE緩+嘲諷 CD不常有機會雙Q Q的速度讓他可以四面八方塔殺 Dueling C - There is not much to say here except that he shouldn't go out looking for fights. He can beat bad players in a duel but smart players will know to wait out his shield before trying to fight. Most junglers will just hurt themselves trying to fight him but he has no real means of beating them in a fight. He can beat them in a defensive fight sure (they invade him) but he'll rarely kill them. 單挑C 不要逼戰 只能打贏白痴 有腦袋會等W沒了再打 可以抵抗入侵但是殺不死別人 M. Transition C+ - Except if fed he will not have the items he needs by this time. His initiations better be perfect and the follow up just as perfect or else he'll die quickly. Even then, for a tank, his initiation is easily telegraphed by wards or simply be staring at him. He is very reliant on flash to initiate or blind sided enemies and even then he won't do much. 中期 C+ 除非虐蔡不然你根本沒裝 開戰小心不然會被蒸發 就算是坦要開戰也容易被閃過 太吃閃現或陰影 L. Transition A - It's still the same as before but this time he has the items to not only survive but deal reasonable damage. If he's focused he'll often hurt the enemy team considerably with their own stupidity. If he manages to grab the enemy carry - it is often their death that follows. It isn't easy but the fact that he becomes insanely difficult to kill and utterly annoying ends up giving him a strong score. 後期A 中期差不多 但是你有裝 可以活下來又可以傷害 被圍毆也能反彈懲罰對手 想抓人一定可以抓到 不容易但是後期你就是殺不死又煩的怪物 ------------------- YI Speed S+ - There is no denying that (even with RNG) Master Yi is one of the fastest - if not the fastest - jungler in the game. Initially he is only slightly slower than junglers like Dr. Mundo and Zed but he picks up a pace they cannot hope to match. He farms uncontrollably by just level 5. 速度S+ 他是吃怪神 除了一開始的MUNDO和ZED 但是他的加速讓他是吃怪神 Resilience B+ - Master Yi gained new levels of ungodly speed and that's what pretty much saves him from being counter jungled. There isn't much else to say here - he just farms non stop and quickly to the point where he can't be controlled. 韌性B+ 吃太快等級高所以只要農濃濃就便怪物 Build B - Master Yi is notorious for having some of the most ludicrous amounts of builds while still being able to deal high amounts of damage. The only flaw is that each one of these builds are extremely expensive. He can farm though so he'll be able to work towards them at some point even as a jungler. He has bruiser builds, AP builds and AD carry builds. 裝備B 他有一堆莫名高傷害出裝方式 唯一問題就太貴 但是他可以農濃濃 可以當大男APAD Sustain B - Health sustain works against him and he'll need to buy an item to make up for that later. However, it may become a non factor as he just destroys a camp before it can even damage him. He maintains a devilish pace throughout the game. Again, Master Yi is a simple character and, while lacking health or mana sustain, he destroys camps with just a single alpha strike (and some slashes) that it doesn't end up mattering. 續戰B 血有點問題 但是有可能大部分在怪打你之前你就殺爛他了 只要Q然後補刀 Ganking C - Master Yi brings with him very high amounts of damage but no crowd control or real chasing ability (against most of the cast - mobility creep) aside from his Alpha Strike which he likely used to initiate the fight anyways. He brings no control and is not reliable and, to top it off, he's very easily to kill with no escapes or tankiness. GANK C 沒CC沒位移 除了Q但是幾乎起手用掉 更妙的是沒逃跑和不坦讓他容易被殺 Dueling C+ - It's the same thing except in a 1v1 situation. If he ambushes someone he'll likely destroy them though but that's still very risky. It is recommended though that he abuse much slower champions or jump an opponent who is at much bigger disadvantage. 單挑C+ 除非你埋伏不然不猛 但是不推薦埋伏 除非對手慢或者殘廢了 Invasion S - He only loses points because of his fragile dueling but other than that he can just steal the enemy jungle outright and leave. He abuses his amazing speed to outpace the enemy jungler and take his jungle from under him. Master Yi basically adopts a "smash and grab" stance for invading. 入侵S 除非被抓到單挑不然神的速度讓你無可取代 M. Transition D - Master Yi simply doesn't contribute anything to the team outside of damage and cherry picking. He needs farm and even then he'll still likely drop and do nothing. Crowd control absolutely destroys him. In order to succeed he needs everything else to fall in place perfectly - which is both too much and unlikely to happen. 中期D 中期廢物 CC打爛YI 除非你有不可思議的進場 L. Transition D+ - He can utterly murder most characters in a 1v1 situation but, like his mid-game, he is outright easy to kill and needs the perfect situations in order to contribute. He demands too much from the team when other junglers are either granting bonuses to the team or not asking as much. 後期D+ 會戰一打一超級猛 但是需要隊友給你機會進場 而你的對手通常不需要這麼多 ------------------ VI Speed A - Vi is actually a pretty fast jungler and doesn't need to do much in order to clear aside from using her E once at every camp - though using her Q ends up grouping them up in a ball so her E destroys them. 速度A VI很快 EQE 猛 Resilience B - Vi can focus on farming to level 6 and achieve that easily while being able to stave off most forms of harassment. She cannot deal with duelists easily and that situation spirals the more they hunt her down (ironic huh). Her powerful level 6 ganking can bring her back into the game easily as well her as ease in farming and building. 韌性B 可以專心到六等 六等前容易避開騷擾 但是之後打不贏單挑猛將 但是大決可以讓你回到遊戲 Build C+ - Vi doesn't have a wide variety of builds. Her builds tend to be strictly bruiser (or dangerous glass cannon) and don't end up scaling too well anyways. With that said - her build is predictable and ultimately weighs in on the more expensive side. Still, it helps that the components are cheap and help her mid game (her strongest phase). She cannot transition well between builds either. 裝備C+ 他只有大男 或者你出AD然後變玻璃大砲 出裝太固定容易被預測太貴了 出便宜的組件讓你在中期也是你最猛的時候有貢獻 Sustain A - While her passive isn't an extremely powerful one, at least while jungling it tends to work out well since she'll be refreshing it at least twice per camp. It gets to the point where she takes no damage from camps as the shield protects her and she's clearing them very quickly. Her first clear is averagely sustained but after that she opens up her fast paced sustained clearing. She also suffers no mana issues and has healthy cooldowns on the abilities required for jungling (zero is a very healthy cooldown). 續戰A 被動沒啥用 但是多少幫助 有盾很猛吃很快 第一輪平均水準的續戰 之後打得快 最後一句看不懂哈哈 Ganking D+/S - Her early ganking is outright atrocious. She has damage but she has absolutely no control. Her gap closer is incredibly strong sure but it is very predictable and easy to dodge. She has better success if she just stays and farm still level 6. Once she attains her ultimate though her ganking prowess takes off. It is amongst the best of the ganking ultimates in the game as it cannot be dodged and will track down even a flashing target. She has high damage so she'll follow that up with some burst but often times won't kill the target - still it will allow even teammates with poor cc to jump onto the target. It's a very simple yet powerful ganking combo - either initiate with a long range Q and grab them with her ultimate. This allows for blink ganks (over walls) and for direct ganks - not many junglers are capable of doing those. If she combines it with flash - she has 3 gap closers into a sure fire heavy cc. GANK D/S+ 前期很高傷害但是容易被躲和預測 六了之後有如神助 閃現都擋不了你 配上你的閃現和Q和R 你可以飛三次 猛死惹 Dueling C+ - This is a weird one for Vi. She is a surprisingly bad duelist. Other junglers will straight out murder her. She brings some strong damage but other than that - nothing. They'll just beat her to a pulp. She can jump someone and hope for the best but unless they're definitely weaker she shouldn't bother. 單挑C+ 他出乎意料的爛 除了傷害一無是處 單挑只會被打爛 Invasion B+ - She has a fast clear and long range escape (not always reliable) so she can work as a thief. She may have to if she wants to just rocket to level 6 before the enemy jungler. A good thief but not the best out there. Definitely better than her dueling though. 入侵B+ 吃得快又跑得掉 他可以去偷但是不是最棒的 M. Transition A - Her mid game is definitely her best and she works as an assassin/bruiser during this phase. She can initiate on a soft target and quickly take them out if she isn't stopped after her ultimate is done. This requires her team to quickly follow up to defend her or occupy the enemy team though she can do the murder suicide route of initiating. She makes great use of budget items during this phase though they all have to be centered around dealing damage. In short, she's able to burst down key targets with cheap items that even a jungler can farm. 中期A 中期是猛的時候 只要R進去隊友跟上你就可以用便宜的裝備打爛對手 可以當刺客/大男 L. Transition C+ - Vi currently has an almost non-existent late game. She does the same thing as before but her target will likely survive even without any team interference. She simply just can't seem to kill anyone (unless extremely fed) or even deal damage easily as she'll be kited - her Q is so unreliable. 後期C+ 悲劇 進去就被打爛還打不死人 ----------------- KHA ZIX Speed A+ - Man did his speed improve heavily in season 3. He's very fast and maintains his speed with no issues at all. He doesn't really even need items in order to keep his speed either - he just needs a few ranks into his W. 速度A+ S3超快 而且幾乎不用裝備只要點W Resilience C+ - Unlike other fast junglers, Kha Zix doesn't have the luxury of having good resilience even though he's fast. He's an assassin type jungler and takes a beating from the jungle if he's kept behind. Even with his speed he'll be taking enough damage that he won't be able to gank after his clear without running the risk of dying. In short, constant harassment combined with a harsher jungle keeps him low enough that he may not be able to gank. 韌性C+ 他吃很快但是沒啥機會 他是獵人頭的 但是江狗會讓他滿臉血 騷擾他讓他沒機會賺人頭 Build D+ - Kha Zix only has a few limited offensive builds and often times will just stick with the same one. The build will often take the same path and be predictable though to its credit - it's a very good build for him. The build's components are strong but he'll likely not have any form of survivability till much later. 出裝D+ 出裝固定就是傷害 裝備配他很猛但是蒸發也快 Sustain C+ - Kha Zix is a pretty healthy jungler but pretty mana starved if not careful. He maintains a reasonable speed too. The issue with all this is that, after a certain point, he really needs items to keep himself going and he's reliant on his first clear not getting screwed over. If he doesn't sustain himself both health wise and mana wise - he won't be able to gank safely. His sustain doesn't become much of an issue much later though thankfully. 續戰C+ MANA是問題 需要裝但是一開始沒有能力 沒控制好血魔無法GANK 高等一點可解決 Ganking B/variable - His ganking pre ultimate is decent as it brings with it a gap closer (weak early) and a slow with very high damage. He can refresh his slow with some bush tricks but there isn't much more to say for this straightforward ganking. GANK B/多樣性 他的GANK在六之前有突進有緩有傷害 但是說好不好 However, when he obtains his ultimate - not only does he obtain two triggers of a short lived stealth (which is good because stealth), but he is able to evolve one of his other abilities which help his ganking in different ways. 六了之後 有隱形還有進化讓他很猛 Evolved Q - It only brings more damage to his ganking but doesn't improve his control at all. It isn't recommended that he evolves this as a jungler. Q 只有傷害沒CC 江狗勿點 Evolved W - This is one of the best to evolve first. It makes his passive capable of proccing from W thus granting him an AoE ranged slow (with respectable damage). The effects of this make it so his ganking is almost idiot proof and his small gap closer can still be used to easily catch someone. He can combine it with his ultimate in order to refresh his passive and continue the slowing pressure. W 最好的 範圍緩和傷害配上突進和隱形刷新被動和緩 猛 Evolved E - This is the second of the better choices. It greatly increases his leap range and it allows it to refresh during a kill. It helps him initiate blink ganks better and escape better. During a gank, if he obtains a kill amidst a brawl, the refresh should help him disengage with no problem or leap towards another target. Deciding between this one and the evolved W is dependent on the targets. Usually mobile targets call for him to have his W (the long and wide range will make sure they get clipped) while softer targets call for his leap (jump in, slaughter, jump out). E 次佳 跳得遠又刷新 黑暗出來跳進黑暗 我來了打我阿笨蛋 殺玩一人在跳第二人 難殺的用W緩他奏他 軟軟的用E跳他奏他 Evolved R - His ultimate isn't recommended for him to evolve but it is definitely better than evolving his Q. He is able to becoming slightly more tanky - if albeit it's counter intuitive that it only works while stealthed - and can blink another time while speeding up. R 不建議 但是比爛Q好 會更坦因為有隱形還有可以加速 Dueling B+ - Kha Zix is incredibly fragile and a lot of junglers can outright destroy him in a fight. This ends up requiring Kha Zix to rely on ambush ganks more than a straight out slugfest. This, however, proves to be very effective with him though as he easily eviscerates his opponents. His ambush ganks are amongst the best in the game as he's able to unleash a full combo onto his targets (along with isolated damage) and force their escapes immediately which he can easily follow up with his gap closer or a summoner spell. 單挑B+ 超級軟容易被打爛 但是埋伏超猛 一套埋伏+召喚師技能可以打爛大家 Invasion B - Not much to say here except that he's a moderately good thief with his speed and he can escape with his leap (better if it is evolved). However, he needs to use his abilities in order to jungle (though moderate cooldowns) which leaves him open to be ambushed by the enemy. He already can't deal with a straight up fight (at least early) but even much less so if he's the one being ambushed. 入侵B 不錯的小偷因為打得快可以跳走 但是靠技能吃怪會他讓被埋伏打死 單挑也不猛除非前期 如果你是埋伏的人另當別論 M. Transition A - Amongst all the assassin junglers Kha Zix probably has the best (better than assassin Lee Sin but not supportish Lee Sin). His item build, while limited, is very effective on him and his many evolutions can heavily alter his transition rather positively (except Q - it tends to be awful). If he evolves W, he can assist in dealing some very heavy poking which is something almost no jungler can do. His front loaded burst damage is massive that, if he evolved his E, he can leap in and kill the MVP then leap out of the fight before retaliation occurs - then just waltz back in to clean up. In short, he can easily do his job of murdering people during this phase. Very few other murdering junglers have as much ease as he does currently in the game. 中期A 他是中期最猛的刺客江狗 比李星還猛 除非李星走輔助型 裝備配合進化有如神助 除了廢物Q爛招 W:POKEPOKEPOKE 有哪隻江狗可以 E:跳進去殺掉MVP在跳出來打我阿笨蛋 就是個猛殺手 L. Transition B+ - It's the exact same thing as before just hopefully Kha Zix has built some form of survivability like a guardian angel. Coincidentally, the enemy having guardian angels can screw with his E reset and end up killing him. At least at this point he's had enough evolution points to seriously bolster his arsenal. 後期B+ 出一些生存裝像是GA 但是對面也會出然後你一去不復返 除非你你是肥吱吱的神手 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/14 21:05, , 1F
01/14 21:05, 1F

01/14 21:08, , 2F
01/14 21:08, 2F

01/14 21:10, , 3F
kha zix不是不點Q 是不要進化Q
01/14 21:10, 3F

01/14 21:10, , 4F
01/14 21:10, 4F

01/14 21:11, , 5F
其他沒意見 但趙信後期明明就滿猛的= =
01/14 21:11, 5F

01/14 21:13, , 6F
我不同意趙信.....趙信S3常常可以BE A MAN
01/14 21:13, 6F

01/14 21:14, , 7F
推 Vi續戰最後一句是將狗招不吃mana和cd
01/14 21:14, 7F

01/14 21:14, , 8F
Q超爛的= = R還比較好
01/14 21:14, 8F

01/14 21:21, , 9F
01/14 21:21, 9F

01/14 21:26, , 10F
Vi後期真的悲劇 除非雪球滾很大
01/14 21:26, 10F

01/14 21:26, , 11F
趙信前期單挑強 但韌性低 是不是有點衝突?
01/14 21:26, 11F

01/14 21:26, , 12F
想反趙信野 根本就像不穿內褲進士官長室一樣
01/14 21:26, 12F

01/14 21:28, , 13F
32頁= =...
01/14 21:28, 13F

01/14 21:28, , 14F
01/14 21:28, 14F

01/14 21:28, , 15F
VI很好玩 但後期團戰真的很無力 除非你超肥
01/14 21:28, 15F

01/14 21:31, , 16F
不衝突呀 韌性是假設前期已經被搞的一團亂的情況
01/14 21:31, 16F

01/14 21:32, , 17F
Xin還好吧 被搞爛出個紅爪就追得回來
01/14 21:32, 17F

01/14 21:35, , 18F
想反野趙信要等他露面在反 面對面不太可能打贏
01/14 21:35, 18F

01/14 21:35, , 19F
幸運E - 衝進去時總是被隊友賣
01/14 21:35, 19F

01/14 21:39, , 20F
趙信就是個雪球角, 前期被搞爛我不覺得有甚麼韌性
01/14 21:39, 20F

01/14 21:40, , 21F
可以打後期, E進去R然後融化
01/14 21:40, 21F

01/14 21:41, , 22F
入侵趙信的野區並不難, 特別是當他有紅爪之前
01/14 21:41, 22F

01/14 21:43, , 23F
總管比S2變爛很多吧. Gank變難, 江狗殘血
01/14 21:43, 23F

01/14 21:45, , 24F
趙信在低端真的很強 很多低端對這隻評價不錯
01/14 21:45, 24F

01/14 21:49, , 25F
川島哪時候出阿 好想戰川島
01/14 21:49, 25F

01/14 21:50, , 26F
趙信本來被反野就會很慘 但是能反她的沒幾隻
01/14 21:50, 26F

01/14 21:50, , 27F
我記得石牆VI將狗是點高W 這樣單挑會強有鬼
01/14 21:50, 27F

01/14 21:50, , 28F
李星 跟小丑吧 XIN兩等幾乎只有QW 跟他應打 也不會輸
01/14 21:50, 28F

01/14 21:51, , 29F
趙信看到歐拉夫 真的也只能脫褲子在旁邊哭
01/14 21:51, 29F

01/14 22:04, , 30F
Part2 的李星,zed,客家人,蠻王跟鸚鵡螺沒翻譯
01/14 22:04, 30F

01/14 22:04, , 31F
要是半夜回家沒人翻一 再來慢慢補齊好了
01/14 22:04, 31F

01/14 22:40, , 32F
01/14 22:40, 32F

01/14 23:06, , 33F
我有一場noc 打到對面Xin落後我三等 中路剩8x元 還是
01/14 23:06, 33F

01/14 23:07, , 34F
輸阿 趙信後期起碼比夜曲有用多了 光EQR AD就快哭了
01/14 23:07, 34F

01/14 23:07, , 35F
不過那場上下崩潰的有點慘 Lol
01/14 23:07, 35F

01/14 23:46, , 36F
01/14 23:46, 36F

01/15 01:28, , 37F
01/15 01:28, 37F

01/15 09:42, , 38F
趙信被反野會很慘的, 他很吃風向
01/15 09:42, 38F

01/15 09:55, , 39F
JoKer我只能說他判斷能力很好, 不太會吃大虧不落下風
01/15 09:55, 39F

01/20 10:58, , 40F
推翻譯 但少翻了拉姆斯的入侵了喔
01/20 10:58, 40F
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