Re: [閒聊] Stonewall008 Jungle的評價

看板LoL作者 (Hirdaramani)時間11年前 (2013/01/14 22:24), 編輯推噓20(20014)
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LEE SIN Speed B+ - Lee Sin is not a fast jungler at the start but he picks up some speed as his abilities begin to power up with ranks. There isn't much to say except that he gets slightly faster from his average start clear and maintains the pace rather well. 速度B+ 起手不快但是技能點高會加速 沒啥好說反正會加速 Resilience A+ - Lee Sin's incredible versatility (and the fact that he's an energy champion) allows him to easily recover after being harassed and punished. His kit is so self sustaining that it allows him to overcome even some of the harshest harassment. He even has access to support/bruiser builds that allow him to provide utility to his team if he was utterly crushed while jungling. 韌性A+ 李星太靈活多樣和強力續戰讓他可以抵抗騷擾 他是個開戰角 他可以當大男可以當SUP讓他可以當個工具人 Build S+ - Lee Sin has a multitude of builds he can take from support/bruiser builds to even assassin builds. His base build (runes and masteries) are universal and work with whatever build he intends to be. That means he is able to achieve optimal strength for each of his builds rather easily. He is also able to shift his build in the game without much issue as in go from assassin to support if the need arises. Very few junglers in the game are able to build pure damage but make a transition to tank as easily as Lee Sin can. This means if Lee Sin is having a very good game he can build pure offense and assassinate targets but if his teammates aren't doing so well or the enemy team recovers naturally, he can transition into a tankier character without much issue. 出裝S+ 大男SUP刺客 想怎樣玩就怎樣 還可以在遊戲中改變 需要傷害出AD需要坦當坦 In short, Lee Sin scores well because of the sheer versatility of his build, the fluidity of his builds, and the ease of optimizing multiple builds and advantages. 李星高分最大原因來自這裡 真是個完美工具人 Sustain A+ - First off, all energy champions have the natural strength of infinite resource sustain and thus Lee Sin gains points for that. He has a built in shield that offers both lifesteal and spell vamp which gives him the power to heal himself with his auto attacks and his other spells and it is rather spammable. His high damage allows him to maintain his pace and increase steadily as the game goes. Proper usage of his spells and auto attacks quickly tear camps to pieces while maintaining his health at an optimal level. 續戰A+ 能量英雄都有無限強力續戰 他有盾吸血有傷害毫無破綻 Ganking S - It's hard to disagree with this. Lee Sin has multiple means of engaging a gank in multiple ways and often repeatedly as well. He has 2 dashes (3 if with flash) as soon as he obtains his Q and his W and has a hard to miss AoE slow/cripple. His W allows him to use his teammate as bait, use a ward to escape or engage, use his W and a ward to bypass wards by wall hopping, and his Q is a lightning fast engage on an enemy combined with an equally as fast gap closer execution. His ultimate also grants an AoE knockback (with conditional knock up) that he can use to further control his target. He loses only minor points in that his abilities are conditional (yet the conditions are common). All that control and speed is further boosted by the fact that he possesses incredible damage. GANK S GANK太扯了 兩個位移 加閃現三個 W讓你用隊友逗弄對手跳過去奏他又可以飛來飛去 Q讓你飛過去 AOE緩AOE踢飛 唯一問題就是能量不夠 傷害嚇死你 Dueling S - Everything that was said about ganking applies here as well. He deals extreme amounts of damage early on especially to light armor targets and can easily hunt down and murder almost all of the other junglers with ease. The nature of his abilities (especially his E) allows him to outmaneuver his opponents and deal with a wide nature of situations. 單挑S 巨大傷害還有跳來跳去讓他成為單挑神 特別是E讓你哭哭 Invasion A+ - This can be summed up rather easily. Thanks to his multiple means of escaping (aka his mobility), his low cooldowns, his energy, his powerful dueling and ganking, his steroids and debuffs, there is very little stopping Lee Sin from going into a jungle and stealing a camp or just escaping with very little effort if he gets caught. 入侵A+ 又是一樣 巨大傷害跳來跳去E讓你哭哭 M. Transition A+ - Lee Sin's mid game is by far his best phase and this is the time when his damage is at its highest (or effective) whether he built as an assassin or as a tankier character. The best way to put this is "He can be a tanky character with assassin like damage and the ability to disengage if something goes wrong." If he builds tanky - he may not have as much damage compared to pure assassins but it is still strong and at least he has escapes and other forms of utility. Even as pure assassin he still has these tools and can survive bad initiations. 中期A+ 中期是神非常有傷害和效率 可以當 1:擁有刺客般的傷害的坦還可以在隊友腦殘時候立刻反開戰 2:沒有這麼傷害但是可以坦玩之後逃跑的坦 就算是全刺客也可以利用這些技能生存 L. Transition B - Lee Sin is not "weak" late game but his time has certainly passed. He's forced into a utility role now focusing on either getting the perfect initiation, peeling for his teammates or debuffing the enemy. At this point his damage is not easy to make full use of and it has started to fall off if he didn't built anything towards damage. That said, in conjunction with the difficulty to use it, Lee Sin, built as damage, will not get a chance to fully realize his combo either because he is swiftly killed or deterred. 後期B 後期不爛 只是沒有巔峰 需要一個好得開戰然後保護隊友或E爛對手 傷害沒之前猛但是還是OK 全傷害很難完整打一套 ------------ ZED Speed S - Zed currently reigns as one of the fastest junglers in the game and rightly so. He grinds camps quickly simply by spamming his E and his clearing speed only picks up. There isn't much to say except that he's lightning fast and very few junglers can keep up. 速度S ZED現在是超快將狗喔 靠著E 反正他超快 Resilience B+ - Largely thanks to his speed and energy, Zed is capable of bouncing back from most forms of harassment simply be power farming the jungle and waiting to be effective at level 6. Unlike other assassin junglers, Zed's recovery comes from farming instead of grabbing a lucky gank. 韌性B+ 靠著速度和吃能量 他被打爛還是可以撐下去 不像刺客去撿人頭回到遊戲 ZED可以農回遊戲 Build C+ - Zed is stuck having to build pure offense and has very little wiggle room even then. He does have the bonus of not having to take any of the machete routes (though he still has to buy the item) but he will remain rather fragile much of the game as, though farming very well, his gold will go towards offense. Even then, after considering how much gold an offense build takes, he doesn't have much in the options when it comes to building his offensive build. It will tend to be the same exact build in most games. 裝備C+ 全攻擊裝 不需要出獵刀是優點 但是還是會出 金子都投資到傷害 Sustain C+ - Zed has no natural health sustain and is not tanky either. He will take a beating from the jungle throughout his clearing even later into the game. The issue is further made clearer when he buys no defensive items. He does maintain an intensely quick pace but he will still take some damage from the camps and it will be noticeable after a full clear. 續戰C+ 沒有續戰力又不坦 會被怪懲罰 Ganking C/C+ - Zed's ganking, while very high damage, is also very difficult to pull off properly. The reliance on his shadow makes it difficult to gank as if he needs to close the gap he wastes his slow. On another hand, if he wants to use his shadow to slow the range on his W and his E is so dismal that it is not easy to close the gap by walking on most targets and even then the E range may screw him over. His ganking doesn't improve much even at level 6 as a lot of the damage from his ultimate can be mitigated by using an escape or CC after he's started it. However, as it was already said, Zed's damage is very high and thus bait ganks are recommended. If a teammate helps him pin down a target, Zed's damage is often the only thing needed to destroy someone. GANK C/C+ 傷害特高但是 要緩沒突進要突進沒緩 選一個 六了之後也沒進步 因為R可以被CC或逃跑解除!? 但是傷害夠高 只要隊友有逗弄就有機會痛虐對手 Dueling B - Much like his ganking, his dueling brings with it high amounts of damage but at least forcing fights with your opponent is much easier with dueling. Zed doesn't bring much to dueling and often times will drain himself before he finishes off a target. His chasing isn't that great either as his W has an unforgiving cooldown. His dueling is both weak and strong. Strong in that he will tear even the strongest of jungle duelists to pieces if he gets the jump on them and weak in that he can't face them in an even fight. Even if he nearly kills his opponent - they've probably already killed him. 單挑B 跟GANK一樣傷害超高但逼戰比單挑更容易出現 追人W CD太久了 在殺人之前就沒能量了 單挑強又爛 強的是猛傷害 爛的是打一波之前沒能量就被打爛了 Invasion A - Thanks to ridiculous speed and E cooldown, he tears camps to pieces and is able to move in and out of camps. Not much can be said about that part - he's just ridiculously fast. The weakness of it comes from the fact that his E burns through his energy reserves that he'll leave himself vulnerable if anyone shows up and he will be unable to fight anyone off. Still, smash and grab. 入侵A 超快速度還有E的CD讓他是入侵小偷 但是E之後沒能量就抓到等著復活 M. Transition B+ - It isn't much higher thanks to the fact that jungle gold isn't loving towards damage oriented junglers but at the very least the new itemization helps pad that out. He is not tanky and his means of escape are also his offense so that's a double whammy against him right off the bad. He can though, at least during this phase of the game, instagib any soft target he gets on top of. Sometimes you can sacrifice yourself to take out the enemy mvp and that's' all your team will need of you hopefully. Still, he's an assassin and focuses on taking out the softer targets and dealing damage. 中期B+ 殺人技能和退場是同一個 讓他矛盾 殺軟的在你最猛的時候 也許會死翹翹但是換掉MVP L. Transition B - It's the same thing as the mid game phase except it's slightly harder to do your job now. However, at this point you're at least able to purchase an item like guardian angel to give yourself a fighting chance. As long as he farms well, which he tends to do, he'll be able to maintain high, respectable damage. 後期B 買GA給自己一個GG的理由 祈禱能夠打出猛傷害 ------------- 蠻王 Speed A+ - Tryndamere is one of the faster junglers in the game without RNG and can potentially be the fastest jungler in the game with good RNG. Still, it is rather much a pain that his speed ultimately relies on luck. 速度A+ 速度很快 他的速度是隨機的 人品 爆發很快喔 Resilience B - Tryndamere's giant steroids allow him to sustain his damage with levels and won't require farm - at least early. This means that he can devote himself to farming and protecting his camps if he's being harassed. His incredible speeds means his opponents will have a hard time catching up to him (and he's rather good at escaping to) so recovery for him is guaranteed, if potentially gradual. 韌性B 前期他的續戰和傷害能夠跟等級成長讓他很猛難以被騷擾 大家看他的車尾燈吧 Build C - Tryndamere really only has one build route to go and that is pure offensive carry. His ability power build is gimmicky but ultimately detracts power from his jungling and doesn't earn enough gold to work. To make matters a bit worse - his runes and masteries, while not too dramatic, have to be altered to fit for jungling. 出裝C ADADADAD 但是江狗農不出神裝 Sustain B - Tryndamere's early sustain is basically non existent. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that his sustain becomes godlike in both amazing pace and near invulnerability later, his early sustain issues would have sunk his score. For his first clear he has is by far the riskiest jungler in the game. He needs to maintain his health low in order to jungle properly and quickly which leaves him vulnerable to getting instantly killed by an enemy jungler or, if not careful, the camp itself might kill him. 續戰B 前期爛爛 這好像跟上面矛盾== 第一輪很有風險容易被打爛 搞不好被小怪打死 Ganking B - Tryndamere's mocking shout isn't that strong of a ganking tool due to the conditional nature of it but his E allows him to bypass wards by wall hopping and is a strong gap closer. Tryndamere then brings him with two tools for the gank - incredible ganking and potentially refreshing gap closer allowing to continue the kill. After he obtains his ultimate he is able to easily turret dive most targets and secure the kill with his teammate. His ganking is only decent though as it doesn't always tend to work. GANK B 不穩定的CC 但是轉轉可以無視眼無視地形 不可思議的GANK還有刷新突進可以讓你一殺再殺 R讓你塔殺爽 Dueling C+ - He is a rather fragile jungler that is already jungling while clinging to his own life, dueling is not recommended for him. If he is lucky though, he can easily rend an opponent in two. However, relying on luck when it comes to the jungle is simply a stupid idea. He can easily kill most enemy junglers on equal footing but smart junglers will never try to face him in those situations. Any fights that are uneven are usually very negative for Tryndamere. 單挑C+ 脆弱不堪 不要單挑 人品爆發可以殺爛人 吃人品太爛了 Invasion A - He loses points for his very risky dueling and haphazard sustain but ends up having a good score on invasion because of how quickly he melts all camps (big and small) and how easily he is able to escape from sticky situations. His ungodly speed is what ends up securing a good invasion score for him. 入侵A 入侵幫他加分 吃得快然後轉出去 YA M. Transition C+ - This isn't easy to note about Tryndamere. While he can farm very well, he is still no match for a lot of champions come mid game. At the very most he'll be able to cherry pick a few kills here and there but he'll have an incredibly difficult time trying to do things unless he snowballed. He needs more items. 中期C+ 蠻王有強有弱 中期可能可以撿頭滾雪球 但是他需要更多的$$ L. Transition A - While some would say that he is ungodly late game, that is a thing of the past. Yes he is a very strong jungle carry and can dish out tons of damage with items but he's still easily kited and most champions nowadays are able to simply escape from his clutches and mock him. Still, out of every jungler in the game, he has potentially the highest damage potential and is one of the few true jungle carries. If done properly (team helping) he can outright slaughter the enemy team. 後期A 後期好猛可以打出tons of damage但是現今容易被風箏到老 他有人品傷害但是需要隊友支援阿阿阿阿 --------------- Nautilus Speed B - Nautilus has a decent clear speed (became faster in Season 3) and he actually speeds up as the game goes on. It is a myth that he is a slow jungler. He is just slower compared to the fastest junglers and it is made noticeable because they like to take advantage of his slower clearing - like they would do for any other slow jungler. Though admittedly it is more noticeable against Nautilus for a reason that will be covered later. 速度B 不要聽信他很慢他會越來越快 他只比超快將狗慢 Resilience B - Nautilus is very easy to shut down during the jungle phase as the camps already crush him from the get go and utterly demolish him if he doesn't keep up. Constant harassment will bury him and speed junglers are capable of doing this easily. Why does he end up scoring high anyways? It is because, while easy to stomp in the jungle phase, his transitioning is amongst the best in the game and he outright demolishes other junglers in utility come level 6. His nigh uncomparable level 6 ganking can bring him back from some of the worst starts. Though that is not to say he can't be demolished so badly that he ends up becoming useless - after invading him to hell and back one must focus on counter ganking him where he plans to be. 韌性B 他容易被打爛只要他江不動他就被遊戲淘汰了 騷擾他讓他GG 但是六之後無敵的GANK可以帶他回來 Build B - He is a support/tank jungler and thus has already a lot of viable builds he can take, he even has some offensive ones. The problem is that he's not a great farmer and, unless he's fed, he will not obtain a proper offensive build or an immediate defensive build. He has two glaring flaws that he has to remedy rather early. His god awful movement speed and his surprisingly terrible armor. He needs to purchase items to pad those stats or else he'll explode in even his own ganks - or just outright not catch anyone. 裝備B SUP/TANK 農不出神裝 走太慢防太低無可避免 Sustain C+ - Nautilus is a mana hungry champion that is very reliant on his cooldowns in order to jungle. Let me put it this way - Nautilus needs to have his incredibly long cooldown shield up (early game) in order to clear camps which contributes a good but weak (low ranks) AoE damage dot on the monsters but is lost when the shield breaks all the meanwhile he's spamming his E trying to take the camps down. He's so overly reliant on a long cooldown shield to protect his health and help his damage so once that is lost he is not only taking damage from the camp, he is also taking longer to kill it which means even more damage. 續戰C+ W E 吃MANA/CDR Ganking S/S+ - Nautilus is hands down one of the strongest gankers in the game. The sheer amount of ganking tools this monster has is ungodly. He has a gap closing pull (or a gap closer near walls), an auto attack snare, an AoE staggering slow and an undodgeable AoE ultimate knock up. The nature of his ganking tools even grants him the power to combo-cc lock an opponent possibly pinning them down for upwards to 5-6 seconds. His ultimate just makes him unable to fail a gank unless counter jungle. Regardless of how it is used - the ultimate guarantees a knock up which forces the target to eat it or burn everything in order to be in a better position when it hits. It allows for powerful direct ganks as well as Nautilus can simply walk up to a lane and use it and prepare his other spells to grab the scrambling target. Nautilus is a ganking target and it is highly recommended that he gank whenever there is an opportunity and especially when his ultimate is available. GANK S/S+ 猛GANK角 Q突進拉人或拉牆壁 揍你暈住你 E範圍緩 R敲飛 對手被控制5~6秒 有R猴子都能成功接一套 Dueling D - Nautilus is by far one of the worst jungle duelists in the game. His shield is his offense and his defense but most junglers will quickly removing that making him utterly incapable of fighting. Even the most average of dueling junglers can abuse him. The only thing he can hope to do is use his tools to escape and not fight. 單挑D 最爛單挑王 被抓到祈禱你跑得掉吧 Invasion C+ - Aside from clearing fast, he has no real powers. The fact that his invasion relies heavily on his high cooldown abilities and his shield (don't need to explain why that's bad again) he leaves himself so vulnerable and helpless when he tries to invade. It is recommended he not invade unless the opportunity is basically given to him in a golden plate. 入侵C+ 吃很快之外沒優點 進去之後很難出來阿 M. Transition B - There is not much to say here outside of the fact that he has incredible amounts of CC that he grants for his team and he has decent initiation (not the best). Still he is rather fragile and will likely drop in many fights even with some tanks items. He relies heavily on his shield to survive and deal damage but still can't maintain it up most of the time. Still, CC bots have strong transitions. 中期B CC接技 開戰猛角但是不是最佳選擇 有點軟 靠盾生存好 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC L. Transition S - The CC bot ends up able to deal damage with absolutely no offensive items. His W is bolstered by his resistances and has its damage increased by the health that Nautilus is hopefully stacking. His cooldowns have also become a lot better at this point and he is able to maintain both his shield up and spam his E throughout the fight. If he's focused then the enemy team is doing something wrong, if he isn't then he'll get to deal moderate sustained damage and constantly pressure the enemy team with his staggering crowd control. 後期S CC W吃HP的傷害讓你猛 CDR也起來讓你可以WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/14 22:27, , 1F
這系列翻譯都會讓我笑出來 推XD
01/14 22:27, 1F

01/14 22:29, , 2F
01/14 22:29, 2F

01/14 22:29, , 3F
01/14 22:29, 3F

01/14 22:36, , 4F
01/14 22:36, 4F

01/14 22:39, , 5F
Nati很難carry啦 你只是個cc輸出機+坦
01/14 22:39, 5F

01/14 22:40, , 6F
nauti 少了個u
01/14 22:40, 6F

01/14 22:41, , 7F
同樣CC輸出機 amumu 就OP 這不是cc聯盟嗎?
01/14 22:41, 7F

01/14 22:43, , 8F
2腰帶 不解釋XD
01/14 22:43, 8F

01/14 22:44, , 9F
娜蒂乳絲玩過兩場就冰凍了 軟趴趴
01/14 22:44, 9F

01/14 22:47, , 10F
我看了幾篇 你有些東西沒有翻出來 例如本文第三段
01/14 22:47, 10F

01/14 22:47, , 11F
原文有11行英文 結果你只翻出一點點
01/14 22:47, 11F

01/14 22:48, , 12F
嗯,因為我是翻爽的 有些細節就不翻了
01/14 22:48, 12F

01/14 22:51, , 13F
不過應該是還好 想要知道細節的應該會去看原文
01/14 22:51, 13F

01/14 22:52, , 14F
01/14 22:52, 14F

01/14 22:52, , 15F
01/14 22:52, 15F

01/14 23:11, , 16F
那地魯斯 魂石之後 直接上好戰
01/14 23:11, 16F

01/14 23:16, , 17F
石牆對李星的評價一樣極高 雖然在這12隻之中的確如此
01/14 23:16, 17F

01/14 23:17, , 18F
李星現在後期沒那麼難打 甚至後期做的事比不少大男多
01/14 23:17, 18F

01/14 23:18, , 19F
01/14 23:18, 19F

01/14 23:18, , 20F
李興就神在 gank 跟 神開戰
01/14 23:18, 20F

01/14 23:24, , 21F
李星果然是op腳 再怎魔nerf依樣是強
01/14 23:24, 21F

01/14 23:26, , 22F
看了amumu跟nauti以後我想看史瓦尼的評價 類似角色?
01/14 23:26, 22F

01/14 23:28, , 23F
01/14 23:28, 23F

01/15 00:08, , 24F
01/15 00:08, 24F

01/15 01:30, , 25F
鰻王那邊不衝突 因為他是說鰻王被動+AD讓他可以
01/15 01:30, 25F

01/15 01:30, , 26F
還有被動暴擊讓他可以不用太多裝也能農 不像有些角色
01/15 01:30, 26F

01/15 01:31, , 27F
01/15 01:31, 27F

01/15 01:32, , 28F
01/15 01:32, 28F

01/15 01:34, , 29F
01/15 01:34, 29F

01/15 01:35, , 30F
01/15 01:35, 30F

01/15 09:58, , 31F
lee是技能組合好, 操作難度很高啊
01/15 09:58, 31F

01/15 13:20, , 32F
李星分數高是建立在Q得到人 不然早被nerf爛了
01/15 13:20, 32F

01/15 16:40, , 33F
01/15 16:40, 33F

01/15 17:01, , 34F
01/15 17:01, 34F
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