作者查詢 / egghead

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作者 egghead 在 PTT [ translator ] 看板的留言(推文), 共1221則
[問題] 翻譯費用一部分是抽版稅
[ translator ]1 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: cranberrie - 發表於 2008/05/18 00:12(16年前)
1Fegghead:當然! 你也清楚呢05/18 08:57
[問題] 請教板上高手一句英翻中...
[ translator ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: findego - 發表於 2008/05/16 01:06(16年前)
2Fegghead:你要不要分析一下 你自己之所以這樣翻的理由? 會較像拋專05/16 01:18
[問題] 請問一句中翻英
[ translator ]15 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: Qnini - 發表於 2008/05/15 16:05(16年前)
12Fegghead:地球村記得要分是加盟店還是直營店 以保護權益05/16 01:20
15Fegghead:英文裡要分的話要加字...如果不是非得如此的場合...就不必05/17 11:26
[ translator ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: nantonaku - 發表於 2008/05/13 00:46(16年前)
14Fegghead:你只要不指望會有人給你上課就好了...05/13 00:53
15Fegghead:你上網搜尋類似 論語英譯 支流的一定有人做過工作的.05/13 00:54
[心得]專業能力以外,全職筆譯譯者淺談 1.準備篇
[ translator ]19 留言, 推噓總分: +12
作者: frogism - 發表於 2008/05/11 00:29(16年前)
2Fegghead:請繼續 京華去準備迎接05/11 01:08
4Fegghead: 精華區05/11 01:11
14Fegghead:可惜這世上 無中生有的分到的盈餘比技工人多 腦將消耗一樣05/11 11:39
[問題] 請問兩個單字的比較
[ translator ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: diehard333 - 發表於 2008/05/07 15:31(16年前)
2Fegghead:像這種的問題我會認定是純語言問題 來這裡問很不適合05/07 20:02
Re: [公告] 競賽(討論)
[ translator ]1 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: TheRock - 發表於 2008/05/07 09:45(16年前)
1Fegghead:僅是指英翻中人口較多 易於舉辦比賽爾05/07 19:40
[問題] 請教一個文法問題
[ translator ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: lyplyp - 發表於 2008/05/07 01:08(16年前)
5Fegghead:老實說兩種都說得通 要看是指現在証發生還是再講過去的事05/07 01:50
Re: [關於比賽] 一些想法
[ translator ]11 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: raylauxes - 發表於 2008/05/06 20:27(16年前)
1Fegghead:其實砍發問文的標準都在 你覺得不夠的話就我寫專文吧~05/07 01:07
《Re: 鼓鼓掌,首屆的翻譯比賽》 (內有批判性 …
[ translator ]25 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: lovedenmark - 發表於 2008/05/05 23:17(16年前)
2Fegghead:i meant i'm not seeing quality chinese articles on05/06 02:04
3Fegghead:any reasonable basis... therefore I'd ask someone to05/06 02:05
4Fegghead:suggest me source text for competition purpose.05/06 02:06
5Fegghead:my day work is writing reports in Chinese, but I'm not05/06 02:07
6Fegghead:seeing them as most finance info are from abroad.05/06 02:08
7Fegghead:and I've never done E-> C in 4years, I'd leave it to05/06 02:09
8Fegghead:some other with better Chinese composition skills05/06 02:09
9Fegghead:about trowing out topics... On translation I only do05/06 02:10
10Fegghead:an extremely narrow field for the sake of competency05/06 02:11
11Fegghead:and I personally haven't meet much doubts for a long05/06 02:12
12Fegghead:time.05/06 02:14
13Fegghead:Since I'm very concentrated, I won't see much new05/06 02:16
14Fegghead:stuff during performing translation, and I won't05/06 02:17
15Fegghead:produce topics just for the sake of doing so.05/06 02:17
16Fegghead:As for "over formal response" I meant every word I've05/06 02:19
17Fegghead:said. Don't take it as formal language.05/06 02:20
18Fegghead:As for a contest, remember TheRock set a high bar for05/06 02:21
19Fegghead:everyone else, and as a BM if I am holding a contest05/06 02:22
20Fegghead:as BM, there are many extra things to consider than05/06 02:22
21Fegghead:having one in the name as an individual organizer.05/06 02:23
22Fegghead:And, in my opinion, though I like the idea of contest05/06 02:23
23Fegghead:and will have one eventually, it is good if occasional05/06 02:25
24Fegghead:but this is not the main business of this board.05/06 02:27