作者查詢 / buddhanature

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作者 buddhanature 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共12287則
Fw: [問卦] 佛教說的三世因果報應是真的嗎?
[ Buddha ]7 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: amidha - 發表於 2019/01/19 14:04(5年前)
16Fbuddhanature: 這個靈的說法不是佛教10/10 22:32
18Fbuddhanature: 神識不會分成許多。神識是大小都融。不會因小而變10/10 22:34
19Fbuddhanature: 很多。這是錯誤見解10/10 22:34
[問卦] 佛教教義 會怎麼解電車難題?已回收
[ Gossiping ]73 留言, 推噓總分: +36
作者: sinker5566 - 發表於 2019/01/10 22:36(5年前)
40Fbuddhanature: 佛弟子種類太多,分類後各種可能。或可考慮放棄假設01/10 22:56
41Fbuddhanature: ,直覺反應。救五個轉個彎。再按喇叭。救第六個和全01/10 22:56
42Fbuddhanature: 車。01/10 22:56
[問卦] 姓柳的外國女孩來台灣讀書該怎麼取名?已回收
[ Gossiping ]116 留言, 推噓總分: +67
作者: coeXist - 發表於 2018/12/25 08:38(5年前)
114Fbuddhanature: 柳愛思博12/25 21:07
115Fbuddhanature: accessible12/25 21:07
[請益] unreasonable消失
[ Buddhism ]15 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: bwhmj - 發表於 2018/08/27 01:01(5年前)
1Fbuddhanature: You tried to figure out what had happened and no08/27 10:51
2Fbuddhanature: t pretended that nothing happened. It was positi08/27 10:51
3Fbuddhanature: ve. It is reasonable to me.08/27 10:51
4Fbuddhanature: First, let go of your anger and if you don't wa08/27 10:51
5Fbuddhanature: nt to linger on this off and on, you can find a08/27 10:51
6Fbuddhanature: quiet place to meditate, and just cry if you do08/27 10:51
7Fbuddhanature: n't want to be trapped by your emotion. When you08/27 10:51
8Fbuddhanature: find a peaceful heart maybe two days later, rea08/27 10:51
9Fbuddhanature: son with your father and tell him what you feel08/27 10:51
10Fbuddhanature: about this. See what you can do to help him and08/27 10:51
11Fbuddhanature: what you can do for your mother and this family.08/27 10:51
12Fbuddhanature: I08/27 10:51
13Fbuddhanature: Temptation is not a demon.08/27 10:51
14Fbuddhanature: demon reveals itself when one succumbs to tempt08/27 10:51
15Fbuddhanature: ation. Good luck to you and your family.08/27 10:51
[法語] 命終之時,當生何處?
[ Buddhism ]17 留言, 推噓總分: +7
作者: kissung - 發表於 2018/08/19 12:37(5年前)
6Fbuddhanature: 樹依方向長,砍後倒一邊是必然的道理,重力的緣故。08/19 18:45
7Fbuddhanature: 油比重較水輕,瓶子密封,浮於水面也很正常。08/19 18:46
8Fbuddhanature: 這裡是譬喻講業力牽引由重的關係。08/19 18:46
9Fbuddhanature: 往生者,隨業,隨習,隨臨終一念。08/19 18:48
Re: [討論] 想請益關於東京奧運
[ NBA ]57 留言, 推噓總分: +25
作者: zx198987zx - 發表於 2018/06/05 18:36(6年前)
22Fbuddhanature: 喜歡NBA男友不看part NBA 板?很好奇。我會看06/05 19:25
[法語] 能把佛號念好只有一種情況
[ Buddhism ]17 留言, 推噓總分: +16
作者: wadelover - 發表於 2018/05/10 16:52(6年前)
14Fbuddhanature: 阿彌陀佛05/13 12:13
Re: [公告] stockeye一案
[ HumService ]0 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: stockeye - 發表於 2017/10/20 15:10(6年前)
1Fbuddhanature: 如前所說,尊重組務判決。依提議改判10/20 08:59
[公告] 檢舉成立 stockeye 改判警告,禁言至10月26日
[ Buddhism ]19 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: buddhanature - 發表於 2017/10/04 19:22(6年前)
3Fbuddhanature: 歡迎討論判決尺度。板規制定發表違反五戒言論違規。10/05 00:13
4Fbuddhanature: 在下認定是。而且當有人質問被告時,被告還強調第二10/05 00:13
5Fbuddhanature: 次。是否只要認知錯誤就可發表違背五戒言論而就可不10/05 00:13
6Fbuddhanature: 受罰?板規既定,未因特定原因修正前,依照板規含攝10/05 00:13
7Fbuddhanature: 概念來裁罰。10/05 00:13
10Fbuddhanature: 可以喔~歡迎。另外,不一定要檢舉才會受裁罰,板主10/05 01:05
11Fbuddhanature: 也會不定時自行舉證10/05 01:06
14Fbuddhanature: 請M大重啟一篇討論吧,這是判決文,不要拖太長10/05 01:32
15Fbuddhanature: 並且,被告是基於本北傳經文內容來解釋,故不引南傳10/05 01:43
19Fbuddhanature: 依組務改判警告,禁言至26日10/20 09:16
[公告] stockeye一案
[ HumService ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: nknuukyo - 發表於 2017/10/19 22:57(6年前)
1Fbuddhanature: 如前所說,尊重組務判決。依提議改判10/20 08:59