Re: [情報] 祝大家「台澎主權自由日」快樂

看板PublicIssue作者 (wake up ...)時間9年前 (2015/04/30 23:47), 9年前編輯推噓2(2016)
留言18則, 3人參與, 最新討論串8/18 (看更多) 10th February, 1955 JURIDICAL ASPECTS OF THE FORMOSA SITUATION ...1952年日本正式放棄所有關於臺灣澎湖權利, 但是這並不構成轉移成 為中國主權, 不論是中華人民共和國, 或中華民國... ....In the Japanese Peace Treaty of April, 1952, Japan formally renounced all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores, but again this did not operate as a transfer to Chinese sovereignty, whether to the Chinese People's Republic or to the Chinese Nationalist authorities. ... --------------------------------------------------------------- ※ 引述《wii360 (work man)》之銘言: ... : 盟國有決定台灣島屬於日本嗎﹖ : 請拿出証據來。 席伯德(William Sebald)對日本大使館陳述日本對蘇聯針對齒舞和色丹群島邊界劃定的 讓步是違反(舊金山)條約. 美國國務卿Dulles提醒Shigemitsu依舊金山條約千島群島跟琉球群島以相同的方式處理, 而美國同意依條約日本對琉球群島有剩餘主權. .. He(Shigemitsu)說剩下僅有的議題是領土的問題. 蘇聯希望在齒舞群島(Habomai) 和色丹島(Shikotan)的北方劃定邊界. 他(Shigemitsu)詢問這樣的邊界依舊金山條約觀 點是否合法. 他(Shigemitsu)說席伯德(William Sebald)在華盛頓對日本大使館陳述這 樣的讓步(concession)是違反條約(contravention of the Treaty). ... He said the only remaining point at issue was the territorial question. The Soviet Union wished to draw a boundary line to the north of Habomai and Shikotan. He inquired whether such a boundary would be legal from the point of view of the San Francisco Treaty. He said that Mr. Sebald had stated to the Japanese Embassy in Washington that such a concession would be in contravention of the Treaty. (美國)國務卿(Dulles)提醒 Shigemitsu 千島群島和琉球群島在投降條款(surrender terms)裡是以相同的方式處理, 而且美國同意依條約日本對琉球仍有剩餘主權... The Secretary reminded Mr. Shigemitsu that the Kuriles and Ryukyus were handled in the same manner under the surrender terms and that while the United States had by the peace treaty agreed that residual sovereignty to the Ryukyus might remain with Japan, ... -------------------------------------------------------- ... : 盟國有決定台灣島屬於中華民國這個就有証據﹕ : 開羅宣言之條件必將實施。 ... 在開羅宣言裡, 盟軍陳述他們原先的目地"所有日本從中國偷來的領土像福爾摩沙和澎湖 應該要歸還給中華民國"這樣的宣告僅是意向聲明(statement of intention) ... In the Cairo Declaration, the Allies stated that it was their purpose " that all the territories which Japan has stolen from China, such as . . . . Formosa and the Pescadores shall be restored to the Republic of China" This declaration was simply a statement of intention that Formosa should be retroceded to China after the war. 1978年中華民國政府懇求美國承認中華民國被附予法理上權力管理他目前轄下控制的 領土. ... 中華民國官員認為這是至關生死的事情. 美國回覆他們不會變更其立場. The Taiwan officials were pre-occupied during the discussions with one point: Taiwan’s legal status under U.S. law. ... I explained that our position could not be changed. Nevertheless, they repeatedly urged us to recognize “the Republic of China as de jure, entitled to exercise governing authority in respect of the territories presently under its control.” ... that they considered this a matter of “life and death” importance. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/01 00:11, , 1F
05/01 00:11, 1F

05/01 00:11, , 2F
05/01 00:11, 2F (美國)國務卿(Dulles)提醒 Shigemitsu 千島群島和琉球群島在投降條款(surrender terms)裡是以相同的方式處理, 而且美國同意依條約日本對琉球仍有剩餘主權... The Secretary reminded Mr. Shigemitsu that the Kuriles and Ryukyus were handled in the same manner under the surrender terms and that while the United States had by the peace treaty agreed that residual sovereignty to the Ryukyus might remain with Japan, ... FRUS.FRUS195254v14p2&entity=FRUS.FRUS195254v14p2.p0266&isize=text&q1= residual 依據和平條約第二款, 日本放棄對韓國, 福爾摩沙, 千島群島, 庫頁島 ... 的 權利. 那可以被推論日本對那些同意託管的群島擁有最終的主權是被承認的.這 個想法是被 Dulles 和英國代表 Younger (勉強)承認(conceded). Dulles 提到 目前日本的形勢(position)如同"剩餘主權". In Article 2 of the Peace Treaty, Japan renounced right, title and claim to Korea, Formosa, the Kuriles, Sakhalin, the Mandated Islands, Antarctic area, the Spratly Islands and the Paracel Is- lands. It may be inferred that ultimate Japanese sovereignty was recognized over the islands she agreed to place in trusteeship. This conception was conceded by Mr. Dulles (page 78, Dept. State Publi- cation 4392) 8 and by Mr. Younger, the U.K. delegate (page 93, Dept. State Publication 4392). Mr. Dulles speaks of the current Jap- anese position as "residual sovereignty". ※ 編輯: n3oanderson (, 05/01/2015 00:15:50

05/01 02:39, , 3F
波茨坦宣言 內容跟開羅宣言 不同 美國文件早否定了
05/01 02:39, 3F

05/01 02:41, , 4F
而 波茨坦宣言也只是意向
05/01 02:41, 4F

05/01 02:42, , 5F
在舊金山和約的用語就可知 美國不認為那叫偷來的
05/01 02:42, 5F

05/01 02:44, , 6F
從後面的文件也可猜測 要是台灣主權法理穩穩在ROC手上
05/01 02:44, 6F

05/01 02:45, , 7F
05/01 02:45, 7F

05/01 08:24, , 8F
05/01 08:24, 8F

05/01 08:25, , 9F
05/01 08:25, 9F

05/01 08:26, , 10F
日本已經表明他一定會接受波茨坦宣言 那還有啥好說的
05/01 08:26, 10F

05/01 08:28, , 11F
05/01 08:28, 11F

05/01 08:32, , 12F
去看建交公報: 美國認知到....台灣是中國一部分 美國無
05/01 08:32, 12F

05/01 08:32, , 13F
05/01 08:32, 13F

05/01 08:35, , 14F
The United States ACKNOWLEDGESthat all Chinese on ei
05/01 08:35, 14F

05/01 08:35, , 15F
ther side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is
05/01 08:35, 15F

05/01 08:36, , 16F
but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China.
05/01 08:36, 16F

05/01 08:36, , 17F
The United States Government does not challenge that
05/01 08:36, 17F

05/01 08:37, , 18F
05/01 08:37, 18F 2005 CHINA'S ANTI–SECESSION LAW AND DEVELOPMENTS ACROSS THE TAIWAN STRAIT HEARING MR. KELLY - Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs James Kelly 我可以告訴你什麼不是美國的一中政策. 美國的一中政策不是像北京建議的那樣... MR. KELLY: ... I can tell you what it is not. It is not the One-China policy or the One-China principle that Beijing suggests ... ※ 編輯: n3oanderson (, 05/01/2015 12:40:09 ※ 編輯: n3oanderson (, 05/01/2015 12:47:18
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