Re: [徵求]英文不錯的點點兵或翻譯官

看板HOT_Game作者時間17年前 (2007/07/10 11:26), 編輯推噓8(807)
留言15則, 11人參與, 最新討論串6/11 (看更多)
第二次更改部分語句、拼字、文法, 長期被word荼毒的下場就是拼字跟基本文法都會很爛, 請原諒小鄉民XDDD 作者: Koyen (少說多作啦!!) 看板: HOT_Game 標題: Re: [徵求]英文不錯的點點兵或翻譯官 時間: Tue Jul 10 11:26:30 2007 我再改了一下, 但我想,因為是英文文宣, 應該沒規定必須一定是中文文宣的翻譯版本, 所以改的篇幅比較大,不過還是文意還是照著原文走。 還有,時態全部改成現在式了。 This is just a tiny war. This is not an important war. Yes, this is just a very tiny war that few people would know. Yes, this is not an important war that few people notice it. Maybe it will be forgotten after 3 or 5 years, maybe shorter, even less than a month. Maybe/Perhaps, the war will be forgotten after 3 or 5 years, or shorter, even less than a month. Nobody recall it. But we have fought for it. However, we are fighting it right now. We carry no guns, face no smokes and cruel battlefields. We don't have to carry guns and smell smokes of gunpowders in the real battlefields. We use applications less than 5mb, mouses cheaper than 1,000 NTD, and computers which can just connect to internet. What we have in hand in this virtual war are programs less than 5mb, mouses cheaper than NTD$1,000, and computers connecting to the Internet only. applications我有查程式的意思,但我想大部分的人還是比較習慣program 的說法,可能兩個所代表的意義有所差別,但我不是讀這方面的,就還是用一般常用的 program,考慮到文字的修飾,我就沒整個跟著原文詞句翻了,只取其義。 We don't have to take risks of our lives, or stand in the front of crossing fire. What we only have to do is sitting in the cozy conditioned rooms, connecting to the webpage, and then make sure the Slippery Monkey and the Alpha Series are working. Instead of standing in the battlefront like thoses in the real world, soldiers in the click game sit in the cozy, air-conditioned rooms, look into the screens, and make sure the Slippery Monkey and the Alpha Serise* keep running. 這邊我把兩句話合併,比較簡潔,要不然會感覺跟上兩句一樣,變化較少。 Maybe it's very ridiculous, or just for our self-satisfaction. You may say, what you guys do is ridiculous, only satisfying yourselves. But we have fought for it. We fight for our country, our beloved Formosa. But, we are fighting. We are fighting for our country, the beloved Formoas/Taiwan. 這邊我會建議用Taiwan,不是政治考量, 而是網頁上寫的是"You are clicking for Taiwan",才會對應。 "There you see, even Japaneses would admire our fighting capability." There you see! Japanese admire our fighting capability. "There you see, even Chineses could not catch us so easy." There you see! Chinese can not catch up with us easily. Every battle is glorious; even we marked no honorable scars, occupied no further soil, or beated no living enemies. This virtual click battle is glorious, even though there are no honorable sarcs marked, no further soil taken, no living enemies beaten. But we have fought for it. With a few clicks on the mouse, people in other nations would hear the sounds from Taiwan. Still, we are fighting. People in the world hear the voice from Taiwan with a click sound of a mouse. *note: The Slippery Monkey and The Alpha Series are two kinds of computer programs that Taiwan clickers use in the click game. The Slippery Monkey is invented by XXX (sorry,我不知道是誰XD), and The Alpha Series is invented by a clicker nicknamed "ward." 以下我就不翻了,這比較像給我們自己看的, 放在對國外的推廣文宣好像有點怪怪的...^^" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Look! Taiwan rushes to the 3rd place." Father pointed to the beautiful L curve and whispered to his son. "But where is Taiwan, dad?" Young boy before education age asks his father with a local accent. "Right here, son. Taiwan is so tiny compared with Japan or Hungary.." Father finds out Taiwan on the globe, right on the edge of Pacific Ocean. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After few years, the world may forget this war, and so do we. But we have fought; we have fought for Taiwan and we fought hard. That is enough. Will you.. Fight for Taiwan? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/10 11:28, , 1F
07/10 11:28, 1F

07/10 11:31, , 2F
07/10 11:31, 2F

07/10 11:32, , 3F
07/10 11:32, 3F

07/10 11:33, , 4F
07/10 11:33, 4F

07/10 11:33, , 5F
專業的又來了 \囧/ Slippery/rooms/fighting/beaten
07/10 11:33, 5F

07/10 11:34, , 6F
07/10 11:34, 6F

07/10 11:33, , 7F
07/10 11:33, 7F

07/10 11:36, , 8F
07/10 11:36, 8F

07/10 11:37, , 9F
07/10 11:37, 9F

07/10 11:38, , 10F
這是要給外國人的公告吧= =
07/10 11:38, 10F

07/10 11:38, , 11F
我還想提議官網做個英文鏡像 = =a
07/10 11:38, 11F
※ 編輯: Koyen 來自: (07/10 11:43) ※ 編輯: Koyen 來自: (07/10 11:45)

07/10 12:10, , 12F
07/10 12:10, 12F

07/10 12:15, , 13F
07/10 12:15, 13F

07/10 12:16, , 14F
Alpha Series吧@@?
07/10 12:16, 14F

07/10 12:17, , 15F
還有那個滑猴子 那套程式應該是叫GreaseMonkey吧...
07/10 12:17, 15F
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