Re: [爆卦] ICO關於LSE的論文門裁定全文公告上網

看板Gossiping作者 (跌宕不羈)時間2年前 (2021/12/05 07:57), 2年前編輯推噓278(32648679)
留言1053則, 282人參與, 2年前最新討論串2/24 (看更多)
原文43 Decision (including any steps ordered) 決議 1. The complainant has requested the names of the examiners who examined the then-Miss Tsai Ing-wen (now President of Taiwan) for her PhD and the report from her viva. The Council of the London School of Economics and Political Science (“the LSE”) denied holding the requested information. 一個要求提供當時蔡英文的博士examiners以及蔡英文的viva報告的申訴已經被提出, 倫敦政經(LSE)否定持有以上所要求的訊息 如果對於LSE取得博士學位步驟不清楚的可以查看 ( 簡單的說跟台灣也差不多 2. The Commissioner’s decision is that, on the balance of probabilities, the LSE does not hold the requested information. Commissioner決議LSE沒持有被要求的訊息 3. The Commissioner does not require further steps. 以上 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope of the case 案由 7. The complainant contacted the Commissioner on 28 May 2021 to complain about the way his request for information had been handled. 上訴方在5月28抱怨了此前關於訊息要求的處理方式 8. The Commissioner contacted the complainant on 8 November 2021. She pointed out that, at the time of the exam, the LSE did not have its own degree-awarding powers and therefore any degrees were conferred on LSE students by the University of London. She noted that she had already confirmed that the University of London held the information in question and that, even if the LSE also held the same information, it would be exempt from disclosure. She therefore invited the complainant to withdraw his request. 委員會在11月8號聯絡的上訴方,委員會指出LSE在蔡英文取得學位當時沒有授予學位 的權力,所以學位授予都是透過倫敦大學(University of London, UoL),委員會註明 已經確認倫敦大學持有過本案所要求的訊息,即使LSE也持有過相同的訊息,但是因 這些訊息被保護而不會公布。所以委員會期待(invite)上訴方撤回要求。 9. The complainant refused to withdraw his request and argued that the LSE’s denial conflicted with its public statements to the effect that President Tsai’s degree had been correctly awarded. 上訴方拒絕並提出LSE的否定持有蔡英文examiner及口試報告訊息與LSE公布蔡英文學歷 有所衝突。 10. The Commissioner considers that the scope of her investigation is to determine whether the LSE holds the names of the examiners and the viva report. 委員會考慮到本案只是要找出LSE是否持有examiners的名字以及viva報告 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reasons for decision 論據 Section 1 (Held/Not Held) 11. Section 1(1) of the FOIA states that: Any person making a request for information to a public authority is entitled – (a) to be informed in writing by the public authority whether it holds information of the description specified in the request, and (b) if that is the case, to have that information communicated to him. 跳過,有興趣自己翻 12. In cases where a dispute arises over the extent of the recorded information that was held by a public authority at the time of a request, the Commissioner will consider the complainant’s evidence and arguments. She will also consider the actions taken by the authority to check that the information is not held and any other reasons offered by the public authority to explain why the information is not held. Finally, she will consider any reason why it is inherently likely or unlikely that information is not held. 13. For clarity, the Commissioner is not expected to prove categorically whether the information is held, she is only required to make a judgement on whether the information is held on the civil standard of the balance of probabilities. 免責聲明 14. The Commissioner has issued numerous decision notices concerning President Tsai’s PhD award.1 These decisions record some of the background and controversies about the degree and the Commissioner considers it would serve no useful purpose to repeat them here. 15. The LSE reiterated in its response that, in 1984 (when the degree was awarded) all LSE students received their degrees from the University of London as it did not have the power itself to confer degrees. The University of London was responsible for arranging and invigilating any examinations and the LSE would receive a notification confirming that a particular student had been awarded a degree. LSE重申在1984年時所有LSE學生的學位皆由倫敦大學授予,而其中取得學位過程也 由倫敦大學負責,LSE則會收到倫敦大學通知確認學生是否被授予學位。 16. The LSE accepted that it did still retain President Tsai’s student record , but that that record only dealt with her activities at the LSE – and this did not include details of her final examination or viva. LSE接受持有蔡英文學生活動紀錄的事實,但是此紀錄沒有包含蔡英文的final examination或是口試(viva)的詳細訊息。 17. The student record had been examined and no definitive record of the examiners had been found. Whilst one document indicated that a particular individual might have been an examiner, the LSE had no way of cross-checking whether that individual had in fact performed that role – and the LSE considered it unlikely that they would have done so. 該學生紀錄沒有發現一個明確的examiner。雖然該紀錄中有提到一個可能的examiner, 但是LSE不可能有辦法交叉確認該人是否為examiner- LSE並不認為自己會這樣做。(註: 因為這一切都是由倫敦大學處理。) 18. The LSE was satisfied that no relevant information had been destroyed and that the reason that it did not hold the information now was that it had never held the information – because the information was held by the University of London. It had been able to confirm the authenticity of the degree based on the copy of the notification it had received from the University of London, in 1984, confirming that President Tsai had been awarded a PhD. LSE確認沒有相關訊息被銷毀,而LSE沒有持有這些訊息的原因是因為LSE從來沒有持 有過這些訊息-因為這些訊息是由倫敦大學持有。蔡英文學歷的真假是由倫敦大學 的確認博士學位通知來確認。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 經查倫敦大學 Senate House Library ( 無法搜尋到蔡英文的紀錄。而蔡英文自己所稱的論文 "Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions" 也無法在倫敦大學圖書館裡找到 我想倫敦大學肯定是野雞學校,比台灣的公立大學還不如。 -- 19 ˇGossiping 綜合 ◎[八卦] 天佑台灣每一個人民 爆!talk520/hate 91932 = 3/23 seabox 轉 [情報] 紫爆活動 92086 = 3/23 okcool □ 九萬門檻達成,全民今晚平安! 93991 =99 3/23 okcool □ 九萬五門檻達成,全民今晚平安! 94325 =3/23 okcool □ 紫爆門檻達成,全民今晚平安! 19 ˇGossiping 綜合 ◎[八卦] 天佑台灣每一個人民 爆!talk520/hate -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (澳大利亞) ※ 文章網址:

12/05 07:59, 2年前 , 1F
圖書館找不到 中共去偷的吧
12/05 07:59, 1F

12/05 07:59, 2年前 , 2F
12/05 07:59, 2F

12/05 08:00, 2年前 , 3F
12/05 08:00, 3F

12/05 08:02, 2年前 , 4F
12/05 08:02, 4F

12/05 08:02, 2年前 , 5F
中共去偷走的吧 懷疑的就是同路人
12/05 08:02, 5F

12/05 08:04, 2年前 , 6F
蔡論文消失的可能原因倫敦大學有說過囉 XDDD
12/05 08:04, 6F

12/05 08:04, 2年前 , 7F
12/05 08:04, 7F

12/05 08:05, 2年前 , 8F
12/05 08:05, 8F

12/05 08:05, 2年前 , 9F
12/05 08:05, 9F

12/05 08:05, 2年前 , 10F
抗中保台 口號喊起來
12/05 08:05, 10F

12/05 08:07, 2年前 , 11F
It had been able to confirm the a
12/05 08:07, 11F

12/05 08:07, 2年前 , 12F
uthenticity of
12/05 08:07, 12F

12/05 08:07, 2年前 , 13F
the degree based on the copy of t
12/05 08:07, 13F

12/05 08:07, 2年前 , 14F
he notification it had received f
12/05 08:07, 14F

12/05 08:07, 2年前 , 15F
rom the University of London, in
12/05 08:07, 15F

12/05 08:07, 2年前 , 16F
1984, confirming that President T
12/05 08:07, 16F

12/05 08:07, 2年前 , 17F
sai had been
12/05 08:07, 17F

12/05 08:07, 2年前 , 18F
awarded a PhD.
12/05 08:07, 18F
重點是倫敦大學圖書館裡沒有1.5博士的論文,蔡英文不是自己說他的口試委員 說他很優秀,這麼優秀的博士生其論文沒有被收錄,果然是1.5博士

12/05 08:10, 2年前 , 19F
12/05 08:10, 19F

12/05 08:12, 2年前 , 20F
12/05 08:12, 20F
※ 編輯: airyptt ( 澳大利亞), 12/05/2021 08:14:16

12/05 08:12, 2年前 , 21F
12/05 08:12, 21F

12/05 08:14, 2年前 , 22F
12/05 08:14, 22F
所以蔡英文的精裝本在哪? 這個是常識,一定會自己留本。我是不知道你有沒有 不過我看你應該不懂整個程序。就算是現在該論文還是找不到。 ※ 編輯: airyptt ( 澳大利亞), 12/05/2021 08:20:26

12/05 08:19, 2年前 , 23F
12/05 08:19, 23F

12/05 08:19, 2年前 , 24F
該學位基於 1984 年從倫敦大學收到
12/05 08:19, 24F

12/05 08:20, 2年前 , 25F
12/05 08:20, 25F

12/05 08:20, 2年前 , 26F
12/05 08:20, 26F
隨便你怎麼說,我也沒否認蔡英文博士學位。蔡英文如果是用買的我也不在乎。 不過一個沒吃過苦的廢物,在那邊整天拷洗勞工假太多,每天一開口就說謊, 自己帶頭開網軍社群中心,看到網軍亂象還繼續編預算還愈編愈多。 這個垃圾的惡行惡狀比須讓人看到,就算她博士是真的,其取得過程也實在 讓人啼笑皆非,本質上就是一個廢物。 ※ 編輯: airyptt ( 澳大利亞), 12/05/2021 08:25:46

12/05 08:22, 2年前 , 27F
你大概不知道影本怎麼來的吧 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
12/05 08:22, 27F

12/05 08:22, 2年前 , 28F
你應該也不知道孫玉文引用過蔡論文吧 XDDDDD
12/05 08:22, 28F

12/05 08:23, 2年前 , 29F
12/05 08:23, 29F

12/05 08:23, 2年前 , 30F
12/05 08:23, 30F
你是不是以為蔡英文博士學位是在國內拿的? 你怎麼都是找國內證據? 遺失了也不補送一本回母校,還有臉說自己國外博士。 也不意外拉,都說自己口試委員掛了。 笑死 ※ 編輯: airyptt ( 澳大利亞), 12/05/2021 08:27:58

12/05 08:26, 2年前 , 31F
取得過程怎麼讓人啼笑皆非了? XDDDDDDDDDDD
12/05 08:26, 31F

12/05 08:26, 2年前 , 32F
12/05 08:26, 32F

12/05 08:26, 2年前 , 33F
12/05 08:26, 33F

12/05 08:26, 2年前 , 34F
12/05 08:26, 34F
還有 979 則推文
還有 55 段內文
12/05 18:54, 2年前 , 1014F
12/05 18:54, 1014F

12/05 19:01, 2年前 , 1015F
12/05 19:01, 1015F

12/05 19:10, 2年前 , 1016F
12/05 19:10, 1016F

12/05 19:16, 2年前 , 1017F
心情爽就用 XDD 阿
12/05 19:16, 1017F

12/05 20:02, 2年前 , 1018F
art1 網軍 收錢留言行銷公司 通通吃屎死全
12/05 20:02, 1018F

12/05 20:05, 2年前 , 1019F
全家 一起喊一下~你說你不是網軍 喊一下一
12/05 20:05, 1019F

12/05 20:05, 2年前 , 1020F
12/05 20:05, 1020F

12/05 20:25, 2年前 , 1021F
12/05 20:25, 1021F

12/05 20:25, 2年前 , 1022F
12/05 20:25, 1022F

12/05 21:13, 2年前 , 1023F
12/05 21:13, 1023F

12/05 21:52, 2年前 , 1024F
就義工網軍阿 餅書2300萬 有立委幹
12/05 21:52, 1024F

12/05 21:52, 2年前 , 1025F
12/05 21:52, 1025F

12/05 22:07, 2年前 , 1026F
一堆人沒話可回 就抹黑人家是網軍
12/05 22:07, 1026F

12/05 23:07, 2年前 , 1027F
塔綠班網軍預算真的多 垃圾
12/05 23:07, 1027F

12/05 23:24, 2年前 , 1028F
12/05 23:24, 1028F

12/06 00:15, 2年前 , 1029F
等口委出來 還是會說是假的 無限跳針
12/06 00:15, 1029F

12/06 00:15, 2年前 , 1030F
就跟器官案一樣 那一張照片當證據
12/06 00:15, 1030F

12/06 01:24, 2年前 , 1031F
12/06 01:24, 1031F

12/06 03:44, 2年前 , 1032F
爭什麼 當政客的沒一個對社會有貢獻
12/06 03:44, 1032F

12/06 06:03, 2年前 , 1033F
12/06 06:03, 1033F

12/06 07:24, 2年前 , 1034F
12/06 07:24, 1034F

12/06 08:29, 2年前 , 1035F
12/06 08:29, 1035F

12/06 09:25, 2年前 , 1036F
12/06 09:25, 1036F

12/06 11:03, 2年前 , 1037F
12/06 11:03, 1037F

12/06 12:10, 2年前 , 1038F
12/06 12:10, 1038F

12/06 12:11, 2年前 , 1039F
12/06 12:11, 1039F

12/06 12:11, 2年前 , 1040F
12/06 12:11, 1040F

12/06 13:08, 2年前 , 1041F
12/06 13:08, 1041F

12/06 13:20, 2年前 , 1042F
論文仔真的都見樹不見林 而且一堆問題早就
12/06 13:20, 1042F

12/06 13:21, 2年前 , 1043F
有解答了 根本就沒在關心還以為自己很有料
12/06 13:21, 1043F

12/06 15:25, 2年前 , 1044F
確定沒有了 結案
12/06 15:25, 1044F

12/06 17:46, 2年前 , 1045F
一堆網軍還在扯 哈哈 根本全部都假的
12/06 17:46, 1045F

12/07 08:00, 2年前 , 1046F
12/07 08:00, 1046F

12/07 10:08, 2年前 , 1047F
小菸讀這是啥中共同路人大學 連論文
12/07 10:08, 1047F

12/07 10:08, 2年前 , 1048F
12/07 10:08, 1048F

12/07 17:23, 2年前 , 1049F
沒甚麼好吵的 那個護航仔art就是個廢
12/07 17:23, 1049F

12/07 17:23, 2年前 , 1050F
12/07 17:23, 1050F

12/07 17:33, 2年前 , 1051F
12/07 17:33, 1051F

12/08 15:17, 2年前 , 1052F
碩論都一堆備份了 博論說不見就不見
12/08 15:17, 1052F

12/08 15:17, 2年前 , 1053F
12/08 15:17, 1053F
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