作者查詢 / selfvalue

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 selfvalue 在 PTT [ Diary ] 看板的留言(推文), 共86則
[ Diary ]3 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: selfvalue - 發表於 2022/02/12 23:55(2年前)
1Fselfvalue: 手機發文還要一直訂正排版 電腦修好再來玩吧==02/13 00:10
2Fselfvalue: 我要變結實!02/13 00:11
3Fselfvalue: 就從現在開始吧 趕快下線...02/13 00:12
[ Diary ]19 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: selfvalue - 發表於 2022/02/05 01:57(2年前)
1Fselfvalue: i had a haircut yesterday02/05 02:36
2Fselfvalue: 3 hours sitting in the salon chair02/05 02:36
3Fselfvalue: 1 hour browsing the bs accessories stores02/05 02:36
4Fselfvalue: https://upload.cc/i1/2022/02/05/sGIpU2.jpeg02/05 02:36
5Fselfvalue: 去全家買東西我又給不認識的人電話==02/07 00:15
6Fselfvalue: 又一直上網02/07 00:15
7Fselfvalue: ... 我該閉嘴了02/07 00:15
8Fselfvalue: 接了兩個家教... 現在覺得好懶02/08 14:25
9Fselfvalue: 不知道為何我當初很堅持在台灣要收支平衡02/08 14:26
10Fselfvalue: 門口都是學生外套的雨水 還要把房間收拾整齊02/08 14:28
11Fselfvalue: 真的很喜歡無聊就打扮出門在外面晃 又喜歡找機會脫口02/08 22:34
12Fselfvalue: 罩... 唉02/08 22:34
13Fselfvalue: https://www.ebay.com/itm/292869561848?_ul=IL02/08 22:39
14Fselfvalue: e.g., nv10 yahama n3x02/08 22:40
15Fselfvalue: https://kawaius.com/technology/soundboard-speaker-02/08 22:41
16Fselfvalue: system/02/08 22:41
17Fselfvalue: https://asa.scitation.org/doi/10.1121/1.216498902/08 22:43
18Fselfvalue: 每個人矯正完都會喜歡給別人看得... 也還好02/08 22:52
19Fselfvalue: 這樣追求刺激的方式有點low02/08 22:53
[ Diary ]10 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: selfvalue - 發表於 2022/01/21 03:16(2年前)
1Fselfvalue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooibos01/21 05:22
2Fselfvalue: rooibos tea has no caffeine in it01/21 05:24
3Fselfvalue: I just knew it has a hint of grass jelly taste...01/21 05:25
4Fselfvalue: I now know where to go for my milktea fix01/21 05:27
5Fselfvalue: Rooibos tea does not contain caffeine[9][10] and h01/21 05:29
6Fselfvalue: as low tannin levels compared to black tea or gree01/21 05:29
7Fselfvalue: n tea.[8] Rooibos contains polyphenols, including01/21 05:29
8Fselfvalue: flavanols, flavones, flavanones, dihydrochalcones,01/21 05:29
9Fselfvalue: [11][12] aspalathin[13] and nothofagin.[14]01/21 05:29
[ Diary ]6 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: selfvalue - 發表於 2022/01/19 20:22(2年前)
1Fselfvalue: 神劍闖江湖我不愛你了01/19 20:37
2Fselfvalue: 20:3701/19 20:38
3Fselfvalue: 我幹嘛上線打心得呀01/19 20:39
4Fselfvalue: 豬也= =01/19 20:39
5Fselfvalue: 這幾天不看卡通了01/19 20:40
6Fselfvalue: blogger還有一些資料可以重寫... 在那邊寫就好01/19 20:59
[ Diary ]11 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: selfvalue - 發表於 2022/01/12 02:53(2年前)
2Fselfvalue: 今天也耐著性子沒想起01/13 01:47
3Fselfvalue: 3月再上線吧,參加一下版聚01/13 01:48
4Fselfvalue: 連續哀怨的第四天01/13 01:50
5Fselfvalue: 出來妳我也想念aut,剛拿出我們的合照,坐地板上看了01/13 01:53
6Fselfvalue: 好久01/13 01:53
7Fselfvalue: 妳很會說serious topics01/13 02:02
8Fselfvalue: 寄了多少封給妳,一封寫了幾千字01/13 02:03
9Fselfvalue: 上ptt就一直點你id看,不能用了01/13 02:04
10Fselfvalue: you're my best friend01/13 02:07
11Fselfvalue: I never shared this with u... miss u so much01/13 02:08
[ Diary ]5 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: selfvalue - 發表於 2022/01/09 03:54(2年前)
1Fselfvalue: Sunrise, sunset. The book has no more pages.01/11 02:26
2Fselfvalue: It’s difficult to be here when you are not here a01/11 02:26
3Fselfvalue: nymore.01/11 02:26
4Fselfvalue: Ptt, a lonely chair.01/11 02:26
5Fselfvalue: But i'm so happy of what you have become.01/11 02:26
[ Diary ]2 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: selfvalue - 發表於 2022/01/07 19:09(2年前)
1Fselfvalue: My daughter said she’s wearing my kinda dress, bu01/08 02:04
2Fselfvalue: t I think she pulls it off even better01/08 02:04
[ Diary ]1 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: selfvalue - 發表於 2022/01/07 06:28(2年前)
1Fselfvalue: https://youtu.be/Ph4zWMWi0-001/07 08:37
[ Diary ]1 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: selfvalue - 發表於 2021/12/22 03:29(2年前)
1Fselfvalue: 對人情世故終成精,然後哪一天火化12/22 04:19