作者查詢 / guapito

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作者 guapito 在 PTT [ b94902HW ] 看板的留言(推文), 共73則
[實驗] 網路實驗
[ b94902HW ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: emitsu - 發表於 2008/02/27 22:43(16年前)
5Fguapito:匯光 要不來我們這裡阿 差兩個02/29 16:41
Re: R: Automata
[ b94902HW ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: gobaby1987 - 發表於 2008/01/20 00:17(16年前)
1Fguapito:謝啦...我也沒什麼好說的了01/20 00:24
2Fguapito:可能是大家看到分數這見事比較敏感...所以有些人(包括我)01/20 00:24
3Fguapito:會比較激動01/20 00:25
4Fguapito:反正告一段落了...算了 下一次考好一點就好了01/20 00:26
5Fguapito:p.s. 我激動時才會用英文...打字比較快01/20 00:27
Re: R: Automata
[ b94902HW ]10 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: jeffzpo - 發表於 2008/01/19 16:45(16年前)
9Fguapito:恩 好吧 我了解了...我也沒什麼好驕傲的 考那麼爛.......01/20 00:19
10Fguapito:不過 我也只有那一題會寫 因為我地四課讀最久...ORZ01/20 00:21
Re: R: Automata
[ b94902HW ]7 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: bbccnn - 發表於 2008/01/18 23:14(16年前)
1Fguapito:我本來就沒有要跟同學戰...不知道是誰先開始的.01/19 06:29
2Fguapito:我也有跟老師反應. 一開始老師不大理01/19 06:30
3Fguapito:其他科我也被當過 只有從來沒complain過 這次真的不公平01/19 06:33
4Fguapito:所以我希望老師能說明這為什麼公平.01/19 06:36
5Fguapito:如果他堅持要being sorry instead of making things right01/19 06:37
6Fguapito:那很失望居然...01/19 06:38
7Fguapito:失望*01/19 06:40
Re: automata
[ b94902HW ]3 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: ChihJen - 發表於 2008/01/18 17:13(16年前)
1Fguapito:but it's not about a winning or losing thing...01/18 19:14
2Fguapito:it's about fairness!01/18 19:14
3Fguapito:And uniformity...01/18 19:15
Re: R: Automata
[ b94902HW ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: thirddawn - 發表於 2008/01/18 15:35(16年前)
1Fguapito:為什麼加十分是公平的??? 因為很多人不會寫???01/18 15:31
2Fguapito:我當時就跟寫信跟老師說了01/18 15:37
5Fguapito:問題是這決定是不公平的...如果grading policy 是uniform01/18 15:55
6Fguapito:and unbiased...那我就不會complain了01/18 15:56
Re: R: Automata
[ b94902HW ]102 留言, 推噓總分: +36
作者: gobaby1987 - 發表於 2008/01/18 14:21(16年前)
1Fguapito:I spent time working on the problem, I could have used01/18 14:24
4Fguapito:that time working on other problems...01/18 14:24
5Fguapito:besides... I didn't use anything in chapter 5.01/18 14:25
6Fguapito:I did not copy anything from the book...01/18 14:44
8Fguapito:也有人少十分會被當.這時候老師對他們好一點點不是biased?01/18 14:48
12Fguapito:我是噓biased and unfair system...有不對嗎?01/18 14:50
18Fguapito:差十分會被當的...去看grade sheet大概就猜得出來我是誰01/18 15:06
21Fguapito:我沒意思要拖同學下水..只是不公平的做法就是不公平01/18 15:08
23Fguapito:我一開始就跟老師說了...不是看grades到才說01/18 15:09
25Fguapito:I stand where I stand....01/18 15:10
28Fguapito:Even the minorities have their rights.01/18 15:13
30Fguapito:I am the minority in this case protesting about an01/18 15:14
31Fguapito:unfair way of doing things.01/18 15:14
33Fguapito:What is popular is not always right. Otherwise China's01/18 15:15
35Fguapito:1.3 billion people concur on that Taiwan is China's...01/18 15:16
36Fguapito:and therefore, we are part of China?01/18 15:17
40Fguapito:Wait, what does that have to do with copying anyway?01/18 15:19
41Fguapito:It's not about how the anyone did the problem.01/18 15:20
42Fguapito:You have no idea how much time I spent on that01/18 15:21
44Fguapito:question do you?01/18 15:21
50Fguapito:這跟解題的方法沒關希吧...01/18 15:23
53Fguapito:沒有那寫出來幹嘛?01/18 15:24
55Fguapito:And as I said, I did not use anything in ch 5.01/18 15:24
62Fguapito:我知道多數人都覺得我很機車..as I might cause your01/18 15:27
64Fguapito:grades to drop.01/18 15:28
72Fguapito:我沒意思要大家的成績往下拉. 我求公平...01/18 15:28
79Fguapito:為什麼?01/18 15:30
81Fguapito:為什麼加十分是公平的??? 因為很多人不會寫???01/18 15:31
85Fguapito:我很笨 考不好 可是我只用考試範圍內去解01/18 15:35
Re: automata
[ b94902HW ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: ChihJen - 發表於 2008/01/18 13:32(16年前)
4Fguapito:the first is unfair!? the second is not implementable!01/18 14:55
5Fguapito:because you already gave out the extra points and you01/18 14:56
6Fguapito:don't know who got those 10 points.01/18 14:57
Re: automata
[ b94902HW ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: ChihJen - 發表於 2008/01/18 07:31(16年前)
1Fguapito:removing the free points would be a fair move...01/18 07:37
2Fguapito:some are complaining not because they don't like it...01/18 07:39
3Fguapito:it's because the 10 free points is, indeed, unfair/01/18 07:41
4Fguapito:should be removed or given to everyone.01/18 07:42
5Fguapito:What's not proper about a question that's solvable?01/18 07:44
[ b94902HW ]9 留言, 推噓總分: -1
作者: ChihJen - 發表於 2008/01/17 20:43(16年前)
1Fguapito:我第四題答對所以我沒FREE 10 points. 也差那10分就過了..01/17 21:20
2Fguapito:跟本不公平.10 Free points were given out.and not to me01/17 21:20
3Fguapito:as if getting that problem right was a mistake.01/17 21:21
7Fguapito:那10 Free points是怎樣 要送就大家都送.不是只有送給寫01/18 06:18
8Fguapito:寫錯的... 早就寫了很多信跟老師講這問題..有講跟沒講一樣01/18 06:20
9Fguapito:同樓上.... 我最後一題也被倒扣十分(不過那是我自己的錯)01/18 06:23