作者查詢 / fulgent

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作者 fulgent 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共207則
[心得] 全職工作+一個半月臨時抱佛腳 拚300以上
[ GRE ]14 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: superchu0618 - 發表於 2016/11/14 23:59(7年前)
1Ffulgent: 徒兒,全職工作又短期從零開始準備妳卻做到了,祝賀11/15 00:52
2Ffulgent: 妳成功達標!(~  ̄▽ ̄)~ ~( ̄▽ ̄ )~11/15 00:54
3Ffulgent: 看到妳心得文中主動提及我對妳的幫助,驚喜之餘也很11/15 00:59
4Ffulgent: 感動,謝謝!11/15 01:00
5Ffulgent: 聽到我的「字彙意象學」系統在幫妳穩固建立 GRE 詞11/15 01:15
6Ffulgent: 彙量方面令妳覺得有趣又受用我很開心-真正的學習、11/15 01:15
7Ffulgent: 透徹的理解本就充滿趣味和成就感! <( ̄▽ ̄)y11/15 01:16
8Ffulgent: 這一個多月來看著妳由「無所適從」(引用妳的話)的11/15 01:35
9Ffulgent: 超弱底進步到開始內化了解題技巧、逐漸掌握了 GRE11/15 01:36
10Ffulgent: 的出題邏輯,我以妳為榮!11/15 01:36
12Ffulgent: 推勇敢辭掉工作備考的 A0908(感謝你在版上的大叔勵11/15 11:05
13Ffulgent: 志分享 XD)-相較於全職考生,上班族考生真的又更11/15 11:06
14Ffulgent: 辛苦,往往要很會利用零碎時間。11/15 11:06
Re: [請益] 托福口說求救
[ TOEFL_iBT ]47 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: Mydick - 發表於 2016/06/29 04:05(8年前)
3Ffulgent: 因應 lasaman 的要求(「若有逐字稿更好」),我幫各位原06/29 11:42
4Ffulgent: 樣聽寫 M 大口說 response 的逐字稿-06/29 11:42
5Ffulgent: Task 1: What will you do when you have a lot of06/29 11:43
6Ffulgent: assignments to do?06/29 11:43
7Ffulgent: My answer: When I have a lot of assignments to do,06/29 11:44
8Ffulgent: the first action I usually take is to prioritize my06/29 11:44
9Ffulgent: tasks. By "prioritizing," I mean I'd determine what's06/29 11:45
10Ffulgent: urgent and what to put on the back burner. For06/29 11:46
11Ffulgent: example, I'll surely start with those projects as is06/29 11:47
12Ffulgent: they're about to due, and let these take up my time06/29 11:48
13Ffulgent: first. Secondly, I'll try to stay alone before I feel06/29 11:49
14Ffulgent: like I'm done with the pressure. This not only helps06/29 11:50
15Ffulgent: me put responsibility over social life, but also06/29 11:51
16Ffulgent: helps me focus. An example could be like signing out06/29 11:52
17Ffulgent: from all social media such as the Twitter or the06/29 11:53
18Ffulgent: Facebook, or that all calls on my phone turned into06/29 11:54
19Ffulgent: the voicemail. That way, I have a better chance to06/29 11:54
20Ffulgent: focus and finish the assignment on time.06/29 11:56
21Ffulgent: Task 1, the question: Your friend is considering06/29 11:58
22Ffulgent: dropping out from school-what is your advice?06/29 11:59
23Ffulgent: My answer: I'll say, "Go ahead!" But by telling he or06/29 12:00
24Ffulgent: she to do such a thing, I mean a heart knows what a06/29 12:01
25Ffulgent: heart wants, right? So we gotta stay loyal to our06/29 12:02
26Ffulgent: true feelings. If dropping out is what feels right06/29 12:03
27Ffulgent: just at this moment, just do it. Hit the pause06/29 12:05
28Ffulgent: button, and reconsider the pathway to the future.06/29 12:05
29Ffulgent: Some American college students or graduates take a06/29 12:06
30Ffulgent: gap year as a way to figure out what's next, so why06/29 12:06
31Ffulgent: not? But I'll still consider and warn this friend of06/29 12:07
32Ffulgent: mine that he or she should take full responsibility06/29 12:08
33Ffulgent: for this important decision. For example, if this is06/29 12:08
34Ffulgent: gonna disappoint the parents or friends, face it. And06/29 12:09
35Ffulgent: if this means the beginning of adult life, he or she06/29 12:10
36Ffulgent: has to manage to find a job and be independent06/29 12:10
37Ffulgent: financially and all.06/29 12:11
38Ffulgent: 以上僅忠實還原;文法、句構是否要精修就交給 M 大決定,06/29 12:49
39Ffulgent: 我只明確指出一點:due 沒有動詞用法,所以 "about to06/29 12:50
40Ffulgent: due" 是不對的。M 大的回應內容很切題,值得各位學習-亮06/29 12:51
41Ffulgent: 點很多,好比 put sth on the back burner 這個慣用語就06/29 12:52
42Ffulgent: 用得很精準、漂亮;"a heart knows what a heart wants"06/29 12:53
43Ffulgent: 是很有趣的表達法,令人想起 Selena Gomez 的歌 "The06/29 12:54
44Ffulgent: Heart Wants What It Wants"。Rachel 的頻道確實不錯-她06/29 12:54
45Ffulgent: 和英國的 Minoo 一起錄製的「美式 vs. 英式發音」影片蠻06/29 12:55
46Ffulgent: 有趣的。06/29 12:56
[問題] 一題填空
[ GRE ]54 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: enjoy5566 - 發表於 2016/06/27 15:18(8年前)
7Ffulgent: 林熙老師說得對。這題好像是舊 GRE 的題目,原題答06/27 20:03
8Ffulgent: 案是 (B) accessible … recondite(套入後句意比06/27 20:04
9Ffulgent: AF 得到的結果合理太多了),不是 (A) compelling06/27 20:05
10Ffulgent: … intriguing(也就是您這裡提到的 AF)-舊 G06/27 20:07
11Ffulgent: 中,這種題型叫 Sentence Completion(對比現行的06/27 20:07
12Ffulgent: Text Completion),顧名思義問題本身的文本通常是06/27 20:08
13Ffulgent: 一個句點就解決了;再搭配空格選項不分開(上述的06/27 20:08
14Ffulgent: (A)、(B) 就是具體例子-每一題不論空格數皆是 A、06/27 20:09
15Ffulgent: B、C、D、E 五個選項)的事實,舊 G 的 SC 絕對比其06/27 20:10
16Ffulgent: 對應的現行 TC 簡單多了。附帶一提,舊 SAT 也有一06/27 20:11
17Ffulgent: 模一樣的題型,同樣也叫 Sentence Completion。06/27 20:11
18Ffulgent: enjoy5566,請問您的題源?這題目的編排者太不用心06/27 20:11
19Ffulgent: 了-AF 是非常明顯地不合理的答案!我希望各位練題06/27 20:12
20Ffulgent: 時也要注意題源的品質,否則就像這題一樣,學生可能06/27 20:13
21Ffulgent: 會浪費很多時間和心神在根本不正確的答案上-作為老06/27 20:13
22Ffulgent: 師(林熙和我都一樣)最心疼學生這樣折騰!根本沒有06/27 20:14
23Ffulgent: 認真做功課的編題者必須負起完全的責任。06/27 20:14
28Ffulgent: 林熙師所言甚是!新 G 的可靠、優質題源已然充足,06/29 19:16
29Ffulgent: 如果各位練題後對每一題都「求甚解」因而舉凡出題設06/29 19:16
30Ffulgent: 計、邏輯,句構、語法之分析,觸及的詞彙、慣用語等06/29 19:17
31Ffulgent: 皆瞭若指掌(比較:know sth like the back of06/29 19:18
32Ffulgent: one's hand),那麼做完這些就絕對足夠讓各位考到理06/29 19:18
33Ffulgent: 想成績-可靠、優質題源自然指官方出版物(OG、OV、06/29 19:19
34Ffulgent: PowerPrep、paper-based 免費樣本等),頂多再包含06/29 19:20
35Ffulgent: 雖非官方但編寫嚴謹的 Magoosh。林熙師和我聯手解的06/29 19:21
36Ffulgent: 「秀拉填空題」(版上代碼 #1NOx-rr3 與 #1NPiaO6H06/29 19:21
37Ffulgent: 的文章)就是「求甚解」的具體示範-除了解惑,作為06/29 19:22
38Ffulgent: 老師我們更在以身作則做學問的正確方法和態度。記06/29 19:23
39Ffulgent: 住,「真正的知識會讓一個人徹底地自由、快樂-而我06/29 19:24
40Ffulgent: 們希望所有人快樂!」06/29 19:24
41Ffulgent: 最後,讓我們幫林熙師修正兩個中文的筆誤:(1)「心06/29 19:25
42Ffulgent: 法決然不同」→「心法截然不同」;(2)「新制 G 的題06/29 19:25
43Ffulgent: 目已經很多,不怕練不完」有邏輯缺陷-a.「新制 G06/29 19:27
44Ffulgent: 的題目已經很多,還怕練不完哩」、b.「新制 G 的題06/29 19:27
45Ffulgent: 目其實不多,不怕練不完」,以上兩種才包含正確的語06/29 19:28
46Ffulgent: 意邏輯,而以林熙師所要的原意來看,a. 是合適的修06/29 19:29
47Ffulgent: 正。各位,這種類似 "litotes" 的趣味,GRE 可是非06/29 19:29
48Ffulgent: 常愛玩的!大家要以林熙師為榜樣-他可是個金髮的澳06/29 19:30
49Ffulgent: 洲人,但他寫出的國語可以和我們一樣地道;所以,不06/29 19:31
50Ffulgent: 要再以「非母語人士」為由自我設限了,我們「絕對」06/29 19:32
51Ffulgent: 可以治學到「比母語人士更瞭解英文」的程度!不要忘06/29 19:32
52Ffulgent: 記,V 如果 165 的話,您已經勝過全世界 95% 的考生06/29 19:33
53Ffulgent: 了-其中當然包括許多美國本地受過高等教育的母語人06/29 19:34
54Ffulgent: 士!06/29 19:35
Re: [請益] 口說一、二題囧境
[ TOEFL_iBT ]28 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: Mydick - 發表於 2016/06/24 12:57(8年前)
1Ffulgent: Mydick,您的音檔很棒,可以請您也打出逐字稿方便大家把06/24 13:13
2Ffulgent: 您一些很道地的措詞和精確的表達方式學起來嗎?感謝!06/24 13:16
3Ffulgent: "Secondly, the instructor might be biased, especially06/24 13:32
4Ffulgent: when it comes to a topic (where) people's stance06/24 13:33
5Ffulgent: largely varies-like gun control or abortion."06/24 13:34
6Ffulgent: 強而有力的論點!另外,使用慣用語 hard sell 也很讚。06/24 13:38
7Ffulgent: Mydick,我知道您潛水托福版很久了,偶爾在推文中發表見06/24 13:56
8Ffulgent: 解而已,極少 po 文;現在起,您一定要多出現-教學文章06/24 13:57
9Ffulgent: 本來就該以最嚴格的標準檢視!高手、教學者們互相指教,06/24 13:59
10Ffulgent: 彼此嚴格監督品質與言論之準確,精益求精,最後廣大的學06/24 14:02
11Ffulgent: 習族群也受惠-您在做對的事!06/24 14:04
12Ffulgent: For those about to do the right thing, we salute you.06/24 14:09
13Ffulgent: 上面這句改編自 AC/DC 的歌名。06/24 14:10
14Ffulgent: 另外,上色凸顯重點、認真花時間排版整齊好讓讀者舒適閱06/24 18:04
15Ffulgent: 覽是發文者敬業態度的表現;個人連結除廣告外其實最重要06/24 18:05
16Ffulgent: 的目的是對所有人表示負責:「我是 Dean 老師,真正專業06/24 18:07
17Ffulgent: 的英語教育家-這些話是我再三查證、一字一句為大家的學06/24 18:08
18Ffulgent: 習認真又嚴謹地寫下的,我對它們負完全的責任!」:)06/24 18:09
22Ffulgent: XDD,EZ0928,果然是您一貫的幽默風格-看到您持續在 GRE06/24 23:43
23Ffulgent: 和托福版活躍我很開心!不過是 "zephyr" 跟 "staunch" 兩06/24 23:45
24Ffulgent: 個例子您就抓到梗了,厲害!M 大人超好,正人君子-至於06/24 23:46
25Ffulgent: 他的 id 詞源,我只能說,各位有沒有打 LoL?有的話,可06/24 23:47
26Ffulgent: 以去查「易大師說笑話系列之極靈伯伯說故事」。06/24 23:48
Re: [計量] 一題計量題 同位素衰減
[ GRE ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: fulgent - 發表於 2016/06/24 03:00(8年前)
2Ffulgent: 哪裡-我只想說,雖然我們自己可能不覺得怎樣,但我06/26 20:14
3Ffulgent: 們在數學上的明顯競爭優勢是我們所有人一起努力來的06/26 20:15
4Ffulgent: 巨大成就,值得我們所有人的驕傲-no one should06/26 20:16
5Ffulgent: ever play down this significant triumph of06/26 20:16
6Ffulgent: ours-我們會用心守成,好還將更好!而 verbal 方06/26 20:17
7Ffulgent: 面,只要現行師資(不論國籍)藉由一個公開、透明、06/26 20:18
8Ffulgent: 嚴格、客觀的認證系統得到決定性的全面改善,我們所06/26 20:18
9Ffulgent: 有人的英語造詣必將更上好幾層樓!06/26 20:21
Re: [請益] 口說一、二題囧境
[ TOEFL_iBT ]27 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: fulgent - 發表於 2016/06/24 00:19(8年前)
3Ffulgent: Mydick,我超愛您的 style!上次看到是您對 allenglish06/24 12:57
4Ffulgent: 的 Greg 的寫作範文做出指正-好比您說 "urgent" 的部分06/24 12:59
5Ffulgent: 我就很認同。06/24 13:00
6Ffulgent: g consonant 的指教麻煩 Mydick 您明確、具體指出,我音06/24 14:45
7Ffulgent: 檔中是哪一個(些)字的 g consonant 有進步空間?我很06/24 14:47
8Ffulgent: 重視自己發音的精準、地道、優雅,畢竟學生的教育是不能06/24 14:48
9Ffulgent: 等閒視之的。06/24 14:49
10Ffulgent: 另外,我的示範音檔不是用唸的-如果我朗讀一個文本的06/24 18:22
11Ffulgent: 話,聽起來會像下面這個音檔(大家可以把它當有聲書來06/24 18:23
12Ffulgent: 聽):06/24 18:24
13Ffulgent: http://effulgence.pixnet.net/blog/post/32765973406/24 18:25
14Ffulgent: 修文內容:(1)「沒搔不到題目癢處」→「沒搔到題目癢06/24 23:13
15Ffulgent: 處」;(2)「來得好啊!」→「來得好!」;(3) 上色強調06/24 23:15
16Ffulgent: "challenges from students"06/24 23:16
18Ffulgent: 一位國外的老師─Sherwood Botsford─這樣說過:06/25 00:36
19Ffulgent: "A student who doesn't disagree with me, point out my06/25 00:37
20Ffulgent: mistakes, inconsistencies, refer to other opinions,06/25 00:38
21Ffulgent: cite contrary facts means I have failed to reach him06/25 00:39
22Ffulgent: as a teacher."-和我們這題口說討論的概念有關所以送給06/25 00:41
23Ffulgent: 您,bestaunch。 <( ̄﹀ ̄)/06/25 00:42
25Ffulgent: It's a great pleasure to be of help, lasaman. For the06/29 11:29
26Ffulgent: greater good of society, let's all do our respective06/29 11:30
27Ffulgent: parts.06/29 11:31
Re: [請益] TPO45 閱測 單字題
[ TOEFL_iBT ]20 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: fulgent - 發表於 2016/06/20 18:14(8年前)
1Ffulgent: 為了趕快幫各位解惑,我先趕緊 po 出此文讓大家閱讀、討06/20 18:16
2Ffulgent: 論,接著再修文上好色以提高閱讀舒適度。06/20 18:17
4Ffulgent: Yeah, clear as day and cool as a cucumber.06/21 18:46
5Ffulgent: (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ06/21 18:46
6Ffulgent: Incidentally, oncelove, I just read your "TED post"06/21 19:51
7Ffulgent: on this board-I love it! The methods you06/21 19:53
8Ffulgent: demonstrated are very handy indeed. Gracias, mi amigo06/21 19:53
9Ffulgent: (guess you're a dude?). Let me recommend you, in06/21 19:54
10Ffulgent: return, a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious TED06/21 19:55
11Ffulgent: talk: Tim Urban's "Inside the Mind of a Master06/21 19:56
12Ffulgent: Procrastinator". There's this "instant gratification06/21 19:57
13Ffulgent: monkey"─a very cute idea─in the talk, and I think06/21 19:58
14Ffulgent: you'll definitely enjoy Urban's hilarious yet06/21 19:59
15Ffulgent: illuminating presentation. \( ̄﹀ ̄)>06/21 20:00
16Ffulgent: Shoot, I forgot to provide the link!  ̄▽ ̄|||06/21 21:46
17Ffulgent: https://goo.gl/S3Fm6g06/21 21:52
19Ffulgent: "Ipsa scientia potestas est."-knowledge itself is06/22 00:16
20Ffulgent: power, my dear friend.06/22 00:17
Re: [字彙] 填空題請教
[ GRE ]31 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: fulgent - 發表於 2016/06/20 00:32(8年前)
1Ffulgent: 因為相關議題的迫切性,我先趕快 po 出此文讓大家閱06/20 01:01
2Ffulgent: 讀、討論,接著再修文上好色以提高閱讀舒適度。06/20 01:07
7Ffulgent: Brett, my thrill upon seeing your swift response06/21 22:56
8Ffulgent: and unhesitating answer to this great rallying06/21 22:57
9Ffulgent: cry is beyond measure-I was literally "singing06/21 22:58
10Ffulgent: with rapture, dancing like a dervish"-my06/21 22:59
11Ffulgent: wholehearted gratitude to your pivotal,06/21 23:00
12Ffulgent: unequivocal support for this impeccably,06/21 23:00
13Ffulgent: impregnably, incorruptibly, indomitably,06/21 23:01
14Ffulgent: inviolably, irreproachably, unassailably,06/21 23:03
15Ffulgent: unflinchingly, and unimpeachably righteous06/21 23:05
16Ffulgent: cause.06/21 23:05
18Ffulgent: Ah, Mr. Lindsay, what a pleasant surprise! Such06/21 23:46
19Ffulgent: a delight to have finally made your acquaintance06/21 23:47
20Ffulgent: -your reputation precedes you!06/21 23:48
22Ffulgent: "Details are what make you different from06/26 20:09
23Ffulgent: others." (「細節造就您與他/她人不同之06/26 20:10
24Ffulgent: 處。」)-我經常對學生說這句我自己寫的話;現在我06/26 20:11
25Ffulgent: 也把它送給 woody 您。06/26 20:12
26Ffulgent: 修文內容:修飾 manipulation → 說明「『即便其墨06/26 20:50
27Ffulgent: 彩再規律、充滿理性』,秀拉的早期畫作依然呈現給人06/26 20:51
28Ffulgent: 一種『美的驚見』的印象」06/26 20:52
29Ffulgent: 修文內容:「橘子汁」→「柳橙汁」07/02 01:54
30Ffulgent: Dean 老師已公開個人成績、資歷證明:07/02 01:59
31Ffulgent: http://effulgence.pixnet.net/blog/post/32191209707/02 01:59
Re: [請益] TPO 閱讀第八回第九題
[ TOEFL_iBT ]2 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: fulgent - 發表於 2016/06/18 01:38(8年前)
1Ffulgent: 修文內容:(1)「缺少、匱乏」上色不均 → 上色均勻;(2)06/29 14:03
2Ffulgent: 簽名檔 "the demiurge behind" → "behind" 去色06/29 14:03
Re: [請益] TPO 閱讀第八回第九題
[ TOEFL_iBT ]8 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: fulgent - 發表於 2016/06/16 17:06(8年前)
1Ffulgent: 更新:https://goo.gl/lAoawT06/17 11:13
2Ffulgent: 哈佛 Eric 老師已公開 GRE V165、AWA 6.0 成績截圖06/17 11:17
4Ffulgent: 不用客氣。文章雖長,但到處散布著一堆單字、慣用語的道06/20 21:19
5Ffulgent: 地用法。有了精確的前後文範例,要把它們都貪婪地吸收內06/20 21:21
6Ffulgent: 化為己有喔! Happy learning!06/20 21:23
7Ffulgent: 修文內容:「文本從頭到尾」→「本段(第四段)文本從頭06/29 13:53
8Ffulgent: 到尾」06/29 13:53