Re: [轉錄] 論聯合報文化大革命

看板media-chaos作者 (np)時間17年前 (2007/03/20 00:34), 編輯推噓4(409)
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※ 引述《eslite12 (recta sequi)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《npchen (np)》之銘言: : : 而英語中要表達“文化的革命”意涵時﹐cultural revolution是個較生硬的說法﹐ 你引文的時候﹐少了我後面的一個補充說明﹐ “凡是用到cultural revolution的往往是涉及政治沖突的上下文”(大意) 感謝你從bbc精心找到下述這麼多可用的范例~~ 另外﹐cultural revolution 這個詞組有沒有暗示中共的文革﹖ 我找出堪稱英語規范的《Oxford English Dictionary》來解答你的疑問。 因為這個辭典不僅收錄詞義﹐而且完整收錄詞源和年代﹐例句﹐可以發現 某個詞(用法)從何時開始流行使用﹐它號稱囊括了1150年以來見於文獻的所有語詞 查"cultural"詞條﹐ 第一個義項是"Relating to the culture of plants, or of fish, etc." (1868﹐1883) 19世紀的古舊用法了 第二個義項是"Relating to culture of the mind, manners, etc." (1875,1890) 較新一點的古舊用法..cultural開始用來形容行為舉止. 現在也基本不用了。 第三個義項是我們現在熟悉的意思:Relating to civilization, esp. that of a particular country at a particular period; (1875-1898, 1909-1986) (有關文明﹐特別指某個國家在某個時期的文明) 然後牛津英語詞典給了幾個常見短語(包括解釋)﹐ 包括什麼cultural anthropology, cultural attach, cultural diplomacy, cultural revolution, 我們能發現OED根本沒有大寫cultural revolution,完全當一個詞組搭配來解釋﹐ 怎麼解釋的呢﹖cultural revolution, a cultural and social movement in Communist China, begun in 1965, which sought to combat 'revisionism' and restore the original purity of Maoist doctrine; also transf. (文化革命﹐在共產中國的一次文化和社會運動﹐起於1965﹐目的是反對“修正主義” 並恢復毛主義學說的純粹性﹐也用於翻譯中..transf.就是"用於翻譯"的縮寫) ok﹐借助Oxford English Dictionary的幫助﹐我們發現cultural revolution 就是因為中國“文化大革命”而進入英語的一個從1965年開始使用的詞組﹐ 這個以文革為詞源的詞組﹐在使用時也因此往往暗示有政治沖突的內涵(或在比喻層面) 有什麼奇怪的﹖如果書寫者要避免這個詞源帶來的聯想﹐當然會換用其他說法。 我們來看OED給出的原始出處﹕ 1966 Economist 20 Aug. 709/1 Lin Piao+has loyally used the army as a guinea-pig for the 'cultural revolution' dose of salts with which Mao is now purging the whole country. 當時這個詞組剛出現﹐根本就沒有大寫。 1967 Guardian 16 May 1/3 Chinese leadership+has certainly been prepared to accept serious economic and political losses+for the sake of the 'cultural revolution'. 1967 Economist 21 Oct. 274/1 They support Syria's 'cultural revolution' (the regime has just taken over control of its mainly religious private schools). 後面你辛苦找到的bbc的諸多例句﹐恰在在說明了這個詞組和政治沖突的深刻關聯。 這是由它的詞源所決定的。不要在亂說cultural revolution就是 普通的“文化的革命”了 : 我想BBC的英文需要你去教 : 喔對了 為什麼找BBC是因為它英文據說是"標準" 而且搜尋引擎不像EIU那麼盧 : 而且既然你說要"不生硬" 我想拿一些社會學文章(這個詞在社會學是常用語) : 或者拿經濟學人來給你 本來就是不公平的齁:P : 至於對聯合報來說的話 我想合宜的英語程度大約是大家說英語 難怪敝市前市長 : 老是被他們稱讚英文好:) : News - Have your say: US cultural revolution : Amanda UK, It's about time we realised that science is the new religion and : treated it as such.2 Mar 2005 : News - America's cultural revolution : Marvin Rees travels to the US where religious education is now a focal point in : the battle for middle America.. Last Updated: Thursday, 24 February 2005, 12:24 : GMT America's cultural revolution This 24 Feb 2005 : News - Germany's green revolution : Cultural revolution Some say subsidies for organic farming are not as important : as changing consumer culture.28 Feb 2001 : News - France readies for euro revolutionI think the reason is that we have two : cultural revolutions in France now.14 Feb 2001 : News - Archbishop attacks work cultureAt the same time we face a culture of : work which is in itself inimical to the values we wish to develop. Since the : 1980s, there might well have been a "dramatic cultural revolution" in society. : 27 Mar 2003 : News - Working parent plans unveiledA "cultural revolution in the workplace" is : promised by the government as parents are allowed to request more flexible : hours..20 Nov 2001 : News - Papers preview new Bush eraThe inauguration of George W Bush marks a : cultural revolution in the United States, according to Saturday's newspapers.. : 20 Jan 2001 : News - Sexy stars push limits in EgyptShe's reflecting how our culture is now : changing. The Arabs fear going through a cultural revolution like the West did : in the 1960s but are tempted by the freedom such a revolution would give.4 : Aug 2005 : News - Shaping the future of the seasideI don't see any similar economic or : cultural revolution happening in Brighton and Hove. Barry Lane, UK Without : knowing any more than this story, I say go for it.26 Sep 2005 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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03/20 02:33, , 11F
好笑的邏輯, Revolution字義本身就是帶有政治衝突意涵
03/20 02:33, 11F

03/20 02:43, , 12F
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03/20 02:46, , 13F
是因為母雞的詞源嗎? 還是用常識想也知道母雞是雞的一種
03/20 02:46, 13F
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