[新聞] SVB客戶將可存取所有款項

看板Stock作者 (PyTorch AI套件爛死惹)時間1年前 (2023/03/13 07:25), 1年前編輯推噓93(95296)
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原文標題: Regulators unveil plan to assure depositors will get money after SVB collapse 監管單位揭露計畫,保證SVB存戶可以領錢 註: 我看了其他文章 似乎不是只能領25萬保額內的錢 而是ALL money 原文連結: CNBC https://tinyurl.com/bdec67ep 發布時間: SUN, MAR 12 20236:16 PM EDT 記者署名: Jeff Cox 原文內容: Banking regulators devised a plan Sunday to backstop depositors and protect financial institutions with money at Silicon Valley Bank, a critical step in stemming a feared panic over the collapsed tech-focused institution. 銀行監管機構周日提出計畫協助存戶及保護金融機構存於SVB的錢,在以科技公司為主要客 戶的SVB倒下後,該計畫是關鍵的一步,可阻止恐慌仔四竄。 In an anxiously awaited announcement from the Federal Reserve, the central bank said it is creating a new Bank Term Funding Program aimed at safeguarding institutions impacted by the SVB failure. 美聯儲終於發布一則眾人早已望眼欲穿的公告,美聯儲說他會建立一NTFP方案以保護被SVB 倒閉所影響的機構 In addition, regulators said depositors at both SVB and Signature Bank in New York, which also has been closed, will have full access to their deposits. 還有,監管機構也說SVB及坐落在紐約、已倒閉了的Signature銀行,兩間銀行的存戶將可 完全存取它們的資金 A joint statement also said there would be no bailouts and no taxpayer costs associated with any of the new plans. 一個聯合聲明也說,該計畫不會與紓困計畫有關,亦不會跟納稅人的成本有關 “Today we are taking decisive actions to protect the U.S. economy by strengthening public confidence in our banking system,” said a joint statement from Fed Chair Jerome Powell, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg. 韭在今天,我們做出決定性的行動,藉由加強大眾對銀行系統的信心,來保護大美利堅合 眾國的經濟。這是臭鮑、葉倫和格盧柏格(FDIC主席)說的 The Fed facility will offer loans of up to one year to banks, saving associations, credit unions and other institutions. Those taking advantage of the facility will be asked to pledge high-quality collateral such as Treasurys, agency debt and mortgage-backed securities. 美聯儲機關會提供一年的貸款給銀行、儲蓄互助協會、信用合作社及其他單 位。取得這些貸款的單位需要提供擔保,最頂的那種,比如國債、政府機構債券或MBS (MBS? 哪泥? 雖然第一手且正常的MBS是很安全啦 但是還是會怕怕的) “This action will bolster the capacity of the banking system to safeguard deposits and ensure the ongoing provision of money and credit to the economy, ” the Fed said in a statement. “The Federal Reserve is prepared to address any liquidity pressures that may arise.” 美聯儲說這樣可以提高銀行系統的資金水位以保證可能會有的流動性或信用危機,我們準 備好了!我們對於未來任何流動性的壓力嚴陣以待 The Treasury Department is providing up to $25 billion from its Exchange Stabilization Fund as a backstop for the funding program. 財政部提供250億美元,錢從外匯平準基金來的 Along with the facility, the Fed said it will ease conditions at its discount window, which will use the same conditions as the BTFP. 除了撒250億元外,美聯儲還說 幹 我聽不懂 反正就是提供寬鬆的條件,折價撒錢 Markets reacted positively to the developments, with futures tied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average leaping more than 250 points in early trading. 市場已正向反應,到瓊期貨漲了250點喔! The news came after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday morning that there would be no SVB bailout. 葉倫阿姨早上才說不會給SVB紓困,下午就跟著Fed一起發表這個聲明 “We’re not going to do that again. But we are concerned about depositors and are focused on trying to meet their needs,” Yellen said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” 葉倫說我們真的不想搞紓困,然而同時我們也是很照顧存戶的。 The SVB failure was the nation’s largest collapse of a financial institution since Washington Mutual went under in 2008. SVB是冠軍!我是說它是自08年Washington Mutual倒閉以來,眾多倒閉銀行中的第一名。 The dramatic moves come just days after SVB, a key financing hub for tech companies, reported that it was struggling, triggering a run on the bank’s deposits. 過去幾天真是太戲劇性了。 Authorities had spent the weekend looking for a larger institution to buy SVB, but came up short. PNC was one interested buyer but backed out, a source told CNBC’s Sara Eisen. 主管機關周末加班,尋找大一點的金融機構把SVB吃下,一個消息來源偷偷跟CNBC的人講的 ,PNC原是一個潛在的買家但後來又縮回去惹。 The scenario harkened back to the Sept. 15, 2008 of investment banking giant Lehman Brothers, which also found itself insolvent and in search of a buyer. The government also was unsuccessful in that case following a weekend of wrangling, triggering the worst of the crisis. 這事件真的讓人想起08年的九月十五號雷曼兄弟事件,政府想救但最後放棄,然後成為壓 垮經濟的最後一根稻草。 心得/評論: 好了,大家不用擔心了,不管是個人戶還是公司戶,週一都可以拿錢了 錢從外匯平準基金來的。該存錢的存錢去,該領錢的領錢去。 我是覺得Fed這次動作很快,可能是擔心這次新創公司受到影響,會引起不在預期之內的 股票大跌,本小魯其實也很好奇:流動性危機跟通膨危機,到底先該管哪個? --

08/23 21:57,
我citations早就破百 就是推薦人找不齊 辦不了
08/23 21:57
歷經綠卡洗禮的過來人建議: 社交connection does matter! 共勉之! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1678663556.A.F4D.html

03/13 07:27, 1年前 , 1F
03/13 07:27, 1F

03/13 07:28, 1年前 , 2F
畢竟還要選舉 搞到跟08一樣就難看惹
03/13 07:28, 2F

03/13 07:28, 1年前 , 3F
公司付不起薪水 問題很大條
03/13 07:28, 3F

03/13 07:28, 1年前 , 4F
03/13 07:28, 4F

03/13 07:28, 1年前 , 5F
流動性是急診 通膨是慢性病
03/13 07:28, 5F

03/13 07:29, 1年前 , 6F
03/13 07:29, 6F

03/13 07:29, 1年前 , 7F
短期不吃慢性病的藥 但是動脈出血一定要馬上止血
03/13 07:29, 7F
※ 編輯: peter98 ( 美國), 03/13/2023 07:30:57

03/13 07:30, 1年前 , 8F
03/13 07:30, 8F

03/13 07:30, 1年前 , 9F
03/13 07:30, 9F

03/13 07:31, 1年前 , 10F
危機解除 開Party囉!!
03/13 07:31, 10F

03/13 07:31, 1年前 , 11F

03/13 07:31, 1年前 , 12F
結束 不甚理解此論點的理由 但此措施下去不知對美
03/13 07:31, 12F

03/13 07:32, 1年前 , 13F
笑死 這次超快 噴噴
03/13 07:32, 13F

03/13 07:32, 1年前 , 14F
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03/13 07:32, 1年前 , 15F
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03/13 07:34, 1年前 , 19F
03/13 07:34, 19F

03/13 07:34, 1年前 , 20F
急性心肌梗塞 跟 慢性糖尿病, 當然先處理心肌梗塞
03/13 07:34, 20F

03/13 07:34, 1年前 , 21F
花25B收第十六大的爛攤子 怎麼感覺蠻便宜的?
03/13 07:34, 21F

03/13 07:34, 1年前 , 22F
03/13 07:34, 22F

03/13 07:34, 1年前 , 23F
03/13 07:34, 23F

03/13 07:36, 1年前 , 24F
笑死 存戶 還“全額”拿回 昨天在high 什麼
03/13 07:36, 24F

03/13 07:36, 1年前 , 25F
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03/13 07:37, 1年前 , 26F
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03/13 07:37, 1年前 , 27F
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03/13 07:39, 1年前 , 28F
空軍:乾 至少讓我賺一個上午不行逆
03/13 07:39, 28F

03/13 07:39, 1年前 , 29F
什麼意思 拿債券抵押借錢?那最重一毛錢都沒賺?
03/13 07:39, 29F

03/13 07:40, 1年前 , 30F
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03/13 07:41, 1年前 , 31F
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03/13 07:41, 1年前 , 32F
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03/13 07:41, 1年前 , 33F
03/13 07:41, 33F

03/13 07:42, 1年前 , 34F
太好了 那還不領爆
03/13 07:42, 34F

03/13 07:42, 1年前 , 35F
趕在台股開盤前 空蛙QQ
03/13 07:42, 35F

03/13 07:43, 1年前 , 36F
03/13 07:43, 36F
還有 117 則推文
03/13 08:18, 1年前 , 154F
恰恰就是因為歐in債券 Fed這次師出有名全救援
03/13 08:18, 154F

03/13 08:18, 1年前 , 155F
03/13 08:18, 155F

03/13 08:18, 1年前 , 156F
反正通膨是長期的 這個火先救再說
03/13 08:18, 156F

03/13 08:19, 1年前 , 157F
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03/13 08:20, 1年前 , 158F
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03/13 09:19, 1年前 , 172F
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03/13 09:27, 1年前 , 173F
銀行倒光光 大家都沒錢 通膨自然就解決啦
03/13 09:27, 173F

03/13 09:28, 1年前 , 174F
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03/13 10:06, 1年前 , 175F
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03/13 10:09, 1年前 , 179F
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03/13 10:48, 1年前 , 181F
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03/13 10:48, 1年前 , 182F
03/13 10:48, 182F

03/13 10:50, 1年前 , 183F
FEB沒有不讓你領或轉 只是支持銀行不會因為這樣倒
03/13 10:50, 183F

03/13 10:50, 1年前 , 184F
03/13 10:50, 184F

03/13 11:08, 1年前 , 185F
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03/13 11:26, 1年前 , 186F
03/13 11:26, 186F

03/13 12:17, 1年前 , 187F
有誰還記得前幾個月跟幾年前發生什麼事 事情發生可
03/13 12:17, 187F

03/13 12:17, 1年前 , 188F
03/13 12:17, 188F

03/13 12:36, 1年前 , 189F
03/13 12:36, 189F

03/13 12:52, 1年前 , 190F
SVG CEO 是最大贏家了吧?
03/13 12:52, 190F

03/13 12:53, 1年前 , 191F
03/13 12:53, 191F

03/13 20:26, 1年前 , 192F
畢竟多數資產只是在債券上..= = 先補充流動資金後面
03/13 20:26, 192F

03/13 20:26, 1年前 , 193F
再處份資產 這個保證不會虧...
03/13 20:26, 193F
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