[HOI2] Arsenal of Democracy 新功能翻譯

看板Paradox作者 (明天的微笑)時間14年前 (2010/02/08 16:30), 編輯推噓13(1301)
留言14則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
原帖發在http://bbs.52pcgame.com/thread-285104-1-1.html 給大家過年好好盼著AOD發行呀!!! 期待 原帖位置:http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=429568 Complete Feature List :完整功能列表 (好像沒辦法用space按暫停喔!!唯一大缺憾,用pause害我按到背快扭到) User interface upgrades:使用者介面更新 -Mouse-wheel zoom 滑鼠中鍵可以拉遠拉近 -Optional message box closing delay - no more accidentally closed events 似乎是跳出訊息視窗能叫他多久自己收起來吧 -general reminders - for example if slider move is possible.. 一般性提示:如國策可調或IC有富餘 -New message notifier system - get all important events without cluttering the screen. Messages that are marked for this system are shown in an icon on the right screen an can be expanded by clicking on the corresponding icon. 新的訊息提示系統,似乎連陸海空戰戰果報告都有類似之前他國給交易提案那種按鈕 (我倒覺得需要熱鍵可以順序性的拿提示下來看~省的還要挪到右上角~很遠才點的到 沒有規定批公文還要跑到隔壁房拿這種規定吧) -Full Screen / windowed selectable in settings.cfg 全螢幕或視窗化現在可以選擇了 -Resolution freely selectable in settings.cfg 螢幕解析度可以自由調整 -Multi deployment of units now possible - quick and easy to place large batches of units. 現在可以用control全選需要佈署的單位,或用shift跳著選 -New Trade tab to improve speed and overview of all trades. 在原先的地圖/間諜/生產/外交/統計標籤外多新增貿易標籤 放上了現有國內富餘/不足資源,以及資源運輸船指派等等 -More advanced trade options, like setting an import target, or block import / export of specific resources 新增的交易選項,例如交易指定進口港省份,禁止輸入/輸出特定資源 -improved supply mode map: province ESE ,convoys and prioritized provinces are shown. 新的補給檢視頁面,省份補給效率/運補船/重點省份都會顯示 -New statistics page in ledger to compare losses / kills 新的戰果統計系統,可以顯示敵我殺傷比 -New espionage UI - no more micro - just select priority and mission. 新的間諜系統,不必再每7天按pause按到手抽筋了,類似HOI3的任務/權重系統 -New espionage mission ( naval espionage - on success, ship composition and mission is shown and ships are visible on map for xx days) 新的間諜任務:海軍任務竊聽,能顯示海軍位置與目標 (為什麼沒有陸軍/空軍的!!!!!只好靠愛撫7+fullcontrol) -Delayed Minister and Leader effects 內閣與將領技能效果延遲(可能新指派後幾個月才生效??) -Fluent Dissent Allocation for Minister Changes 換部長導致不滿增加將變成漸進增加 -IC Concentration Bonus IC集中在某省份有加乘~不清楚 -Conversion of Transports to Convoys 能把運輸船換成運補船 -Conversion of Destroyers to Escorts 能把驅逐艦換成護衛艦(1 to 3的樣子) -Supply and Oil Stock moddable 補給與油料庫存可以MOD -Added advanced statistics 增加更多新的統計資料 -Complete graphical overhaul 圖形介面翻修 -Nuclear Power Plants 可以在省份興建核能廠(+能源嗎??) 那怎麼不來個燃煤發電廠~~ -Province limit removed 省份上限去除(可能重寫C的時候換了省份ID的資料型態XD) -Unit screen now shows stock bars 單位(陸海空)介面現在會告訴你該單位攜帶多少補給 (再也沒有無敵船艦了~最好在海上漂流2年的艦隊還能打仗!!免油免糧食~捕魚兼划槳~) Production system rework:生產系統重置 -New advanced auto sliders with Min/Max setting for each slider. 生產介面現在可以設定IC使用的上下限了 -New expense slider to control all domestic and foreign expenses like spies /research / Salaries. 以前都是合在一起的金錢生產現在分割成 間諜/研究/餉銀三個子項目 -New buildings like Synthetic oil plants / synthetic rare plants.-All conversions are user controllable with sliders determining the amount of resources converted. 新的燃油合成廠/稀金合成廠 並且可以再生產頁面調整轉換量 -Most advanced production system ever implemented in a grand strategy game: 宇宙超級無敵霹靂蓋世絕頂的 新的生產系統 --Production is now ordered in production lines: 現在生產全部是生產鏈型式 ---They can be shortened / lengthened at will ---More IC can be thrown at them to increase speed. 生產鏈可以投入2倍或3倍IC來加速製造 ---Can be paused to preserve gearing bonus without closing the line 也可以以低IC維持流水線加成 --Ability to upgrade units in production to newer models. 能夠把生產鏈換到更新的型號生產 --Refit and retooling times included. 當然 要付出重整生產鏈的代價 --Gearing increase speed and max gearing attainable through research. 最大流水線加成可以經由研究開發增加之 -AI now takes advantage of this system and knows the value of gearing. AI現在知道流水線的好處了~ New Logistical system:新的後勤系統 -Decentral production - use resources and produce supplies at offshore IC, no need to ship resources to capital if IC is nearby. 分散生產:若離岸IC資源都夠的話 就不會傻傻運回首都 -Ability to produce units offshore if enough IC is present offshore (100% moddable in misc.txt) ~則可以在外島生產部隊 -Units receive supplies / oil through provinces, the supply Effectivity is determined by the infra and terrain of the provinces it routes through. 單位經由省份取得補給,補給效率將由補給路線上的基礎建設以及地形決定 -Unit Supply consumption now variable with unit activity and 100% moddable 單位補給消耗將取決於單位活動(意思是閒置單位再也不那麼大口吃糧啦) -Units have each local stock levels. Units with high activity and low supply efficiency or units cut off from supplies use the local stock until they run dry. Out of stock modifier now slowly increases with stock levels. 單位將自帶補給(據說是30天??)當單位缺補並且劇烈活動時將會使用自帶補給 現在單位缺補將不是0或1,而視單位自帶補給水位而定 -Ships automatically return to port for resupply and depart afterward. 船隻出港自帶半年補給,將自動回港補給並且離港 Entirely new land combat mechanics:新的陸戰機制 -New plan ahead system.. plan your offensives months in advance. 新的戰爭計畫系統~可在數月前規畫大規模入侵 -All combat mechanics have been revamped. 戰鬥計算模型優化 -now realistic combat durations and losses are ingame. 擬真的戰鬥時間以及兵損 -Land units speed is affected by combats. Slow enemy down by bombardments or feints 陸軍速度將被戰鬥拖慢,用你的戰術轟炸機+徉攻戰法來拖慢敵人腳步吧 -New bombard mission - use artillery to soften the enemy before an assault. 新轟炸命令,可以用轟炸機對敵人施予"戰前軟化" Air Combat Mechanics:空戰系統 -All missions are selectable for Province/Area/Region 現在可以指定戰機針對省份/地區/區域進行任務(再也不用算區域了!!!) -Planes are now coordinated with each other, to maximize damage and to prevent all planes / rockets to target the same province. 戰機將彼此協調,最大化傷害並避免同省堆疊過多 -runway cratering now damages planes on land. 機場破壞將可以傷害停泊的戰機 -Air war has been reworked, planes now can miss each other and radar now has many uses and is vital for air superiority in defensive missions. 空戰系統再造,戰機可能找不到敵人,雷達對於空優以及防禦任務有致命影響 (雷達~Q.Q偶被放生好多年) Naval System rework:海軍系統 -All missions are selectable for Province/Area/Region 同空軍,任務地點指派可以是省/地區/區域 -Totally revamped combat mechanics and brigade system.(all ships now depend on brigades) 新的戰鬥機制以及改裝旅系統 -Ability to refit ships with different brigades. 船隻能經由不同的改裝旅重塑 -Revamped combat positioning system: Watch out for small hard hitting high leader fleets in combat. 海戰位置系統再造,注意精悍短小的艦隊!! -Units will have to increase distance to attacker before escape. 脫離海戰之船隻必須先拉遠距離(意思是腿短的那些BB/TP準備沉到海底吧!) -All combats now behave realistically and automatically retreat if no hope of victory exists. 現在海戰不利時,艦隊會自己用36計的 -Convert unused Destroyers to escorts 沒用的驅逐艦~~可以換成護航船隻 Provincial additions:省份追加 -Province now has an Effectivity value. this replaces the hidden national non national IC modifier. 省份現在有"效率"值,取代過去隱藏的本國/外國IC修正值 -Infrastructure affects province Effectivity value, so its possible to expand resource and IC production in that province. 基礎建設會影響省份效率值,所以可以擴張IC以及資源值 (建設我富裕強大之大中華!!哈哈哈):021] -Infrastructure build time now terrain dependent 基礎建設提升所需IC現在會依地形而不同 -Provinces can be prioritized for repair. New visibly shown on supply map 省份跟部隊一樣,可以給予優先修復權限 省份的基礎建設/機場/港口損傷需要花IC修復囉 General improvements:其他 -Collected manpower gets older with time and will retire, limits the endgame MP available. 待役兵源現在會變老退休~國防法修正~65歲免役:)dd -Added 60 more user defined countries (from 00-99 to A0-F9) 新增六十個玩家自訂國家 -Added 20 User defines brigades 新增二十個玩家自訂旅 -All STR/ORG combat modifiers now exported to misc.txt and 100% modifiable 單位之組織度與裝甲值在戰鬥中的減損參數可以自訂囉 -New Techs 新科技 (目前有看到燃料合成/稀金合成/聚合物polymer系統/核電廠) -A LOT of new modifiers to play with (misc.txt is many times larger as vanilla) 其他更多比香草冰淇淋還多的可調參數 -Totally new attrition algorithms 新的損耗計算 -4 new Battle scenarios 四個新戰役 -Resource production rebalanced for the majors according to real world production figures 根據現實調整了幾個大國家的資源生產 (小日本別在本土產油了吧!!沒聽過日本有挖到石油呀) -IC limited tech teams ( up to 10 teams dependent on ic) 現在最多可以擁有10個科技研究的洞洞~~爽~不過科技就更快被KO了呀 兩倍速 -3 National Ideas / Country - also fully modifiable ideas and effects 新的國家思想系統~額外加成 似乎是共產/法西斯/共和之類的 Smaller General Features (in no order of importance): - Attrition now affects ships 現在船隻也會耗損了 - Naval / Air now recognizes unit type and acts more intelligent 海空部隊現在會辨認敵方型號並且見機行事 - Reinforcement only in ports for all ships 只有在港口能修理船隻 - Units in friendly provinces now gain a static +15% Org regain 在友方領土單位享有+15%組織度恢復 (難道都去....了嗎) - Ground attack and Interdiction now does stock damage 對地攻擊以及空中封鎖現在會造成存糧油料損耗 (孫子曰:凡火攻有五:一曰火人,二曰火積,三曰火輜,四曰火庫,五曰火隊。) - VP info now with much more information 勝利點現在有更多資訊 - New pop up notifiers 新的跳出提示系統 - Now 10.000 Provinces and of that 3.000 naval provinces allowed 現在有一萬個陸地省以及三千個海面省 - Unit losses screen updated with a lot of new values. 單位損失頁面有更多新的資訊 - Start and end-date now freely selectable in scenario files (new option to use scenario end date) 開始/結束日期可以自訂囉 - Weather map combined with terrain map 天氣模式現在會跟地形在一起!! (孫子曰:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰將,五曰法) - Upgrade / reinforce dependent on ESE 單位升級/補充速度會因補給效率影響 - New naval combat targeting system 新的海戰目標系統 - Changed ESE calculation 補給效率計算方式更改 - Air selection - now shows all provinces it targets - also when you change target scope 空軍選擇,將顯示所有目標 - Plains modifier added 平原現在有加成了(不知道加啥) - Infinite mission length 空/海軍任務期限多了:直到永遠 這個選項 - Province picture now possible on all provinces 每個省份都能放顯示圖囉 - Brigades can now be locked 附加旅可以鎖定(不懂) - Division info now shows its country info instead of yours. 單位資訊現在會顯示他的國家而非你的(不懂) - Detailed Information On Effectivity, ESE and 'Raw' ICs/resources 細節顯示:省份效率 補給效率 以及粗產IC資源量 - Naval AI range limited AI海軍再也不是無限遠啦!!你當VIC在玩呀 我今天還看到德國海軍從丹麥出發跑到海參崴登陸蘇聯的~:)fh 圖片分享:http://media.pc.ign.com/media/031/031193/imgs_1.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/08 16:45, , 1F
02/08 16:45, 1F

02/08 17:36, , 2F
02/08 17:36, 2F

02/08 17:41, , 3F
IC Concentration Bonus <<有沒有可能把流水線加成實裝?
02/08 17:41, 3F

02/08 18:11, , 4F
02/08 18:11, 4F

02/08 18:34, , 5F
02/08 18:34, 5F

02/08 19:04, , 6F
可以視窗化的話.... 有人要開實況嗎XDDDDD
02/08 19:04, 6F

02/08 22:23, , 7F
02/08 22:23, 7F

02/08 22:45, , 8F
02/08 22:45, 8F

02/08 23:20, , 9F
P社的遊戲都是在磨練中成長的....XDD HOI2也不是一開始就
02/08 23:20, 9F

02/08 23:21, , 10F
02/08 23:21, 10F

02/09 01:02, , 11F
02/09 01:02, 11F

02/09 03:32, , 12F
02/09 03:32, 12F

02/10 05:06, , 13F
科技那裏不是指十個洞吧 是限制十支科技隊伍
02/10 05:06, 13F

02/10 15:57, , 14F
截圖裡面有一張科技研發的 科技組那邊有捲軸喔 應該有10個
02/10 15:57, 14F
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文章代碼(AID): #1BRykYYQ (Paradox)