Re: [新聞] 低級! 歐洲電競選手改名污辱台灣人消失

看板LoL作者時間9年前 (2014/09/17 06:38), 9年前編輯推噓18(20218)
留言40則, 21人參與, 最新討論串10/12 (看更多)
剛回家 這篇是現在reddit上的討論 我翻幾個reddit的評論給大家看看 1) nainlol 460 points 6 hours ago* "I'm Chinese and growing up in America was one of the hardest things I had to face. I often got made fun of at school because my first name is Qiang (it's pronounced Chi ang). Since they can't pronounce it properly so they would call me Chong or Ching Chong all throughout elementary, middle, and high school. Gym class was the worst, I would get bullied nonstop and telling the teacher I'm getting bullied would only make things worse. People who have never experienced racial ridicule would never understand the impact it can have on the victim. I became very shy, never raising my hand to answer questions in class, always try to stay out of everybody's radar and try to make myself invisible. I would never attend any social events; most of the time I would just stay home play games and watch tv. I am who I am today because of the environment I grew up in." 我是華人。在美國長大是我生活中最困難的一件事。因為我的名字是「強」,學校裡的 同學會因為不知道怎麼發音就笑我。我一路被叫"Chong"或是"Ching chong",從小學, 國中,一直到高中。最糟糕的大概是體育課。我無時無刻不被霸凌,而和老師反映只會 讓事情變得更糟。沒有體會過所謂「種族岐視玩笑」的人不會理解這對受害者影響有多大 我變得很內向,從來不在課堂上發問,一直試著保持低調,或讓自己像隱形人一樣。我從 不會去社交場合。大部分的時候我就待在家裡打電動跟看電視。我會變現在這樣,就是我 生長的環境造成的。 對 1) 的回應: RiotNome:"我在南卡長大,跟你遇到的事差不多" StriatusVeteran:"同感。我媽是南美洲人,我爸是白人,結果生下來我長得像亞洲 人。我在學校遇到跟你差不多的事,而我甚至還不是真的亞洲人. ...有些人根本就低能。 encoreAC:"德國情況跟你一樣。真悲哀。這是為什麼我大多都只跟亞洲人來往。不是 身在其中的人們總是會說「有那麼嚴重嗎?」 2) Remlan In my country (brussels, belgium) people would use it to mock any asian when we were kids (that's 20 years ago...), they would usually say "Ching Chang Chong". I'm 90% positive this stereotype catchphrase comes from chinese's mandarin, who has a lot of "ch" sounds that we normally don't use at all. Even to this day I sometime hear my parent say this when hearing chinese... I personally never found that to be very funny, even though I usually love racist/offensive jokes the most, that one always seemed too easy and not funny. 在我的國家(比利時)人們會用這句話來嘲笑所有亞洲人。我小時候(20年前)他們會一直說 "Ching Chang Chong"。我90%確定這句話跟中文(北京話)有關,有很多歐系語沒有的 "ch"音 。 第二段我就不翻了 另外在最下面有位 toumakazusa 13 points 5 hours ago It is embarrassing how the origin post was deleted because of "Witch hunting or hateful speech" The moderator really try to cover this up aren't they? Just because this happens in TW you feel like it's not an important issue? 很可恥的是原po因為"引戰/岐視言論"被刪掉。看來板主真的很想把大事化小?只因為這件 事發生在台灣所以就不重要? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 馬的我覺得SK裡面正常的三個人要跟Svenskeren和fredy122兩個膿包同隊真的很可憐 不過這種玩家應該踢出遊戲界 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: PUJOLSisGOD (, 09/17/2014 06:40:48

09/17 06:45, , 1F
09/17 06:45, 1F

09/17 06:55, , 2F
隊友真的有夠雖 評論看了有點難過QQ
09/17 06:55, 2F

09/17 06:57, , 3F
09/17 06:57, 3F

09/17 06:58, , 4F
09/17 06:58, 4F

09/17 06:58, , 5F
是你想像不到的 什麼狗屎的事情都做得出來
09/17 06:58, 5F

09/17 07:00, , 6F
09/17 07:00, 6F

09/17 07:00, , 7F
用程度來比可能台灣3~7 國外很極端 0~9都可能發生
09/17 07:00, 7F

09/17 07:05, , 8F
世界上充滿各種霸凌 只有外國人來台灣會被哈洋屌
09/17 07:05, 8F

09/17 07:06, , 9F
國內沒比較好 看看某些選手跟主播
09/17 07:06, 9F

09/17 07:07, , 10F
但因為太小咖 燒不起來
09/17 07:07, 10F

09/17 07:08, , 11F
樓上 至少他們還沒機會在世界級比賽幹世界級蠢事
09/17 07:08, 11F

09/17 07:09, , 12F
09/17 07:09, 12F

09/17 07:09, , 13F
09/17 07:09, 13F

09/17 07:10, , 14F
09/17 07:10, 14F

09/17 07:27, , 15F
09/17 07:27, 15F

09/17 07:31, , 16F
是沒有分比賽大小啦 但是嚴重程度天差地遠
09/17 07:31, 16F

09/17 07:31, , 17F
一個是網路上酸靠爸 一個跑去人家競選總部罵神豬
09/17 07:31, 17F

09/17 07:32, , 18F
09/17 07:32, 18F

09/17 07:34, , 19F
前面那個頂多被正圓抹黑兩句 後面那個會被告
09/17 07:34, 19F

09/17 07:39, , 20F
09/17 07:39, 20F

09/17 07:44, , 21F
09/17 07:44, 21F

09/17 07:46, , 22F
09/17 07:46, 22F

09/17 07:59, , 23F
嗯 更正一下,懶貓其實也有人身攻擊
09/17 07:59, 23F

09/17 08:01, , 24F
看到雙面主播只開砲外國人對纜貓視而不見 頗ㄏ
09/17 08:01, 24F

09/17 08:02, , 25F
09/17 08:02, 25F

09/17 08:04, , 26F
那些CCR 幫外國人找理由的可不可恥啊
09/17 08:04, 26F

09/17 08:09, , 27F
09/17 08:09, 27F

09/17 08:12, , 28F
09/17 08:12, 28F

09/17 08:17, , 29F
視而不見懶貓? 當初被鄉民噴超大的吧...
09/17 08:17, 29F

09/17 08:18, , 30F
09/17 08:18, 30F

09/17 08:20, , 31F
鄉民視而不見(X) 葛瑞那視而不見(O)
09/17 08:20, 31F

09/17 08:25, , 32F
09/17 08:25, 32F

09/17 08:59, , 33F
09/17 08:59, 33F

09/17 08:59, , 34F
Chin chong chang 啊,好像叫張晉忠還什麼的XD
09/17 08:59, 34F

09/17 09:48, , 35F
Ching Chang Chong,這個翻成中文怎麼翻比較適合?
09/17 09:48, 35F

09/17 10:07, , 36F
09/17 10:07, 36F

09/17 10:13, , 37F
09/17 10:13, 37F

09/17 10:17, , 38F
09/17 10:17, 38F

09/17 11:41, , 39F
09/17 11:41, 39F

09/17 16:34, , 40F
09/17 16:34, 40F
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