Re: [問題] Manahattan SC 範例

看板GMAT作者 (Javy)時間11年前 (2012/09/26 01:18), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《A2GMAT (A兔GMAT)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《danyuchn (Javy)》之銘言: : : 這種情況我通常會用抉擇時比較考點的優先原則來看: : : 先看強考點(如慣用語、一致性等等)還有句意,然後是弱指代(普通代名詞指代) : : 最後才是看冗長。 : : 這裡的they無所指代。A會刪掉。 : : B則是將原本的主從結構改成了並列結構,屬於句意重心改變。 : 通常講到say, speak後接子句表達進行式我通常不會刪, 用時態搭配解比較精準, 過去 : 完成式通常要配過去簡單式表達先後發生. : 如果要用句子重心看來可能要麻煩再過一下十八銅人陣了!! 我剛從中國廚藝學院回來 : 句意重心通常沒有標準可循, 比較建議解題順序置後考量, 舉以下例子好了: 應該這樣講吧,前面說到的「按句意解題」其實有多種, 除了重心改變之外,還有像是句意斷裂、修飾關係改變等等... 而重心改變的前提是:原句的意思符合常理推斷要表達的意思 這時我們才能尊A選項為標準重心。 (我知道「常理」考試時大家較不敢肯定,所以同意句意重心在「句意原則」之中置後考量 通常先判斷像是斷裂、修飾關係改變之類的句意錯誤比較好。) : OG12-26. : Emily Dickinson’s letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson were : written over a period beginning a few years before Susan’s : marriage to Emily’s brother and ending shortly before Emily’s : death in 1886, outnumbering her letters to anyone else. : (A) Dickinson were written over a period beginning a few years : before Susan’s marriage to Emily’s brother and ending shortly : before Emily’s death in 1886, outnumbering : (E) Dickinson, which were written over a period beginning a few : years before Susan’s marriage to Emily’s brother and ending : shortly before Emily’s death in 1886, outnumber : 這題主要子句的句子重心從were written變成outnumber, 但是還是當正確答案 所以像這一題老實說我考試時也是會猶豫, 提供OG的解釋給各位參考。 "The main point of the sentence is that Dickinson’s letters to her sister-in-law outnumber her letters to anyone else. To emphasize this point, outnumber should be the main verb,..." 大概的意思是,OG認為A選項的句意重心本身不符合常理推斷所要表達的意思。 也就是說,我們必須先看懂句意去判斷合理性,原句若合理再尊A的重心為首。 不過老實說,考試時出來這種題目就跟他拼了吧! 真的在時間壓迫下看不出來句意的話,看十分鐘也沒有用。 另外像是這一題: OG12-75 A proposal has been made to trim the horns from rhinoceroses to discourage poachers; the question is whether tourists will continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses after their horns are trimmed. (A) whether tourists will continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses after their horns are (C) whether tourists will continue to visit game parks to see rhinoceroses once the animals’ horns have been 正確選項C雖然也改變重心, 從(to visit and see)的併列轉成to visit to see的表目的遞進結構。 但是「到動物園來看動物」比「到動物園 且 看動物」更合理地表達目的性。 : 134.(31696-!-item-!-188;#058&004702) : Among lower-paid workers, union members are less likely than : nonunion members to be enrolled in lower-end insurance plans : imposing stricter limits on medical services and requiring doctors : to see more patients, and spend less time with each. : (A) imposing stricter limits on medical services and requiring : doctors to see more patients, and spend : (D) that impose stricter limits on medical services and require : doctors to see more patients, spending : (E) that impose stricter limits on medical services, requiring : doctors to see more patients and spending 這題也是一樣,讀句意發現A選項的and spend不知道是在跟誰平行。 如果跟are less likely代表union members spend less time.. 跟be enrolled 代表union members are less likely to spend less time.. 句意上個人覺得像是ambiguous。沒有表達出合理性。 就算退一萬步想,A選項的平行用法也錯誤了,平行句若用逗號分隔必須要接完整句 E選項把spending 跟 requiring平行 可是requiring應該是plan發出的, 但plan並無法做出spend less time with...的動作。 屬於錯誤平行造成句意橫豎不通。 D選項則是用",Ving"正確地表達to see more patients這個動作的伴隨結果。 Dustin -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: danyuchn 來自: (09/26 11:59)
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