作者查詢 / fizeau

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作者 fizeau 在 PTT [ ST-English ] 看板的留言(推文), 共39則
[寫作班] 托福第28週 fizeau 1
[ ST-English ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: fizeau - 發表於 2009/01/08 22:23(15年前)
2Ffizeau:我沒有意見。我只是當一般會話發表觀點。至於正式文章要注01/09 17:07
3Ffizeau:意的格式等內容多了再整理01/09 17:07
Re: [寫作班] Aliengirl , Christmas
[ ST-English ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: dvlin - 發表於 2007/12/28 00:43(16年前)
1Ffizeau:Or it is only banned in composition competitions?12/28 00:10
2Ffizeau:I mean, what can add to the phrase "enjoy the holiday"12/28 00:17
3Ffizeau:to confer a temporal sense12/28 00:17
4Ffizeau:In accordance with your "the embodiment of all festivit12/28 00:46
5Ffizeau:and spirit around the holiday," hers has been justified12/28 00:46
6Ffizeau:if she meant for an inward emotion12/28 00:47
11Ffizeau:My honor thank you very much:)12/28 00:50
Re: [寫作班] Aliengirl , Christmas
[ ST-English ]24 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: dvlin - 發表於 2007/12/28 00:01(16年前)
1Ffizeau:"to the fullest" is an adverbial phrase to modify12/27 21:37
2Ffizeau:the verb "enjoy"...so are you telling me that there's12/27 21:37
3Ffizeau:no way or permission to qualify the noun "holiday"12/27 21:38
4Ffizeau:with an adjective12/27 21:38
5Ffizeau:So you mean one is not allowed to say it that way?12/28 00:07
6Ffizeau:She has added more specific explanation, which avoids12/28 00:08
7Ffizeau:potential misunderstanding12/28 00:09
8Ffizeau:Or it is only banned in composition competitions?12/28 00:10
9Ffizeau:From another viewpoint, it just exactly demonstrates12/28 00:12
10Ffizeau:her sense doesn't it.12/28 00:13
13Ffizeau:Even if I agree with you on this, then would you please12/28 00:15
14Ffizeau:tell me how to exactly express her sense12/28 00:16
16Ffizeau:I mean, what can add to the phrase "enjoy the holiday"12/28 00:17
17Ffizeau:to confer a temporal sense12/28 00:17
19Ffizeau:But I admit if she had used "celebrated" it'd be better12/28 00:21
20Ffizeau:"Better" means less controversial.12/28 00:21
21Ffizeau:holiday means holy day....etymology12/28 00:26
22Ffizeau:Then I wonder what would traditional native speaker say12/28 00:29
23Ffizeau:when deprived of joy of vacation due to work12/28 00:30
24Ffizeau:Maybe he/she would have not used "enjoyed"12/28 00:33
25Ffizeau:Forced to work out of normal schedule, one won't be hap12/28 00:33
26Ffizeau:Excuse me, "enjoy to the fullest" is not at all same12/28 00:40
27Ffizeau:enjoyment is introverted feeling12/28 00:41
28Ffizeau:while holiday qualified by "whole" is temporal12/28 00:42
Re: [寫作班] Aliengirl , Christmas
[ ST-English ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: dvlin - 發表於 2007/12/27 08:11(16年前)
1Ffizeau:"to the fullest" is an adverbial phrase to modify12/27 21:37
2Ffizeau:the verb "enjoy"...so are you telling me that there's12/27 21:37
3Ffizeau:no way or permission to qualify the noun "holiday"12/27 21:38
4Ffizeau:with an adjective12/27 21:38
[寫作班] Aliengirl , Christmas
[ ST-English ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: aliengirl - 發表於 2007/12/23 20:57(16年前)
3Ffizeau:But I admit if she had used "celebrated" it'd be better12/28 00:20
[ ST-English ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +7
作者: HIbaby - 發表於 2007/10/11 15:09(16年前)
1Ffizeau:http://www.americanrhetoric.com/10/11 15:43