作者查詢 / fizeau

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作者 fizeau 在 PTT [ EngTalk ] 看板的留言(推文), 共176則
[Ask ] How to say 揪團 in English?
[ EngTalk ]11 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: eltonden - 發表於 2009/07/16 09:28(15年前)
6Ffizeau:gathering call? invitation07/16 17:36
[Talk] Coldplay--Viva la vida
[ EngTalk ]17 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: fizeau - 發表於 2009/01/13 01:20(15年前)
1Ffizeau:i never understood the lyrics01/13 01:22
6Ffizeau:if i know what the title "viva la vida" means it might01/13 13:54
7Ffizeau:go a long way01/13 13:54
[Talk] bad day
[ EngTalk ]1 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: shardphoenix - 發表於 2008/12/27 19:49(15年前)
1Ffizeau:spent too much time "making sure"12/27 22:08
[Talk] What would you do?
[ EngTalk ]17 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: army - 發表於 2008/12/26 23:26(15年前)
3Ffizeau:bigfat you do what? you stand people up or you delete12/26 23:53
4Ffizeau:to army: how did you come up a lame excuse to make sure12/26 23:54
5Ffizeau:he was available? what excuse?12/26 23:54
6Ffizeau:by the way it's uncommon (or it isn't?) that a man12/27 00:01
7Ffizeau:gives a man a present.....12/27 00:01
8Ffizeau:it seems not so manly12/27 00:02
11Ffizeau:yeah...maybe i'll first tell him i'm not gay12/27 00:34
12Ffizeau:if i receive one12/27 00:34
13Ffizeau:but i really think army's friend was wrong to stand him12/27 00:38
Japanese porn actress-turned-AIDS activist …
[ EngTalk ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: hisunshine - 發表於 2008/12/25 10:53(15年前)
2Ffizeau:the last paragraph...the investment "bank"?12/25 16:19
[News] Windows XP Gets Another Life Extension
[ EngTalk ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: hisunshine - 發表於 2008/12/23 19:38(15年前)
1Ffizeau:i've finished the read but i still don't get it12/23 19:54
2Ffizeau:after XP's phase-out, where is it no longer available?12/23 19:54
3Ffizeau:on WindowsUpdate or?12/23 19:54
5Ffizeau:now i'm more confused...as to what support?12/23 20:17
6Ffizeau:the support is from post-sale service or?12/23 20:18
7Ffizeau:ok never mind....i've got to do some homework myself12/23 20:19
[Joke] I speak Perfect English. I don't need subtitle !!
[ EngTalk ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: hisunshine - 發表於 2008/12/23 16:21(15年前)
6Ffizeau:the terrorist can also be a clown...really funny12/24 22:26
China to send pandas to Taiwan on Dec. 23
[ EngTalk ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: zmcse - 發表於 2008/12/18 23:36(15年前)
3Ffizeau:cuddly....i bet you wouldn't want to cuddle it when it12/18 23:53
4Ffizeau:got angry...could be really ferocious12/18 23:53
[Mind] there is a race
[ EngTalk ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: qwerb - 發表於 2008/12/16 19:33(15年前)
2Ffizeau:i believe you don't need me to root for you cuz you'll12/16 20:43
3Ffizeau:certainly do your best as seen from your words12/16 20:44
4Ffizeau:while i would be more interested if there'd been more12/16 20:45
5Ffizeau:about this race12/16 20:45
[Mind] story-wish
[ EngTalk ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: sunstone - 發表於 2008/12/16 18:33(15年前)
1Ffizeau:thanks....i like your prose12/16 18:55