作者查詢 / fhsd4264

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作者 fhsd4264 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共96則
[問題] Bopomofo IM
[ Linux ]16 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: fhsd4264 - 發表於 2014/03/15 12:51(10年前)
3Ffhsd4264:I've tried libchewing. The character prediction is03/15 23:55
4Ffhsd4264:terrible03/15 23:55
7Ffhsd4264:That's exactly what I've been trying to avoid >.>03/16 00:51
10Ffhsd4264:I'm not on a Debian-based distro and I'd rather not:03/16 09:02
11Ffhsd4264:http://tinyurl.com/olgngh703/16 09:02
12Ffhsd4264:OK.我蟲裝了chewing。但是問題就是我不想一直改錯字.03/16 09:06
15Ffhsd4264:Hm. 我把它是刪掉了。看看這樣會不會好一點03/16 12:51
Re: [問題] 長興BOT有洋屌半夜在吵該怎麼辦?
[ NTU ]129 留言, 推噓總分: +69
作者: NTUfin5566 - 發表於 2014/01/10 04:11(10年前)
24Ffhsd4264:probably shouldn't call gamers losers, mate. lel01/10 08:03
[問題] ceiba的念法
[ NTU ]80 留言, 推噓總分: +64
作者: donkilu - 發表於 2013/09/11 13:59(10年前)
60Ffhsd4264:say-bahhhh09/11 18:53
[聊天] 學校裡不能用滑板當交通工具?
[ NTU ]138 留言, 推噓總分: +46
作者: hagin - 發表於 2013/04/28 19:46(11年前)
133Ffhsd4264:自從來台灣以來,我都把滑板當交通工具.我還跟大門的警衛04/30 17:46
134Ffhsd4264:聊天.他們也沒說什麼.我看是運氣不好吧.但在椰林大道上玩04/30 17:47
135Ffhsd4264:版也太不在乎自己的安全吧...北市有很多地方可以玩版,何04/30 17:48
136Ffhsd4264:必要在校園內練習呢?04/30 17:48
Re: 【貓咪】尋找C棟門口的貓咪
[ NTU_BOTDorm2 ]29 留言, 推噓總分: +21
作者: ihucecal - 發表於 2013/04/16 00:07(11年前)
2Ffhsd4264:QQ04/16 00:15
[請益] 有人有台大win7 64bit光碟可以借我嗎
[ NTU_BOTDorm2 ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: tim1993 - 發表於 2013/04/11 19:42(11年前)
1Ffhsd4264:不是可以從學校的網站下載嗎04/11 21:16
5Ffhsd4264:沒有耶...sorry.光華應該買的到吧04/15 15:45
[請益] GEPT中級
[ Eng-Class ]15 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: Miere - 發表於 2013/04/11 14:48(11年前)
8Ffhsd4264:Personally, I would never use longer. In this case,04/12 11:37
9Ffhsd4264:more/less seems to refer to the "count" rather than04/12 11:37
10Ffhsd4264:the length of time. Hence, it feels weird to choose B04/12 11:38
[單字] cold, hard cash?
[ Eng-Class ]63 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: tiaraz - 發表於 2013/04/11 11:48(11年前)
3Ffhsd4264:context doesn't matter here. cold, hard cash is just04/11 21:13
4Ffhsd4264:cash. It's a way of emphasizing "cash"04/11 21:13
15Ffhsd4264:What kind of puns do you have with cash? Hell, no one04/12 11:10
16Ffhsd4264:uses cash anymore. We have credit cards now..04/12 11:11
18Ffhsd4264:Mate, come back when you have one pun. Seriously.04/12 12:01
19Ffhsd4264:Cold hard cash is used to emphasize that I physically04/12 12:01
20Ffhsd4264:am holding on to money, as opposed to digits in the04/12 12:02
27Ffhsd4264:1) The expression is always "cold hard cash".04/12 17:05
28Ffhsd4264:2) Context. Contexts is user to refer to multiple04/12 17:06
29Ffhsd4264:contexts, and there is only one being referred to.04/12 17:06
30Ffhsd4264:3) If you're going to call out my writing ability,04/12 17:08
31Ffhsd4264:why don't you provide something you wrote? The reason04/12 17:08
32Ffhsd4264:you irk me so is because you started attacking me.04/12 17:09
33Ffhsd4264:4) Also, if context always matters, then why do we04/12 17:10
34Ffhsd4264:need dictionaries? If you /need/ context, then it's a04/12 17:10
35Ffhsd4264:social context.04/12 17:10
[文法] 否定句的疑問?!
[ Eng-Class ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: TrytoWin - 發表於 2013/04/10 00:43(11年前)
1Ffhsd4264:The second one just sounds weird to me, to be honest.04/10 14:59
[單字] 您
[ Eng-Class ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: k07206kimo - 發表於 2013/04/09 07:16(11年前)
3Ffhsd4264:You.04/09 14:42
4Ffhsd4264:There is no longer a formal way to express "you".04/09 15:02