[情報] Project Eternity Update #5

看板RealPlaying作者 (Flaming June)時間11年前 (2012/09/22 13:47), 編輯推噓9(907)
留言16則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
翻郵件的時候看到了Project Eternity寄來的其中一封update, 內容還蠻令我感興趣的,就大略翻譯了一下。 鑑於小弟本人的懶散劣根性...就只翻個大概了 有高手願意全翻的話請先接受一拜。 --------------------------翻譯開始------------------------------------ 對我們(Obsidian)來說,背景設定和氣氛是非常重要的。 我們試著要做出一個合理的世界,即使設定是奠基在奇幻上。 為了要達到這目的,我們盡力創造人物,文化和生動地定義且充滿互動的衝突。 在有關遊戲的社區討論中,我們注意到了一些玩家希望聽到些遊戲細節: 特別是有關靈魂的本質及世界的科技進展。 這篇消息較少提及文化方面的細節,而較著重在上面提到的兩點: 因為它們算是世界構成的基石。 靈魂 靈魂在Project Eternity的世界裡佔著非常重要的地位。 凡人的世界尚未完全解讀靈魂是如何運作, 基本上每種文化對超自然現象都有著獨成一派的解釋。 已經知道的是,有著智慧的物種, 其靈魂會持續輪迴在"清醒的"生命 和 "沉睡的"煉獄中。(由眾神所主導) 沉睡過程通常會持續相當於現實時間的好幾年, 不過有時這段時間也會很短暫,靈魂立馬前往一個新的生命。 這過程完全稱不上是完美,靈魂隨著世代交替,常常會產生質變(fracturing) 以各式各樣的方式進行轉換,而且運作得...不太正確。 一些文化和個體們非常重視"強健"的靈魂,有著純淨家系的靈魂, "被喚醒"的靈魂(記得往世),"旅行過"的靈魂(曾經漂流在聖域中), 或者是那些與其他靈魂共享同一軀體的靈魂。 但是,一些相反的靈魂特質也是有著崇拜者,進而產生了歧視和公然的暴力衝突。 藉由著不同種類的技巧(如武術訓練,冥想,招魂儀式,禁慾苦行), 一些人藉此從他們的靈魂中汲取能量,完成不凡的英勇事蹟。 這些能力範圍從普世的超人能力到爆炸性的魔法都有。 有著強健的靈魂似乎會使上述過程更加輕而易舉, 但有時靈魂殘缺的人們也是有辦法完成一些壯舉。 人們的軀體似乎充當了這些力量的導體和電池, 從無所不在的周遭補充能量。 思想家,降靈師和科學家數千年來已建構出了一套其本質及目的的理論, 但多數人則藉由祈禱來尋求答案。 與預期有著宏大目標的循環相反,眾神反而混亂真理, 不時地散波著有關世界的謊言,使其信徒及受選者互相爭鬥, 並暗許其追隨者歧視異端,以藉此維持其力量。 不論凡人靈魂的本質為何,世上的人們接受了他們所觀察到的: 所有凡人的軀體都有著可察的能量,當他們死亡,其中的能量會持續著永恆的循環; 他們一直都只是循環的一部, 永遠都會是。 -------------------------翻譯完,以下有請高人接力--------------------------- Technology The cultures of Project Eternity are in a variety of different technological states. Though some remote civilizations are still in the equivalent of Earth's Stone Age or Bronze Age, most large civilizations are in the equivalent of Earth's high or late Middle Ages. The most aggressive and powerful civilizations are in the early stages of what would be our early modern period, technologically, even if they are not culturally undergoing "Renaissance"-style changes. For most large civilizations, this means that all of the core arms and armor of medieval warfare have reached a high level of development: full suits of articulated plate armor, a variety of military swords, war hammers, polearms, longbows, crossbows, and advanced siege weaponry. Architecturally, these cultures also employ technologies found in Earth's Gothic structures, allowing them to create towering vertical structures. The most recent technologies seeing use in the world are ocean-going carrack-style ships and black powder firearms (notably absent: the printing press). Cultures with large navies and mercantile traffic are exploring the world, which has led to contact with previously-unknown lands and societies and settlement in new lands. Despite their intense drive, these explorers have been restricted from aggressive long-range exploration by monstrous sea creatures that pose a lethal, seemingly insurmountable threat to even the stoutest, most well-armed ships. Black powder firearms are of the single-shot wheellock variety. Largely considered complex curiosities, these weapons are not employed extensively by military forces. Their long reload times are considered a liability in battles against foes that are too monstrous to drop with a single volley, foes that fly or move at high speed, and foes that have the power of invisibility. Despite this, some individuals do employ firearms for one specific purpose: close range penetration of the arcane veil, a standard magical defense employed by wizards. The arcane veil is powerful, but it does not react well to the high-velocity projectiles generated by arquebuses and handguns. As a result, more wizards who previously relied on the veil and similar abjurations have turned to traditional armor for additional defense. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hinenak 來自: (09/22 13:51)

09/22 13:55, , 1F
09/22 13:55, 1F

09/22 13:56, , 2F
09/22 13:56, 2F

09/22 13:57, , 3F
09/22 13:57, 3F

09/22 13:58, , 4F
沒印刷術是啥鬼設定拉XD 不過考慮到文明發展極端差異
09/22 13:58, 4F

09/22 13:59, , 5F
09/22 13:59, 5F

09/22 14:22, , 6F
09/22 14:22, 6F

09/22 14:27, , 7F
09/22 14:27, 7F

09/22 14:28, , 8F
就一般中古時代設定吧 沒看過哪個奇幻RPG卷軸是用銅版印刷
09/22 14:28, 8F

09/22 14:32, , 9F
09/22 14:32, 9F

09/22 14:35, , 10F
09/22 14:35, 10F

09/22 14:36, , 11F
09/22 14:36, 11F

09/22 15:14, , 12F
基本上走 Kickstarter 都要這樣跟粉絲作分享
09/22 15:14, 12F

09/22 15:15, , 13F
然後這個應該是只有贊助者能拿到的信吧, 這預設就不是
09/22 15:15, 13F

09/22 15:15, , 14F
09/22 15:15, 14F

09/22 17:36, , 15F
其實也不算什麼內幕吧 玩家不知道背景設定也不會想買啊 XD
09/22 17:36, 15F

09/24 15:50, , 16F
09/24 15:50, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1GNL3lnh (RealPlaying)
文章代碼(AID): #1GNL3lnh (RealPlaying)