[翻譯] O'Connor: Bronx bummer

看板NY-Yankees作者 (耿秋)時間15年前 (2009/07/07 20:06), 編輯推噓46(46044)
留言90則, 47人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
洋基的衰運 By IAN O'CONNOR 原文: http://0rz.tw/XphHS 每天的比賽都有球員為了三振被判出局和裁判爭論, 但是你很難得會看到。 像Derek Jeter這樣的球員作了差勁的盜壘選擇。 像Derek Jeter這樣的球員和裁判爭論判決結果。 像Derek Jeter這樣的球員,在媒體現場採訪時,被總教練當場譴責。 Andy Pettitte表示: "他也是個人,有時候你可能忘了這件事。" 週一下午這麼難得一見的事就發生了。洋基在7比6輸給多倫多的第一局,Jeter看來 就像個人,完全像個凡人一樣會犯錯。   他愚蠢地盜向三壘,還一反常態地和三壘審Marty Foster爭辯判決結果。這不是Lou Piniella大家很習慣看他像在模仿Jack Nicholson在“鬼店”中的演出,而是大家傻眼的 看到穿著二號球衣的著名的洋基球員,竟然還要三壘教練(Rob Thomson)架住他,不然還 不死心的衝向前和裁判爭論個不休? Jeter搞糟了這次的盜壘。Foster則搞糟了這個判決,還給了很糟的判決理由。 Girardi氣炸了,也為了從小聯盟開始至今都沒被趕出場的這個游擊手,被裁判驅逐出場 。   很多人在這個盜壘之中犯了錯,但卻不難看出誰是最大的戰犯。 那個人就是在洋基隊長鏡子照出影像的人。 Pettitte表示: “Jeter太過積極盜壘,而藍鳥隊傳得不錯。他可能是犯了一點錯誤 。"   Girardi也這麼表示,認為Jeter企圖盜三壘是“跑壘的錯誤”。   在準備對戰大都會,而回到紐約出席慈善高爾夫賽的Joe Torre,如果聽到Jeter犯了 這樣的錯,可能會嚇到把他的雪茄吞到肚子裡。 好多年來我們看慣了Jeter低著頭禮貌性地向裁判爭辯判決結果,Jeter的爭辯過程傳 達出兩種簡單的處事原則。 Jeter心中的信條可能像是: 我不想讓你在球迷面前出糗。 你不可以因為我對第三好球有意見將我驅逐出場。 但是這個豔陽普照下的盜壘爭論卻傳達完全不同的意念。以一個先發球員而言,Jeter 太貪心了。實在太貪心了。   他因保送上到一壘,還因投手犯規上到二壘。這樣還不夠,雖然藍鳥隊的菜鳥投手 Ricky Romero已經連續20局沒有失分了,Jeter還選擇偷嚐這場比賽的禁果。 他自作主張的選擇在零人出局的情況盜三壘。他表示: “我覺得我可以成功地盜上三壘。” 但是他的想法錯了。 Rod Baraja球宛如從紐約的Bronx傳到密西根的Kalamazoo一樣快,在Jeter之前將球 傳給Scott Rolen。只是隊長終究還是隊長,他想起了飛魚菲爾普斯的蝶式,靈光一閃便 以游泳的方式前進,包住手臂越過了Rolen等在那裡的手套,在沒有觸殺到的情況到達了 壘包。 Foster和99.9%遇到這種情況的裁判一樣:他看到球比跑者早一大段的時間就到了, 看到守備球員把手套放在壘包前,然後便判跑者出局。    根據Jeter的說法,他和裁判有了以下的對話: “他沒有觸到我。” “球比你先到。他不需要觸到你。” 賽後在置物櫃前,Jeter表示: “我只是對裁判的解釋感到困惑…是我沒注意到難道 棒球規則改了嗎…那真的不算是在爭論判決結果…那不像是我對他吼叫…我只是不瞭解他 判決的理由而已。” 在洋基球場客隊那邊,在裁判的更衣室內,Foster決定不回答Jeter對判決疑問相關 的問題。他請裁判長John Hirschbeck代表他接受媒體的轟炸。 Hirschbeck已經很有經驗瞭解怎麼處理賽事紛爭所產生的危機。13年前Roberto Alomar在本壘板和Hirschbeck劇烈的抗爭後,還氣到吐口水在Hirschbeck臉上。 比起那次的衝突,這件事簡直是小到像平常的滾地球。 Hirschbeck表示: “在我大聯盟27年的經驗裡,Jeter可能是我見過穿著隊服最有品 的球員。” Hirschbeck知道Jeter可能是棒球界裡僅存的不曾無理對裁判暴走的球員。所以當他 看到這個游擊手衝向Foster,還被三壘教練Thomson架開,Hirschbeck還自言自語的說: “哇,真是罕見。” 這裁判長強調還沒問過Foster是跟Jeter說了什麼,但他會問清楚。 Hirschbeck提到裁判最討厭的朋友-慢動作電視重播,然後表示: “你就是不可以說,‘嗯,球比你先到,所以你出局了’,尤其在2009年更不可以這麼說 。” 他又補充說: “現在裁判你必須要判得更準確…你必須要觸到他,你必須要作到適當地觸殺。” “不只讓判決正確很重要,你怎麼處理判決的結果和怎麼解釋同樣重要。你可能作了正確 的判決,但只是解釋錯了,便有可能造成很大的爭端。” Jeter沒有像Milton Bradley一樣暴走衝向Foster。Girardi反而是唯一對裁判的臉搖 食指質疑判決然後被開除出場的人。 但是在在最後反攻無力輸球後,在賽後的記者會裡,Girardi幾乎就像Jeter對三壘審 的感覺一樣,對Jeter的盜三壘感到不高興。 Girardi表示: “想要盜三壘的想法,除非你有十足的把握會安全上壘…想要積極進壘的想法,我沒有問 題。但是你必須確信你的想法是對的,但是Jeter被判出局了。" 對洋基的隊長和場上的裁判這真的個漫長的一天。Jeter三局時跑向右方作了一個漂 亮的守備,作了一個他個人標記縮小版的跳躍傳球給Robinson Cano,將二壘跑者封殺, 但是卻又被二壘審Wally Bell誤判。 兩個打席後,記分板上原本應該是三人出局變成還是兩人出局,Pettitte便被Alex Rios打出三分全壘打。   但敗戰投手Pettitte仍是稱讚誤判的Bell是個“很棒的裁判”,而將過錯歸罪到自己 身上。Pettitte表示: “打了這麼多年來我確信,有一些人原本是安全上壘,但裁判卻對我們有利的將他們判出 局。”   Jeter應該也有很多守備也是這樣被判出局的。 他是一個獲選入明星賽中受到喜愛的洋基球員,還和Roger Federer和Tiger Woods一 起拍攝廣告片。   但是任一個星期一的賽事中,他也是有可能表現得就像是個凡人而已。 O'Connor: Bronx bummer Monday, July 6, 2009 By IAN O'CONNOR RECORD COLUMNIST NEW YORK — For all of its relentless, three-strikes-and-you’re-out consistency, baseball offers something brand spanking new every day. Like Derek Jeter making a wretched baserunning choice. Like Derek Jeter getting into it with an umpire. Like Derek Jeter getting rebuked by his manager in front of a live mike. “He’s a human being, too,” Andy Pettitte said. “You might forget that sometimes.” Monday afternoon wasn’t one of those times. In the first inning of a 7-6 loss to Toronto, Jeter looked human. All too human. He foolishly tried to steal third and landed in something of a dustup with the base umpire, Marty Foster. It wasn’t exactly Lou Piniella making like Jack Nicholson in “The Shining,” but when’s the last time anyone saw that famous jersey, No. 2, advancing toward an umpire while a coach (Rob Thomson) held its occupant back? Jeter blew the play. Foster blew the call and the explanation. Joe Girardi blew his top and got tossed for a shortstop who’s never earned an ejection, from Little League on up. A lot of people got it wrong on this one, but the chief culprit wasn’t hard to find. He was the man in the captain’s mirror. “[Jeter] was being aggressive there and they made a great throw,” Pettitte said. “He might’ve made a little bit of a mistake there.” Girardi called him on it, too, called Jeter’s attempted steal of third a “ baserunning error.” At his charity golf outing, ready to tee off on the sad-sack Mets, Joe Torre must’ve swallowed his cigar when he heard that one. Over the years we’ve seen Jeter lower his chin and engage assorted plate umpires in respectful debates, their arguments shaped by two simple codes of conduct. Derek’s dogma goes something like this: I’m not going to embarrass you in front of the fans. You’re not going to eject me for challenging a called third strike. But this sun-splashed scene was an entirely different proposition. For starters, Jeter got greedy. Real greedy. He was granted first base on a walk, and handed second base on a balk. Instead of quitting while he was ahead in a 0-0 game, and while Toronto rookie Ricky Romero appeared ready to surrender his scoreless innings streak of 20, Jeter chose to taste the game’s forbidden fruit. He elected to steal third when the no-out situation told him to do anything but. “I thought I could make it,” Jeter said. He thought wrong. Rod Barajas’ throw to Scott Rolen beat Jeter by the distance from the Bronx to Kalamazoo. The captain being the captain, he came up with a swim move (think Michael Phelps’ butterfly stroke) to wrap his arms around Rolen’s waiting glove and reach the base without getting tagged. Foster did what 99.99 percent of umps would do in that situation: He saw the ball beat the runner by a ton, saw the fielder drop his glove in front of the bag, and called the runner out. According to Jeter, the following exchange took place: “He didn’t tag me.” “The ball beat you. He doesn’t have to tag you.” At his postgame locker, Jeter would say, “I was just baffled by the explanation. … I was unaware of that change in the rule. … It really wasn’ t an argument. … It wasn’t like I was yelling at him. … I just didn’t understand it.” On the visitors’ side of Yankee Stadium, inside the umpires’ dressing room, Foster decided against answering Jeter’s charge. He asked the crew chief, John Hirschbeck, to pick up the media blitz on his behalf. Hirschbeck knows a thing or three about in-game crises. Thirteen years back, during a heated argument at the plate, Roberto Alomar spat in his face. This was a routine grounder compared to that. “In my 27 years in the big leagues,” Hirschbeck said, “[Jeter] might be the classiest person I’ve ever been around in uniform.” Hirschbeck knew Jeter would be the last player in baseball to rage against a base ump without reason. So when he saw the shortstop march toward Foster, and saw Thomson get between them, Hirschbeck said to himself, “Wow, that’s unusual.” The crew chief maintained he hadn’t yet asked Foster what he’d said to Jeter, but that he planned to do just that. “You just can’t say, ‘Well, the ball beat you, you’re out,’ not in 2009, ” Hirschbeck said. He referenced an umpire’s worst friend — slow-motion TV replays. “The way things are nowadays,” Hirschbeck continued, “you have to be more accurate. … You’ve got to touch him. You’ve got to make a good tag. “It’s important to get the play right, and it’s equally important as to how you handle it and what you say. You can get a play right, and you could say the wrong thing and you could start a major riot.” Jeter wasn’t about to go Milton Bradley on Foster. Girardi was the one who wagged his index finger in the ump’s face and got the boot. But in his postgame news conference, after sitting out a futile endgame rally, Girardi was nearly as upset with the shortstop as he was with the ump. “The idea is to get to third base,” Girardi said, “but you have to be safe. … The idea to be aggressive, I don’t have a problem with. But you have to make sure that you’re right, and [Jeter] got called out.” It was a long day for the captain and the umpiring crew all around. Jeter made a terrific play to his right in the third, executed a mini-version of his signature jump, and threw to Robinson Cano for a forceout that was missed by the base ump, Wally Bell. Two batters later, with two outs on the board instead of three, Pettitte surrendered a three-run homer to Alex Rios. The losing pitcher praised Bell as a “great umpire” who missed a call, and chastised himself for compounding the mistake. “I’m sure we’ve had plays over the years where guys were safe and they were called out for me,” Pettitte said. Jeter recorded many of those outs. He’s lived a charmed Yankee existence of parades, All-Star Games, and commercials with Roger Federer and Tiger Woods. But on any given Monday, he can act human, too. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/07 20:13, , 1F
不過Jeter是不爽裁判給他的解釋 而不是不爽被判出局這件事
07/07 20:13, 1F

07/07 20:15, , 2F
07/07 20:15, 2F

07/07 20:15, , 3F
07/07 20:15, 3F

07/07 20:16, , 4F
咪吐 我從來沒看過Jeter好像要衝上去揍裁判的樣子
07/07 20:16, 4F

07/07 20:22, , 5F
隊長:我昨晚很乖沒回本壘 你今天讓我上一下三壘會死喔!
07/07 20:22, 5F

07/07 20:23, , 6F
07/07 20:23, 6F

07/07 20:30, , 7F
07/07 20:30, 7F

07/07 20:31, , 8F
不過那是個50/50的Play 真的判out其實我意見也不大
07/07 20:31, 8F

07/07 20:32, , 9F
07/07 20:32, 9F

07/07 20:36, , 10F
這新聞看的真累...寫起小說來了..不過謝謝翻譯 ^^
07/07 20:36, 10F

07/07 20:42, , 11F
囧 好想看影片
07/07 20:42, 11F

07/07 20:42, , 12F

07/07 20:53, , 13F
比喻很爛 加一些亂七八糟的東西
07/07 20:53, 13F

07/07 20:53, , 14F
07/07 20:53, 14F

07/07 21:10, , 15F
那種解釋就像 你長的像小偷 所以你有罪一樣
07/07 21:10, 15F

07/07 21:12, , 16F
07/07 21:12, 16F

07/07 21:24, , 17F
= =a 有點看不是很懂文章,或許美國人寫文章不太一樣
07/07 21:24, 17F

07/07 21:32, , 18F
07/07 21:32, 18F

07/07 21:41, , 19F
其實這球應該是出局了 只是裁判就算心中這樣認為 但也不
07/07 21:41, 19F

07/07 21:41, , 20F
07/07 21:41, 20F

07/07 21:42, , 21F
07/07 21:42, 21F

07/07 21:44, , 22F
07/07 21:44, 22F

07/07 21:45, , 23F
07/07 21:45, 23F

07/07 21:46, , 24F
當然,如果這件事是真的.. 我不認為Jeter會為了這件是撒謊。
07/07 21:46, 24F

07/07 21:56, , 25F
Pettitte說得真好 判決本來就是有來有往 很少裁判會故意偏判
07/07 21:56, 25F

07/07 21:57, , 26F
那句太貪心我看了有點不服氣 而事實上Jeter也成功了
07/07 21:57, 26F

07/07 21:59, , 27F
什麼跟什麼= =...
07/07 21:59, 27F

07/07 22:06, , 28F
其實這篇最值得學得是怎麼當個場面話魔人 XD
07/07 22:06, 28F
※ 編輯: leddy 來自: (07/07 22:25)

07/07 22:26, , 29F
裁判用一個爛理由說你出局 當然會不爽\
07/07 22:26, 29F

07/07 22:33, , 30F
07/07 22:33, 30F

07/07 22:36, , 31F
Jeter抗議是對的, 不過Jeter一開始根本不該盜壘
07/07 22:36, 31F

07/07 22:36, , 32F
我比較想知道要怎麼解釋比較不會不爽? 因為就是誤判了
07/07 22:36, 32F

07/07 22:45, , 33F
07/07 22:45, 33F

07/07 22:53, , 34F
Torre有比較會帶嘛= = 尊重事件和出書實在很難信服
07/07 22:53, 34F

07/07 22:54, , 35F
不用解釋是最好的判決 "我看到你被觸殺"or"我看到你出棒過半"
07/07 22:54, 35F

07/07 22:55, , 36F
事後看影片頂多說裁判眼睛有問題 而不是用一個不該用的理由
07/07 22:55, 36F

07/07 22:55, , 37F
07/07 22:55, 37F

07/07 22:56, , 38F
07/07 22:56, 38F

07/07 22:57, , 39F
07/07 22:57, 39F

07/07 22:57, , 40F
07/07 22:57, 40F

07/07 23:01, , 41F
其實這邊文章的重點大概有四分之三 在討論盜壘的行為恰不恰當
07/07 23:01, 41F

07/07 23:02, , 42F
但是中間又穿插了誤判的事情 要分開來談比較恰當
07/07 23:02, 42F

07/07 23:02, , 43F
07/07 23:02, 43F

07/07 23:03, , 44F
要不然稿的好像Jeter判斷錯誤 盜了壘 又跟裁判抱怨不該抱怨的
07/07 23:03, 44F

07/07 23:03, , 45F
的事情 然後吉拉迪也批Jeter 這些東西都混在一起 就不對勁
07/07 23:03, 45F

07/07 23:04, , 46F
07/07 23:04, 46F

07/07 23:16, , 47F
所以影片是推文連結那個嘛= =...恕我英文很爛精華那篇
07/07 23:16, 47F

07/07 23:16, , 48F
不太會找= =y
07/07 23:16, 48F

07/07 23:21, , 49F
文章的後半引用到裁判長說的話 "你可能做的正確的判決 但是"
07/07 23:21, 49F

07/07 23:22, , 50F
你解釋錯誤了 就會引起很大的爭端" 既然這個判決是會引起爭
07/07 23:22, 50F

07/07 23:22, , 51F
端的 文章前面又連續用了三個像"Derek Jeter這樣的球員" 配合
07/07 23:22, 51F

07/07 23:23, , 52F
有爭端的判決 後面又描述到 Jeter以為自己可以盜壘成功
07/07 23:23, 52F

07/07 23:24, , 53F
"但是他的想法錯了。" 在一個有爭議的判決為前提下 討論這
07/07 23:24, 53F

07/07 23:24, , 54F
不只是搞錯重點 而且大量的結果論
07/07 23:24, 54F

07/07 23:31, , 55F
基本上出局與否 那次盜壘都是個錯誤
07/07 23:31, 55F

07/07 23:36, , 56F
07/07 23:36, 56F

07/07 23:37, , 57F
實在很可惜! 不用觸到跑者,那觸殺的意義何在
07/07 23:37, 57F

07/07 23:40, , 58F
07/07 23:40, 58F

07/07 23:40, , 59F
07/07 23:40, 59F

07/07 23:44, , 60F
07/07 23:44, 60F

07/07 23:45, , 61F
07/07 23:45, 61F

07/08 00:07, , 62F
裁判給的理由有夠鳥 以後離太遠防手方手套都不要觸殺跑壘員
07/08 00:07, 62F

07/08 00:08, , 63F
07/08 00:08, 63F

07/08 00:08, , 64F
07/08 00:08, 64F

07/08 00:10, , 65F
07/08 00:10, 65F

07/08 00:11, , 66F
07/08 00:11, 66F

07/08 00:11, , 67F
07/08 00:11, 67F

07/08 00:14, , 68F
07/08 00:14, 68F

07/08 00:16, , 69F
07/08 00:16, 69F

07/08 00:16, , 70F
07/08 00:16, 70F

07/08 00:20, , 71F
我怎麼感覺這篇實際上是在暗罵裁判呢? XD 沒人跟我一樣
07/08 00:20, 71F

07/08 00:22, , 72F
07/08 00:22, 72F

07/08 00:23, , 73F
07/08 00:23, 73F

07/08 00:29, , 74F
該死的裁判..什麼鬼話!! 不過盜三壘真的很不該~"~
07/08 00:29, 74F

07/08 00:31, , 75F
07/08 00:31, 75F

07/08 00:32, , 76F
07/08 00:32, 76F

07/08 00:46, , 77F
07/08 00:46, 77F

07/08 00:47, , 78F
07/08 00:47, 78F

07/08 00:48, , 79F
07/08 00:48, 79F

07/08 00:48, , 80F
07/08 00:48, 80F

07/08 00:49, , 81F
07/08 00:49, 81F

07/08 00:50, , 82F
07/08 00:50, 82F

07/08 00:50, , 83F
07/08 00:50, 83F

07/08 01:21, , 84F
身為洋基迷 看到連續三行:像JETER這樣的球員XXXX就不想看了
07/08 01:21, 84F

07/08 01:24, , 85F
07/08 01:24, 85F

07/08 01:57, , 86F
07/08 01:57, 86F

07/08 04:01, , 87F
07/08 04:01, 87F

07/08 04:37, , 88F
07/08 04:37, 88F

11/03 19:04, , 89F
盜壘本來就是要看時機, https://daxiv.com
11/03 19:04, 89F

12/28 13:21, 5年前 , 90F
如果沒誤判,Jeter https://muxiv.com
12/28 13:21, 90F
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