[情報] 外電翻譯-膝蓋可以超過腳尖嗎?(破解深

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Can The Knees Go Over The Toes? (Debunking Squat Myths) 膝蓋可以超過腳尖嗎?(破解深蹲迷思) 原文網址: https://goo.gl/5TKAJW 前一陣子吵很兇的問題,其實我一直覺得是假問題,因為我覺得深蹲啟動時,的確是膝蓋 不能超過腳尖,然而蹲下去時,為了保持身體直立,根本不會去在意膝蓋到底有沒有超過 腳尖了。偶然看到這篇,剛好可以印証我的想法,所以花了點時間,順便練習翻譯XD 先說重點: 深蹲的重點其實不是膝蓋能不能超過腳趾,而是你先移動的關節,以及重量的平衡。 Welcome back to Squat University. Last week we discussed the myth that squatting deep is dangerous for the knees. After looking into what actually happens at the knee joint we were able to debunk this misconception. Healthy athletes can perform the squat to full depth without worrying about hurting their knees given proper training methods. We should all feel free to squat ass-to-grass as long as correct technique is used and we don’t max out every day. 歡迎回到「深蹲大學」。上周我們討論了「蹲太深對膝蓋非常傷」這個迷思。在深入探討 了實際上膝關節的活動情形後,我們打破了這個錯誤概念。健康的運動員,只要使用正確 的訓練方式,是可以做全蹲的深蹲動作,而根本不必擔心會對膝蓋造成損害。只要不要每 天都拼最大重量、使用正確的訓練技術,我們可以很自由自在的「全蹲到地板」上的。 Today I want to tackle another common myth of the squat. There is a strong held belief by many that the knees should never go over the toes when squatting. 今天我要探討另外一個非常常見的深蹲迷思。很多人都非常相信,深蹲時,膝蓋不能夠超 過腳尖。 Just last week, I was guest lecturing to a class of physical therapy students at the University of Missouri. I asked a simple question, “How many people here think we should never have our knees go past the toes while squatting? Following my inquiry, every single student held their hand raised. The next thing I said was, “You’re all wrong.” 上周,我受邀到密蘇里大學的為物理治療系的同學們上課。我問了一個簡單的問題:「有 多少人覺得我們深蹲時,膝蓋不能超過腳尖?」,結果,每一個學生都舉起了手。我下一 句說的就是:「你們都錯了。」 No one is certain where this myth started. However, it has become a mainstay in today’s fitness and medical world. The instruction is even a part of the National Strength and Conditioning Associations (NSCA) guidelines for how to teach a proper squat (1). 沒有人知道這個迷思是從何而起的。然而,它已經變成了現今健身已及醫療圈中的主流觀 念。它甚至成為了NSCA中說明如何指導正確深蹲姿勢的一項準則了。 Yet, is it really all that dangerous? For over 10 years I have had the opportunity to watch and compete on the same platform with some of the best weightlifters in the United States. To lift the most amount of weight during the clean a weightlifter must catch the barbell in a deep squat position. In order to remain upright with the bar secured on the chest, the knees of many lifters will move past their toes. Are these weightlifters putting their knees in harms-way every time they lift the barbell? 是說,它真的有這麼的重要(危險)嗎?超過了十年的十間,我有幸能夠欣賞、參加聚集 了美國許多最優秀的舉重選手的比賽。為了舉起最重的重量,舉重選手在抓取槓鈴時,必 須擺出深蹲全蹲的姿勢。為了在槓鈴上胸後,還可以維持直立,許多舉重選手的膝蓋都會 超過腳尖。所以這些舉重選手每次舉重時,膝蓋都很傷嗎? Knees over Toes? 膝蓋超過腳尖? The cue to limit the knees from moving past the toes during the squat is really nothing more than a quick fix to a deeper problem. In hindsight the originators of the cue were likely well-intentioned strength coaches or physical therapists. 深蹲時膝蓋不要超過腳尖這個做法,根本就不是什麼重點,只不過是要快速的去改善另外 一個更深的問題。事後來看,最初提出這個說法的,應該是一個立意向善的重訓教練或物 理治療師。 When an athlete squats poorly, they often move from their ankles first. As the ankles move it causes the knees to hinge forward. The weight of the body is then shifted forward on to the balls of the feet. This type of movement problem has been called the “knees first” approach. Moving in this way leads to greater shear forces on the knee joint and contributes to increased risk of injury and eventually to pain (2). 當一個運動員不正確做深蹲時,他們常常先移動他們的腳踝。當他們移動了腳踝,自然而 然的膝蓋就會前傾。身體的重量會被轉移到腳尖的地方。這個動作問題叫作「膝蓋先啟動 」方式。這種出力方式會迫使膝關節承受更大的剪力,增加受傷的風險,而且最後會導至 疼痛。 To many individuals, this issue would appear to be a problem of the knee. Athletes who squat poorly by moving their knees forward often develop pain. Therefore limiting this forward movement solves the problem…right? However, limiting the knees from moving only addresses the symptoms of a bigger problem. 對於許多人來說,這會是一個膝蓋受傷的議題。運動員在不正確的姿勢下,膝蓋軀前,常 常會產生疼痛。所以,限制膝蓋的移動解決了這個問題……是吧? 然而,限制膝蓋的移動只會產生更大的問題。 The issue is actually with balance. The knee is only a hinge joint. It will only move forward based on what goes on at the ankle and hip. Instead of focusing so much on what is going on at the knee, we should really be focusing in on the hip and ankle joint when we squat. 這個義題的答案其實是「平衡」。膝蓋只是一個樞紐關節,它的移動向前是基於腳踝跟屁 股的活動。所以,在做深蹲時,與其專注於你的膝蓋的移動,你更應該專注在屁股和踝關 節。 One of the absolutes of squatting is that our center of gravity must remain over the middle of our foot. This allows our body to remain balanced and work efficiently to produce strength and power. During a bodyweight squat our center of gravity is located around our belly button. When weight training, the barbell now becomes our center of gravity. The efficiency of our movement is dictated by how well we can maintain this weight over the middle of our foot. 一個深蹲的絕對重點是,我們的重心要一直保持在腳掌的中心。這讓我們的身體可以保持 平衡,並能夠有效率的產生力量。在做自身重量深蹲時,重心在我們的腹部;而當重量訓 練時,槓鈴會變成重量中心。我們做動作的效率取決於我們能夠多好的把重量保持在腳掌 的中心。 When the knees hinge forward early in the squat the athlete’s center of gravity is shifted forward onto the balls of their feet. Therefore the cue to limit the knees from moving forward is actually correcting for a weight shift problem. It has little to do with the knee joint itself and more to do with ensuring the athlete stays balanced. 深蹲時,膝關節先向前移動,會導致運動員的重心移動到腳尖的地方。所以,限制膝蓋不 要超過腳尖這個說法,可以正確的解決重心轉移的問題。限制膝關節本身其實沒有什麼幫 助,但是可以幫助確定運動員有保持平衡。 Sitting Back in the Squat 在深蹲時往後坐 So how do we correct for moving from the ankles first? The cue to “sit back” or to “push the hips back” allows the athlete to move from their hips first instead of their ankles during the descent of the squat. This engages the powerhouse of our body (the posterior chain). Doing so also limits pre-mature forward movement of the knees. This allows the athletes center of gravity to remain over the middle of their foot. 所以我們要如何正確的做動作,而不讓腳踝先啟動?「往後坐」或者是「將屁股往後推」 的做法,可以讓運動員在做深蹲時,先移動屁股,取代移動腳踝。這會讓我們啟用我們身 體的力量源(後背鏈)。這麼做也可以限制過早的膝蓋移動。這可以幫運動員保持重心在 腳部中央。 However, the cue to limit the knees from moving forward only works to a point. In order to reach full depth in the squat there comes a time when the knees must eventually move forward. The deeper we squat, the more our knees will have to move forward in order to remain balanced. This concept can be hard to understand for many in the medical community. Let me explain. 然而,限制膝蓋不超過腳尖,只在深蹲開始時有幫助。當你在做全蹲深蹲時,在蹲到一個 點之後,膝蓋最終一定會超過腳尖。我們蹲的越低,我們的膝蓋會 越向前以保持平衡。 這個蓋念讓許多醫療人士難以理解。讓我來解釋一下。 In order to reach full depth in the squat, the hips must eventually be pulled under the torso. This allows us to remain balanced and keep our chest upright. Because the knee is a hinge joint that moves based on what happens at the hip and ankle, it will be forced forward at this point. 為了在深蹲時達到全蹲,屁股最後必須低於身軀的位置。這會讓我們的身體保持平衡,並 讓我們的胸保持直立。因為膝蓋是樞紐關節,它的移動是基於屁股跟腳踝的移動,所以它 在這個點時一定會往前移動。 It is very normal for athletes to have their knees move forward even past their toes. It all comes down to weight distribution and the ability to maintain our center of gravity over the middle of our foot. 膝蓋超過腳尖對運動員來說是非常正常的。這是因為重量的分配以及維持身體在腳的中間 。 We should be concerned on when the knees more forward past the toes, not if. 我們應該關心的是「何時」才該將膝蓋往前,而不是「可以可以」將膝蓋往前。 The Barbell Squats 槓鈴深蹲 In the sport of powerlifting, athletes will commonly use a low-bar back squat technique. This position secures the bar further down on the back over the middle of the shoulder blade (scapula). The athlete will use the “hips back” approach during the squat with an inclined trunk position in order for the bar to remain balanced over the middle of the foot. This allows the majority of the weight to be hoisted through the strength of the hips and minimal forward movement of the knees (5). Because our hips are extremely strong, athletes use this technique to lift over 1,000 lbs! 在健力運動中,運動員通常會使用’low-bar back’深蹲。這個動作將槓鈴放在背部肩榜 較低的位置(肩胛骨)。運動員會在深蹲過程中,會使用「屁股往後」的方法,稍微傾斜 上身來保持腳部重心的平衡。這能讓大部分的重量讓屁股成受,並且讓膝蓋的移動最小化 。因為我們的屁股非常強壯,運動員能使用這個技術舉超過1000磅的重量! However, this squat technique can only descend to a certain point. If an “ ass-to-grass” squat were to be attempted with the low-bar back squat, the athlete would eventually fold in half like an accordion! 然而,這個深蹲技巧只能蹲到某個點為止。如果要使用low-bar back squat做「屁股蹲到 地板」式深蹲,運動員最後會像手風琴一樣斷成兩半! In the sport of weightlifting athletes will commonly use the high-bar back squat, front squat and overhead squat techniques. These barbell movements resemble the positions an athlete will use during the competition lifts of the snatch and clean & jerk. These lifts require a more balanced approach between the hips and knees in order to maintain an upright trunk. Athletes must descend as deep as possible in order to effectively lift tremendous weights. 在舉重運動中,運動員通常使用’ high-bar back’深蹲、前蹲和過頭深蹲技術。這些槓 鈴的位置代表在比賽過程中選手會使用到的發力位置,例如挺舉和蹲舉,需要更多的屁股 與膝蓋間的平衡方法來達到軀幹直立。運動員必須盡可能的蹲更低去有效的發出更大的力 。 By allowing the knees to eventually move forward, the weightlifter can descend into a deep clean or snatch without falling forward. For this reason, the weightlifter cannot perform the front squat like the low-bar technique of the powerlifter. 經由讓最後讓膝蓋向前,舉重選手可以蹲的更低去做挺舉或抓舉動作,而不會往前失去重 心。因為這個原因,舉重選手不能用像健力選手low-bar的動作去執行前蹲。 While shear forces have been shown to increase in the deep squat position with forward knees, the body can handle them appropriately without risk for injury (2). If done properly with a “hip first” approach, the knees going past the toes is not only safe but necessary. 當深蹲時,會產生剪力,透過膝蓋的前移,可以蹲得更低,身體可以適當的承受重量,而 不會受傷。如果正確的使用「屁股先啟動」的方式,膝蓋超過腳尖不只是安全,更是必要 。 Take Away 改善 The next time you watch someone squat, focus on what joint moves first. Someone who moves poorly will move with a “knees first” approach. On the other hand an athlete who moves with good technique will move with the hips back first. 下次你看到有人在深蹲,請注意他是哪個關節先移動。有些人動作不好的,會變成膝蓋先 動。換句話說,一個有正確動作的運動員,他們一定會是屁股先移動。 Science has shown that the knees of healthy athletes are relatively safe in the bottom of a deep squat (2,6). There is no denying this research. As long as excessive loading is limited and good technique is used, the knees CAN and MUST move past the toes in the bottom of a squat in order to allow the hips to drop fully. 科學家証實了運動員的膝蓋在深蹲蹲到底時,是相對安全的。沒有任何研究可以否認這個 觀點。當避免過大的重量,並且使用正確的動作,在蹲到底時,為了讓屁股能夠完全蹲下 去,膝蓋是可以而且一定會超過膝蓋的。 Strength coach Michael Boyle once wrote: “The question is not where does the knee go, as much as where is the weight distributed and what joint moves first ” (3). Remember, the knee is only a hinge joint. As long as it is kept stable (in line with the feet) we should not worry about them. Proper squatting is all about moving at the hips first and staying balanced. The rest takes care of itself. 力量教練Michael Boyle曾寫到:「問題不是膝蓋如何,而是重量的分佈以及哪個關節先 移動。記得,膝蓋只是個樞紐關節。只要保持穩定(根據腳重心位置),我們可以不用擔 心這個問題。正確的深蹲動作重點只在屁股先啟動以及保持平衡,其餘就是自己保謢自己 了。 Until next time, 下次見。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MuscleBeach/M.1466160218.A.7CA.html ※ 編輯: howardgj94 (, 06/17/2016 18:43:54

06/17 18:48, , 1F
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06/17 20:24, , 8F
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06/17 20:26, , 9F
倒數第二段 typo 「膝蓋是可以而且一定會超過膝蓋的」
06/17 20:26, 9F

06/17 22:32, , 10F
屁股往後坐 膝蓋盡量不動 這樣吧?
06/17 22:32, 10F

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06/18 00:12, , 19F
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06/18 00:23, , 20F
其實對多數人而言 屁股往後坐或由屁股啟動 都很不妥
06/18 00:23, 20F

06/18 00:25, , 21F
不過還是謝謝原PO熱心分享資訊 很讚
06/18 00:25, 21F

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06/18 00:51, , 26F
Mike Robertson 也不建議用臀部啟動或向後坐
06/18 00:51, 26F

06/18 00:52, , 27F
一般建議膝蓋啟動 腳底重心不跑掉即可
06/18 00:52, 27F

06/18 00:55, , 28F
膝蓋沒那麼容易爆掉 下背風險比較高
06/18 00:55, 28F

06/18 01:03, , 29F
06/18 01:03, 29F

06/18 01:04, , 30F
變不習慣…明天練腿日去健身房試試 :p
06/18 01:04, 30F

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