[外電] Mavericks-Spurs Preview

看板Mavericks作者 (carpe diem)時間10年前 (2014/04/23 16:51), 編輯推噓32(3201)
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Mavericks-Spurs Preview Dirk Nowitzki missed from several of his usual spots as Dallas blew a lead in the fourth quarter of its playoff-opening loss to San Antonio. 在達拉斯小牛與聖安東尼奧馬刺的第一戰中,Dirk Nowitzki在第四節投失了 不少以往能投近的球,間接導致小牛把領先花光,遭到馬刺逆轉。 The Mavericks star even flubbed a glorified layup, the most surprising of all the misses when Dallas went without a meaningful basket for the final 8 minutes of the 90-85 loss to the Spurs. Dirk甚至還在籃下放了大槍,是第四節後期最可惜的一球,小牛在第四節最後 八分鐘沒有投進任何有意義的一球,終場以85-90敗北。 Now Nowitzki has to bounce back from one of the worst playoff games of his 16-year career when the Mavericks play at San Antonio in Game 2 on Wednesday night. Dirk必須從幾乎是16年來最差的季後賽表現中走出,明天兩隊將進行第二戰。 It's hard to imagine Dallas knocking off the team with the NBA's best record as long as Nowitzki has 11 points on 4-of-14 shooting. It was his lowest point total in the playoffs in seven years. The Mavericks aren't imagining it. 當Dirk投14中4只得到11分-這是他七年來季後賽的最低得分-小牛幾乎沒有 機會能扳倒西區第一的馬刺,隊友也知道這一點。 "Dirk is our least concern," said backup guard Devin Harris, who led Dallas with 19 points in the opener. "He is going to get his shots and we know he's going to make them." Devin Harris在第一戰攻下全隊最高的19分,他說:"我們最不需擔心的就是 Dirk了,他會找回他的手感的。" The Spurs tend to make it harder on the pure-shooting 7-footer, crowding him at the 3-point line and bumping him when he gets closer to the basket. 馬刺會持續對Dirk加壓,在三分線外就派人盯防,當Dirk往內線移動時,會 有更多人來推擠他。 When Nowitzki had plans to take over in the fourth quarter with post-up moves, the Spurs blindsided him with a second defender and forced a turnover. That sequence came during a 14-0 San Antonio run that wiped out an 81-71 Dallas lead. 當Dirk在第四節想使出低外單打時,馬刺很快的就利用包夾製造失誤,這是 馬刺最後14-0攻勢當中的一球,很快的就讓小牛81-71的領先化為虛無。 "We basically stayed with him a lot of times and we didn't help," said Spurs center Tiago Splitter, who shares most of the defensive load on Nowitzki with Boris Diaw. "That makes the other guys have to work a little bit more. So it wasn't just me and Boris." 馬刺中鋒Tiago Splitter說:"Boris Diaw與我整場比賽都跟著他,不去幫 忙防守其他球員,這會讓其他隊員防守負擔變大一點,所以防守Dirk並不只 是靠我們兩個。"Splitter與Diaw擔任主要防守Dirk的任務。 This is how it's always been the six times the Mavericks and Spurs have met in the playoffs since Nowitzki came to Dallas. The Spurs find a way to take Nowitzki out of the game. The Mavericks look for a way to make him a factor again, knowing it won't be easy. 這是在Dirk加入之後,小牛與馬刺的六次交手中馬刺一貫的伎倆,讓Dirk的 破壞性減低,小牛必須找到方法讓他加入戰局,但這並不容易。 "I don't think they're going to leave me much on pick-and-roll coverage all series," Nowitzki said. "I can't just sit out there and measure the wind and shoot." Dirk說:"我想他們不會讓我在擋拆的時候跑出空檔,我很難在有空檔的情況 下出手。" The last time Nowitzki scored 11 points in a playoff game, he came back with 50 against Phoenix in 2006, when the Mavericks topped the Suns in the Western Conference finals before Miami beat them for the title. 上一次Dirk在季後賽的比賽只得到11分時,在接下來的那場比賽,他砍進50分, 幫助小牛在2006年西區冠軍戰對上鳳凰城太陽時聽牌,不過小牛最後敗給邁阿密 熱火。 That's unlikely to happen again because the 35-year-old Nowitzki no longer carries that kind of offensive load. Instead, he shares it with a variety of options led by guard Monta Ellis. 但35歲的Dirk不太可能再有這種演出,因為他不需要一肩扛起進攻重擔,後衛 Monta Ellis會分擔攻擊的責任。 He rarely shoots 26 times a game as he did back then - and coming off a bad game isn't going to tempt him. 他不會再像得到50分時出手26次,儘管上一場打的不太好。 "You don't want to overthink it," said Nowitzki, who has had several clunkers during Dallas' current 10-game losing streak to the Spurs. "You don't want to go completely crazy and just hoist everything you see because some of those shots are contested. They've got to be within the flow and within the rhythm of the game." Dirk說:"我不想太在意這點,我不會在下一場比賽抓狂般的去投籃,因為對 手常常對我實施干擾,我必須找到手感,以及對的節奏。"在小牛對馬刺的10 連敗期間,Dirk也有幾場比賽打的較差。 Dallas coach Rick Carlisle is sure those shots will be. "The thing about all-time great players is that it's not about one day coming in and saying, `Hey, I'm going to go harder today' or `I'm going to be more aggressive today,"' Carlisle said. "He's had the same approach every day for 16 years." 小牛的教練Rick Carlisle也不擔心Dirk,他說:"他是個偉大的球員,他不會 有一天突然說我要投很多球,或是要打的更積極,他已經照著自己的節奏打了 16年。" And the Spurs have had the same game plan. "Even some days we do a good defense and he's going to still make shots," Splitter said. "If he has that kind of day it's hard. All you've got to do is pray that the ball doesn't go in." The Mavericks are hoping it does. Otherwise it figures to be a short series. 而馬刺也會用一用的防守策略,Splitter說:"儘管我們有時候用出一樣好的 防守,Dirk還是能把球投進,如果他手感好時,我們怎麼守都沒用,只能祈禱 球不要進而已。" 小牛也希望Dirk能趕快找到手感,不然可能很快就要放暑假了。 上一場真的很可惜 希望第二戰大家繼續加油!! Let's Go Mavs!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mavericks/M.1398243102.A.BE6.html

04/23 17:04, , 1F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 17:04, 1F

04/23 17:09, , 2F
我只能說當小牛迷很有福氣 常常出人意料阿
04/23 17:09, 2F

04/23 17:41, , 3F
拿出上一場的決心與防守 我們還有機會的!
04/23 17:41, 3F

04/23 19:05, , 4F
不落於灰熊 要拿下G2!!
04/23 19:05, 4F

04/23 19:39, , 5F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 19:39, 5F

04/23 20:19, , 6F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 20:19, 6F

04/23 20:40, , 7F
上一場真的很可惜 馬刺三分不知道是烙賽or小牛守得好
04/23 20:40, 7F

04/23 21:47, , 8F
集個氣 明天有贏上場背號樓層100p
04/23 21:47, 8F

04/23 21:53, , 9F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 21:53, 9F

04/23 22:38, , 10F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 22:38, 10F

04/23 22:49, , 11F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 22:49, 11F

04/23 22:56, , 12F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 22:56, 12F

04/23 23:05, , 13F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 23:05, 13F

04/23 23:12, , 14F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 23:12, 14F

04/23 23:12, , 15F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 23:12, 15F

04/23 23:18, , 16F
Let's GO Mavs!!
04/23 23:18, 16F

04/23 23:20, , 17F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 23:20, 17F

04/23 23:30, , 18F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 23:30, 18F

04/23 23:37, , 19F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 23:37, 19F

04/23 23:39, , 20F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 23:39, 20F

04/23 23:40, , 21F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/23 23:40, 21F

04/24 00:17, , 22F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 00:17, 22F

04/24 00:30, , 23F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 00:30, 23F

04/24 00:40, , 24F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 00:40, 24F

04/24 00:43, , 25F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 00:43, 25F

04/24 01:10, , 26F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 01:10, 26F

04/24 01:24, , 27F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 01:24, 27F

04/24 02:11, , 28F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 02:11, 28F

04/24 02:16, , 29F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 02:16, 29F

04/24 03:34, , 30F
Let's Go Mavs!!!
04/24 03:34, 30F

04/24 04:19, , 31F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 04:19, 31F

04/24 07:20, , 32F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 07:20, 32F

04/24 08:10, , 33F
Let's Go Mavs!!
04/24 08:10, 33F
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