Re: [情報] 羅琳親筆書寫和親筆繪圖-為鄧不利多的꘠…

看板HarryPotter作者 (剎那 里奧 Color)時間19年前 (2005/10/21 22:49), 編輯推噓26(2601)
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Dumbledore Clues (continuing)               鄧不利多方面的線索(接續) 6. Fawke's Lament 鳳凰悲歌     Directly after Dumbledore's murder, as everyone assembled in the hospital wing, Harry tells everyone Snape did it. He stops, overcome with emotion, and right then, something very important happens:     在鄧不利多被殺了之後,每個人都聚集在醫院廂房內,哈利告訴他們,兇     手就是石內卜。五味雜陳的情緒使哈利說不下去了,即在那時,重要的事     發生了: Madame Pomfrey burst into tears. Nobody paid her any attention except Ginny, who whispered, "Shh! Listen!" (HBP pg 614/573)          龐芮夫人哭了起來,但沒有人注意到她,只有金妮小聲說:『噓!聽他說     !』                  (混血王子p.697) Everyone was there, Ron and his parents, Hermione, Lupin, Tonks. Yet it is Madame Pomfrey who J.K. tells us is struck by this turn of events. Continuing:     每個人都在場,榮恩和他父母、妙麗、路平、東施。然而羅琳只告訴我們     龐芮夫人是唯一一個對這件事感到驚慌失措的人。接續: Gulping, Madame Pomfrey pressed her fingers to her mouth, her eyes wide. Somewhere out in the darkness, a phoenix was singing in a way Harry had never heard before; a stricken lament of ter- rible beauty. (HBP pg 614/573)     龐芮夫人低低飲泣,手指捂住嘴唇,瞪大兩隻眼睛。黑暗中,有隻鳳凰用     一種哈利從未聽過的聲音在吟唱,一種淒美的悲歌。 (混血王子p.697) J.K. spends another paragraph on how the phoenix song echos their grief, but while doing so mentions:     羅琳又花了一個段落描述鳳凰的歌聲是如何傳達他們的悲傷,但在她這麼     做的同時: Harry felt, as he had felt about the Phoenix song before, that the music was inside him, not without .... How long they stood there, listening, he did not know, nor why it seemed to ease their pain a little to listen... (HBP pg 615/573)     與他以前聽到的鳳凰之歌一樣,哈利覺得這是發自他內心深處的哀歌...     他不知道他們站在那裡聽了多久,也不知道為什麼聽了這首哀歌後,好像     痛苦稍稍減輕了。 (混血王子p.697) And then McGonagal enters, changes the subject, and the phoenix song is forgotten.     然後麥教授走了進來,轉移了話題,鳳凰的歌聲就因此被遺忘了。 Many minutes later, after all the retelling of the night's affair, J.K. mentions Fawkes is still at it:     幾分鐘後,當晚事件起末的重述一結束,羅琳便再次提起佛客使裊裊不絕     的歌聲: They all fell silent. Fawkes's lament was still echoing over the dark grounds outside. (HBP pg 621/579)     在場的人都沉默下來,佛客使的悲歌依舊在外面黝黑的校園中迴盪。 (混血王子)p.703 ... but Harry's thoughts move right on to other things, like wondering where Dumbledore's body is now. Many minutes later still as this meeting breaks up and Harry is following McGonagal up to what is now her office, J.K. interjects:     ....... 但哈利的心思又轉移到其他事情上,像是納悶鄧不利多的遺體現     在身在何處。又過了幾分鐘,大家解散,哈利隨著麥教授上樓至今後將屬     於她的辦公室之際,羅琳再度插話進來: The corridors outside were deserted and the only sound was the distant phoenix song. (HBP pg 625/583)     走廊外一個人影也沒有,只聽到遠處的鳳凰之歌。 (混血王子p.708) Whatever it was he was doing, Fawkes was working hard at it, and not giving up. Yet we are supposed to believe, as in the title of this chapter, "The Phoenix Lament", that it is only Dumble- dore's pet echoing everyone's grief?     不管佛客使有何用意,牠一直很努力的吟唱著,從不間斷。然而我們該就     此相信,一如這章的標題《鳳凰悲歌》,這僅是鄧不利多的寵物在傳達著     每個人悲傷嗎? Are we so easily to forget that phoenix tears have powerful healing powers?     難道我們會這麼容易忘了鳳凰的眼淚擁有最強大的治療功效? Significantly, it is the healer, Madame Pomfrey, who is brought to tears by the phoenix song. She knows the healing power of the phoenix well. She gulps with eyes wide. She recognizes something special is going on.     可見在此這有特殊的意味,鳳凰的歌聲是種療方。龐芮夫人聽到之後流下     了淚水。她很清楚鳳凰有怎樣的治療能力。她瞪大雙眼,嗚噎著。她意識     到有奇特的事情發生了。 Also,J.K. goes out of her way to point out the healing qualities of the phoenix song, Harry feels it inside, the way he did last time he was healed by one,and most importantly, it seems to ease their pain!     同樣地,羅琳故意撇開不談鳳凰之歌的治癒效果如何,哈利只感覺那首歌     在心中迴盪,如同他上一次的感覺一樣,更重要的是,那似乎減輕了他們     的痛苦! From these passages, it certainly seems that J.K. wants us to know that Fawkes is doing some healing! Perhaps Fawkes is not powerful enough to bring someone back from the Avada Kedavra,but what if Dumbledore was not really hit by an Avada Kedrava, and instead hit with half a spell,or a spell to make him appear dead (as explained in the clues above)?     從這幾段內容來看,羅琳彷彿要我們去明白佛客使是在治療創傷!也許佛     客使沒有厲害到足夠把人從「啊哇呾喀呾啦」的惡咒中救回來,但要是鄧     不利多事實上並不是被索命咒(或無心唸出只有半成功效的咒語)擊中,     而是一個可以讓他呈現假死狀態的咒語(在先前的線索當中解釋過的)的     話又會怎樣呢? 7. Anyone Seen Dumbledore's Wand Lately?       最近瞧見了鄧不利多的魔杖沒有? At the very begining of the big scene between Draco, Dumbledore and Snape, one of the first things that happens is Dumbledore loses his wand:     在跩哥、鄧不利多、石內卜面對面的大場景中,一開始發生的事情之一便     是鄧不利多失去了他的魔杖。 The door burst open and somebody erupted through it and shouted, "Expelliarmus!" the light of the Mark, he saw Dumbledore's wand flying in an arc over the edge of the ramparts ... (HBP pg 584/545)     門轟然打開,有人從門裡衝出來,高聲喊道:『去去,武器走!』     ......在黑魔標記的微光中,他看到鄧不利多的魔杖畫出一道弧線,飛出     了城牆外......                 (混血王子p.664) But where is his wand now?     但如今他的魔杖在哪? We know a wizard's wand is very important to him and a wand that belonged to a wizard as powerful as Dumbledore would be a very important item to know the whereabouts of,something you wouldn't want falling into the wrong hands.     我們知道魔杖對一個巫師來說十分重要,而當魔杖的主人是像鄧不利多一     樣魔法高超的人時,我們更有必要了解它的下落了,畢竟我們不想讓它落     入壞人的手中。 This clue might not mean as much if we didn't know the customs of wizards in such occasions, but we do! Five chapters ago, when Harry and Slughorn were consoling Hagrid over the death of Aragog, Hagrid and Sluggy sang a song about a wizard called Odo, and Sluggy sang the lines:     倘若我們不曉得這種情況下巫師特有的傳統習俗的話,這條線索也就微不     足道了,可我們知道的一清二楚啊!就在五章前,當哈利和史拉轟一同安     慰海格、悼念阿辣哥的喪亡時,史拉轟與海格唱起了關於一名叫做歐多的     巫師的歌,史拉轟唱道: And Odo the hero, they bore him back home, To the place that he'd known as a lad, They laid him to rest with his hat inside out And his wand snapped in two, which was sad. (HBP pg 488/456)     英雄歐多,他們帶他返回家鄉,     返回他從小生長的地方,     他們讓他在此長眠,伴隨著他那反過來的巫帽,     和斷成兩截的魔杖,這景象何等悽涼。 (混血王子p.553) But as far as we know, they didn't snap Dumbledore's wand in two. After the scene at the top of the tower, Dumbledore's wand is simply never mentioned again.     但,就我們所知,他們並未將鄧不利多的魔杖折斷。塔頂的場景過後就沒     再提起鄧不利多的魔杖了。 Is it possible that Dumbledore's wand is missing because Dum- bledore still has his wand, still needs his wand, because he's not dead?     鄧不利多的魔杖之所以不見,是否有可能是因為鄧不利多依然持有他的魔     杖、依然需要用到他的魔杖,因為他還沒死? 8. No Body, No Crime 沒有屍體,就沒有犯罪的真相啊 The last time we really saw Dumbledore's body was when Harry is kneeling over it shortly after he has been killed by Snape the previous day.     石內卜殺了鄧不利多隔天過不久,我們最後一次看到鄧不利多的屍體,是     哈利跪在他身旁的時候。 Now, we see Hagrid carry the body of Dumbledore into his funeral, but it's covered:     喏,我們曉得海格把鄧不利多的遺體抱到他的葬禮中,但,遺體是被覆蓋     著的: Hagrid was walking slowly up the aisle between the chairs. He was crying quite silently, his face gleaming with tears, and in his arms,wrapped in purple velvet spangled with golden stars, was what Harry knew to be Dumbledore's body. (HBP pg 643/599)     海格正緩緩走上座椅中央的走道,他在無聲的哭泣,臉上閃動著淚水。他     的雙手抱著一個纏裹紫色天鵝絨,、上頭有金星在閃耀的物體,哈利知道     那是鄧不利多的遺體。    (混血王子p.725) We never really see Dumbledore's body at the funeral. How do we know it was there at all?     在葬禮上我們並沒有親眼看到鄧不利多的遺體。我們怎麼知道它是不是真     的在那? 9. Caution: Dumbledore Is Flammable 警告:鄧不利多是可燃物 As part of the funeral service, a fire ignites around the body of Dumbledore, and when it subsides, his body is encased in a white marble tomb.     喪葬儀式進行的過程中,鄧不利多的遺體週遭燃起了火燄,而當火熄滅後     ,他的遺體已安置在白色大理石的陵墓內了。 Again, we don't see the body, either before or after the fire.     又一次的,無論是起火前後,我們都沒看到遺體。 But more importantly, no one lights the fire, it just happens on its own. A body bursting into flame on its own. That sounds like anyone we know? We've seen Fawkes do that several times now in the course of the Harry Potter books, and you know what happens to Fawkes after every time it does.     但更要緊的是,根本沒有人點燃火燄,它自己燒了起來。自體燃燒。聽起     來像是我們熟知的某人作風麼?我們已在《哈利波特》書中見識過好幾次     佛客使自體燃燒了起來,而你我都知道每次過後佛客使會怎麼樣。 Earlier in the book, we saw several instances where Dumbledore uses fire, an important aspect of the symbol of a phoenix. When he first meets Tom Riddle in the orphanage, to demonstrate he's a wizard,he sets Tom's wardrobe on fire. And he conjures fire to protect Harry and himself from the infiri in the cave.     這一集前頭,我們看了很多鄧不利多使用火焰的例子,儼然是鳳凰象徵的     重要指標。他首次與湯姆‧瑞斗在孤兒院相見時,為了展現他是巫師,他     在湯姆的衣櫃上放火。他同樣也在洞穴裡以魔法召喚出火焰來保護他和哈     利躲過行屍的攻擊。 And after all this, in case we didn't get the allusions to a phoenix, J.K. reminds us just in case:     在這之後,為避免我們沒注意到鳳凰的暗示,羅琳又提醒了我們一次: White smoke spiraled into the air and made strange shapes: Harry thought,for one heart-stopping moment, that he saw a phoenix fly joyfully into the blue, but next second the fire had vanished. (HBP pg 645/601)     白煙呈螺旋狀升上天空,形成奇特的形狀。哈利一時心跳停止,他覺得他     好像看到了一隻鳳凰喜悅的飛上藍天,但下一秒鐘火焰就熄滅了。                      (混血王子p.727, 728) All these clues seem to suggest that if Dumbledore really did die, he has the ability to be reborn out of the ashes of his death, either under his own power, or with the help of the heal- ing powers of Fawkes.     所有這些線索似乎都暗示著鄧不利多的確死掉了,但他擁有自灰燼中重生     的能力,無論是使用他自己的魔法使然,或是加之以佛客使治癒力量的幫     助。 Besides,even if Dumbledore's body was there when it erupted into flame, we know that doesn't mean anything to a wizard!     此外,縱使鄧不利多的遺體被火焰包圍前就在那了,我們也知道那對一個     巫師來說根本不算什麼! Non-magic people (more commonly known as muggles) were particu- larly afraid of magic in medieval times, but not very good at recognizing it. On the rare occasion that they did catch a real witch or wizard, burning had no effect whatsoever. The witch or wizard would perform a basic Flame Freezing Charm and then pre- tend to shriek with pain while enjoying a gentle, tickling sensation. (PoA pg 2/7)     中古世紀時期,不會魔法的人(一般通稱為麻瓜)特別懼怕魔法,但在辨     識魔法的真假上卻不太高明。也許在鮮少的案件中,他們真抓到了真的女     巫或巫師,施以火刑實在也是沒多大的用處。女巫或巫師只要施個簡單的     凍火咒,就能假裝痛得大叫,同時享受著一種輕微、酥麻的快感。 So, who do they think they were fooling at the funeral?     所以說,他們以為在喪禮上搞的那些把戲可以拿來唬弄誰啊? P.S.由於手頭上沒有《火盃的考驗》,那段內容只好自己翻譯了。 --     *因為年少,所以持著青春的筆,寫下青春事記。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: SetsunaLeo 來自: (10/22 03:09)

10/22 03:29, , 1F
大推 感謝
10/22 03:29, 1F

10/22 04:17, , 2F
10/22 04:17, 2F

10/22 04:19, , 3F
10/22 04:19, 3F

10/22 08:54, , 4F
10/22 08:54, 4F

10/22 09:33, , 5F
外傷搞不好是因為墜樓 難免碰撞
10/22 09:33, 5F

10/22 10:09, , 6F
10/22 10:09, 6F

10/22 10:33, , 7F
文章最後一段 當然是唬弄所有人呀XD(我也是其中之一)
10/22 10:33, 7F

10/22 11:55, , 8F
10/22 11:55, 8F

10/22 12:01, , 9F
10/22 12:01, 9F

10/22 12:20, , 10F
10/22 12:20, 10F

10/22 12:45, , 11F
老鄧不死!! 他只是逐漸凋零!
10/22 12:45, 11F

10/22 13:11, , 12F
10/22 13:11, 12F

10/22 13:16, , 13F
棒 讓我燃起希望:p
10/22 13:16, 13F

10/22 15:17, , 14F
推推~~ 太謝謝以上翻譯的大大了.. ^^
10/22 15:17, 14F

10/22 15:49, , 15F
10/22 15:49, 15F

10/22 16:50, , 16F
10/22 16:50, 16F

10/22 17:26, , 17F
10/22 17:26, 17F

10/22 20:08, , 18F
10/22 20:08, 18F

10/22 20:26, , 19F
10/22 20:26, 19F

10/22 22:10, , 20F
10/22 22:10, 20F

10/24 20:30, , 21F
10/24 20:30, 21F

10/26 15:22, , 22F
10/26 15:22, 22F

10/26 20:46, , 23F
10/26 20:46, 23F

10/26 20:47, , 24F
BTW, 這裡把校長寫的好像火拳艾斯喔...吃了火火果實 XD
10/26 20:47, 24F

10/27 10:47, , 25F
10/27 10:47, 25F

11/08 22:07, , 26F
11/08 22:07, 26F

12/01 13:41, , 27F
12/01 13:41, 27F
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