Re: [情報] 羅琳親筆書寫和親筆繪圖-為鄧不利多的꘠…

看板HarryPotter作者 (你不用上課喔￾ ￾N)時間18年前 (2005/10/21 18:20), 編輯推噓28(2801)
留言29則, 27人參與, 最新討論串3/16 (看更多)
我來試試第三篇 Snape Clues 石內卜方面的線索 These are the clues contained in the pages of Harry Pottter and the Half-Blood Prince which support the possibility that Snape is not really a Death Eater, has remained loyal to Dumbledore, and all through the book, Snape is working on Dumbledore's Orders. 以下是在第六集中,可以支持石內卜並不是食死人,而是一直對鄧不利多忠心,且在整本 書中一直按照鄧不利多的指示行事的線索。 Since the book is virtually about Snape (it's titled Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which we know now is the same thing as saying Harry Potter and Snape), we can't possibly list here every mention in the book the relates to the mystery of Snape. But here are some of the ones that stood out as important to me. 既然實際上這是一本關於石內卜的書(標題是:哈利波特和混血王子,我們知道這就是哈 利波特和石內卜的意思),我們不可能把書中關於石內卜的每一個秘密都列出來。但是有 一些部分卻非常特出且對我而言很重要。 1. Snape Lies to Narcissa and Bellatrix... Twice 石內卜對水仙和貝拉說謊...兩次 During the meeting that Snape has at his house with Narcissa and Bellatrix in chapter 2, Snape tries to explain to them why he never killed Harry all those years at Hogwarts when he had ample opportunity: 在第二章中,石內卜與水仙和貝拉在他的家裡會面,石內卜試著對她們解釋,雖然他在霍 格華茲有很多機會,但他卻沒有殺死哈利的原因。 "Of course, it became apparent to me very quickly that he had no extraordinary talent at all. He has fought his way out of a number of tight corners by a simple combination of sheer luck and more talented friends. He is mediocre to the last degree..." (HBP pg 31/36) 當然,對我而言他(哈利)一點特殊的天份也沒有。他只是藉著單純的運氣和比他更有天份 的朋友,解決了幾次緊急情況。他只是個平庸至極的傢伙(感謝網友指正-.-") But we know Snape knows this is a lie. We know Snape knows that Harry is a powerful wizard. We know he knows Harry is a parselmouth. We know he knows Harry could conjure a corporeal patronus when he was just 13 years old. We know he knows Harry has stood up to and prevailed against Voldemort five times! 但我們知道,石內卜自己知道這是個謊言,他知道哈利是個強大的巫師,他知道哈利是個 爬說嘴,他知道哈利在十三歲的時候就可以召喚corporeal patronus,他知道哈利已經挺 身對抗並戰勝佛地魔五次! But not even one whole page later, Narcissa is crying to Snape she has something she wants to say, but has been forbidden to talk about by Voldemort. Snape immediately replies that she should follow Voldemort's orders, and sister Bellatrix agrees. But Snape appears troubled by the conversation: 但在不到一頁之後,水仙哭著對石內卜說她有些事想對他說,但佛地魔不准。石內卜 立刻回說她應該遵照佛地魔的指示,而姐姐貝拉也同意。但石內卜顯得被這段對話困擾: But Snape had gotten to his feet and strode to the small window, peered through the curtains, and then closed them again with a jerk. He turned around to face Narcissa, frowning. (HBP pg 32/37) 但石內卜在窗邊大踏步走,凝視著窗簾,反射性的把它拉上。他轉身面對著水仙,皺起 眉頭。 What happened to make him jerk the curtains closed all of a sudden and turn back to the women, frowning? Has he had a revelation? 什麼使得他突然間反射性的將窗簾拉上,轉身面對那個女人?他得到了一個啟示嗎? It is only at this point that he confides in them that he already knows the plan, that Voldemort has already told him. He's lying again! 就在此刻他對她們說他已經知道那個計畫,佛地魔已經告訴他了。他又說謊了! If he already knew the plan, why would he have taken the position, just one moment earlier, that she should follow Voldemort's law and not speak of it? 如果他已經知道計畫,為什麼在前一刻他還說她應該依照佛地魔的規矩做,而不要把它說 出來? We know Snape is a powerful Legilimens, we learned that in the Occlumency scenes with Snape and Harry in Order of the Phoenix. Just in case we forgot about Legilimency, J.K. mentioned it just a few pages ago. Questioning Voldemort's trust in Snape, Snape interrupts: 我們知道石內卜是一個強大的鎖心者,這是我們從鳳凰會的密令中知道的(occlumency 是啥?)。J.K.在幾頁前恰好提到這點,為了避免我們忘記─當石內卜對佛地魔的忠誠被 質疑,石內卜打斷說: "You think he is mistaken? Or that I somehow hoodwinked him? Fool the Dark Lord, the greatest wizard, the most accomplished Legilimens the world has ever seen?" (HBP pg 26/31) 你認為他犯錯了嗎?或者我應該欺騙他?把黑暗大君這個最偉大的巫師,有史以來最強當 的破心者作笨蛋? Having just been on the verge of spilling the beans to Snape, Draco's assignment must have been top-most in Narcissa's thoughts, and in the quiet moment at the window, Snape saw it in her mind. He then lies to them about already knowing the plan, to gain their trust. 就在這個邊上(這句有待高人來指正),在水仙心中跩哥的暗殺任務必定是最重要的,而在 這窗邊的安靜時刻,石內卜看出這一點。他接著對她們說謊說已經知道這個計畫,以得到 她們的信任。 So, at the same time that Snape is trying to convince Narcissa and Bellatrix that he's worthy of Voldemort's trust, we can see he is lying to them, several times. That can only mean that Snape isn't as loyal to Voldemort as he'd like Bellatrix and Narcissa (and us!) to believe. 所以,石內卜也試著說服水仙和貝拉他值得佛地魔的信任,我們可以看到他對她們說了幾 次謊。這只能表示石內卜對佛地魔,並不如他希望水仙和貝拉(和我們!)相信的那麼忠實 。 2. What Hagrid Overheard 海格偷聽到了什麼? Harry is talking to Hagrid after the poisoning of Ron, and Hagrid lets it slip that he overheard something he shouldn't have: 海格在榮恩中毒後,對哈利說他無意中聽到了一些不該聽到的事: I was comin' outta the forest the other evenin' an' I overheard 'em talking -- well, arguin'. ... I jus' heard Snape sayin' Dumbledore took too much fer granted an' maybe he -- Snape -- didn' wan' ter do it anymore ... Dumbledore told him flat out he'd agreed ter do it an' that was all there was to it." (HBP pg 405/380) 我那晚從森林走出來時,我聽到他們在講話...呃...吵架。我恰好聽到石內卜跟鄧不利多 說,也許他...石內卜不想再做的更多了。鄧不利多告訴他放平常心,只管做。(大概是這樣吧 @@) This clue comes right out and tells us that Snape is following the orders of Dumbledore, although we now see whatever Snape has promised to do for Dumbledore is difficult or unpleasant. 這個線索直接告訴我們石內卜是照著鄧不利多的指示做事,雖然我們不知道石內卜為鄧不 利多所做的是什麼困難或是不愉快的事。 We also now have comfirmation that Dumbledore has a plan, which involves Snape , and Dumbleore is confident that the plan that Snape has agreed to will proceed. 我們現在也確知鄧不利多有個和石內卜有關的計畫,而且鄧不利多有信心石內卜同意計畫 繼續下去。 3. No DADA Teacher Has Lasted More Than 1 Year 沒有黑魔法防禦術的老師可以撐過一年以上 For every Hogwarts year that is documented in the Harry Potter books so far, it stands out prominently that there has been a different Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher each year. 到目前為止哈利波特此書的特點之一就是,每年都有一位新任的黑魔法防禦術老師。 They even joked about it at the beginning of the previous book, when the kids are looking over their just arrived book lists for the year, and they're wondering who assigned the Slinkhard book, as it meant Dumbledore had found a new DADA teacher: 在前一本書的開頭,當孩子們看著她們剛到的書單時,她們在想是誰指定了Slinkhard這 本書,這表示鄧不利多又找到了一個新的dada老師: Fred told Harry ... "Dumbledore was having real trouble finding anyone to do the job this year." "Not surprising, is it, when you look at what's happened to the last four?" said George. "One sacked, one dead, one's memory erased, and one locked in a trunk for nine months," said Harry, counting them off on his fingers. "Yeah, I see what you mean." (OotP pg 161/146) 弗雷對哈利說:「今年要找到一個人來做這工作,鄧不利多真的遇上麻煩了。」「我一點 也不驚訝,只要你看看過去四位發生了什麼事。」喬治說。「一個最後一貧如洗,一個死 了,一個被消除記憶,一個被鎖在櫃子禮九個月。」哈利說,數著他的手指頭,「呀, 我知道你的意思了。」 And in Half-Blood Prince, Harry, Ron and Hermione talk about this again when they are surprised at the sorting feast that Snape will be DADA teacher that year: 而在「混血王子」中,哈利、榮恩和妙麗在分類宴會(應該就是開學的宴會)中發現,石內 卜會是這一年的黑魔法防禦術老師: "Well, there's one good thing," [Harry] said savagely. "Snape'll be gone by the end of the year." "What do you mean?" asked Ron. "That job's jinxed. No one's lasted more than a year...Quirell actually died doing it..." (HBP pg 167/159) 「嗯,這還算是件好事。」﹝哈利﹞粗聲說。「石內卜今年結束時就會被解決。」「你這 是什麼意思?」榮恩問。「這個工作是被詛咒的。沒人能撐過一年以上。奎若實際上還因 此而死...」 Ironically, it turns out, Harry was literally right. When Tom Riddle returned after a ten year absence to again request to be a teacher at Hogwarts, Dumbledore rejected him, and upon Harry's questioning, Dumbledore gave us some important insight into the Hogwarts DADA teacher situation: 諷刺的是,事實證明哈利在字面上是對的。當湯姆‧瑞斗在失蹤十年後回到霍格華茲要求 任教時,鄧不利多拒絕了他。而針對哈利的疑問,鄧不利多給了我們一些對於黑魔法防禦 術老師在霍格華茲的處境的看法: "Was he after the Defense Against the Dark Arts job again, sir? He didn't say ..." "Oh, he definitely wanted the Defense Against the Dark Arts job," said Dumbledore. "The aftermath of our little meeting proved that. You see, we have never been able to keep a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for longer than a year since I refused the post to Lord Voldemort." (HBP pg 446/418) 「他之後還想要黑魔法防禦術的教職嗎?先生?他沒說...」「喔,他當然想要這個工作 ,」鄧不利多說。「在我們的會面之後證明了,如你所見,自從我拒絕佛地魔王的求職後 我們就無法將一個黑魔法防禦術老師留住一年以上。」 So, Dumbledore himself is admitting he knows that Voldemort cursed the DADA teacher job. This means he knew about the curse when he assigned Snape to the job this year. But he never intended Snape to be in the job for longer than a year to begin with, as his plan for Snape to kill him and flee at the end of the year must have already been in place. 所以,鄧不利多承認他知道佛地魔對於黑魔法防禦術老師的詛咒。這表示當他任命石內卜 為本年的老師時,他知道這個詛咒。但他從一開始就未希望石內卜擔任這個工作超過一年 ,因為他已經計畫好在今年結束前石內卜會殺了他。 4. Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover 別以封面評斷一本書 When Snape comes into the bathroom after being alerted by Moaning Myrtle, he knows instanly that the Sectumsempra curse was used to injure Draco, because he goes right to work on him using the proper countercurse to reverse the damage. He then takes Draco to the hospital wing, ordering Harry to wait for him there. 當石內卜在被Moaning Myrtle警示並走進淋浴間時,他立刻知道Sectumsempra curse會被 用來傷害跩哥,因為他立刻使用適當的相反咒語來治療這些傷害。他接著把跩哥帶到醫院 廂房,命令哈利在那裡等他。 When Snape returns, he asks Harry where he learned the curse, and Harry says he saw it in a book in the library. Snape puts his Legilimency to work again: 當石內卜回來時,他問哈利從哪裡學到這個詛咒,哈利說是從圖書館的書上看來的。石內 卜又再次使用破心術: "Liar," said Snape. Harry's throat went dry. He knew what Snape was going to do and he had never been able to prevent it... The bathroom seemed to shimmer before his eyes; he struggled to block out all thought, but try as he might, the Half-Blood Prince's copy of Advanced Potion Making swam hazily to the fore-front of his mind. (HBP pg 524/490) 「騙子,」石內卜說。哈利的喉嚨發乾。他知道石內卜打算要做什麼,但卻完全無法阻止 ...。淋浴間在他眼裡看來越來越黯淡;他掙扎著要阻擋所有的思緒,盡他最大的努力, 混血王子「進階魔藥製作」課本朦朧地游移到他的腦門。 Snape then demands Harry bring him his books, Harry makes a detour and hides the book in the room of requirement, bringing Snape Ron's copy of the book instead. 石內卜接著要求哈利把書帶來,哈利改道將書藏到萬應室,把榮恩的書帶去給石內卜。 Snape must know Harry's trying to pull a fast one on him, he knows Harry has the book, he saw it in his mind. But instead of pressing the point, Snape just gives him a dozen detentions. 石內卜知道哈利想騙過他,他從哈利的思想中知道他有那本書,但他給哈利一堆勞作服務 而非堅持這一點。 Why would Snape do this if he wasn't still working for Dumbledore? He lost his temper with Harry when he demanded Harry bring him the book, but then even though Harry lies to him about it, Snape remembers who's side he's on, and bac ks off. 如果石內卜不再為鄧不利多做事,他會怎麼做?他在命令哈利把書拿來的時候情緒已經失 控了,但即使他知道哈利說謊,石內卜記得自己站在哪一邊,所以他沒有採取進一步的行 動。 5. Severus... Please... 賽佛勒斯...求你... If you believe that Snape is acting on Dumbledore's orders to kill him (or possibly just make it look like he killed him, although he'd probably still be hurting him), then Snape's demeanor and Dumbledore's final words take on a whole new meaning. 如果你相信石內卜是照著鄧不利多的指示去殺了他(或者可能是看起來像是他殺了他,雖 然他可能真的傷害到鄧不利多),那麼石內卜地態度和鄧不利多的「遺言」就有全新的意 義。 ...somebody else had spoken Snape's name, quite softly. "Severus..." The sound frightened Harry beyond anything he had experienced all evening. For the first time, Dumbledore was pleading. Snape said nothing, but walked forward and pushed Malfoy roughly out of the way. ... Snape gazed for a moment at Dumbledore, and there was revulsion and hatred etched in the harsh lines of his face. "Severus... Please..." (HBP pg 595/556) 某個人相當輕柔的在喊石內卜的名字。「賽佛勒斯...」這個聲音比這一晚的一切都更讓 哈利害怕。這是第一次,鄧不利多在懇求。石內卜什麼都沒說,但他走向前並把馬份推開 。石內卜瞪著鄧不利多一陣子,厭惡和恨意在他臉上刻畫成尖銳的線條。「賽佛勒斯...求 你...。」 In that passage the reader is supposed to believe that Snape hates Dumbledore and feels revulsion for him. 在這裡讀者設定成相信石內卜恨鄧不利多,而且對他感到厭惡。 But to help us understand the real meaning of Snape's feelings of revulsion and hatred, J.K. used almost the exact same words for what Harry was feeling just one chapter previous: 但為了幫助我們了解石內卜真正的厭惡和恨意,J.K.在前一章中恰好使用了相同的字彙來 描述哈利的感覺: " can't stop, Professor," said Harry. "You've got to keep drinking, remember? You told me you had to keep drinking. Here..." Hating himself, repulsed by what he was doing, Harry forced the goblet back toward Dumbledore 's mouth ... (HBP pg 571/534) 「你...你不能停下來,教授,」哈利說。「你得繼續喝,記得嗎?你告訴我你要繼續喝 ,吶...」討厭他自己,哈利厭惡他正在做的事,他強將杯子靠近鄧不利多的嘴吧... Even though Snape was to kill Dumbledore on Dumbledore's orders, it must have been something that was still really emotional and difficult for Snape to do, exactly as it was for Harry to make Dumbledore drink the potion. 即使石內卜是照著鄧不利多的指示去殺他,對石內卜而言還是會有一些情緒和困難,這正 是哈利在逼鄧不利多喝魔藥時的感覺。 The feeling of revulsion on Snape's face was not for Dumbledore, but the act he knew he had to commit. The hatred was not for Dumbledore, but for what Dumbledore was making him do. 石內卜臉上的厭惡不是針對鄧不利多,而是他承諾要做的事。恨意也不是針對鄧不利多, 而是鄧不利多要他做的事。 And when Dumbledore said, "Severus... Please..." he wasn't begging "please don't". What he was really saying was, "Severus, please kill me, as you promised you would." 而當鄧不利多說「賽弗勒斯,求你...」的時候,他不是在哀求說「求你不要...」。他真 正說的是,「賽弗勒斯,請你殺了我,如同你答應你會這麼做。」 Way back at the end the first book, when Dumbledore confirms for Harry that Flamel would die now that the philosopher's stone was gone, Dumbledore explained: 回到第一本書結束時,當鄧不利多向哈利証實Flamel會因為魔法石遺失而死去,鄧不利多 解釋: "To one as young as you, I'm sure it seems incredible, but to Nicolas and Perenelle, it really is like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure." (SS/PS pg 297/215) 「對你這樣一個年輕人來說,我知道這聽起來不可思議,但對Nicolas和Perenelle來說, 這就像是在很漫長的一天後回到床上。總之,對一個久經修練意志而言,死亡不過是另一 個偉大冒險的開始。」 Does that sound to you like someone who would beg to save his own life? 這聽起來像是一個會為了自己的生命哀求的人說的話嗎? ----------------------------------------------------- 終於翻完了 沒力氣寫感想了 專有名詞的部分 還有不通的地方 請大家指正吧>()< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/21 21:21, , 1F
10/21 21:21, 1F

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10/21 22:00, 4F

10/21 22:20, , 5F
幫推 ~ 我大概也是這麼想的耶
10/21 22:20, 5F

10/21 22:25, , 6F
辛苦了辛苦了 這各版真多強者
10/21 22:25, 6F

10/21 22:30, , 7F
10/21 22:30, 7F

10/21 22:31, , 8F
10/21 22:31, 8F

10/21 22:47, , 9F
破心者和鎖心者 我一直搞不太清楚 英文好像是同一個字@@
10/21 22:47, 9F
※ 編輯: aboa 來自: (10/21 23:02)

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※ 編輯: aboa 來自: (10/21 23:24)

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※ 編輯: aboa 來自: (10/21 23:53)

10/22 00:01, , 15F
10/22 00:01, 15F

10/22 00:16, , 16F
真的解釋的很清楚 推!!!
10/22 00:16, 16F

10/22 00:40, , 17F
10/22 00:40, 17F

10/22 01:03, , 18F
推推推 ^^ 太強了~~
10/22 01:03, 18F

10/22 01:15, , 19F
10/22 01:15, 19F

10/22 02:03, , 20F
10/22 02:03, 20F

10/22 03:51, , 21F
推推 三位大大都好猛!!
10/22 03:51, 21F

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※ 編輯: aboa 來自: (10/22 11:55)

10/22 15:07, , 23F
10/22 15:07, 23F

10/22 16:18, , 24F
10/22 16:18, 24F

10/22 22:06, , 25F
我看到哈利要讓鄧喝魔藥那邊又差點哭了出來 Q_Q
10/22 22:06, 25F

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10/26 15:17, 26F

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10/26 22:41, 27F

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10/27 10:43, 29F
文章代碼(AID): #13MC3cLs (HarryPotter)
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文章代碼(AID): #13MC3cLs (HarryPotter)