Re: [新聞] 謝曉星說核四不安全 台大醫:你不是民進黨原能會小組長已回收

看板Gossiping作者 (10K高清天才小釣手)時間6年前 (2018/07/09 09:03), 編輯推噓15(15047)
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※ 引述《sevenfeet (引戰不成)》之銘言: : 挖靠 原來有鄉民敢質疑謝曉星的學經歷?? : 還要標最高學歷?? 謝的最高學歷 : 美國俄亥俄州立大學機械/核子工程研究所博士 : 這叫沒半個核能相關?! : : 謝曉星還是ASME Fellow : "終身"國家講座教授,全台灣在機械領域能嗆他的,恐怕只剩下陳朝光一人(退休了?) : 不知這位質疑謝的鄉民有什麼學術成就? : : 提問 原能會主委年薪多少還是有啥好康(?) : 工程哲學???? 就是哲學系???? : 居然連"哲學博士"都知不知道???? : Doctor of Philosophy直接翻譯就是"哲學博士" : 管你念物理化學電機土木,拿到Ph.D.學位全部都是哲學博士 : 看來台大哲學系的學生應該到台大電機系上課才對,那邊才有最多的"哲學博士" : 還是說擁核的連這點常識都沒有?? 我是不知道謝博士 到底是不是核工博士 剛去查了一下 Ohio State 的確在 Doctoral Program 有 Nuclear Engineering 但 Ohio State 關於 Engineering 的還有很多個 通常都會說自己是哪個 不知道為何在當原能會主委以前 中山的網頁從來沒放過 但是他放在中山的期刊、研討會、專利頁面 全部都是圍繞在 Fluid Sciences / Heat Transfer / Microfluidics 感覺都跟 OSU 的 Research topics 不太合? Research topics under this area include: Risk, Reliability, and Safety Analysis Applied Nuclear Physics and Radiation Science Nuclear Instrumentation and Control Nuclear Materials, Fuel Cycles, and Waste Management 專長在熱流學、熱傳導、流體力學 真的可以比國際核安機構的專業嗎?我想滿有趣的。 謝曉星 期刊論文(Refereed Journal Papers) Chou, S.-F., and Hsieh, S.-S., "An Investigation o- n Heat Transfer Performance of Bended Water Heat Pipes" Proceedings of National Science Council(ROC), Vol.VII, No.5, 1979, pp.440-454. Chou, S.-F., and Hsieh, S.-S., "Heat Transfer Performance of Bended Straight Water Heat Pipes and Their Comparisons," Chinese Learning and Modern Civilization Series, Vol.XII , Feb., 1983, pp.296-319. Hsieh, S.-S., Wijeysundera, N. E., and Savery, C. W., "Analytical Entrainment Model of Confined Two Phase Air-Water/Steam-Water Jets" Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.6, No.1, 1985, pp.73-81. Hsieh, S.-S., Christensen, R. N., and Carey, W. E., "A Simplified Computational Aid for Estimation of Dose Rate During Nuclear Accidental Release" Nuclear Science Journal, Vol.23, No.2, 1986, pp.121-127. Hsieh, S.-S., "Confined Turbulent Air Flow with Asymmetrically Roughened Surface: Mean Flow Parameters" Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.7, No.4, 1986, pp.211-215. Hsieh, S.-S., Wijeysundera, N. E., and Savery, C. W., "Flow Field Measurements and Physical Process in Confined Air-Water Jet" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol.9, No.5, 1986, pp.531-520. Hsieh, S.-S., and Liauh, C.-T., "Friction Similarity Law in Repeated-Rib Roughened Channels" the Chinese Journal of Mechanics , Vol.7, No.6, 1986, pp.473-479. Hsieh, S.-S., Liauh, C.-T., and Ku, A., "Thermal Analysis of the Performance of Helical-Type, Roughened, Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers" Applied Energy, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1987, pp. 67-75. Hsieh, S.-S., Liauh, C.-T., and Ku, A., "Heat Transfer Coefficients of Double Pipe Heat Exchangers with Helical Type Roughened Surface" Journal of Heat Recovery System & CHP, Vol.7, No.2, 1987, pp.119-127. Hsieh, S.-S. and Huang, D.-Y., "Flow Characteristics of Laminar Separation o- n Surface Mounted Ribs" AIAA Journal, Vol.25, No.6, 1987, pp.819-823. Huang, D.-Y., and Hsieh, S.-S., "Analysis of Natural Convection in A Cylindrical Enclosure" Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol.12, No.1, 1987, pp.121-135. Hsieh, S.-S., "A Generalized Correlation for Thermal Design Data of Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.30, No.8, 1987, pp.1758-1762. Hsieh, S.-S., and Huang, D.-Y., "Numerical Computation of Laminar Separated Forced Convection o- n Surface Mounted Ribs" Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol.12, No.3, 1987, pp.335-348. Hsieh, S.-S., "Thermal Characteristics of Annular Flow with Asymmetrically Roughened Surfaces" International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol.9, No.1, 1988, pp.78-82. Hsieh, S.-S., and Tsai, J.-T., "Transient Response of the Trombe Wall Temperature Distribution Applicable to Passive Solar Heating Systems" Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.28, No.1, 1988, pp.21-25. Hsieh, S.-S., Liauh, C.-T., and Han, W.-S., "Thermal Performances of Heat Exchangers Applicable to Waste-Heat Recovery Systems" Applied Energy, Vol.30, No.3, 1988, pp.191-200. Hsieh, S.-S., and Huang, D.-C., "Thermal Performance and Pressure Drop of Counterflow and Parallel-Flow Heat-Pipe Heat Exchangers with Aligned Tube Rows" Heat Recovery System & CHP, Vol.8, No.4, 1988, pp.343-354. Hsieh, S.-S., Han, W.-S., and Lin, S.-C., "Natural Convection of Air Layers in Vertical Annuli with Cooled Outer Wall" AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol.3, No.2, April, 1989, pp.182-188. Hsieh, S.-S., "Transient Thermal Analysis of the Waterlines Effect in the Die Casting Dies" Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.13, No.3, May, 1989, pp.282-290. Hsieh, S.-S., and Hong, Y.-J., "Separating Flow over Repeated Surface Mounted-Ribs in A Square Duct" AIAA Journal, Vol.27, No.6, June, 1989, pp.770-776. Hsieh, S.-S., "Thermal Correlation of Turbulent Flow Over Helically Roughened Surfaces in Horizontal Annuli" International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.16, No.3, 1989, pp.457-467. Hsieh, S.-S., "Thermal Correlation of Natural Convection in Bottom-Cooled Cylindrical Enclosures", AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol.4, No.1, 1990, pp.123-126. Chen, J.-D, and Hsieh, S.-S., "General Procedure for Effectiveness of Complex Assemblies of Heat Exchangers" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.33, No.8, pp.1667-1674, 1990. Hsieh, S.-S., Shih, H.-J., and Hong, Y.-J., "Laminar Forced Convection from Surface-Mounted Ribs" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.33, No.9, pp.1987-2000, 1990. Lin, T.-Y., and Hsieh, S.-S., "Natural Convection of Opposing/Assisting Flows in Vertical Channels with Asymmetrically Discrete Heated Ribs" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer" Vol.33, No.10, 1990, pp.2295-2310. Hsieh, S.-S., and Huang, D. C., "Comparisons of Thermal Performance and Pressure Drop of Counterflow and Parallel-Flow Heat-Pipe Heat Exchangers with Aligned/Staggered Tube Rows" Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.30, No.4, 1990, pp.357-368. Su, C.-C., Hsieh, S.-S., and M.-C. Chiu, "A Simulation of Flow Through Wire Gauzes" International Journal of Modelling & Simulation", Vol.10, No.3, 1990, pp.114-118. Hong, Y.-J., Hsieh, S.-S., and Shih H.-J., "Numerical Computation of Laminar Separation and Reattachment of Flow Over Surface Mounted Ribs" ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering", Vol.113, No.2, 1991, pp.190-198. Lin, T.-Y., and Hsieh, S.-S., "Mixed Convection of Opposing/Assisting Flows in Vertical Channels with Discrete Asymmetrically Heated Ribs" AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer", Vol.5, No.3, 1991, pp.415-422. Chen, J.-D. and Hsieh S.-S. "Assessment study of Longitudinal Rectangular Plate Inserts AsTubeside Heat Transfer Augmentative Devices" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.34, No.10, 1991, pp.2545-2553. Hong, Y.-J. and Hsieh. S.-S. "An Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Turbulent Flow over Staggered Ribs in a Square Duct" Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.4, No.6, 1991, pp.714-722. Chen, J-D. and Hsieh. S.-S. "Buoyancy Effect o- n the Laminar Forced Convection in a Horizontal Tube with Longitudinal Thin Plate Insert" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.35, No.1, 1992, pp.263-267. Chen, J-D. and Hsieh. S.-S. "Laminar Mixed Convection in a vertical tube with a Longitudinal Rectangular Inserts" AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol.6, No.1, 1992, pp.98-104. Chen, J.D. and Hsieh. S.-S. "Laminar forced convection in Circular Duct Inserted with a Longitudinal Rectangular Plate" AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol.6, No.1, 1992, pp.177-179. Hong, Y.-J. and Hsieh, S.-S. "Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Measurements in Ducts with Staggered and In-Line Ribs" ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.115, No.1, 1993, pp. 58-65. Hsieh S.-S. andKuo, N.-H. "Analysis of Evaporation in the Presence of Composition/Temperature Gradients Induced Natural Convection" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.36, No.4, 1993, pp.1097-1112. Chen, J.-D. and Hsieh, S. S. "Laminar Mixed Convection in A Horizontal Tube with a Longitudinal Square Core", An Invited Paper, The Chinese Journal of Mechanics, Vol.9, No.1, 1993, pp.27-35. Hsieh, S.-S. and Lin, C.-C. "An Experimental Study of Laminar Entrance Flow and Heat Transfer in Finned Tube Annuli" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.36, No.9, 1993, pp.2457-2471. Hsieh, S.-S. and Wen, M.-Y. "Augmentative Heat Transfer for a Vertical 2-Pass Tube through an Air Box by Use of Strip Type Inserts" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.36, No.12, 1993, pp.3043-3057. Hsieh, S.-S. and Wen, M.-Y. "Numerical Computation of Thermocaplillary-Driven Convection in An Open Cylindrical Cavity with Different Aspect Ratios" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.36, No.18, 1993, pp.4351-4363. Hsieh, S.-S. and Wen, M.-Y. "Evaporative Heat Transfer and Enhancement Performance of Rib-Roughened Tube Annuli with Refrigerant 114" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.37, No.3, 1994, pp.425-436. Hsieh, S.-S. andKuo, M.-T. "An Experimental Investigation of Augmentation of Tube-side Heat Transfer in a Cross Flow Heat Exchanger by Means of Strip Type Inserts" ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.116, No.2, 1994, pp.381-390. Hsieh, S.-S. and Hsu, P.-T. "Nucleate Boiling Characteristics of R-114, Distilled Water (H2O) and R-134a o- n Plain and Rib Roughened Tube Geometries" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.37, No.10, 1994, pp.1423-1432. Hsieh, S.-S., Y.-J. Hong and S.-R. Jeng "3-D Laminar Forced Convection in a Rotating Square Duct with a Rib o- n Leading Wall" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.37, No.15, 1994, pp.2273-2285. Hsieh, S.-S. and Wang, C.-Y. "Experimental Study of Three-Dimensional Natural Convection in Enclosures with Different Working Fluids" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.37, No.17, 1994, pp.2687-2698. Hsieh, S.-S. and Hong, Y.-J. "Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurements in Orthogonally Rotating Duct with Turbulators" ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.117, No.1, 1995, pp.69-78. Hsieh, S.-S. and Wen, M.-Y. "An experimental Study of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Rib-Roughened Tube Annuli" ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.117, No.1, 1995, pp.185-194. Wen, M.-Y. and Hsieh, S.-S. "Saturation Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Internally Spirally Knurled/Integral Finned Tubes" ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.117, No.1,1995, pp.245-248. Hsieh, S.-S. and Yang, S.-S. "Transient Three-Dimensional Natural Convection in a Rectangular Enclosure" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.39, No.1, 1996, pp.13-26. Hsieh, S.-S. and Wen, M.-Y., "Developing 3-D Laminar Mixed Convection in a Circular Tube Inserted with Longitudinal Strips" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.39, No.2, 1996, pp.299-310. Hsieh, S. -S., and Liu, W. J., "Uneven Wall Heat Flux Effect o- n Local Heat Transfer in Rotating Two-Pass Channels with Two-Oppositely Ribbed Walls,"ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.118, No.4, 1996, pp.864-876. Hsieh, S. -S., and Weng, C. -J., "Nucleate Pool Boiling from Coated Surfaces in Saturated R-134a and R-407c" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,.Vol.40, No.3, 1997, pp.519-532. Hsieh, S. -S., and Yang, S. -S., "Flow Structure and Temperature Measurements in a 3-D Vertical Free Convective Enclosures at High Rayleigh Numbers" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.40, No.6, 1997, pp.1467-1480. Hsieh, S. -S., and Weng, C. -J., "Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficients of Distilled Water (H2O) and R-134a/ Oil Mixtures from Rib-Roughened Surfaces" ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.119, No.1, 1997, pp142-151. Hsieh, S. -S., Wang, Y. -S., and Chiang, M. -H., "Local Heat Transfer and Velocity Measurements in a Rotating Ribbed Two-Pass Square Channel with Uneven Wall Temperatures," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.119, No.4, 1997, pp843-848. Hsieh, S. -S., Liu, M.-H., and Wu, F.-Y., "Developing Turbulent Mixed Convection in Horizontal Circular Tube with Strip-Type Inserts" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.41,Nos.8-9, 1998,pp.1049-1063. Hsieh, S. -S., Weng, C.-C, and Chiou, J.-J., "Nucleat Pool Boiling o- n Ribbed surfaces with Micro-Roughness at Low Moderate Heat Flux" ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 121, 1999, pp.376-385. Hsieh, S. -S., Jang, K. -J., and Huang, M. -T., "Evaporative Heat Transfer and Enhancement Performance of Serpentine Tubes with Strip-Type Inserts Using Refrigerant-134a" ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 121, 1999,pp752-757. Hsieh, S. -S., Huang, J. -T., and Liu, C. -F., "Local Heat Transfer in a Rotating Square Channel with Jet Impingement." ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 121,1999, pp.811-818. Hsieh, S. -S., Chen, P.-J., and Chin, H.-J., "Turbulent Flow in a Rotating Two Pass Smooth Channel," ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 121, 1999, pp.725-734. Hsieh, S.-S., Jang, K. J., and Tsai, Y. C., "Evaporation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Horizontal Tubes with Strip-Type Inserts Using Refrigerant-600a ,"ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 122, 2000, pp.387-391. Hsieh, S.-S., Huang, I.-W., "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Laminar Flow in Horizontal Tubes with/without Longitudinal Inserts,"ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 122, 2000, pp.465-475. Hsieh, S.-S., Huang, J.-T., and Tsai, H.-H., "Heat Transfer of Confined Circular Jet Impingement," An Invited Paper, The Chinese Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 17, 2001, pp.29-38. Hsieh, S.-S., and Yang, T.-Y., "Nucleate Pool Boiling from Coated and Spirally Wrapped Tubes in Saturated R-134a and R-600a at Low and Moderate Heat Flux," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 123, 2001, pp. 257-270. Hsieh, S.-S., Huang, J.-T., and Tsai, H.-H., "Visualization of Flow Phenomena for Confined Circular Jet Impingement," An Invited Paper, The Chinese Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 17, 2001, pp.55-61. Hsieh, S.-S., Chang, L.-C., and Yang, T.-Y., "Developing 3-D Turbulent Mixed Convection in a Circular Duct Inserted with Longitudinal Strips," International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 39, 2001, pp. 1327-1350. Hsieh, S.-S., and Liao, H.-C., "Local Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Rotating Two-Pass Ribbed Rectangular Channel," An Invited Paper in Memory of the late Prof. G. J. Hwang, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 7, 2001, pp.183-194. Hsieh, S.-S., "Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics with Two Cylinders Forming a Cross," An Invited Paper in Celebration of Prof. W.J. Yang ’s 70th Birthday, International Journal of Transport Phenomena, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2001, pp.1-15. Hsieh, S.-S., and Ke, C.-G., "Bubble Dynamic Parameters and Pool Boiling Heat Transfer o- n Plasma Coated Tubes in Saturated R-134a and R-600a,"ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 124, 2002, pp. 704-716. Hsieh, S.-S., Huang, J.-T., and Tsai, H.-H., "Impingement Cooling in a Rotating Curved Square Annular Duct with Crossflow Effect from Rib-Roughened Surfaces,” Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 39, 2003, pp. 107-117. Hsieh, S.-S., Liu, M.-H., and Tsai, H.-H., "Turbulent Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics in a Horizontal Circular Tube with Srip-Type Inserts, Part I - Fluid Mechanics," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, 2003, pp. 823-835. Hsieh, S.-S., Liu, M.-H., and Tsai, H.-H., "Turbulent Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics in a Horizontal Circular Tube with Srip-Type Inserts, Part II - Heat Transfer," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, 2003, pp. 837-849. Hsieh, S.-S., Huang, G.-Z., and Tsai, H.-H., "Nucleate Pool Boiling Characteristics from Coated Tube Bundles in Saturated R-134a," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, 2003, pp. 1223-1239. Hsieh, S.-S., Jane, K.-J., and Tsai, H.-H., "Evaporative Characteristics of R-134a and R-600a in Horizontal Tubes with Perforated Strip-Type Inserts," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, 2003, pp. 1861-1872. Hsieh, S.-S., Lai, W.-C., and Tsai, H.-H., "LDV Assisted Bubble Dynamic Parameter Measurements from Two Enhanced Tubes Boiling in Saturated R-134a," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, 2003, pp. 4911-4923. Hsieh, S. -S., and Chin, H. -J., "Turbulent Flow in Rotating Two Pass Ribbed Rectangular Channel," ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 125, 2003, pp. 609-622. Hsieh, S.-S. , Kuo, J. -C., Hwang, C. -F., and Tsai, H. -H., "A Novel Design and Microfabrication for a Micro PEMFC," Microsystem Technologies , Vol. 10, 2004, pp. 121-126. Hsieh, S. S. , Tsai, H. -H., and Chan, S. -C., “Local Heat Transfer in Rotating Square-Rich-Roughened and Smooth Channels with Jet Impingement,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , Vol. 47, 2004, pp. 2769-2784. Hsieh, S. S. , Lin, C. -Y., Huang, C. -F., and Tsai, H. -H., “Liquid Flow in a Microchannel,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering , Vol. 14, 2004, pp. 436-445. Hsieh, S.-S., Tsai, H.-H., Lin, C.-Y., and Huang, C.-F., “Gas Flow in a Long Micro-Channel,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , Vol. 47, 2004, pp. 3877-3887. Hsieh, S. -S. , Fan, T. - C., and Tsai, H. –H., “Spray Cooling Characteristics of Water and R-134a, Part I Nucleate Boiling ,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , Vol. 47, 2004, pp. 5699-5708. Hsieh, S. -S. , Fan, T. - C., and Tsai, H. –H., “Spray Cooling Characteristics of Water and R-134a, Part II Transient Cooling , ” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , Vol. 47, 2004, pp. 5709-5720. Hsieh, S. -S., Hwang, C. -F., Kuo, J. -K., Tsai, H. -H., and Yang, S. -H., “ SU-8 Flow Field Plates for a Micro PEMFC,” Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol. 9, 2005, pp.120-131. Hsieh, S. -S., and Tsai, H.-H., “MPIV Liquid Microjets Measurements,” An Invited Paper in Celebration of Prof. C. K. Chen's 70th Birthday, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 26, 2005, pp. 55-64. Hsieh, S. -S., Tsai, H.-H., “Thermal and Flow Measurements of Continuous Cryogenic Spray Cooling,” Archives of Dermatological Research, Vol. 298, 2006, pp. 82-96. Hsieh, S. –S., S.-H. Yang, J. –K. Kuo, C.-F. Huang, and H.-H. Tsai, “A Study of Operational Parameters o- n the Performance of Micro PEMFCs with Different Flowfields,” Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 47, 2006, pp. 1868-1878. Hsieh, S. –S., Lin, H. –C., and Lin, C. –Y., “Electroosmotic Flow Velocity Measurements in a Square Microchannel,” Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 284, 2006, pp. 1275-1286. Hsieh, S. –S., Yang, S. –H., Feng, C. –L., “Characterization of the Operational Parameters for a H2/Air Micro PEMFC with Different Flow Fields by Impedance Spectroscopy” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 162/1, 2006, pp. 262-270. Hsieh, S. –S., Yang, Feng, C. -L., and Huang, C. -F., “Development and Performance Analysis of a H2/Air Micro PEM Fuel Cell Stack,”Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 163, 2006, pp.440-449. Hsieh, S. -S., and Tien, C. –H., “R-134a Spray Dynamics and Impingement Cooling in the Non-Boiling Regime,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 50, 2007, pp. 502-512. Hsieh, S. -S., Wang, Y.-T., Tsai, H.- H., and Lin, C.-Y., “DSMC Simulation for Constant-Wall-Temperature Heat Transfer in a Short Parallel Plate Microchannel,” An Invited paper in Celebration of Prof. T.-Y. Wung’s 88th Birthday, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 28, 2007, pp. 13-22. Hsieh, S. –S., Liu, C. –H., and Liou, J. –H., “Dynamics of DNA molecules in a cross-slot microchannel,” Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 18, 2007, pp. 2907-2915. Hsieh, S. -S., Lee, R.-Y., Shyu, J.-C., and Chen, S.-W., “Analytical Solution of Thermal Resistance of Vapor Chamber Heat Sink with/without Pillar, ” Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 48, 2007, pp. 2708-2717. Hsieh, S. –S. and Chu, K. –M., “Channel and Rib Geometric Scale Effects of Flowfield Plates o- n the Performance and Transient Thermal Behavior of a Micro PEM Fuel Cell,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 173, 2007, pp. 222-232. Hsieh, S. –S. and Her, B. –S., “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Serpentine μDMFC Flow Channels,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 50, 2007, pp. 5323-5327. Hsieh, S. -S., and Yang, T.-K., “Electroosmotic Flow in Rectangular Microchannels with Joule Heating Effects,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2008, 025025 (11 pp). Hsieh, S. –S., Huang, C.-F., and Feng C.-L., “A Novel Design and Micro-fabrication for Copper (Cu) Electroforming Bipolar Plates,” Micron,Vol. 39, 2008, pp. 263-268. Hsieh, S. –S., Lee, R.-Y., Shyu, J.-C., and Chen, S.-W., “Thermal Performance of a Flat Chamber Heat Spreader,” Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.49, 2008, pp. 1774-1784. Hsieh, S. -S., and Huang, Y.-C., “Passive Mixing in Micro-Channels with Geometric Variations through μPIV and μLIF Measurements,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 18, No. 6, 2008, 065017 (11pp). Hsieh, S. -S., and Huang, Y.-J., “Measurements of Current and Water Distribution for a Micro PEM Fuel Cell with Different Flow Fields,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 183, 2008, pp. 193-204. Hsieh, S. -S., and Lin, C. -Y., "Convective Heat Transfer in Liquid Microchannels with Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.52, 2009, pp.260-270. Hsieh, S. -S., and Liou, J.-H., "DNA Molecules Dynamics in Converging-Diverging Microchannels," Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistry, Vol.52, 2009, pp.29-40. Hsieh, S. -S., Huang, Y. -J., and Her, B. -S., "Pressure Drop on Water Accumulation Distribution for a Micro PEM Fuel Cell with Different Flow Field Plates," International a Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.52, 2009, pp.5657-5659. Hsieh, S. -S., and Lin, C. -Y., "Subcooled Convective Boiling in Structured Surface Microchannels," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.20, 2010, 015027(13pp). Hsieh, S. -S., and Lin, C. -Y., Tsai, H. –H, and Tien, C.-H., "Droplet Size and Velocity Measurements of a Water Spray Impinging on a Flat Plate." An Invited Paper in Memory of Late Prof. G. J. Hwang, Journal of the Chinese "JR%YSociety of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.31, 2010, pp.167-178. Hsieh, S. -S., and H. -C. Wu, "A Novel Design on Flowfield Configuration of a Direct Methanol Fuel cell, " Journal of Power Sources, Vol.195, 2010, pp.3224-3230. Hsieh, S. -S., and W. -C. Chen, "Performance Tests and Pressure Drops Measurements in the Anode Flowfield of a μDMFC," Fuel Cells, Vol.10, 2010, pp.597-607. Hsieh, S. -S., and Her, B. –S., and Huang, Y. –J., "Effect of Pressure Drop in Different Flow Fields on Water Accumulation and Current Distribution for a Micro PEM Fuel Cell", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.52, 2011, pp. 975-982. Hsieh, S. -S., and Lin, C. -Y., "Correlation of Critical Heat Flux and Two-phase Friction Factor for Subcooled Convective Boiliy in Structured Surface Microchennels," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, 2012, pp.32-42. Hsieh, S. -S., Her, B. -S., and Chen, C. -I. "Aluminum-Based Hydrogen Generator for a Mini-Type Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell with an Innovative Flow Field Plate," International Journal of Electrochemical Science, Vol. 7, 2012, pp. 6859-6876. Hsieh, S. -S., Chen, J. -H., and Su, G. -C., "Visualization and Quantification of Chaotic Mixing for Helical-type Micromixers," Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 290, 2012, pp. 1547-1559. 惾sieh, S. -S., Wu, H. -C., and Her, B. -S., "Design and C禅y蹳 研討會論文 Hsieh, S.-S., Chou, S. F., "An Investigation for Thermal Performance of Bended Water Heat Pipes" Proceedings of 1978 Symposium o- n Transport Phenomena and Applications. National Taiwan University, Taipei, June 13, 1978, pp. 163-170. Hsieh, S.-S., and Christensen, R.-N., "Turbulent Heat Transfer o- n Rough Surfaces in A Square Duct with Asymmetrically Heating" ASME paper No.84-HT-54. 1984. Hsieh, S.-S., Christensen, R. N., and Ku, A., "Augmentation Heat Transfer From Roughened Surfaces" Presented at the 2nd Symposium o- n Energy Efficient Utilization, Energy Committee, Ministry of Economics Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, May 3-4, 1985. Hsieh, S.-S., Wijeysundera, N.E., and Savery, C. W., "Flow Characteristics of Steam-Water Jets with Applications to Power Plants "Presented at the 2nd Symposium o- n Energy Efficient Utilization. EC, MOEA, R.O.C., May 3-4, 1985. Huang, D. Y., and Hsieh, S.-S., "A Numerical Study of Laminar Flow over Isolated Ribs" Proceedings of 1985 Symposium o- n Transport Phenomena and Applications. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, June 23, 1985, pp. 38-41. Hsieh, S.-S., and Chen, C. C., "Thermal Design Considerations o- n Helical Type Heat Exchangers" (ibid.), pp. 190-193. Hsieh, S.-S., and Christensen, R. N., "On Turbulent Flow Near Asymmetrically Triangular-Roughened Surfaces" Proceedings of the 2nd Conference o- n the Chinese Mechanical Engineers, pp. 1-6. Huang, D. Y., and Hsieh, S.-S., "A Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics o- n Isolated Ribs" (ibid.), pp. 129-134. Hsieh, S.-S., and Liauh, C. T., "A Mixing-Length Method for Predicting Pressure Drop in Repeated-Rib Roughened Channels" Presented at the 9th National Conference o- n Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 1985, Paper No. STAMROC-9-304. Huang, D. Y., and Hsieh, S.-S., "Finite Difference Analysis of Laminar Separated Forced Convection o- n Isolated Ribs" Heat Transfer in Thermal Systems Seminar, Phase II , National Cheng-Kung University, January 13-14, 1986, pp. 135-141. Hsieh, S.-S., Chen, C.C., and Ku, A., "Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Analysis o- n Surface Rippling During Laser Material Processing" Proceedings of IASTED International Symposium Modeling, Identification, and Control, 1986, pp. 242-245. Hsieh, S.-S., and Ku A., "Thermal Hydraulics Analysis o- n Surface Rippling During Laser Material Processing: Part II -Transient Solutions" Proceedings of the IASTED International Symposium Applied Simulation and Modeling (ASM '86). Vancouver, Canada, June 4-6, 1986, pp. 422-426. Hsieh, S.-S., "Thermal Design Data of Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers Applicable to Waste Heat Recovery Systems" Proceedings 1986 Symposium o- n Transport Phenomena and Applications, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, June 27, 1986, pp. 77-80. Hsieh, S.-S., Liauh, C. T., and Han, W. S., "Thermal Analysis and Quantitative Evaluation of the Conventional Heat Exchangers" Proceedings of the 10th National Conference o- n Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1986, pp. 597-605. Hsieh, S.-S., Ku, C., Liauh, C. T., and Han, W. S., "Thermal Design Data for Double Pipe Heat Exchangers with Asymmetrically Heating" Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1986, pp. 235-245. Hsieh, S.-S., and Tsai, C. T., "Thermal Characteristics of the Trombe Wall Applied to Passive Solar Heating/Storage Systems" Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference o- n Chinese Mechanical Engineers, 1986, pp. 247-255. Hsieh, S.-S., and Liauh, C.-C., "Thermal Analysis of Double Pipe Heat Exchangers with Helically Roughened Surfaces" Proceedings of 1987 ASME/JSME Thermal Joint Conference. Vol. 1, pp. 491-496. Hsieh, S.-S., Huang, D.-Y. and Yin, S.-H. "Buoyancy Driven Fluid Flow in Cylindrical Enclosures with Aspect Ratio Effect" Proceedings of 1987 ASME/JSME Thermal Joint Conference. Vol. 2, pp. 289-294. Hsieh, S.-S., and Tsai, J. T., "Short Term Thermal Response of Trombe Walls" Proceedings 1987 Symposium o- n Transport Phenomena and Applications, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 26, 1987, pp. 167-172. Hsieh, S.-S., and Han, W. S., "Thermal Correlations of Buoyancy Driven Fluid Flow for Air Layers in Vertical Annuli" (ibid.), pp. 187-192. Hsieh, S.-S., Shin, H.-J. and Huang D.-Y. "Buoyancy Driven Fluid Flow in Cylindrical Enclosures Cooled From Below" Presented at International Symposium o- n Natural Circulation, 1987 ASME WAM. Boston, MA, Dec. 13-18, 1987. Hsieh, S.-S., and Huang H. L., "Heat Transfer Analysis of Waterline Placement for Zinc Die Casting Dies" Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, Dec. 12, 1987, Vol. 2, pp. 591-600. Hsieh, S.-S., Chiu, M.-C. and Su, C.-C., "Numerical Analysis of Solidification Thin-Walled Rectangular Enclosures of Differing Aspect Ratios" Presented at the 25th ASME National Heat Transfer Conference. Houston, Texas, July 24-27, 1988. Hsieh, S.-S., K. H., Yang and Hong, Y. J., "Turbulent Characteristics of Air Channel Flow Near Repeated-Ribs with Staggered-Type Configurations" Proceedings of the 11st National Conference o- n Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chung-Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, Dec. 17-18, 1987, pp.27-38. Hsieh, S.-S., and Hong, Y. J., "Turbulent Air Flow over Repeated Ribs with Staggered-Type Configurations Applicable to Gas Turbine Blade Internal Cooling Design" Proceedings at the 26th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Bally's Grand Hotel, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 10-14, 1988, Paper No. 88-0167. Hsieh, S.-S., and Hong, Y. J., "Heat Transfer Analysis in A Square Channel with Rib Turbulators" Proceedings Symposium o- n Transport Phenomena and Application, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, June, 1988, pp. 116-122. Hsieh, S.-S., Tzuoo, D. C., and A. C. Ku., "Numerical Computation of Combined Buoyancy and Thermocapillary-Driven Convection in An Open Cylindrical Enclosure" (ibid.). pp. 275-280. Hsieh, S.-S., and Huang, D. C., "Comparisons of Thermal Performance and Pressure Drop of Counterflow and Parallel-Flow Heat-Pipe Heat Exchangers with Aligned/Staggered Alignments" Presented at the 3rd Int'l Symposium o- n Transfer Phenomena in Thermal Control, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 17-20, 1988. Hsieh, S.-S., and Hong, Y. J., "Heat Transfer of Air Channel Flow over Repeated Ribs with Staggered Type Configuration" Presented at the 27th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Bally's Grand Hotel, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 10-14, 1989. Chen, J.-D., and Hsieh, S.-S., "Laminar Forced Convection in Circular Duct Inserted with a Longitudinal Rectangular Plate", The 7th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1990. Hsieh, S.-S., and Lin, C.-C., "Laminar Entrance Flow and Heat Transfer in Finned Tube Annuli", 1992 International Power Engineering Conference, Hangzou, 1992. Chen, J.-D., and Hsieh, S.-S., "Laminar Mixed Convection in a Horizontal Tube with an Eccentric Square Core", The 9th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992. Hsieh, S. S., "LDV Measurements in a 3-D Vertical Free Convective Enclosures" The 4th International Symposium o- n Heat and Mass Transfer, Beijing, Oct. 7-11, 1996. Hsieh, S. S., "Nucleate Pool Boiling o- n Porous Plasma and Flame Spray Coating Surfaces" ICHMT Symposium o- n Molecular and Microscale Heat Transfer in Materials Processing and Other Application, Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 1-5, 1996. Hsieh, S. S., Chiang, M.-H., and Chen, P.-J., "Velocity Measurements and Local Heat Transfer in a Rotating Ribbed Two-Pass Square Channel with Uneven Wall Heat Flux," ASME Turbo Expo '97, Orlando, FL. USA, June 2-5, 1997. Hsieh, S. S., and Huang, J.-T., "Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics of Circular Jets Impinging o- n a Horizontal Flat " ASME ASIA'97,Singapore, Sept.30-Oct.2, 1997 Hsieh, S. S., and Chin, H.-C., "Turbulent Flow in a Rotating Two Pass Channel" the Eleventh International Symposium o- n Transport Phenomena(ISTP-11), Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Nov.29-Dec.3, 1998. Hsieh, S. -S., Jang, K. J., and Tsai, Y. C., "Evaporative Heat Transfer in Horizontal Tubes with Strip-Type Inserts with Refrigerant-600a" Presented at Symposium o- n Energy Engineering in the 21 Century, Hong Kong, January 9-12, 2001. Hsieh, S. S., and Liao, H.-C., "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Measurements in a Rotating Two-Pass Ribbed Rectangular Channel, "Presented at the 8th International Symposium o- n Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 26-30, 2000. Hsieh, S. -S., "Heat Transfer Characteristic Around a Cross Non-connecting Circular Cylinders, " Presented at International Conference o- n Energy Conversion and Application, Wuhan, PRC, June 17-20, 2001. Hsieh, S. -S., Kuo, J-K., and Huang, C.-F., "A Novel Design and Microfabrication for Micro PEMFC," Presented at the First International Conference o- n Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, Rochester, New York, April 21-23, 2003. Hsieh, S. -S., Tasi, H.-H., Lin, C-P., Huang, C.-F., and Chien, C.-M., "Gas Flow in a Long Micro-Channel," Presented at the First International Conference o- n Microchannels, Rochester, New York, April 24-25, 2003. Yang S. H., Hung C. -F., Tasi H. H., Lin C. -Y., Lin S. -H., and Hsieh S. -S., “Operational Parameters o- n the Performance of Micro PEMFCs with Different Flow Fields,” Presented at Power MEMS Conference 2004, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 28-30, 2004 . Lin, C-Y., Hung, C.-F., Lin, H.-C., Liu, C.-H., Tsai, H.-H., and Hsieh, S.-S., “MPIV Measurements for Liquid Flow in a Microchannel,” Presented at the Sixth International Conference o- n Fluid Power, Transmission, and Control (ICFP 2005), the Zhe-Jiang University, Hongzhou, China, April 5-8, 2005. Yang, S. -H., Hsieh, S. –S., and Feng, C. –L., “An Impedance Spectroscopy Study of a Micro PEMFC with Different Flow Fields,” Presented at Fourth International Conference o- n Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, Irvine, Californian, June 19-21, 2006. Hsieh, S.-S., “Micro PEM Fuel Cells/Stacks,” Presented at the IUPAC 3rd International Symposium o- n Novel Materials and Synthesis (NMS-III), Shanghai, China, Oct. 17-21, 2007. Lin, C. -Y., Hsieh S. -S., and Chen J. -H., "Two-Phase Convection Heat Transfer in Microchannels," Presented at NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Houston, Texas, USA, May 3-7, 2009. Her, B. -S., Hsieh S. -S., and Chen J. -H., "Channel-to-Rib Width Ratio Effects of Flowfield Plates in the Performance of a Micro-PEM Fuel Cell Stack," Presented at Clean Technology Conference and Expo, Houston, Texas, USA, May 3-7, 2009. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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交換 金屬疲勞 這些學問換個領域就不適用了
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