作者查詢 / risk

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 risk 的總覽 (PTT發文,留言,暱稱)
發文數量: 92
收到的『推』: 1044 (42.9%)
收到的『→』: 1300 (53.4%)
收到的『噓』: 89 (3.7%)
留言數量: 66
送出的『推』: 1 (1.5%)
送出的『→』: 65 (98.5%)
送出的『噓』: 0 (0.0%)
使用過的暱稱: 3
risk 在 PTT 最新的發文, 共 92 篇
Re: [問題] 想要提升力量又想跑步
[ MuscleBeach ]11 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: risk - 發表於 2023/12/13 15:16(4月前)
[出售] [出售/健身/台北] Reebok Nano X2 神力女
[ SportsShop ]0 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: risk - 發表於 2023/10/07 15:01(6月前)
Re: [討論] 能量消耗/攝取 假說
[ FITNESS ]1 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: risk - 發表於 2022/06/14 10:57(1年前)
Re: [新聞] 台北房價太貴!他改花500萬在歐洲買房哀
[ home-sale ]32 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: risk - 發表於 2022/05/25 21:29(1年前)
Re: [新聞] 台北房價太貴!他改花500萬在歐洲買房哀
[ home-sale ]258 留言, 推噓總分: +25
作者: risk - 發表於 2022/05/23 12:56(1年前)
risk 在 PTT 最新的留言, 共 66 則
[問題] 超出熱量的心態問題
[ FITNESS ]44 留言, 推噓總分: +24
作者: plok0202 - 發表於 2020/12/19 10:13(3年前)
17Frisk: "超出500卡"怎麼會是"熱量赤字"?12/19 14:29
[簽到] 批踢踢不能亡
[ Ptt25sign ]26 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: risk - 發表於 2020/12/16 12:17(3年前)
1Frisk: Hypocrites get offended by the truth.12/16 12:19
2Frisk: Censorship is to art as lynching is to justice.12/17 11:29
3Frisk: Proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear.12/18 10:25
4Frisk: This is slavery, not to speak one's thought.12/19 09:47
5Frisk: Freedom is an ingredient of humble facts. 12/20 10:47
6Frisk: Only fake people value fake news. 12/21 10:38
7Frisk: If you are not free to say no, 12/22 09:35
8Frisk: your yes is meaningless. 12/23 11:49
9Frisk: The less the freedom, 12/24 09:31
10Frisk: the more illegitimate the leadership. 12/25 13:38
11Frisk: Don't exercise your freedom of speech84.202.79.213 12/26 11:58
12Frisk: until exercising your freedom of thought. 12/27 13:09
13Frisk: Believe half of what you see84.202.79.213 12/28 10:31
14Frisk: and nothing you read online. 12/29 11:40
15Frisk: Saddest thing nowadays84.202.79.213 12/30 10:43
16Frisk: is that words can kill. 12/31 10:56
17Frisk: Freedom of speech2.148.172.116 01/01 03:28
18Frisk: doesn't justify online bullying. 01/02 11:45
19Frisk: Freedom of speech doesn't mean84.202.79.213 01/03 10:38
20Frisk: threatening the freedom of others. 01/04 10:56
21Frisk: When given freedom of speech, 01/05 11:04
22Frisk: most men merely quote other men. 01/06 10:50
23Frisk: If freedom of speech is taken away, 01/07 11:14
24Frisk: then dumb and silent we may be led, 01/08 11:03
25Frisk: like sheep to the slaughter. 01/09 12:04
26Frisk: Happy Birthday! PTT84.202.79.213 01/10 10:41
[ MuscleBeach ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: hail2u - 發表於 2020/11/28 13:53(3年前)
1Frisk: 單槓可以自己練 https://youtu.be/YiDBLo2Ssbs11/28 14:14
Re: [求助] 請問各位男士怎麼小便
[ marriage ]60 留言, 推噓總分: +17
作者: solumate - 發表於 2020/07/08 18:51(3年前)
25Frisk: Urinating Standing versus Sitting: Position Is07/09 00:54
26Frisk: of Influence in Men with Prostate07/09 00:54
27Frisk: Enlargement. A Systematic Review and07/09 00:55
28Frisk: Meta-Analysis07/09 00:55
29Frisk: 這篇研究結論翻譯:將站立與坐姿進行比較,07/09 00:57
30Frisk: 對於下尿路症狀(LUTS)的患者,坐姿排尿姿勢07/09 00:58
31Frisk: 比站立更可取。07/09 00:58
32Frisk: 但是,醫學上沒有健康男人排尿的優越姿勢。07/09 00:58
[歐洲] 德國商管背景求職(金融)
[ Oversea_Job ]26 留言, 推噓總分: +23
作者: sp020548 - 發表於 2019/12/25 00:29(4年前)
9Frisk: 推!12/25 12:57
risk 在 PTT 的暱稱紀錄, 共 3 個