作者查詢 / cal629195

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 cal629195 在 PTT [ Aviation ] 看板的留言(推文), 共1765則
[閒聊] CI222降落羽田後卡在滑行道上
[ Aviation ]26 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: ccasskia - 發表於 2020/01/13 21:05(4年前)
9Fcal629195: a330液壓綠系帶landing gear 及煞車01/13 23:14
10Fcal629195: 緊急煞車有一功能自動爆胎避免吃草01/13 23:14
11Fcal629195: 這算是綠系爆管失壓01/13 23:14
12Fcal629195: 不知是否這種情況?01/13 23:14
18Fcal629195: 綠系爆管(3000psi),鼻輪無法轉向01/14 11:49
19Fcal629195: airbus 的日常,液壓系統爆管波音較少見01/14 11:49
[分享] 滑行中返回的原因
[ Aviation ]11 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: bbcar - 發表於 2020/01/14 10:01(4年前)
9Fcal629195: 韓航的公主事件印象最深刻01/14 11:43
[新聞] 波灣豪雨大雪 衝擊杜拜機場
[ Aviation ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: seazilicy - 發表於 2020/01/12 22:11(4年前)
6Fcal629195: 桃園機場未來要除雪都可能01/13 09:21
[新聞] 航空公司突取消2班機 趕投票旅客竟被安
[ Aviation ]55 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: waypoint - 發表於 2020/01/11 13:03(4年前)
30Fcal629195: 連續劇嗎?不像航空專業01/11 15:57
[情報] 伊朗軍方承認擊落客機
[ Aviation ]96 留言, 推噓總分: +61
作者: EdgeOfPeople - 發表於 2020/01/11 11:50(4年前)
56Fcal629195: 用了哪家的飛彈?01/11 15:56
[新聞] 外資進駐也無力回天?林佳龍:遠航廢照
[ Aviation ]28 留言, 推噓總分: +10
作者: vm3rmp4 - 發表於 2020/01/07 12:19(4年前)
23Fcal629195: 編個故事:01/07 20:34
24Fcal629195: 本來是做球給中資救員工,01/07 20:34
25Fcal629195: 中共好棒棒!01/07 20:34
26Fcal629195: 沒想到交通部不讓遠航老闆玩遊戲01/07 20:34
Re: [新聞] 遠航財務問題 已有公司願意接手進駐
[ Aviation ]72 留言, 推噓總分: +22
作者: tdeglass - 發表於 2020/01/06 18:04(4年前)
44Fcal629195: 遠航事件不應在航空版繼續討論01/06 19:47
45Fcal629195: 這事件從頭到尾都是政治要脅01/06 19:47
46Fcal629195: 有人要在選前製造台灣社會問題01/06 19:47
47Fcal629195: 版主看清啊!01/06 19:47
48Fcal629195: 不要亂水桶.01/06 19:47
[分享] KHH 高雄:2019最準時的中型機場
[ Aviation ]48 留言, 推噓總分: +20
作者: liaore - 發表於 2020/01/05 19:59(4年前)
12Fcal629195: 中華民國各航空站依照依航線種類、飛機起降架次及客貨01/05 21:37
13Fcal629195: 運量之多寡,分為以下等級:01/05 21:37
14Fcal629195: 特等航空站:年出入旅客達1000萬人次以上,或飛機架次01/05 21:37
15Fcal629195: 達5萬架次以上。目前僅臺灣桃園國際機場達到此標準。01/05 21:37
16Fcal629195: 甲等航空站:年出入旅客達400萬至1000萬人次,或飛機架01/05 21:37
17Fcal629195: 次達4萬至5萬架次。目前有臺灣的臺北國際航空站、高雄01/05 21:37
18Fcal629195: 國際航空站達到此標準。01/05 21:37
19Fcal629195: 乙等航空站:年出入旅客達150萬至400萬人次,或飛機架01/05 21:37
20Fcal629195: 次達3萬至4萬架次。目前有臺灣島上的臺中國際航空站、01/05 21:37
21Fcal629195: 澎湖群島的澎湖航空站和金門群島的金門航空站達到此標01/05 21:37
22Fcal629195: 準。01/05 21:37
23Fcal629195: 丙等航空站:年出入旅客達75萬至150萬人次,或飛機架次01/05 21:37
24Fcal629195: 達2萬至3萬架次。01/05 21:37
25Fcal629195: 丁等航空站:年出入旅客達75萬人次以下,或飛機架次未01/05 21:37
26Fcal629195: 滿2萬架次。01/05 21:37
27Fcal629195: 依跑道長度分五等abcde01/05 21:37
[問題] 俄羅斯的過路費
[ Aviation ]119 留言, 推噓總分: +13
作者: Bruce227 - 發表於 2019/12/30 22:24(4年前)
14Fcal629195: 2. Air Navigation Charge12/31 09:51
40Fcal629195: 2. Air Navigation Charge12/31 09:51
15Fcal629195: 2.1 Air traffic services are provided by the Federa12/31 09:51
41Fcal629195: 2.1 Air traffic services are provided by the Federa12/31 09:51
16Fcal629195: l Aviation Authority of Russia12/31 09:51
42Fcal629195: l Aviation Authority of Russia12/31 09:51
17Fcal629195: (FAAR).12/31 09:51
43Fcal629195: (FAAR).12/31 09:51
18Fcal629195: 2.2 Air navigation charges are levied and collected12/31 09:51
19Fcal629195: by the FAAR-authorized organization:12/31 09:51
20Fcal629195: -for air traffic services provided in the take-off12/31 09:51
21Fcal629195: & landing areas of airport at the rate12/31 09:51
22Fcal629195: of $ 3.9 for each and every ton of MTOW whereas any12/31 09:51
23Fcal629195: part of a ton is rounded up to whole one.12/31 09:51
24Fcal629195: for every take-off and landing operated between 16.12/31 09:51
25Fcal629195: 00-06.00 local time additional 20 % is being charge12/31 09:51
26Fcal629195: d.12/31 09:51
27Fcal629195: en-route air navigation services provided within FI12/31 09:51
28Fcal629195: Rs are priced at the following rates for each and e12/31 09:51
29Fcal629195: very 100 km of great circle distance:12/31 09:51
30Fcal629195: MTOW (tons)12/31 09:51
31Fcal629195: up to 50 $ 39.0012/31 09:51
32Fcal629195: 51-100 $ 53.0012/31 09:51
33Fcal629195: 101-200 $ 66.0012/31 09:51
34Fcal629195: 201-300 $ 68.0012/31 09:51
35Fcal629195: 301-400 $ 70.0012/31 09:51
36Fcal629195: 401-... $ 72.0012/31 09:51
37Fcal629195: 2.2.1 The distance included in the formula for char12/31 09:51
38Fcal629195: ges calculation represents great circle distance fl12/31 09:51
39Fcal629195: own within Russian FIRs reduced by 20 km should a l12/31 09:51
44Fcal629195: 2.2 Air navigation charges are levied and collected12/31 09:52
45Fcal629195: by the FAAR-authorized organization:12/31 09:52
46Fcal629195: -for air traffic services provided in the take-off12/31 09:52
47Fcal629195: & landing areas of airport at the rate12/31 09:52
48Fcal629195: of $ 3.9 for each and every ton of MTOW whereas any12/31 09:52
49Fcal629195: part of a ton is rounded up to whole one.12/31 09:52
50Fcal629195: for every take-off and landing operated between 16.12/31 09:52
51Fcal629195: 00-06.00 local time additional 20 % is being charge12/31 09:52
52Fcal629195: d.12/31 09:52
53Fcal629195: en-route air navigation services provided within FI12/31 09:52
54Fcal629195: Rs are priced at the following rates for each and e12/31 09:52
55Fcal629195: very 100 km of great circle distance:12/31 09:52
56Fcal629195: MTOW (tons)12/31 09:52
57Fcal629195: up to 50 $ 39.0012/31 09:52
58Fcal629195: 51-100 $ 53.0012/31 09:52
59Fcal629195: 101-200 $ 66.0012/31 09:52
60Fcal629195: 201-300 $ 68.0012/31 09:52
61Fcal629195: 301-400 $ 70.0012/31 09:52
62Fcal629195: 401-... $ 72.0012/31 09:52
63Fcal629195: 2. Air Navigation Charge12/31 09:55
64Fcal629195: 2.1 Air traffic services are provided by the Federa12/31 09:55
65Fcal629195: l Aviation Authority of Russia12/31 09:55
66Fcal629195: (FAAR).12/31 09:55
67Fcal629195: en-route air navigation services provided within FI12/31 09:55
68Fcal629195: Rs are priced at the following rates for each and e12/31 09:55
69Fcal629195: very 100 km of great circle distance:12/31 09:55
70Fcal629195: MTOW (tons)12/31 09:55
71Fcal629195: up to 50 $ 39.0012/31 09:55
72Fcal629195: 51-100 $ 53.0012/31 09:55
73Fcal629195: 101-200 $ 66.0012/31 09:55
74Fcal629195: 201-300 $ 68.0012/31 09:55
75Fcal629195: 301-400 $ 70.0012/31 09:55
76Fcal629195: 401-... $ 72.0012/31 09:55
77Fcal629195: 2.2.1 The distance included in the formula for char12/31 09:55
78Fcal629195: ges calculation represents great circle distance fl12/31 09:55
79Fcal629195: own within Russian FIRs reduced by 20 km should a l12/31 09:55
80Fcal629195: anding occur; route segments shorter than 50 km sha12/31 09:55
81Fcal629195: ll not be taken into account; route segments longer12/31 09:55
82Fcal629195: than 50 km shall be rounded up to 100 km.12/31 09:55
83Fcal629195: Note 1: In Russia air navigation charges are being12/31 09:55
84Fcal629195: collected by IATA or another organization authorize12/31 09:55
85Fcal629195: d by FAAR.12/31 09:55
86Fcal629195: 2. Air Navigation Charge12/31 09:56
87Fcal629195: 2.1 Air traffic services are provided by the Federa12/31 09:56
88Fcal629195: l Aviation Authority of Russia12/31 09:56
89Fcal629195: (FAAR).12/31 09:56
90Fcal629195: en-route air navigation services provided within FI12/31 09:56
91Fcal629195: Rs are priced at the following rates for each and e12/31 09:56
92Fcal629195: very 100 km of great circle distance:12/31 09:56
93Fcal629195: MTOW (tons)12/31 09:56
94Fcal629195: up to 50 $ 39.0012/31 09:56
95Fcal629195: 51-100 $ 53.0012/31 09:56
96Fcal629195: 101-200 $ 66.0012/31 09:56
97Fcal629195: 201-300 $ 68.0012/31 09:56
98Fcal629195: 301-400 $ 70.0012/31 09:56
99Fcal629195: 401-... $ 72.0012/31 09:56
100Fcal629195: 2.2.1 The distance included in the formula for char12/31 09:56
101Fcal629195: ges calculation represents great circle distance fl12/31 09:56
102Fcal629195: own within Russian FIRs reduced by 20 km should a l12/31 09:56
103Fcal629195: anding occur; route segments shorter than 50 km sha12/31 09:56
104Fcal629195: ll not be taken into account; route segments longer12/31 09:56
105Fcal629195: than 50 km shall be rounded up to 100 km.12/31 09:56
106Fcal629195: Note 1: In Russia air navigation charges are being12/31 09:56
107Fcal629195: collected by IATA or another organization authorize12/31 09:56
108Fcal629195: d by FAAR.12/31 09:56
[新聞] 「星宇小舖」退換貨出包... 張國煒親自道
[ Aviation ]27 留言, 推噓總分: +13
作者: icedog122 - 發表於 2019/12/30 23:53(4年前)
10Fcal629195: 老闆重視客戶反應,有什麼不對?12/31 09:44
11Fcal629195: 航空業就是服務業12/31 09:44