Re: [推薦]基因研究証實入侵羅馬的匈人與匈奴相關

看板historia作者 (Terry)時間11月前 (2023/06/04 14:57), 11月前編輯推噓-5(167)
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※ 引述《heeroyu (台大宅神)》之銘言: : 過去不少西方與東方歷史學家都提出過橫掃羅馬的匈王阿提拉與他的部族匈人 : 可能源自於被漢朝打敗而西遷的匈奴。但是,這個觀點因為間隔年代的史料空白太大,也 : 幾乎無任何中西方的史料可以佐証,而只能是假說。 : 近年來拜基因科技的發展之賜,死人骨頭已經可以用來做基因定序,來確定其祖先來源。 : 在2022年歐洲終於出版了一篇對於匈人(Huns)、阿瓦爾人(Avars)及匈牙利(馬札爾)征服 : 者的移民遺骸進行的大型基因(DNA)研究報告。研究的結論是匈人(Huns)與阿瓦爾人 : (Avars)的祖先確實可以追溯到蒙古。也就是過去西方與東方歷史學家主張的的匈人阿提 : 拉可能源自於東方匈奴的說法,是符合基因研究的結果的。 當年也是有"基因" 定出來的結果是"非" 的。 不管你定出來的結果是哪一個,都改變不了,中國人說哪是匈奴人的國度。 而這個國度,歐洲人稱為Huns。 然後中國人開始講,中國人打敗匈奴人,匈奴人敗走後去打敗羅馬人。 然後泛歐洲人,就開始了DNA 之旅,東拉西扯。 最後出了一個,嗯, DNA 證實,這兩個是"沒有關係的"。 你的胸是你的胸,我的不哪麼胸。 我說: 這不就是拿明朝的劍來斬清朝的官? 你用你的定義來蓋過古人的定義。然後說我有DNA 實證。 正如WIKI 上的阿蘭人,做了三次,共15具樣本。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

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咦!! 有看懂呢。哪之前說沒關係的呢? 匈人被一些學者認為是古代中國文獻中記載的匈奴,但學術界目前還沒有形成 一致的看法。 根據秦漢時的漢籍史料等文獻記載,當時匈奴活躍於中國北疆境外及中亞的準噶爾盆地、 塔里木盆地、中亞河中地區和圖蘭地區。 其戰鬥力和機動性較高,使他們在與對方作戰中 經常佔有優勢,尤其在與一些農耕文明的民族作戰時。 後來匈奴於東漢初期屢被鮮卑、 南匈奴、東漢打敗後,匈奴的一分支北匈奴於155年被鮮卑沉重打擊下,最終於158年 被丁零擊敗之後開始西遷到圖蘭地區。 有人認為他們就是於372年左右進入了歐洲的匈人的祖先。 現代中文書籍有時也把他們稱為「匈奴人」,但他們和中國古代的匈奴是否有血緣關係或 系同一民族尚無定論。 但是在2006年,法國和匈牙利遺傳學者利用2300年前的古代匈奴 貴族屍體,與現在在蒙古地區的蒙古人群體、雅庫特人群體、以及現代安納托利亞的 土耳其人群體,進行的Y染色體和粒線體、常染色體DNA分析。 結果表明,古代匈奴和當代蒙古人群為延續世系,而現代土耳其人與 蒙古人更多的是文化和語言學上的交流而非基因上的交流。 匈奴人和西伯利亞的雅庫特人也沒有血緣關係。日本學者杉山正明認為 ,匈奴是由多民族與多人種混合結盟所形成的國家,不是民族或人種的稱呼。 匈人繼承了這個國家名稱。認為這兩個民族系出同源的最主要證據是北匈奴西遷和三百年 後在歐洲出現的匈人時間上的吻合。 真的是沒辨法和中文不好又自認秀才的人講什麼。CELL不CELL的。

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06/05 05:39, 11月前 , 13F
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其它的中文程度不好的,就不好意思囉。 給你們英文吧,如果連英文也看不懂的, 哪也沒辨法了。 In a genetic study of individuals from the around the Tian Shan mountains of central Asia dating from the late second century CE, Damgaard et al. 2018 found that these individuals represented a population of mixed East Asian and West Eurasian origin. They argued that this population descended from Xiongnu who expanded westward and mixed with Iranian Sakas.[84] This population in the Tian Shan mountains may be connected to the European Huns by individual burials that contains objects stylistically related to those used by the European Huns, although this could be a sign of the exchange of goods and the connections between elites rather than a sign of migration.[74] A genetic study published in Scientific Reports in November 2019 led by Neparáczki Endre had examined the remains of three males from three separate 5th century Hunnic cemeteries in the Pannonian Basin. They were found to be carrying the paternal haplogroups Q1a2, R1b1a1b1a1a1 and R1a1a1b2a2.[85] In modern Europe, Q1a2 is rare and has its highest frequency among the Székelys. All of the Hunnic males studied were determined to have had brown eyes and black or brown hair, and to have been of mixed European and East Asian ancestry.[86] The results were consistent with a Xiongnu origin of the Huns.[87] However, Savelyev & Jeong et al. 2020 reports while there is East Eurasian genetics detected in the Huns, no ancient genome from the Carpathian basin has been reported to test the Eastern Eurasian genetic connection, but such a conclusion was also based on the lack of Xiongnu archaeogenetics samples. At the same time, the Western Eurasian population connected with various Indo-European languages of Europe (Germanic and Ossetic, in particular) played a crucial role in the formation of Huns. Many of the Huns' names suggest they were European locally and have no connection with Turkic speakers. While the Huns do have some steppe ancestry there isn't even enough evidence to directly link the Huns only with the Xiongnu.[1] In the same year Keyser et al. 2020 examined 52 Xiongnu skeletal remains and found that the Xiongnu shared paternal (R1a1a1b2a-Z94, R1a1a1b2a2-Z2124, Q1a and N1a) and maternal haplotypes with the Huns, and suggested on this basis that the Huns were descended from Xiongnu, who they in turn suggested were descended from Scytho-Siberians.[88] Gnecchi-Ruscone et al. 2021 found that an elite Hun with Y-DNA haplogroup R1a1a1b-Z645 from mid-4th century Hungary closely clustered with a same century Hun from Western Kazakhstan and the Xianbei Hun from Berel with ancient northeast Asian (ANA) groups.[89] The next year, Gnecchi-Ruscone et al. 2022 examined a 5th century male from Hungary, he belonged to paternal R1a1a1b2a2b2-Y57 and maternal haplogroup H5, and mostly had West Eurasian origin.[90] Maróti et al. 2022 sequenced 9 skeletal remains from 4-5th century Hungary, two out of seven men carried R1a1a1b2a2a3c-Z94 (rare in Europe but more common in Asia) while others carried subclades of Q-M242, as well as subclades of R1a1a (common in Eastern and Northwestern Europe).[91] According to it, the genetic data is in accordance with interdisciplinary sources as confirming theories of Xiongnu/Hunnic origin from modern-day Mongolia and their subsequent mixing with Scythians/Sarmatians and Germanics/Goths after traveling toward Europe. ※ 編輯: Lordaeron ( 臺灣), 06/05/2023 06:32:12 ※ 編輯: Lordaeron ( 臺灣), 06/05/2023 06:46:55

06/05 10:40, 11月前 , 14F
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