Re: [英中] 請問一段句子的翻譯

看板Translation作者 (守望)時間13年前 (2011/03/11 13:26), 編輯推噓0(000)
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(純筆記) 1.原句出處(搜尋自google 學術網) The relationship of gender to perceived stress and distress in medical school J Russo, D Miller… - Journal of Psychosomatic …, 1985 - ... Medical school fosters a sense of anonymity and feelings of isolation among students. This medical school is fostering a physician role at the expense of one's personality and interests. I am concerned that I will not be able to endure the long hours and responsibilities ... 2.版友的佳句及說明:(節自推文) pentimento:anonymity 有個意思是「缺乏個性」。 醫學院會消磨學生的個人特質,助長彼此間的疏離感。 weeee333:anonymity -> (沒沒)無名 -> 融入大眾 -> 沒有個人特質 英文就是這點最討厭,也最好玩... 所以才會有前輩一再建議把英漢字典丟掉 延伸:例如說「don't mind him. he's just a nobody.」 也有上述 anonymous 的感覺。 3.sense(字義節錄自google字典) (1) a feeling about something important (對重大事情的)感覺,意識 countable (例) He felt an overwhelming sense of loss. (2) an understanding about something; an ability to judge something 理解力;判斷力 singular (例1) One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour(= the ability to find things funny or make people laugh). (例2) a sense of rhythm/timing 4. anonymity(字義節錄自google字典,以及wiki) (1) The condition of being anonymous (例) most people who agreed to talk requested anonymity (2) Lack of outstanding, individual, or unusual features; impersonality (例) the anonymity of big city life definitely has its advantages (3) (詳細字義介紹,內容詳見網址) 5. a sense of anonymity 用法 (例句擷取自網路) (1) Social networking allows a false sense of anonymity (2) Secondary schools need to ensure that every child feels an individual in order to reduce any sense of anonymity which can be particularly de-motivating for pupils at S1 in a large secondary school. ( (3) Do people have a different sense of anonymity when they target a different audience with their blogs? ( ※ 引述《todoy (是《威》)》之銘言: : 標題: [英中] 請問一段句子的翻譯 : 時間: Thu Mar 3 01:40:30 2011: : 請問各位大大: : 這句話該怎麼翻比較好! : Medical school fosters a sense of anonymity and feelings of isolation among : students. : 暫譯:醫學院促進了學生間的 a sense of anonylity(匿名感!? 這個照字面翻很怪) : 與孤獨感。 : 麻煩大家可以給我些建議 : 謝謝! : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( : ◆ From: : 推 pentimento:anonymity 有個意思是「缺乏個性」。 03/03 06:54 : → pentimento:→醫學院會消磨學生的個人特質,助長彼此間的疏離感。 03/03 06:55 : 推 Lyon9:你這完全是填字遊戲 促進就大錯特錯了... 03/03 08:43 : → chingfen:缺乏個性?可以請問哪裡查到的嗎? 03/03 09:32 : → pentimento:遠東新世紀字典 03/03 09:43 : → chingfen:謝謝 03/03 09:46 : → chingfen:(試譯)醫學院助長了學生間的隱密和及孤獨/隔離的感受。 03/03 10:12 : → chingfen:...................隱密感....... 03/03 12:13 : 推 weeee333:pentimento 翻得不錯。chingfen,你可以這樣想: 03/03 20:17 : → weeee333:anonymity -> (沒沒)無名 -> 融入大眾 -> 沒有個人特質 03/03 20:18 : → weeee333:英文就是這點最討厭,也最好玩... 所以才會有前輩一再建 03/03 20:19 : → weeee333:議把英漢字典丟掉 囧 03/03 20:19 : → weeee333:延伸:例如說「don't mind him. he's just a nobody." 03/03 20:21 : → weeee333:也有上述 anonymous 的感覺。 03/03 20:21 : → weeee333:哇咧我在幹嘛,用中式的「開始,然後用英式的 " 結束 XD 03/03 20:22 : 推 ninicat0821:樓上好可愛XDDD 03/03 20:48 : → chingfen:謝謝WEE大。(我只是個人練習,謝謝指教!) 03/03 21:08 : → somnambule:我也覺得p大翻得不錯 03/04 00:07 : → chingfen:(os:何時搬來石頭砸了自己的腳?) 03/04 17:58 : → chingfen:難道是傳說的「投石問路」嗎? (誤....XD 03/04 17:59 : → weeee333:chingfen: 不客氣,你的英文比我的日文強很多 XD 加油! 03/04 19:38 : → todoy:謝謝各位的協助,大家真的好強! 03/04 23:59 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chingfen 來自: (03/11 15:37)
文章代碼(AID): #1DURAOBZ (Translation)
文章代碼(AID): #1DURAOBZ (Translation)