[新聞] 彭博:蘋果暫停和現代談判電動車

看板Stock作者 (kougousei)時間3年前 (2021/02/06 19:07), 3年前編輯推噓63(66362)
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原文標題: Apple Talks With Hyundai, Kia on Electric Car Paused Recently 原文連結:https://bloom.bg/2MyuDz4 發布時間:2021/02/06 05:35 原文內容: Apple Inc. has held talks with Hyundai Motor Co. and Kia Motors Corp. about building an electric vehicle, though the discussions paused recently, according to people familiar with the situation. 根據匿名來源指出 蘋果最近暫停了和現代/起亞的電動車談判 Apple has also been discussing similar plans with other auto manufacturers, the people said. They asked not to be identified discussing private matters. 同樣的匿名來源指出 蘋果同時也有和其他車廠談判電動車計畫 The secret project has ramped up in recent months. It has the potential to upend the automotive industry and its supply chain in a similar way to Apple’ s reinvention of the consumer device market. Apple declined to comment. In January, Hyundai, which owns a controlling stake in Kia, backed away from a statement that said it was in talks with Apple. 蘋果拒絕評論 現代在1月撤回了一篇提及蘋果在和其談判的新聞稿 That announcement, and other reports of talks, have upset Apple, which keeps development projects secret for years and controls relationships with suppliers with ruthless efficiency. 匿名來源說 因為媒體大肆宣傳此談判過程 觸怒了重視保密的蘋果 才導致此結果 It’s unclear if -- or when -- discussions between Apple and Hyundai might resume. There are only a handful of global automakers with the capacity and capability to mass manufacture vehicles, and it’s unclear how many of them would be interested in collaborating with Apple. 目前並不清楚蘋果和現代的談判是否會重啟 或何時重啟 全球並沒有幾家車廠有能力大量製造電動車 而且有多少車廠願意和蘋果合作也是個未知數 There are other hitches, too. One is a dispute within the Hyundai group over which of its two brands, Hyundai or Kia, may get to manufacture a car for Apple, one of the people familiar with the situation said. If talks end up resuming, Kia is seen as more likely and is seeking to build an Apple car at its plant in Georgia, said the person. 匿名來源還指出 電動車到底是現代做還是KIA做也有爭議 A key question for the industry is how serious Apple is about taking on Tesla Inc., General Motors Co. and other electric vehicle makers, and whether it needs an established manufacturer to be able to roll out its own product. The Cupertino, California-based company has a small team of engineers developing drive systems, as well as designers, but with development work is at an early stage, any roll out probably won’t happen for another five years. That suggests Apple has more time to decide on potential auto-industry partners. 心得/評論: 彭博社指出 因為炒股新聞滿天飛激怒了重視保密的蘋果 所以蘋果暫停了和現代/起亞的電動車談判 最近一大堆蘋果電動車消息也不曉得是真是假 (這篇也不曉得是真是假= =) 股民們還是要小心分辨不要被當韭菜啦 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1612609674.A.666.html ※ 編輯: kougousei ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 19:08:10

02/06 19:08, 3年前 , 1F
02/06 19:08, 1F

02/06 19:09, 3年前 , 2F
還有報導說 日本幾個大廠 也在蘋果考慮內
02/06 19:09, 2F

02/06 19:10, 3年前 , 3F
02/06 19:10, 3F

02/06 19:10, 3年前 , 4F
02/06 19:10, 4F

02/06 19:10, 3年前 , 5F
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02/06 19:10, 3年前 , 6F
02/06 19:10, 6F

02/06 19:11, 3年前 , 7F
蘋果:1%利潤 不要拉倒
02/06 19:11, 7F

02/06 19:11, 3年前 , 8F
否則自己搞電動車就好 利潤更高
02/06 19:11, 8F

02/06 19:11, 3年前 , 9F
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02/06 19:11, 3年前 , 10F
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02/06 19:12, 3年前 , 11F
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02/06 19:12, 3年前 , 12F
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02/06 19:12, 3年前 , 13F
02/06 19:12, 13F

02/06 19:12, 3年前 , 14F
韓廠 有經驗優勢 品牌地位又不高
02/06 19:12, 14F

02/06 19:13, 3年前 , 15F
02/06 19:13, 15F

02/06 19:13, 3年前 , 16F
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02/06 19:13, 3年前 , 17F
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02/06 19:14, 3年前 , 18F
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02/06 19:14, 3年前 , 19F
02/06 19:14, 19F

02/06 19:14, 3年前 , 20F
就算不接蘋果 廠每天開門就是燒錢
02/06 19:14, 20F

02/06 19:15, 3年前 , 21F
鴻海是沒經驗 不是蘋果最好選項
02/06 19:15, 21F

02/06 19:16, 3年前 , 22F
02/06 19:16, 22F

02/06 19:16, 3年前 , 23F
特斯拉反而是太有經驗 自己是大品牌
02/06 19:16, 23F

02/06 19:17, 3年前 , 24F
02/06 19:17, 24F

02/06 19:17, 3年前 , 25F
02/06 19:17, 25F

02/06 19:17, 3年前 , 26F
除了真的談不成 才會考慮別家
02/06 19:17, 26F
我也覺得還是韓廠機率大 只是韓媒實在太愛見獵心喜搞成這樣很好笑XD(假設這篇為真) ※ 編輯: kougousei ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 19:20:12

02/06 19:20, 3年前 , 27F
02/06 19:20, 27F

02/06 19:21, 3年前 , 28F
不過按蘋果尿性 遲早會養別家然後網內互打
02/06 19:21, 28F

02/06 19:21, 3年前 , 29F
絕對給kia做啦 現代享受kia背後被扶植的產業鏈即可
02/06 19:21, 29F

02/06 19:24, 3年前 , 30F
02/06 19:24, 30F

02/06 19:24, 3年前 , 31F
02/06 19:24, 31F

02/06 19:25, 3年前 , 32F
02/06 19:25, 32F

02/06 19:26, 3年前 , 33F
也有可能是韓企反對派想讓投資案破局 所以一直放消
02/06 19:26, 33F

02/06 19:26, 3年前 , 34F
02/06 19:26, 34F

02/06 19:27, 3年前 , 35F
裕隆連不上不下都做不到 要是有點水準 最適合的就
02/06 19:27, 35F

02/06 19:27, 3年前 , 36F
台灣業者 哈
02/06 19:27, 36F

02/06 19:27, 3年前 , 37F
02/06 19:27, 37F

02/06 19:28, 3年前 , 38F
老老實實自己建廠吧 車子可不比3C
02/06 19:28, 38F
還有 53 則推文
還有 1 段內文
02/06 20:21, 3年前 , 92F
02/06 20:21, 92F

02/06 20:21, 3年前 , 93F
02/06 20:21, 93F

02/06 20:21, 3年前 , 94F
笑慘 一堆公公慘套的在取暖XD
02/06 20:21, 94F

02/06 20:26, 3年前 , 95F
現代KIA 要做自己做就好了 韓國能支援的不會比較少
02/06 20:26, 95F

02/06 20:26, 3年前 , 96F
02/06 20:26, 96F

02/06 20:28, 3年前 , 97F
02/06 20:28, 97F

02/06 20:34, 3年前 , 98F
02/06 20:34, 98F

02/06 20:40, 3年前 , 99F
02/06 20:40, 99F

02/06 20:47, 3年前 , 100F
果然沒我大鴻海哥 蘋果小兒只能一事無成
02/06 20:47, 100F

02/06 21:06, 3年前 , 101F
毒 蘋 果 不 是 叫 假 的
02/06 21:06, 101F

02/06 21:07, 3年前 , 102F
看到樓上相繼高潮 還好公公三天沒站回已經出了
02/06 21:07, 102F

02/06 21:11, 3年前 , 103F
02/06 21:11, 103F

02/06 21:25, 3年前 , 104F
鴻海不是跟裕隆有在納智捷合作 我倒是覺得有點可能
02/06 21:25, 104F

02/06 21:25, 3年前 , 105F
啊 雖然大概10趴而已
02/06 21:25, 105F

02/06 21:32, 3年前 , 106F
蘋果自己不會做工廠喔 連汽車也想找代工 能做多好…
02/06 21:32, 106F

02/06 21:35, 3年前 , 107F
好賺的軟體跟電池我大蘋果要牢牢抓著 其餘誰給的報
02/06 21:35, 107F

02/06 21:36, 3年前 , 108F
apple通常都把持著技術 沒工廠也沒差
02/06 21:36, 108F

02/06 21:36, 3年前 , 109F
價好誰做啊 不然要遵守環保法規 人權法規多麻煩
02/06 21:36, 109F

02/06 21:37, 3年前 , 110F
02/06 21:37, 110F

02/06 21:40, 3年前 , 111F
蘋果一向謹慎小心 寧可慢不願意亂坐 電動車至少還要
02/06 21:40, 111F

02/06 21:41, 3年前 , 112F
02/06 21:41, 112F

02/06 21:44, 3年前 , 113F
02/06 21:44, 113F

02/06 21:45, 3年前 , 114F
02/06 21:45, 114F

02/06 21:46, 3年前 , 115F
02/06 21:46, 115F

02/06 21:47, 3年前 , 116F
有豐田的妥善率跟品管 配上蘋果得科技跟品牌力量
02/06 21:47, 116F

02/06 21:57, 3年前 , 117F
02/06 21:57, 117F

02/06 22:09, 3年前 , 118F
韓國車比較好殺價 豐田完全不會鳥你
02/06 22:09, 118F

02/06 22:10, 3年前 , 119F
找理由砍你利潤 這很蘋果
02/06 22:10, 119F

02/06 22:11, 3年前 , 120F
02/06 22:11, 120F

02/06 22:18, 3年前 , 121F
Luxgen 利多
02/06 22:18, 121F

02/06 22:39, 3年前 , 122F
02/06 22:39, 122F

02/06 22:39, 3年前 , 123F
幫蘋果做 最後就跟現在哀鳳下游一樣 毛利被砍歪
02/06 22:39, 123F

02/06 22:40, 3年前 , 124F
02/06 22:40, 124F

02/06 22:48, 3年前 , 125F
怎麼可能因為這樣變鴻海,台灣媒體更早亂炒消息 XD
02/06 22:48, 125F

02/06 22:51, 3年前 , 126F
02/06 22:51, 126F

02/06 23:02, 3年前 , 127F
02/06 23:02, 127F

02/06 23:16, 3年前 , 128F
找日本二線廠就好了找鴻海幹嘛= =
02/06 23:16, 128F

02/06 23:21, 3年前 , 129F
apple是不是真要做車還是問號吧 說不定只是車用系統
02/06 23:21, 129F

02/06 23:23, 3年前 , 130F
02/06 23:23, 130F

02/06 23:33, 3年前 , 131F
02/06 23:33, 131F
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