[新聞] ST. Ace on Slayers on his FB

看板StarCraft作者 (乳乳)時間11年前 (2012/10/18 09:27), 編輯推噓122(1253188)
留言316則, 70人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
The communities are talking. I am only one player so I don't know the details of the inside stories nor can I reveal them. But one thing I want to say is that the Coach Won I know used money from his pockets to run the team and divided the winnings of team leagues or individual leagues among the players, without spending it for operational costs of the team. 我只是一個隊員其實也不方便說甚麼,畢竟細節我不是很清楚。 但我只想表示Coacn Won(號招大家抵制Slayers那位)他用了很多自己的錢來 營運這個戰隊,用這筆錢讓選手參加許多個人聯賽而不讓戰隊出錢。 During times when we did not have sponsors to bring in money for operation, it must have all been debts for him but he didn't take even 1% of the winnings. The players actually discussed and gave the team league winnings to him so that he could use that for operation costs. 那時候我們還沒有任何贊助商,他一定欠了很多錢,他甚至沒有拿隊員1%的獎金。 那時我們都在討論要捐出我們的獎金讓他來營運這個戰隊。 Someone like this, someone that makes me stay on Startale is being criticized by you people that don't know anything about him. The Startale I know trusts Coach won so much that no players have left Startale thus far. Do you think we're stupid? Stupid enough to be tricked into staying in the team by someone that you guys claim to have such a trash-like character? 像這樣的人竟然被你們一直批評,你們根本不了解他。 整個ST的人都很相信他所以一個人都沒有離隊,難道你認為我們都是白癡嗎? 白癡到自己被耍都不知道。如果他真的像你們說的這麼垃圾我們幹嘛待在這? We are people that think there is no like Coach Won in this scene. That is why we aren't thinking about leaving him. I don't know about the thoughts of the newer players, but this is my thought and I'm very uncomfortable to see someone I respect so much being criticized over something petty like this. 我們都覺得這個圈子沒有人像Coach Won這麼好,這就是我們為什麼根本不會想要 離開ST。我是不知道新來的隊員的想法啦,但我就是這麼想而且我看到他被批評成這樣 我也覺得很不爽。 I wish I could be more brave and have enough power to tell you more but that is not the case. You ask is outcasting Slayer not bad then? Of course it is bad. It is. He clearly did tell us to not practice with Slayers and TSL, and he took back that order in less than a month. That was something wrong and we the players were surprised by it. But here there is a story that a lot of people don't know. Coach Won is a very well behaved gentleman and thinks that it is better for him to be criticized rather than the players. 我希望我可以勇敢一點,可以跟你們說一些更勁爆的內幕但我不行。蝦?你說抵制 Slayers這件事難道很光彩嗎?對這的確不光彩,Coach Wong的確很明白地叫我們不 準跟Slayers和TSL的人練習,但他在不到一個月就收回這句話了。這裡面有很多 事情大家不知道,Coach Wong是舉止優雅的紳士,他覺得他被批評沒關係,只要選手 沒事就好。 That is why he let the things of the past go after receiving the criticisms only by himself. I stayed quiet when things came up in the past, but this time I want to give him strength. I respect and trust the man that you people claim is a person with trash-like character. I feel so helpless because this is all I can say. We don't think there is anyone else out there that is like Coach Won. Please, I would be grateful if you would stop the criticisms and wait for the situation to be settled. I know Coach Won's character. 這就是為什麼他任由自己被外界批評。以前我都安靜地待在旁邊看,但這次我打算跳出 來支持他一下。我支持並且相信這位被你們當垃圾批評的男人,我無法幫他做些甚麼, 只能跳出來跟你們說這些。沒有人像Coach Won這麼好的,拜託你們停止這些攻擊吧。 我相信他的人格。 http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004100198856 這廝的英文還真爛... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/18 09:29, , 1F
光是搞抵制就很低級了 講這麼多屁話出來丟臉的喔
10/18 09:29, 1F

10/18 09:30, , 2F
所以真的是有抵制嘛 多謝仁甫哥幫包嫂作證~
10/18 09:30, 2F

10/18 09:30, , 3F
講那麼多好話 還不是承認有抵制...
10/18 09:30, 3F

10/18 09:30, , 4F
對外耍賤招 跟對內很好 不衝突阿 他在悲憤什麼
10/18 09:30, 4F

10/18 09:30, , 5F
10/18 09:30, 5F

10/18 09:30, , 6F
10/18 09:30, 6F

10/18 09:30, , 7F
10/18 09:30, 7F

10/18 09:30, , 8F
Ace是出來拱火的吧...他這樣講隊esf沒好處阿= =
10/18 09:30, 8F

10/18 09:31, , 9F
10/18 09:31, 9F

10/18 09:31, , 10F
包嫂:( ′﹀‵)/︴<>< <>< <>< <>< <><
10/18 09:31, 10F

10/18 09:31, , 11F
10/18 09:31, 11F

10/18 09:31, , 12F
10/18 09:31, 12F

10/18 09:31, , 13F
這八點檔越來越好看了 期待有其他戰隊的人跳出來爆料XDDD
10/18 09:31, 13F

10/18 09:31, , 14F
10/18 09:31, 14F

10/18 09:32, , 15F
10/18 09:32, 15F

10/18 09:32, , 16F
10/18 09:32, 16F

10/18 09:33, , 17F
10/18 09:33, 17F

10/18 09:33, , 18F
10/18 09:33, 18F

10/18 09:34, , 19F
10/18 09:34, 19F

10/18 09:34, , 20F
前面本來還半信半疑 結果仁甫一跳出來就說有抵制
10/18 09:34, 20F

10/18 09:34, , 21F
10/18 09:34, 21F

10/18 09:34, , 22F
抵制不好嗎= =a
10/18 09:34, 22F

10/18 09:34, , 23F
10/18 09:34, 23F

10/18 09:34, , 24F
智商挺低的 見不得光的事情都拿到檯面上 還省了別人
10/18 09:34, 24F

10/18 09:35, , 25F
10/18 09:35, 25F

10/18 09:35, , 26F
10/18 09:35, 26F

10/18 09:35, , 27F
10/18 09:35, 27F

10/18 09:35, , 28F
原文的確是有收掉抵制命令阿 可是OGS某位表示
10/18 09:35, 28F

10/18 09:36, , 29F
10/18 09:36, 29F

10/18 09:36, , 30F
等著看playxp暴動, 居然敢欺負包哥的戰隊 = =
10/18 09:36, 30F

10/18 09:36, , 31F
哈哈 我笑了
10/18 09:36, 31F

10/18 09:36, , 32F
出很多錢跟抵制好像沒有什麼關聯齁 還是抵制啊
10/18 09:36, 32F

10/18 09:36, , 33F
原來TSL也被抵制了 xd
10/18 09:36, 33F

10/18 09:36, , 34F
10/18 09:36, 34F

10/18 09:36, , 35F
10/18 09:36, 35F

10/18 09:36, , 36F
對內做做樣子當好人 對外收取利益兼放話 一點都不衝突
10/18 09:36, 36F

10/18 09:36, , 37F
10/18 09:36, 37F

10/18 09:36, , 38F
10/18 09:36, 38F

10/18 09:37, , 39F
可是ST袁教練要求slayers一起配合抵制NASL 1,但是自己還
10/18 09:37, 39F
還有 237 則推文
10/18 11:01, , 277F
兩邊狀況都不好啊 韓國SC2的狀況現在都不景氣
10/18 11:01, 277F

10/18 11:02, , 278F
10/18 11:02, 278F

10/18 11:02, , 279F
現在最怕的是GowTv叫他們通通閉嘴 連續劇end
10/18 11:02, 279F

10/18 11:03, , 280F
10/18 11:03, 280F

10/18 11:04, , 281F
幹 Gow強大到GOM都為他改名了喔
10/18 11:04, 281F

10/18 11:04, , 282F
10/18 11:04, 282F

10/18 11:04, , 283F
10/18 11:04, 283F

10/18 11:04, , 284F
GOW:('。ω。` )?
10/18 11:04, 284F

10/18 11:05, , 285F
10/18 11:05, 285F

10/18 11:05, , 286F
10/18 11:05, 286F

10/18 11:06, , 287F
10/18 11:06, 287F

10/18 11:07, , 288F
GowTV Gow毀滅世界
10/18 11:07, 288F

10/18 11:09, , 289F
呼 笑到肚子好痛 來準備吃午餐 雖然才剛吃了飯糰XD
10/18 11:09, 289F

10/18 11:10, , 290F
10/18 11:10, 290F

10/18 11:11, , 291F
10/18 11:11, 291F

10/18 11:11, , 292F
10/18 11:11, 292F

10/18 11:13, , 293F
繼91之後 gow又出來當坦了
10/18 11:13, 293F

10/18 11:20, , 294F
為什麼91又出現了啦 冏
10/18 11:20, 294F

10/18 11:32, , 295F
10/18 11:32, 295F

10/18 11:37, , 296F
10/18 11:37, 296F

10/18 11:40, , 297F
10/18 11:40, 297F

10/18 11:51, , 298F
Ace帥氣 抵制又怎樣 人都有私心 但夠照顧選手就該推
10/18 11:51, 298F

10/18 11:59, , 299F
推真男人 雖然蠢了點...XD
10/18 11:59, 299F

10/18 12:13, , 300F
幹XD 這推文 F91 色總 GOW 還有甚麼諧星 沒點到阿XD!!!
10/18 12:13, 300F

10/18 12:25, , 301F
10/18 12:25, 301F

10/18 12:26, , 302F
10/18 12:26, 302F

10/18 12:32, , 303F
10/18 12:32, 303F

10/18 12:33, , 304F
JOY: 加鹽姐的營運已經到了ST戰隊了 這你敢信?
10/18 12:33, 304F

10/18 13:31, , 305F
覺得有點跳針 冏> 不過推照顧人!!!
10/18 13:31, 305F

10/18 15:15, , 306F
10/18 15:15, 306F

10/18 16:00, , 307F
收回以後你們還不是繼續抵制 上白下黑手法當人不會玩喔
10/18 16:00, 307F

10/18 16:01, , 308F
教練就是跟你關係好知道不講你也會做啊 蠢
10/18 16:01, 308F

10/18 16:05, , 309F
10/18 16:05, 309F

10/18 16:28, , 310F
ace你這樣說是幫倒忙啊 包嫂開心的咧
10/18 16:28, 310F

10/18 16:31, , 311F
這小鬼的英文... 樓主你還翻的出來真佩服你
10/18 16:31, 311F

10/18 17:09, , 312F
為什麼抵制就不行? 他覺得有委屈不想逆來順受不行嗎?
10/18 17:09, 312F

10/18 20:18, , 313F
英文真的寫得很爛.... 不過還翻的頗有樣的XD
10/18 20:18, 313F

10/19 05:44, , 314F
10/19 05:44, 314F

10/19 05:44, , 315F
10/19 05:44, 315F

10/19 18:15, , 316F
來朝聖一下銃康文 10/19
10/19 18:15, 316F
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