[外絮] 魔獸感到非常的沮喪已回收

看板NBA作者 (簡單的夢想)時間11年前 (2013/04/08 12:50), 編輯推噓37(41416)
留言61則, 54人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
http://ppt.cc/uJZ~ 感謝糾正 Dwight Howard has plenty to be frustrated over 魔獸非常的沮喪 Dwight Howard had every reason to be upset after the Los Angeles Lakers 109-95 loss to the Los Angeles Clippers on Sunday afternoon at Staples Center. 輸給了快艇 他的確有資格非常不爽 All he's supposed to do is play defense, right? 他應該乖乖的做好防守就好,對嗎? Lock up the middle of the key, protect the rim, cover up his teammates' mistakes. Well, he did that Sunday. He has been doing that ever since he looked himself in the mirror over the All-Star break and realized he needed to start delivering at that end of the floor. 鎖死禁區,防守籃框 幫隊友擦屁股 (誰?) 恩....他禮拜天光做這些事情就忙翻了 他在明星賽後意識到了他的處境 做了改變,專注於防守 他就不停的忙著做這些事情 The offense, the smiling, the dunks are extras. Nice when the Lakers have the time or the latitude in the standings for him to have fun with such things. But right now, with the Lakers fighting to salvage what's left of this disappointing season, the only thing that matters is defense. 能夠進攻,微笑,灌籃都是算他好運賺到的 在湖人在排名賽領先的時候 能夠讓魔獸嚐嚐這些額外的bonus 但是現在,很擔心也快很可惜了 為了讓這個令人失望的賽季不是完全的讓人失望 魔獸唯一要做的事情就是 防守 Howard did that Sunday. He protected the rim, he intimidated shots, he got back on defense instead of trying to crash the offensive boards. 魔獸正是如此 禮拜天 他死守籃框,對所有進來攻擊的敵人做出嚇阻 他把所有精力都放在防守上 而不是衝去搶進攻籃板 It was his teammates who regressed on this day. The Lakers' transition defense was horrendous again. Their rotations were slow or ineffective. And the Clippers exploited every one of their failings again and again. 他最有資格不爽的是......某位在最近回歸的..... (誰呢?) 湖人在攻守轉換時候的防守爛得可憐........ 不管這個轉換速度是快或慢 反正快艇每個人都能一次又一次的打爆他們 "He should get frustrated when other guys are not doing what they should be doing," Lakers forward Antawn Jamison told ESPNLosAngeles.com. "You can't have one guy defensively do his job and everybody else is not doing theirs. That's been our point of emphasis the last couple games. But we backtracked [Sunday] instead of continuing to concentrate on that. "他有資格感到不爽的" "當他的隊友並沒有做好該做的事情" 湖人隊的前鋒AJ這麼說....... (造反啦~~~"又"有人造反啦~~~) "如果其他人都在偷懶" "你不可能在防守上以一檔百" "我們在近來幾場不停強調和做到" "不過在禮拜天,我們又故態復萌,打回了原狀" "And it shouldn't be happening now, especially with where we're at." "這個緊要關頭不該發生這樣的事情" Who is that on? 你說誰呢? "All of us," Jamison said. "Everyone." "在場的各位都是........." "每一位..............." AJ說 (科科......) Howard has a different way of showing his anger than most people are used to. He doesn't believe in bashing his teammates publicly. Instead he'll either say very little, or say just enough to clue you in on where his head is. 魔獸用著和大多數人不同的方法發洩怒氣 他不會公開羞辱他的隊友.......... (這又是說誰呢?) 他說的話很少 或著說得剛剛好,不多但是有足夠的線索讓你去猜 Sunday afternoon he was about as terse and upset as he has been at any point this season. 禮拜天的下午 他回話簡潔而且失望 就像本季的其他時間點一樣 His answers were one or two sentences. His expression was sullen. 他只用了一兩句回答....... 不過他的臉很臭 "We just need to play the right way," he repeated at least five times. "We know what we have to do to win." "我們必須照著正確的方法打球" (本季好耳熟的一句話,至少不是找到正確的方法) 他重複了五次 "我們都知道該怎麼打才對" When a reporter asked if Howard was frustrated or upset or disappointed about the loss, he paused and said, "Can we ask some more questions?" 當記者問魔獸對於這場輸球到底有多不爽? 他直接說 "問下一題好嗎?" There was no explanation needed. He had every reason to be upset, disappointed or frustrated. 其實也不用回答 我們都知道他的確有資格不爽 As Jamison put it: "We had a game plan, we knew exactly what we wanted to do. We just didn't execute it. We didn't get to our spots. I think they had 24 second-chance points. Transition. We wanted to get back and make it difficult for those guys. Those are the two aspects we really wanted to execute tonight and we weren't able to do that." 就像AJ說的 "我們有戰術和贏球方程式" "我們都非常清楚該怎麼做" "我們知道歸知道,卻沒去執行他,沒完成目標" "我想快艇本場有24個二次進攻機會" "攻守轉換上,我們想搶回球或著讓他們沒那麼容易得手" "這兩點本場我們最想做到的" "不過我們沒做到..........." If it were that simple however, the Lakers would have figured out this puzzle box a long time ago. Instead it's becoming harder and harder to crack. 如果這有那麼簡單就能辦到 湖人早就辦到了 相反的 這看起來越來越難辦到 Because as admirable as Howard's defensive efforts have been lately, he also lets his frustration over his teammates failings affect other parts of his game. His offense suffers. His body language is bad. 魔獸拼了命的防守一直是令人欽佩的 不過他的另一方面也被隊友拖累 他的進攻受到影響 因為隊友的表現而毛毛躁躁 His four rebounds Sunday were baffling. 禮拜天只有四個籃板!? Four rebounds? For a center as talented and athletic as Howard? 一個有著如此天賦和運動能力的魔獸 只抓了四個籃板!? Yes, the Clippers do have a lot of good rebounders. Matt Barnes and Caron Butler crash the boards well for small forwards. Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan can match Howard's athleticism and quickness jump for jump. 是的,快艇隊搶下了超多籃板 Matt Barnes和Caron Butler以小前姿態抓下了不少版 長江雙飛魚更是有著和魔獸匹敵的運動能力 和讓山王工業都訝異的快速二段跳能力 But a player leading the league in rebounding should almost never finish with just four rebounds in a game of this importance. And the Lakers, with Howard and Pau Gasol should almost never get out-rebounded so badly (50-36). 但是就算如此 在籃板榜上第一名的魔獸也不該只抓下四個版 尤其是這個重要時刻 有著魔獸和脖加索的湖人,再怎樣籃板都不應該這麼爛 Which brings us back to about the only thing that always has been clear about the Lakers in this season: They just can't seem to put it all together. 這件事情提醒了我們一個 本季一個大家都知道的老問題 "他們似乎無法合作" They're so talented they can still beat any team on any given night. But even when they start to get something right, other things go wrong. 他們隊上的天賦太恐怖了 應該可以擊敗任何的球隊 不過他們總是有一好沒二好,最後是三好加一好 這邊做好了,那邊又爛了 They fix one thing, another goes wrong. They get an injured player back, another goes down. 這位康復了,那位又噴了 永遠都是一位換一位 It has been maddening at every turn. 這是令人發狂的 Jamison came here to chase a ring in the twilight of his career. Accomplished as he is, he never has been past the second round of the playoffs. AJ想來這尋找生涯第一次拿冠軍戒的可能性 他是正港的二輪男 他從沒打入過第三輪 This seemed like a sure thing. Sure enough, anyway, to pass on a much more lucrative offer from his hometown Charlotte Bobcats that would've allowed him to spend more time with his family. 這看來會一直是他的命運 他拒絕了老家山貓隊的好薪水 還有和家人相處的時間來到這 This is not what he had in mind, however. 這不是他當初期待的湖人....... "It's just frustrating when you know the situation is at hand and you come out and don't play the way you need to play," he said. "這是非常令人沮喪的,當你了解狀況知道該怎麼做" "你上場" "結果你還是不能照著你的想法期望走" "It's easy to speculate where we should be, but the reality is, we are where we are. Should we be in this situation with what we have? But it is what it is." "這明明是很簡單就能理解我們該做什麼" "但是殘酷的現實是...........看看我們的排名" "我們有著這麼多卻陷入這樣的情況是應該的嗎?" "不過現實就是現實" Somehow, after everything, the Lakers still have a good chance to get in to the playoffs. They don't completely control their own destiny, but they should have the final say in how this all ends up. 湖人仍然有機會搶進季後賽 雖然能不能進不是全部掌握在他們的手中 不過在結束之前 他們還是有最後的決定權來決定如何結局 As always, the problems -- and the solutions -- are within. 一如以往 問題和他的解答 都要靠自己了 心得: 一直在猜是誰,好累喔....... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/08 12:51, , 1F
明知孤獨敗球的功力 還敢跑去LA 怪誰
04/08 12:51, 1F

04/08 12:52, , 2F
04/08 12:52, 2F

04/08 12:52, , 3F
04/08 12:52, 3F

04/08 12:52, , 4F
先找人練罰球跟低位吧 來LA後剩嘴炮進步比較明顯
04/08 12:52, 4F

04/08 12:52, , 5F
最近回歸的 讓防守崩潰 到底是誰阿
04/08 12:52, 5F

04/08 12:53, , 6F
04/08 12:53, 6F

04/08 12:54, , 7F
04/08 12:54, 7F

04/08 12:54, , 8F
04/08 12:54, 8F

04/08 12:54, , 9F
04/08 12:54, 9F

04/08 12:54, , 10F
04/08 12:54, 10F

04/08 12:55, , 11F
老實說 來LA不就是要做這些事情...
04/08 12:55, 11F

04/08 12:55, , 12F
04/08 12:55, 12F

04/08 12:55, , 13F
04/08 12:55, 13F

04/08 12:55, , 14F
04/08 12:55, 14F

04/08 12:56, , 15F
我想快艇沒進球 還有24這個二次進攻機會
04/08 12:56, 15F

04/08 12:56, , 16F
是因為補防 失去卡位位置才抓不到籃板嗎
04/08 12:56, 16F

04/08 12:57, , 17F
04/08 12:57, 17F

04/08 12:57, , 18F
以為是來當皇太子 後來發現根本被當長工用了
04/08 12:57, 18F

04/08 12:58, , 19F
04/08 12:58, 19F

04/08 12:59, , 20F
怪Nash吧 誰叫他被Nash來騙了Q,Q
04/08 12:59, 20F

04/08 12:59, , 21F
04/08 12:59, 21F

04/08 12:59, , 22F
581 BJ4
04/08 12:59, 22F

04/08 12:59, , 23F
04/08 12:59, 23F

04/08 13:00, , 24F
04/08 13:00, 24F

04/08 13:01, , 25F
04/08 13:01, 25F

04/08 13:01, , 26F
假米森造反囉?! "24個二次進攻機會" 他在暗示什麼???
04/08 13:01, 26F

04/08 13:01, , 27F
不爽下季就轉隊啊 現在要逃還來的及
04/08 13:01, 27F

04/08 13:03, , 28F
04/08 13:03, 28F

04/08 13:06, , 29F
04/08 13:06, 29F

04/08 13:06, , 30F
04/08 13:06, 30F
已改 感恩 ※ 編輯: ckshchen 來自: (04/08 13:07)

04/08 13:07, , 31F

04/08 13:16, , 32F
04/08 13:16, 32F

04/08 13:16, , 33F
come out在這裡說的不是離開,是說上場...
04/08 13:16, 33F
喔 我以為是對照前文 他拋下山貓薪水和家人選擇離開XD 感謝糾正

04/08 13:20, , 34F
最後一句, 可能是, 問題和解決都在內部(內心)
04/08 13:20, 34F

04/08 13:27, , 35F
草莓獸 迷迷要妳乖乖撿子彈 給LAODA射 得分賣肖想
04/08 13:27, 35F

04/08 13:28, , 36F
防守跟籃板做好 對了 多敲幾個鍋幫隊友擦屁股就OK了
04/08 13:28, 36F

04/08 13:30, , 37F
同樓上 最後一句大概是 問題與解決是一體兩面的
04/08 13:30, 37F

04/08 13:31, , 38F
04/08 13:31, 38F

04/08 13:38, , 39F
還不是有人太自幹 破壞團隊進攻又拖累團隊防守
04/08 13:38, 39F
※ 編輯: ckshchen 來自: (04/08 13:40)

04/08 13:44, , 40F
...是不是要開始戰新舊F4了.. (大歐>魔獸)
04/08 13:44, 40F

04/08 13:45, , 41F
歐肥>魔獸 人人都知道的常識 也能戰?
04/08 13:45, 41F

04/08 13:48, , 42F
KOBE還是那個KOBE 能戰的只剩另外三位了阿 T__T
04/08 13:48, 42F

04/08 13:48, , 43F
04/08 13:48, 43F

04/08 13:49, , 44F
04/08 13:49, 44F

04/08 14:03, , 45F
04/08 14:03, 45F

04/08 14:05, , 46F
翻譯: trade me
04/08 14:05, 46F

04/08 14:25, , 47F
04/08 14:25, 47F

04/08 14:49, , 48F
感謝Shiki298的影片 某人防守散漫到隊友累慘
04/08 14:49, 48F

04/08 15:27, , 49F
當初聽到LA, 以為是去快艇隊吧
04/08 15:27, 49F

04/08 15:39, , 50F
04/08 15:39, 50F

04/08 16:30, , 51F
04/08 16:30, 51F

04/08 18:04, , 52F
04/08 18:04, 52F

04/08 18:05, , 53F
04/08 18:05, 53F

04/08 18:05, , 54F
04/08 18:05, 54F

04/08 18:34, , 55F
還在581 BJ4 迷迷真的...
04/08 18:34, 55F

04/08 19:10, , 56F
如果你的翻譯是這種水準 那以後還是不要翻了吧
04/08 19:10, 56F

04/08 19:45, , 57F
04/08 19:45, 57F
請指教? 我是都用自己的風格翻 不過有哪邊意思差很多的話 請說 我改正就是了

04/08 20:23, , 58F
來湖人想打團隊籃球 無非緣木求魚 只能怪自己傻
04/08 20:23, 58F

04/08 20:58, , 59F
04/08 20:58, 59F
※ 編輯: ckshchen 來自: (04/08 23:26)

04/09 21:23, , 60F
這篇原文也很酸 Barnes+Butler兩個人合計也才抓5個板
04/09 21:23, 60F

04/09 23:02, , 61F
來湖人想打團隊籃球 無非緣木求魚XD
04/09 23:02, 61F
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