[外電] Mavericks-Thunder Preview

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Mavericks-Thunder Preview OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- The opportunity to attempt a shot and win a game used to make Kevin Durant so jittery he couldn't sit still. 對於有機會投致勝一擊,Kevin Durant說他常常緊張到坐立難安。 With the game on the line, he'd find himself literally shaking as he sat on the bench in late-game timeouts with the ball about to come his way. 當比賽的勝負交到他手上時,他發現自己坐在板凳上的身軀正在顫 抖著。 Then he found a way to take the edge off: He had to stop caring quite so much. 然後他就想到了一個方法,就是不要管那麼多了。 Durant said he decided to try the new mindset after he watched an interview featuring seven-time NBA champion Robert Horry last offseason during which the player known as "Big Shot Rob" talked about taking the pressure off himself in that fashion. KD說他在看過擁有七枚冠軍戒指的Robert Horry的訪問之後,會試 著用另一種心境來面對這種情況,Horry的心臟是著名的大顆,他 談到了如何來解除自己的壓力。 "He made some big shots in some big moments," Durant said. "So, I just tried to take that approach." KD說:"他曾在重要時刻投進重要一擊,我也是著這樣做。" Maybe it's no coincidence that Durant opened this postseason by hitting a foul-line jumper with 1.5 seconds left to lift the Oklahoma City Thunder to a 99-98 win over the Dallas Mavericks in Game 1 of their first-round series. 也許這是天注定,Durant第一戰就在剩下1.5秒時投進超前分, 帶領奧克拉荷馬雷霆以99-98驚險擊敗達拉斯小牛。 "I was calm," Durant said after Oklahoma City's practice on Sunday. "I had some success getting to the rim a little bit in the fourth, so I just tried to put my head down and go. But Shawn Marion did a great job of cutting me off. I work on that spin back all the time, and I just tried to get to my spot and take a good shot. KD在今天的練習時表示:"我那時很平靜,我在第四節有比較多 成功的切入,所以我試著硬切進去。但是Shawn Marion守的很 好,他把我的切入路線擋住了,所以我轉身並試著把球投出。" "If I'd have missed it, then I'd have had to walk off the court and deal with it and learn from it. But I'm glad I made it." "如果我沒投進,我就只好走下場並且接受失敗,把這作為之後 的借鏡,我很慶幸我投進了。" It gave the Thunder the early edge in a rematch of last season's Western Conference finals that Dallas won 4-1. 這讓雷霆在去年西區冠軍戰被小牛以4-1淘汰之後,在今年的第 一戰討回面子也取得領先。 Game 2 is Monday night in Oklahoma City. 明天的第二戰依然在奧克拉荷馬市舉行。 Despite being the league's three-time scoring champion and among the most productive players in the fourth quarter, Durant is only now developing his reputation as a closer. 儘管KD成功的拿下得分王三連霸,第四節的進攻也很有效率,不 過他現在慢慢讓眾人見識到他最後一擊的能力。 He had just two buzzer-beating winners in his four-year career before hitting a 3-pointer to beat Dallas in the fourth game of the regular season last December. There was a reason. 他在過去的四年職業生涯中,只有兩次投進buzzer beater,去年 12月對上小牛的時候是第三次,這是有原因的。 "My first few years in the league, I would go to the bench and we'd be tied up with a couple seconds left and I'd be, like, shaking," Durant said. "I was so anxious to want the shot and make the shot, and I'd go out and miss." KD說:"當我前幾年打球時,我在最後關頭時在板凳上都會發抖, 我很緊張的想把球投進,結果都沒進。" Then he came across the interview with Horry, who won two NBA titles with Houston, three with the Los Angeles Lakers and two with San Antonio while becoming best known for his dramatic shots in the playoffs. It proved to be inspirational. 然後他看到了Horry的訪問,Horry曾經在休士頓火箭拿下兩座冠 軍,又再洛杉磯湖人拿了三次冠軍,在聖安東尼奧馬刺也拿了兩 次。他最為人知的就是在季後賽的戲劇性進球,這讓KD有所啟發。 "I've learned that it might take you 12, 13 misses to just make one," Durant said. "It might go like that. I learned that everything's a process and even with taking late-game shots, you're going to have to miss a few to make some. I've missed my fair share and hopefully if it comes around again, I make it." KD說:"我學到在我投進1次之前,我有可能會連續12次或13次失 敗,這是有可能的。我必須把每次的經驗當做借鏡,就算是在關 鍵時刻,投籃也可能進或不進,這次不進下次可能就進了,這次 我把握住機會。" His approach now? "To be honest, I really don't care if I make it or miss," he said. "You really can't think about it too much." 那他現在的想法是?他說:"說真的,我不在乎我有沒有進,我 真的不能太在意這件事。" "I just go back to the bench with nothing on my mind," he added. 他補充說:"我回到板凳區時什麼都沒有想。" Durant's clutch shot turned the tables from last year's West finals, when it was Dallas' Dirk Nowitzki who dominated fourth-quarter play and averaged 11.8 points in the final period. Durant的致勝球翻轉了去年西區冠軍戰的局面,去年小牛的 Dirk Nowitzki掌控第四節的比賽,平均可以攻下11.8分。 Nowitzki had 11 of his 25 points in the final 5 minutes of Game 1, at one point going on a personal 7-1 run to put the Mavericks up by seven. The Thunder then sent an extra player at Nowitzki to get the ball out of his hands and were successful in forcing two key turnovers during their comeback. Dirk在昨天第一戰的倒數5分鐘得到全場25分當中的11分,一 度自己打出一波7-1的攻勢讓小牛領先達到7分,然後雷霆試著 包夾他並讓他掉球,Dirk犯下兩次關鍵失誤,讓雷霆逆轉。 "It's a big gamble," Oklahoma City coach Scott Brooks said. "People don't give him credit for this: He's one of the best passing bigs when defenders are converging on him. He sees, because they have great spacing and they have great 3-point shooters. It could have easily backfired." 雷霆教練Scott Brooks說:"這是個大賭注,沒什麼人知道Dirk 是個當面對包夾時很會傳球的大個子。他能洞察場上的狀況, 因為他們把比賽的站位打的很清楚,也有很棒的三分射手,我 們很可能玩火自焚。" Having witnessed Durant's most recent game-winner, Nowitzki was hardly surprised to see it happen again. 在看到KD的致勝球之後,Dirk對於這一點都不意外。 "He's already a clutch player," Nowitzki said. "He makes as much, when he gets the opportunity, as even the best of them. He had one early in the season against us when they were down two. He had another one (Saturday night)." 他說:"他已經是個在關鍵時刻掌控比賽的選手,他在機會來 臨時能把握住,他已經對我們投進過一次致勝球,昨天又投進 一次。" Perhaps Durant's biggest late-game struggle, other than overcoming anxiety, has been shot selection. Because of his nearly 7-foot frame, he'll occasionally settle for a step-back 3-pointer that's nearly impossible to defend. But it's also not the highest percentage shot. 或許KD在比賽尾端最大的問題不是克服緊張,而是他的出手選 擇。因為他將近7呎的身高,他偶爾會在三分線外帶一步跳投, 這幾乎無人能擋,不過這不是他最有把握的得分方式。 Brooks had been critical of Durant for settling for a 3-pointer at the buzzer in a loss to the Los Angeles Clippers earlier this month, after Chris Paul's layup with 8.8 seconds left put Oklahoma City down two. Brooks在這個月初球隊輸給洛杉磯快艇的比賽中時對於KD這樣 的三分球出手方式有所批評,當時在Chris Paul的上籃讓快艇 在最後8.8秒時取得2分領先。 Nowitzki's two free throws Saturday night provided Dallas a one-point lead with 9 seconds remaining. 昨晚Dirk在倒數9秒時的兩個罰球讓小牛以1分領先。 "He made a shot going towards the basket in an aggressive fashion. That's what we need," Brooks said. "If he misses that shot, we live with it. We had a chance to get the offensive rebound. But those are the shots that he has to continue to build his game around." Brooks說:"他在最後積極的面框進攻,這是我們所希望看見 的,如果他沒進也沒關係,我們還有機會搶到進攻籃板,不 過這是他在最後關頭時應該的打法。" Durant knows it and is now more willing than ever to brush off the misses that come along with the chances to be a hero. KD知道他現在會比以前更勇於洗刷之前沒進的恥辱,並且把握 機會成為英雄。 "I'm still growing," Durant said. "I know I'm going to take my bumps and bruises but it's just a matter of me being confident and just going and doing it." 他說:"我還在進步,我知道一路上會很艱辛,但這只會讓我更 有信心。" 整篇幾乎都在講KD orz 打起精神明天加油吧~~ Let's Go Mavs!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/30 11:35, , 1F
整篇都在講雷霆 .... 我也想看小牛的隊員怎麼說
04/30 11:35, 1F

04/30 12:17, , 2F
04/30 12:17, 2F

04/30 12:25, , 3F
04/30 12:25, 3F

04/30 12:29, , 4F
04/30 12:29, 4F

04/30 13:05, , 5F
繼續加油 跟去年比 KD的面框進攻根運球真的進步很多
04/30 13:05, 5F

04/30 13:58, , 6F
不欣賞裁判, 但欣賞KD, 不過勝利最後還是我們的!!!!!
04/30 13:58, 6F

04/30 17:46, , 7F
隔壁棚butler又受傷了 他真衰....
04/30 17:46, 7F

04/30 20:32, , 8F
04/30 20:32, 8F
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