[外電] Mavericks-Thunder Preview

看板Mavericks作者 (黃金右腳)時間13年前 (2011/05/21 15:05), 編輯推噓13(1302)
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Mavericks-Thunder Preview Take a sweep of the Lakers, a nine-day layoff and a dominant outing by Dirk Nowitzki in Game 1 of the Western Conference finals, and it's understandable why the Dallas Mavericks may have started thinking too highly of themselves. 在上一輪橫掃了湖人,休息了九天之後Dirk Nowitzki強大的表現讓達拉斯 小牛取得系列賽首勝,可以理解為什麼小牛開始自我感覺良好。 Losing Game 2 at home to a team that played four subs nearly the entire fourth quarter should be a strong dose of humility. 第二戰主場輸球,而且幾乎在整個第四節讓對手的四個板凳球員予取予求, 這讓小牛受到相當大的屈辱。 "I'm not going to say a loss is ever good, because I don't ever like to lose. It doesn't do well for my sleep pattern," Dallas center Tyson Chandler said Friday. "But sometimes you need to get hit on the chin and get woke up. Last night, they hit us on the chin. Hopefully, that woke us up." 小牛中鋒Tyson Chandler說:"我不會說輸球是好事,因為我不尬意輸的 感覺,也會讓我睡不好。但有時候就是要有人來打你兩巴掌好讓你清醒 過來。他們昨天狠狠打了我們的臉,希望我們醒了。" Oklahoma City withstood an early scoring barrage, wiped out an 11-point deficit by halftime then controlled things down the stretch. Instead of being awed by the big stage, the Thunder's youth, athleticism and perhaps a bit of naivety served them well. 奧克拉荷馬雷霆挺住了開局的進攻不順,把11分的落後在上半場完全追 回來,並在最後關頭掌握節奏。雷霆的年輕小夥子沒有被大賽壓力所影 響,他們的運動能力或許還有一些天真讓他們表現優異。 Considering Oklahoma City pulled out Game 2 with All-Star point guard Russell Westbrook spending the last quarter on the bench, it would seem like they have plenty to build on as the series moves to their court for Game 3 on Saturday night. 雷霆在第二戰的第四節完全沒讓明星控球後衛Russell Westbrook上場, 這讓系列賽第三戰轉移到奧克拉荷馬城同時,給了雷霆很多戰術運用的 空間。 Provided, that is, that Westbrook is OK with having had to watch. 前提是,Westbrook得受的了在板凳上看比賽。 Although he was agitated immediately after being pulled late in the third quarter, he said all the right things after the game, and continued to try to douse any controversy on Friday. 儘管他在第三節後段被換下來時很激動,不過他在賽後話講的很體面, 把爭議給冷卻下來。 "My main focus is we got this far because the team is doing well, not if I'm doing good or bad," Westbrook said. Westbrook表示:"我只關心我們能走到這一步,是因為團隊打的很好, 不是我打的好不好。" Asked specifically about coach Scott Brooks opting to stick with backup Eric Maynor, Westbrook said: "He's the head coach and he makes the decisions on the floor, and he made the best one yesterday." 被問到雷霆教練Scott Brooks選擇使用替補的Eric Maynor的看法時, Westbrook回答:"他是總教練,他決定誰要上場,而他昨天做了最佳的 抉擇。" Westbrook made 7 of 15 shots in Game 2, up from 3 of 15 in Game 1. And that was in only three quarters. He said Friday he "thought I could've done a better job when I was in there." Westbrook第二戰投15中7,比第一戰的15中3有所提升,而且這僅僅是在 三節內的表現。他說他覺得如果昨天他在場上的話,他可以打的更好。 Brooks remained highly complimentary of his starter, calling him "a tremendous player for us." "He has improved as much as anybody in this game," Brooks said. Brooks仍舊對他讚譽有加,形容他是對球隊極重要的球員。他說: "他跟其他球員一樣進步很多。" Yet that tremendous, improving player was on the bench in crunch time of the biggest game since the franchise moved to Oklahoma City, left to watch Kevin Durant, Maynor and reserves James Harden, Nick Collison and Daequan Cook. 只是這個極重要又進步很多的球員卻在關鍵時刻坐在板凳上看著雷霆打 出自從球隊搬到奧克拉荷馬城之後最重要的一場球賽,看著隊友Kevin Durant、替補Maynor、James Harden、Nick Collison和Daequan Cook 在場上打球。 "The group was playing good basketball," Brooks said. "I felt last night in my heart, in my gut, that that team was deserving to finish up the game." Brooks說:"這群球員打的很好,我打從心底認為,這些球員值得在場上 留到最後一刻。" Harden is usually among the Thunder's closers, and he showed why in Game 2. He scored 10 of his 23 points in the final quarter. Durant scored 24, down from 40 in the opener, but was still extremely effective. Harden經常是雷霆的終結者之一,他也在第二戰證明了這一點。他在第 四節攻下全場23分當中的10分。Durant從首戰的40分下滑到第二戰的24 分,但效率依舊驚人。 Oklahoma City has had its way with a Dallas defense that kept the Lakers and Trail Blazers consistently scoring in the 80s, with a high of 97 points. 小牛的防守讓湖人跟拓荒者得分大部分都在80幾分,最高也只有97分。 但雷霆對小牛的防守就是有一套。 The Thunder scored 112 in the opener. Taking fewer free throws, they scored "only" 106 in Game 2, but made 55.7 percent of their shots, matching the second-best anyone's done against the Mavericks all season. 雷霆在開幕戰攻下112分,不過在第二戰罰球比較少,"只"攻下106分, 但是他們的命中率高達55.7%,平了小牛一整季對手命中率的第二高。 Dallas coach Rick Carlisle said Oklahoma City also has been more opportunistic over the two games, getting to 23 loose balls and turning them into 32 points. The Mavs have snagged only 17 and turned them into only 13 points. Part of it is that the Thunder are younger and more athletic, but part of it is effort and intensity. 小牛教練Rick Carlisle說雷霆掌握了更多的機會,雷霆製造了23次失 誤並且利用他們得到32分。小牛則是只製造17次失誤並從中得到13分。 一部份也是因為雷霆更年輕而且運動能力更強,但也有一部分是因為他 們付出努力且防守堅強。 "We won Game 1 here not playing great defense and we felt like we could just come out and outscore them and beat them" Chandler said. "Regardless of whether we can or not, that's not the kind of habits we need to create." So, how do they snap out of it? Chandler說:"我們贏了第一戰,但沒有打出好防守,我們似乎覺得 可以用進攻來跟他們拼高下。先不論可不可行,這不是我們該有的習 慣。" "By being smarter than them," he said. "We're a veteran team. We just have to have a better understanding of what we have to do and accomplish to win a basketball game. ... I just think that we haven't executed our game plan. We've got to trust that the coaches know what they're doing when they're breaking down the film. That's what they get paid for, and we get paid to execute it. Now it's our time to get out and execute it." 他說:"我們比他們聰明,我們都是老江湖了。我們得對場上的狀況 更加了解,找出贏球之道。我覺得我們只是沒有打出自己的進攻戰術, 我們要信任教練看錄影帶想出的戰術。他們就是被請來製造戰術的, 我們則是被請來執行的。現在該是我們付諸實行的時候了。" Older and less athletic, the Mavericks have to rely on their savvy. It worked in Game 1 and in two of the three regular-season meetings - in fact, both games that were played in Oklahoma City. 小牛更老也更不具運動能力,他們只能仰賴自己的智慧。在第一戰 還有本季三次交手的其中兩次他們都做到了。事實上,小牛在季賽 贏了雷霆兩場都是在奧克拉荷馬城打的。 Dallas also is riding a three-game road winning streak, having closed out its first-round series in Portland, then taking Games 1 and 2 in Los Angeles. So Carlisle isn't concerned about the change of setting. It's a change in attitude he wants. 小牛目前是客場三連勝,先是在第一輪第六戰於波特蘭關門淘汰拓荒 者,又在洛杉磯連贏了兩場。所以Carlisle並不擔心客場作戰,他只 希望球員的態度有所轉變。 "I think disposition is important, efficient is important and understanding how we've got to play together to be successful is very important," he said. "I feel like we have got to play with a greater edge, for sure. "I don't think we've lost it, but I think we've got to play with more of an edge." 他說:"我覺得心態很重要,效率很重要,了解我們如何團解起來並且 獲得成功非常重要。當然,我覺得我們得打出更高的水準。我不認為 我們居於劣勢,但我想我們得打的更好。" 第三戰真的是關鍵 但我也相信小牛會有所反彈 真的是最後的機會了 一定要把握今年啊!!!! 第三戰是明天早上九點!! 大家一起幫小牛加油吧 Let's Go Mavs!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/21 15:53, , 1F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/21 15:53, 1F

05/21 16:51, , 2F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat OKC 大家一起來推爆吧
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05/21 17:28, , 3F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat OKC
05/21 17:28, 3F

05/21 18:00, , 4F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/21 18:00, 4F

05/21 18:07, , 5F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat OKC 推右腳翻譯
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05/21 20:58, , 6F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/21 20:58, 6F

05/21 21:09, , 7F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat OKC
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05/21 22:24, , 8F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat OKC !! The Time Is Now !!
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05/21 22:25, , 9F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat OKC JET振作 加油
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05/21 23:27, , 10F
The Time is Now Let's Go Mavs !! Beat OKC !!
05/21 23:27, 10F

05/21 23:36, , 11F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat OKC
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05/21 23:39, , 12F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat OKC
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05/22 00:01, , 13F
Let's Go Mavs!! beat OKC Go Go Go
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05/22 00:32, , 14F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat OKC
05/22 00:32, 14F

05/22 01:12, , 15F
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