[外電] Jack Morris指控Clay Buchholz投球作弊

看板MLB作者 (yayaya)時間11年前 (2013/05/03 10:21), 編輯推噓63(64126)
留言91則, 53人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
TORONTO -- Jack Morris, a former World Series hero and a Toronto Blue Jays broadcaster, said Thursday that he watched video after Wednesday night's game between the Jays and Red Sox and came away convinced Boston pitcher Clay Buchholz is throwing a spitball. Morris said he didn't notice it during Wednesday's telecast. "I found out because the guys on the video camera showed it to me right after the game," he said. "I didn't see it during the game. They showed it to me and said, 'What do you think of this?' and I said, 'Well, he's throwing a spitter. Cause that's what it is." 前大聯盟強投,現任藍鳥隊播音員Jack Morris說八寇子投口水球(spitball) "我轉播比賽的時候沒看到" "比賽後我看畫面,他們問我這是什麼,我說他就是在丟口水球!!!" Morris's accusation was vigorously disputed by the Red Sox, including manager John Farrell and Buchholz, who said it's the first time he has been accused of throwing a spitball. "Loading up with what, rosin?" Buchholz said. "I get wet from my hair. Are they talking about the stains on my shirt? There probably are stains on my shirt, because I've been wearing the same shirt for the last three years. "I'm doing the same thing right now as I did in 2008, when I was sent down to Double-A. But I guess something's got to be wrong, right?'" 紅襪上下否認這項指控,包括八釦子本人和經理John Farrell 八釦子:"我的手做了什麼? 抹止滑粉嗎? 我頭髮濕了耶!!! " "還是他們在說我衣服上的汙漬? 那是因為我三年沒洗了耶!!!(誤)" "從08年被丟到2A開始我就是這樣做(怨),現在出問題了嗎?" Video of Buchholz rubbing his pitching hand on his left forearm was shown on the Jays' pregame show Thursday night. "He's got rosin on his arm," said Farrell, visibly annoyed. "He's not loading up; he's got rosin on his arm. As soon as someone pitches well or does well, they're cheating." 錄影帶顯示八釦子的右手去擦了左前臂 John Farrell:"他手臂上有止滑粉啦,但他沒抹(load up?)" "有人投的好就是作弊啦" Buchholz has won each of his first six starts, including Wednesday's when he held the Jays to two hits in seven scoreless innings. Buchholz, who has a 1.01 ERA, on Thursday was named American League Pitcher of the Month. Morris said he went to Farrell and told him of his suspicions. He said he saw Buchholz repeatedly going to his left forearm, which he said was clearly smeared with a substance that Buchholz was rubbing onto the ball. "It was all over his forearm, all over the lower part of his T-shirt, it's all in his hair," Morris said. "I can't prove anything. I can't prove anything. Morris表示他看到八釦子反覆塗抹左前臂的東西到球上 "他手臂上都是!!! 他衣服低的那塊也都是!!! 他頭髮也都是!!!" "但我證明不了什麼(攤)" "現在裁判都不抓這種東西了,顆顆" "Funny thing, the way the game is played today. In our generation, every player, every coach would have seen it, the umpire would have gone out and made him change, made him stop and that changes everything. Or else they throw him out of the game. So what kind of bugs all of us is nothing is done here." That last comment could be construed as criticism of Toronto manager John Gibbons and the rest of the Blue Jays, none of whom raised any issues with plate umpire Bruce Dreckman. 但在當天比賽藍鳥上下沒有半個人向主審裁判檢舉?? Morris won 254 games over the course of an 18-year big-league career. He is best remembered for one of the greatest pitching performances in World Series history, when he was with the Twins and beat the Atlanta Braves, 1-0, in 10 innings in Game 7 of the '91 Series. Asked if he believed the action of Buchholz's pitches suggested he was throwing a spitter, Morris said, "What do you think? Look at the pitches. Fastball at 94 that goes like that," Morris said, his hand darting swiftly down and away. "On a fastball? Morris的豐功偉業包含最知名的1991世界大賽 "你有看過那麼噁心的球嗎?? 94MPH還可以這樣轉彎!!!!!!" "He's not the first guy to ever do it? You can get away with it. Gaylord [Perry] made a nice career out of it." Perry is in the Hall of Fame. Morris, asked if he has seen any other current pitchers throw a spitball, said he hasn't. "But I'll be looking,'' he said. "I'll be looking. You warn all your boys I'll be looking.'' Morris:"大家都給我小心,我從現在開始盯上每個投手" Morris said he shared his suspicions with Red Sox catchers David Ross, who caught Buchholz on Wednesday, and Jarrod Saltalamacchia before Thursday's game. "I went up to Salty and I told him," Morris said. "He said, 'It's dry in Boston, and I've seen him put water all over his pants.' I said, 'Salty this isn't my first [expletive] rodeo.' He didn't know what to say to that, so we ended the conversation right there." "我有去找David Ross和Salty" "Salty說:'Boston很乾,我看到八釦子把他褲子都弄濕了'" Saltalamacchia and Ross acknowledged speaking to Morris. "I know for a fact he's not doing anything illegal, as far as making his ball move more or cutting the ball to make it do this, that's ridiculous," Saltalamacchia said. Saltalamacchia said Buchholz uses a mix of water and rosin to improve his grip on the ball. "There aren't too many pitchers who don't try to get a grip somehow," Saltalamacchia said. "That's why there's rosin out there. I don't see anything to be alarmed about. It's not like he's taking a file and cutting the ball, doing something to make the ball move. "The only person I've ever seen do that is [Vicente] Padilla. I'd see Padilla get water from the back of his head, and the ball would sink six inches or so. With Buch, anyone who's been around him knows his ball does what it does, but he's not doing anything different than last year or the year before." Salty表示:"八釦子沒做任何違規的事情,說他故意讓球跑多一點真的很荒謬" "他有用一些水和止滑粉的混和物去增加球的握力" "但哪個投手不想讓球能更握緊一點,我沒看出有任何不妥的事情" "我只看過Vincente Padilla作弊, 他從頭後面抹一點水然後球就跑了六英吋" "八釦子的球一直都是這樣,他沒做什麼和以前不一樣的事" Said Ross: "I touch the ball as much as Buch does and I know when a pitcher is messing with the ball. He's not putting anything on it. And that shirt he wears is about 40 years old." Ross:"我拿的球跟八釦子一樣多耶,他真的沒作弊" "只是他那件衣服大概穿了40年了" Morris said he never threw a spitter in a game. "One game I tried it in the bullpen and that's why I know," he said. "It was back against Oakland when Billy [Martin] was in Oakland. He had Matt Keough, Mike Norris, Rick Langford and Steve McCatty. Every one of those guys was throwing a spitter; every one of them. The reason I know is I was pitching against Mike Norris and back in those days they wouldn't throw balls out, and they were all full of [stuff]. "Next time I'm in the pen, I asked Milt Wilcox, 'How do you throw a spitter,' because he pitched with Gaylord. He knows all Gaylord's tricks. "He said, 'C'mon, I'll show you.' So I threw about three of them and the bottom fell out -- quick, sharp, nasty. But it's not the easiest thing to throw. That's why you don't throw it every pitch." Morris said he took no issue with his spitball accusations being reported. "I've got no problem with it," he said, "because I know he was." Morris wasn't the only one to accuse Buchholz. Former major league pitcher Dirk Hayhurst, now a broadcast analyst for the Blue Jays, told Toronto radio station Sportsnet 590 The Fan on Thursday that Buchholz was "absolutely" cheating in Wednesday's start. 前大聯盟投手Dirk Hayhurst,現任藍鳥轉播分析員也表示八釦子絕對在作弊 http://ppt.cc/94bN 翻譯當練英文,翻錯的請指正並見諒,謝謝!! *Rosin=止滑粉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: p86506 來自: (05/03 10:22) ※ 編輯: p86506 來自: (05/03 10:23) ※ 編輯: p86506 來自: (05/03 10:25)

05/03 10:24, , 1F
05/03 10:24, 1F

05/03 10:25, , 2F
Buchholz: 我投球坦蕩蕩,你是把投手都當王八蛋就是了
05/03 10:25, 2F

05/03 10:25, , 3F
05/03 10:25, 3F

05/03 10:25, , 4F
05/03 10:25, 4F

05/03 10:25, , 5F
05/03 10:25, 5F

05/03 10:26, , 6F
05/03 10:26, 6F

05/03 10:26, , 7F
05/03 10:26, 7F
※ 編輯: p86506 來自: (05/03 10:27) ※ 編輯: p86506 來自: (05/03 10:28)

05/03 10:28, , 8F
05/03 10:28, 8F

05/03 10:29, , 9F
Farrell在藍鳥時根本就身在曹營 心在漢阿XDDD
05/03 10:29, 9F

05/03 10:31, , 10F
囧了 這有得吵了
05/03 10:31, 10F

05/03 10:32, , 11F
他昨天的直球真的超噁心 強道讓人認為有作弊嫌疑
05/03 10:32, 11F

05/03 10:35, , 12F
05/03 10:35, 12F

05/03 10:37, , 13F
05/03 10:37, 13F

05/03 10:38, , 14F
口水球是啥 用口水沾球嗎 不是很多投手都會去舔手
05/03 10:38, 14F

05/03 10:40, , 15F
05/03 10:40, 15F

05/03 10:40, , 16F
05/03 10:40, 16F

05/03 10:43, , 17F
05/03 10:43, 17F

05/03 10:45, , 18F
Rosin就是放在投手丘後面的滑石粉 你覺得可以用嗎
05/03 10:45, 18F

05/03 10:46, , 19F
05/03 10:46, 19F

05/03 10:47, , 20F
不過 這種事情反正沒證據就是喊爽的
05/03 10:47, 20F

05/03 10:48, , 21F
Rosin到底是滑石粉還是松香? 估狗翻譯是松香
05/03 10:48, 21F

05/03 10:53, , 22F
05/03 10:53, 22F

05/03 10:53, , 23F
05/03 10:53, 23F

05/03 10:55, , 24F
只要能打打嘴砲影響到他往後投球的心情 藍鳥就算贏了
05/03 10:55, 24F

05/03 10:55, , 25F
還記得Buchholz.. 當過小偷偷過東西..
05/03 10:55, 25F

05/03 10:57, , 26F
他說說而已 但之後每個對上巴扣的球隊都會用放大鏡檢視
05/03 10:57, 26F

05/03 11:00, , 27F
Rosin就是止滑粉,投手丘後面都會有一個Rosin Bag給投手用
05/03 11:00, 27F

05/03 11:01, , 28F
05/03 11:01, 28F

05/03 11:01, , 29F
05/03 11:01, 29F

05/03 11:02, , 30F
05/03 11:02, 30F

05/03 11:02, , 31F
05/03 11:02, 31F

05/03 11:02, , 32F
也不允許投手把球直接塞進Rosin Bag裡 XD
05/03 11:02, 32F

05/03 11:02, , 33F
05/03 11:02, 33F

05/03 11:03, , 34F
原po改一下吧 Rosin是滑石粉
05/03 11:03, 34F
※ 編輯: p86506 來自: (05/03 11:07)

05/03 11:06, , 35F
其實袖子裡還藏了筆電啦 快抓~ (哈欠)
05/03 11:06, 35F

05/03 11:06, , 36F
05/03 11:06, 36F

05/03 11:08, , 37F
05/03 11:08, 37F

05/03 11:10, , 38F
所以只會是喊爽的 XD
05/03 11:10, 38F
※ 編輯: p86506 來自: (05/03 11:10)

05/03 11:13, , 39F
load up, 是說他有用止滑粉, 但沒有用一堆上去...
05/03 11:13, 39F

05/03 11:14, , 40F
用止滑粉是合法的, 但load up用一堆到球上就是作弊了.
05/03 11:14, 40F

05/03 11:22, , 41F
Vincente Padilla被抓包
05/03 11:22, 41F

05/03 11:26, , 42F
Padilla的名聲一直都不好 不意外
05/03 11:26, 42F

05/03 11:26, , 43F
05/03 11:26, 43F

05/03 11:28, , 44F
那是流汗的鹽拉XDDD 現在沒證據誰都抓不到的啦
05/03 11:28, 44F

05/03 11:30, , 45F
05/03 11:30, 45F

05/03 11:36, , 46F
05/03 11:36, 46F

05/03 11:37, , 47F
手拿滑石粉→手去摸手臂→手臂上沾到滑石粉 有問題嗎???
05/03 11:37, 47F

05/03 11:54, , 48F
看condensed game,他是將滑石粉整包抹在手臂上,要投球
05/03 11:54, 48F

05/03 11:55, , 49F
前摸手臂的滑石粉, 再摸褲子...
05/03 11:55, 49F

05/03 11:57, , 50F
投完後必摸口水, 再摸褲子...為什麼要整包抹在手臂上.
05/03 11:57, 50F

05/03 11:57, , 51F
05/03 11:57, 51F

05/03 12:03, , 52F
05/03 12:03, 52F

05/03 12:12, , 53F
原來如此 的確動作有點多...
05/03 12:12, 53F

05/03 12:20, , 54F
05/03 12:20, 54F

05/03 12:26, , 55F
05/03 12:26, 55F

05/03 12:26, , 56F
05/03 12:26, 56F

05/03 12:29, , 57F
有好戲看了 等著看他下一場先發對上藍鳥
05/03 12:29, 57F

05/03 12:32, , 58F
05/03 12:32, 58F

05/03 12:34, , 59F
05/03 12:34, 59F

05/03 12:38, , 60F
05/03 12:38, 60F

05/03 12:39, , 61F
05/03 12:39, 61F

05/03 12:41, , 62F
05/03 12:41, 62F

05/03 12:54, , 63F
止滑粉"本來"就是要沾水讓它有黏性,不然要止滑粉做甚麼 XD
05/03 12:54, 63F

05/03 12:55, , 64F
05/03 12:55, 64F

05/03 13:01, , 65F
酸葡萄吧 別人投得好就是作弊 呵呵
05/03 13:01, 65F

05/03 13:12, , 66F
05/03 13:12, 66F

05/03 13:12, , 67F
05/03 13:12, 67F

05/03 14:31, , 68F
05/03 14:31, 68F

05/03 14:53, , 69F
筆電神倫被指控正常啦 誰叫他有案底
05/03 14:53, 69F

05/03 15:07, , 70F
05/03 15:07, 70F

05/03 15:29, , 71F
05/03 15:29, 71F

05/03 15:29, , 72F
05/03 15:29, 72F

05/03 16:40, , 73F
筆電就是~以前當過小偷~還偷了30台!! 是盜匪無誤
05/03 16:40, 73F

05/03 16:44, , 74F
05/03 16:44, 74F

05/03 16:51, , 75F
現在就是事實怎樣都還不確定啊 有些人開始逾設立場了
05/03 16:51, 75F

05/03 17:03, , 76F
05/03 17:03, 76F

05/03 17:34, , 77F
指滑粉不是本來就這樣用嗎 搞不懂問題在哪XDD
05/03 17:34, 77F

05/03 17:59, , 78F
是用在手 但是用到連球上都有+上口水...這就不好說了..
05/03 17:59, 78F

05/03 18:00, , 79F
反正接下來幾場 一定會被放大檢視 用實力來澄清吧
05/03 18:00, 79F

05/03 19:34, , 80F
05/03 19:34, 80F

05/03 20:27, , 81F
05/03 20:27, 81F

05/03 21:36, , 82F
紅襪不意外啦!!!! 難怪會請走紅襪之光8BV
05/03 21:36, 82F

05/03 21:53, , 83F
05/03 21:53, 83F

05/03 22:42, , 84F
05/03 22:42, 84F

05/03 23:22, , 85F
某M出來引戰了 不意外
05/03 23:22, 85F

05/04 00:15, , 86F
05/04 00:15, 86F

05/04 00:51, , 87F
05/04 00:51, 87F

05/04 02:29, , 88F
你應該不知道他投球本就很會摸吧 今年已經被投教要求
05/04 02:29, 88F

05/04 02:30, , 89F
加快動作 之前更摸
05/04 02:30, 89F

05/04 02:35, , 90F
藍鳥自己花一堆錢投手打擊一團糟 看到紅襪就眼紅了
05/04 02:35, 90F

05/04 13:31, , 91F
第一球就給94 mph的球往打者身上招呼 謝謝他們的指教
05/04 13:31, 91F
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