Re: [影音] MJ貼身保鑣訪問

看板KingofPop作者 (oldtrafford)時間14年前 (2010/03/11 01:21), 編輯推噓13(1307)
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第二部份訪問的文字稿 影片目前還沒看到 While the Jackson family portrayed a unified front at Michael Jackson's funeral, three of his former bodyguards said Jackson did not often see his family in the two years prior to his death."They didn't come around much and when they did, they came unexpected. And we'd say, 'Mr. Jackson, one of your family members is at the gate [and] would like to see you,' and he'd ask, 'Do they have an appointment?'" Bill Whitfield, one his former bodyguards, said. MJ過世前兩年 很少跟他的家人見面 如果他家人們要見他 還要預約 Whitfield said family members were not allowed in if Jackson was "being creative," but that did not stop Jackson's youngest brother, Randy, from trying to see him. 就算如此MJ的小弟Randy還是想盡辦法要來見哥哥 "There was another occasion when Randy came to the house and crashed the security gate with his vehicle and came inside. And at the time, I didn't know who he was and I drew my weapon on him and the first thing out of his mouth was 'Get that thing out of my face or I'll call the press,'" Whitfield said, who said he put away his weapon when he realized it was Randy. 有一次Randy來了 開車把大門撞爛進來 一開始保鏢不知他是誰 所以拿出了武器 Randy就說 把那個東西給我拿開 不然我就叫媒體來了 保鑣後來才發現它是誰 Whitfield said Jackson was "not happy" and refused to see Randy. 保鑣說 MJ很不開心 而且拒絕見Randy Taunya Zilkie, Randy Jackson's public relations representative, says she was with him that day. She told ABC News that she and Jackson were at the Las Vegas house that day but never made it on to the property. And Zilkie denied that a gun was pulled. Randy的發言人跟ABC說 當天她是跟Randy一起去LV見MJ的 他們沒見到人 而他們否認 保鑣有掏槍出來 Zilkie said ABC News Randy Jackson went to Jackson's home that day for an "intervention" but was refused entry into the house. Randy發言人說 那天Randy是要去"干預" 一些事情 但不被允許進入房子 The three bodyguards said that Randy tried to sneak in behind them as the doors to the gate were closing and hit the gate as he came though. Zilkie said Randy did not hit the gate. 保鑣說Randy嘗試在他們要把門關起來時偷溜進去 Whitfield, Mike Garcia and Javon "BJ" Beard met Jackson in 2007 and worked as his bodyguards for more than two years. The three men said they were exposed to personal and very distressing parts of Jackson's life, such as a family intervention in 2007 for Jackson's alleged drug abuse. 保鑣說 J家人曾在07年要介入MJ的藥癮問題 "I get a call about 12:30 [pm], 'Bill, you need to come back, his whole family is here.' And I was taken aback," Whitfield said. 其中一個保鑣說 他在中午接到電話 說要趕快回來 因為他MJ家全家人都殺到MJ家了 Jackson said he would only meet with his brothers, according to the bodyguards. But instead of allowing them into the house, they said Jackson met his brothers outside in the security trailer. MJ當時只願意見他的兄弟們 但他不願意他們進屋子 而只願意在警衛室跟他們談 Beard and Whitfield said Jackson seemed "fine" afterward and simply left the trailer and went back to the house. 他們說MJ在談完話後 似乎心情還不錯 就直接回到屋子裡了 In November, Janet Jackson told "Good Morning America's" Robin Roberts that she had unsuccessfully reached out to Jackson over the years about his drug use. 在11月 Janet對同樣節目的訪問中也談到 這幾年 他們一直嘗試想介入其中 但都不成功 "I did," she said. "Of course, that's what you do. Those are the things that you do when you love someone. You can't just let them continue on that way. And we did a few times. We weren't very successful." Janet當時說 我們試過了 當你愛一個人時 你就會這麼做 你不能讓他這樣繼續下去 我們試過好幾次了 但都不是很成功 Despite these interventions, the bodyguards said Jackson did not seem like he had a drug problem. 但保鏢說 除了J家有嘗試想介入之外 在他們眼裡看來MJ並沒有藥物問題 "He was intoxicated in some way, but I wouldn't say a problem, no," Garcia said. 他有時的確好像有點受藥物影響 但並不是非常明顯到成為問題 "Certainly there were times where he gave the appearance that he was probably high on something," Whitfield said. 他的確有時的表現是很像受藥物影響而很high The men said this would happen "once or twice a month." 大概一個月會發生一兩次 Jackson died June 25 from a lethal combination of prescription drugs. Dr. Conrad Murray allegedly administered the drugs and has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. Last month, Murray pleaded not guilty in a Los Angeles court. The bodyguards said Murray was the only doctor they saw while they worked for Jackson, but that Murray wasn't there all the time. 保鑣說 Murray是唯一一個幫MJ工作的醫生 但他並不是隨時都在那 "When he came onto the scene, he was taking care of the kids. The kids had colds and stuff," Garcia said. He added that he thinks Murray is a "scapegoat." 他通常來的時候 都是來照顧小朋友 可能感冒了之類 他們認為Murray是替罪羔羊 "I never thought it was the fault of one person," Whitfield said. 其中一個保鑣說 我從來不認為這只是一個人的錯 In addition to being his bodyguard, Whitfield was also Jackson's gatekeeper. He said he handled Jackson's personal e-mails and phone calls. 除了擔任保鑣之外 其中一人也像是他的助理 處理MJ的Email和電話 "There wasn't a phone call or paperwork on our watch that didn't go through this man right here," Beard said, referring to Whitfield. 所有的電話和文件都會經過這個人 The paperwork, Whitfield said, showed millions of dollars in debts, much of it owed to law firms, and millions more being paid out. 他說 帳單顯示 MJ欠了好幾千萬元 大多是欠給律師事務所 還有很多是和解金 "$38 million," Whitfield said. 三千八百萬 "$10 million…$20 million," Garcia added. 一千萬 兩千萬..... But despite these payments, the men said sometimes it took Jackson months to pay them. 而MJ需要好幾個月才能付清 "I'm seeing all these zeroes and we can't get a $5,000 check," Whitfield said. 我會看見這些好多0的帳單 但卻沒收到5000的支票 "It was going out faster that it was coming in," Garcia said. 花出去的錢遠多於進帳的錢 Long after the 2005 child ******ation case, the men said Jackson was still being sued and he chose to settle outside of court. 在05年的案子之後 MJ還是常被人告 而他每次都選擇和解了事 "We'd go to lawyers' offices and we'd be there from 10 a.m. until midnight," Garcia said. 我們會去律師事務所 從早上十點 一直到半夜 Eventually, this took its toll on Jackson. 而這些都要算鐘點費的 "He got so frustrated he threw my cell phone out the window, through the window, and broke the glass," Whitfield said. "And he looked at me and said, 'Bill, you're going to need a new phone.'" 有一次他沮喪到拿著我的電話 砸出窗戶 然後他看著我說 你需要一支新電話了 The men described credit cards being declined on at least four different occasions and hotels evicting them. 他們也說MJ的信用卡至少曾四次被拒收 導致飯店要把他們掃地出門 "We were asked to leave hotels because the credit card on file was denied," Whitfield said. 我們被要求要離開飯店 因為登錄的信用卡被拒 In fact, the men said Jackson could not afford to attend longtime friend Jesse Jackson's 66th birthday party. 他們也說 MJ無法支付旅費去參加好友Jesse Jackson 66歲的生日宴會 "Jessie Jackson put up his credit card to fly the entire staff and team out and put us up in a hotel three nights," Whitfield said. 最後是Jessie Jackson出錢把所有人請去 還付了三天的住宿費 Although the King of Pop's empire was crumbling, the bodyguards said he was not physically prepared to save it. At the time of Jackson's death, he was preparing his comeback, launching a "This Is It" tour at the age of 50. 談到MJ的50場演出 "I don't think he was physically healthy enough… to perform the shows they expected of him," Whitfield said. 我不認為他身體健康到能表演他們期望他做到的這麼多場演出 "If you [were] with him, you would hear him [say] that he's in pain sometimes …He would tell me, 'right now is not a good day,'" Whitfield said. 如果你跟在他身邊的話 你會知道他有時是處於疼痛之中 他會跟我說 今天感覺不太好 The men said that although Jackson loved being in front of a crowd, he was pressured to perform because of dwindling finances. 他們說雖然MJ很愛舞台 但卻是迫於經濟壓力而重登舞台 The three bodyguards said they were not in Los Angeles when Jackson died in June but attended his memorial at the Los Angeles Staples Center. 他們三人在MJ死的時候並沒有在他身邊輪值 但他們出席了追思會 "I looked around, I looked at a lot of celebrities, a lot of stars…and it just made me wonder, where were they?" Whitfield asked. 我看了四週 看到這麼多名人 這麼多巨星 我不禁想問 他們之前在哪 "Were these some of the people who turned their back on him after the second trial?" Whitfield said, referring to Jackson twice being accused of child ******ation. Jackson settled the first case in 1993 and was found not guilty in the 2005 criminal trial. 他們這些人有許多在05年第二次官司中遺棄了他 "The guy was so lonely, where were they?" Garcia asked. MJ這麼的寂寞 而這些人當時在哪裡呢? The men said they did not "even want to talk about" seeing the children on stage at the memorial. "It was unbelievable," Garcia said. 他們說 他們甚至不想談起看到那些孩子們上台時的感想 這一切都難以置信 They tried to reach the children on stage following the memorial, they said, but the three kids were already gone. 他們嘗試在追思會後去看小孩們 但發現他們早就走了 When asked what the bodyguards would like to say to Jackson's children, the three men became visibly emotional. 當被問到想跟MJ三個小孩說什麼 他們三人都變的非常激動 "I'm a little speechless on that right now," Whitfield said. 我現在有點不知該說些什麼 "Certainly we hope that we did the best that we could to make them feel like kids and provide them with things to make them feel comfortable," Whitfield said. 我們當然希望 我們盡到了最大的努力 讓他們像一般的孩子一樣 讓他們覺得舒適 Garcia said he wants them to know that they "were everything to [their] father." 另一人說 我只想讓他們知道 對他們父親而言 他們就是他的一切 The men said that Jackson is watching over his children now, and that they are all very proud of them. 他們說MJ現在會在天上照看他的孩子們 而他們全部為這些孩子感到驕傲 如果他們說的屬實 我一直以為MJ財務問題是被嚴重誇大了 唉~~ 他後幾年真的過的太辛苦了 現在真的是在更好的地方了 Q Q -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: oldtrafford 來自: (03/11 01:27)

03/11 01:35, , 1F
看到後面有種憤怒的感覺 而且覺得這背後有陰謀
03/11 01:35, 1F

03/11 01:40, , 2F
03/11 01:40, 2F

03/11 01:47, , 3F
03/11 01:47, 3F

03/11 01:56, , 4F
不知道該不該相信... 可是若Whitfield這人真如文中所說,
03/11 01:56, 4F

03/11 01:57, , 5F
感覺這個人很有問題... 姑且不論一堆爆料,光看調查中的
03/11 01:57, 5F

03/11 01:57, , 6F
03/11 01:57, 6F

03/11 02:08, , 7F
唉~~~ (長嘆一聲...)
03/11 02:08, 7F

03/11 02:24, , 8F
那些告MJ的人 都去X吧
03/11 02:24, 8F

03/11 02:24, , 9F
03/11 02:24, 9F

03/11 02:39, , 10F
影片中談到孩子時 這3個保鑣看起來是真心疼MJ的孩子的
03/11 02:39, 10F

03/11 03:48, , 11F
Q_Q 好複雜的感覺..
03/11 03:48, 11F

03/11 10:11, , 12F
03/11 10:11, 12F

03/11 10:14, , 13F
好人不長命阿~~ Q Q
03/11 10:14, 13F

03/11 10:58, , 14F
03/11 10:58, 14F

03/11 13:59, , 15F
這些文章我都看看就好 不能百分之百相信阿....
03/11 13:59, 15F

03/11 16:24, , 16F
也許是清官難斷家務事 但是還是覺得很奇怪 麥可為何會把他
03/11 16:24, 16F

03/11 16:26, , 17F
03/11 16:26, 17F

03/11 16:27, , 18F
03/11 16:27, 18F

03/11 19:24, , 19F
03/11 19:24, 19F

03/11 19:26, , 20F
我真的認同那首歌名 it's Better On The Other Side.
03/11 19:26, 20F
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