Re: [心得] 完全執政,是該完全負責吧??

看板KMT作者 (風箏飛啊)時間15年前 (2008/10/29 01:28), 編輯推噓8(8031)
留言39則, 7人參與, 5年前最新討論串2/11 (看更多)
First, sorry that I can't type Chinese And all my information is coming for the news on yahoo news ※ 引述《kevinhaha ( )》之銘言: : 最近的討論好像都是罵馬的就被畫上綠,罵扁的就畫上藍 : 這是重點嗎? : 對我一個中間選民來說 : 誰執政誰就把台灣給搞好就對了 : 先來說dpp: : 現在好像只剩炮大陸的功能,在未來四年他們感覺不是很重要了 : 再來說kmt: : 每天把阿扁當盾牌是怎樣?,最近看新聞不是避重就輕不然就是反反覆覆 : 今天你完全執政就請拿出完全執政的樣子,不要一直避重就輕的談 I think that's the reason why it's 4 years for a president. 1~2 years to correct something wrong. 2~3 years to do what he think he should do. And 1 more year for people to choose. : 大部分的事全都說成前朝遺毒?? : (這時候有人會說dpp也是,比爛嗎?) : 我只是個小小鄉民,就我的認知來討論一下我看到的 : 經濟: : 這是大環境我相信,請加油 : 毒奶: : 感覺就像是剛開始撒了個謊,後來要用更多的理由來包住它 : 毒的東西就是毒,這麼多案例了還在一直打哈哈 : 每一次上來發言說法都不一樣,人民要怎麼信你這個政府?? : 明明就是說不能驗出就好的東西,就一定要聽你在那邊掰 : 給我的感覺就像是在幫誰拖時間or討好某國 : 最扯的是在毒奶爆發的時候,標準不提高反而降低 : 然後還要相信黑心大國的檢驗。。。。 : 我能說隨便一個鄉民都比他們會說話嗎 : (這時候又有人會說了,dpp在也會有毒奶啊, : 今天沒人跟你的重點是毒奶會不會出現 : 這麼多人罵是罵你處理的態度、做法,一整個爛到不行) : 學歷: : 在這麼不景氣的時候就丟了一句話出來,也沒有太多的內容 : 這不是擺明給人民罵的嗎?? : 好歹也分析一下利弊之類的,現在讓人民自己瞎猜 : 不被罵有鬼了 : 桶毒: : 今天大陸不黑心了我就讓你桶 : 要毒不毒,等你經濟回穩之後再說,目前肯定不是時機的 : 可是一天到晚收國旗是怎樣,見不得人啊 : 馬的我是中華民國人民。 : china人給我的感覺就像是貧民窟的商人,為了利益不擇手段 ^^^^you use your imagination very well There are for sure many people are still poor in mainland. But they are getting better and better, and it is fast! My officemate came from China. And there are so many Chinese students in USA. They are not poor, but study hard, try to grad every opportunity. Taiwanese students are rarely doing that right now. Most of the students in Taiwan, are just playing around all day. China was not as good as we are before. Maybe either right now. If we are not going, they will be better than us very soon. Maybe you should contact more Chinese, then you can say how you think about them. : 你說台灣也一樣?,我只能說台灣還沒到這麼誇張而已 : 欺善怕惡,這點不會差太多,但china官員們權力好像大的多 -- .★*★. 曾經有一份真誠擺在我的面前,但是我沒有珍惜 .* *.* 等到失去的時候才後悔莫及,塵世間最痛苦的事莫過於此。 如果上天可以給我個機會再來一次的話, * 我會對這個女孩說~~*. .* 如果非要在這份加上一個期限, m 我希望是~~~一萬年...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: fidoo 來自: (10/29 01:29)

10/29 01:31, , 1F
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10/29 01:33, , 5F
10/29 01:33, 5F

10/29 01:33, , 6F
10/29 01:33, 6F

10/29 01:43, , 7F
agree with both of you.
10/29 01:43, 7F

10/29 01:45, , 8F
just wondering,
10/29 01:45, 8F

10/29 01:46, , 9F
should"better than the worst" be the goal
10/29 01:46, 9F

10/29 01:58, , 10F
10/29 01:58, 10F

10/29 01:59, , 11F
10/29 01:59, 11F

10/29 02:00, , 12F
樓上大可不必這樣吧 溝通在於看的懂就好
10/29 02:00, 12F

10/29 02:00, , 13F
來這邊到底是討論政治還是討論英文 :p
10/29 02:00, 13F

10/29 02:01, , 14F
10/29 02:01, 14F

10/29 02:02, , 15F
10/29 02:02, 15F

10/29 02:06, , 16F
my English is always poor. so?
10/29 02:06, 16F

10/29 02:06, , 17F
language is for communiation.
10/29 02:06, 17F

10/29 02:07, , 18F
Not for show off
10/29 02:07, 18F

10/29 02:24, , 19F
When you write a sentence, you shold be
10/29 02:24, 19F

10/29 02:25, , 20F
careful about what you want to explain.
10/29 02:25, 20F

10/29 02:27, , 21F
Because you write everything that you
10/29 02:27, 21F

10/29 02:28, , 22F
want everyone to know what you said,
10/29 02:28, 22F

10/29 02:29, , 23F
please follow rules especially for
10/29 02:29, 23F

10/29 02:30, , 24F
writing that you really want others
10/29 02:30, 24F

10/29 02:31, , 25F
misunderstand you.
10/29 02:31, 25F

10/29 02:33, , 26F
For another thing, you really can't
10/29 02:33, 26F

10/29 02:34, , 27F
show up.
10/29 02:34, 27F

10/29 02:55, , 28F
show off!!!
10/29 02:55, 28F

10/29 02:55, , 29F
not show up
10/29 02:55, 29F

10/29 02:58, , 30F
Why you use English instead of Chinese?
10/29 02:58, 30F

10/29 02:59, , 31F
I will use Chinese if I'm able to do that
10/29 02:59, 31F

10/29 03:06, , 32F
10/29 03:06, 32F

10/29 10:18, , 33F
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10/29 10:24, , 37F
10/29 10:24, 37F

11/09 02:52, , 38F
11/09 02:52, 38F

01/02 11:51, 5年前 , 39F
01/02 11:51, 39F
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