Re: [新聞] Dodgers' Kuo offers Dodgers hope

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※ 引述《xiemark (aisinjuro)》之銘言: : Dodgers' Kuo offers Dodgers hope : By MARK WHICKER : The Orange County Register : LOS ANGELES – A Dodger starting pitcher reached the sixth inning Sunday : without having to produce two forms of identification and a thumbprint. 身為道奇隊的先發投手,小小郭在投完了星期天比賽的六局之後, 取得了繼續往第七局投下去的資格,不需要檢查他身上的證件和比對他的指紋 : Amazingly, he was even allowed to proceed to the seventh. 他的表現令人感到驚奇! : The laws of supply and demand worked for Hong-Chih Kuo and the Dodgers. He : has surplus innings. They need every pitch. 經濟學上基本的供需法則已經不足以形容小小郭對道奇的貢獻, 道奇隊需要他的每一球 : This is a 25-year-old lefty who has survived the double jeopardy of two Tommy : John surgeries. 這位二十五歲的左投手在經歷了兩次極具風險的Tommy John手術後倖存了下來 : This is a team that is one loss away from anesthesia and two losses away from : intensive care. 道奇隊也面臨到了決定能否進軍季後賽的生死關頭 (再輸一場就昏迷,輸兩場就送加護病房) : Kuo operated beautifully, with eight strikeouts and no earned runs in those : seven innings, and he doubled to left, although he appeared to begin his : journey with an unwarranted home run trot. 在七局的投球中,投出了八次的三振,沒有自責分, 還有一支打向左外野牆的深遠二壘安打, 縱使他一開始以為是全壘打所以很瀟灑的用走的,但是無損他精采的表現 : He even scored the Dodgers' only run, until Nomar Garciaparra buried the : final 2006 Dodger Stadium regular-season pitch into the left-center pavilion, : a grand slam in the bottom of the ninth. 他甚至跑回本壘攻下全隊的唯一一分,在九局下半Nomar Garciaparra打出再見滿貫砲之前 這也是道奇隊在季賽中最後的一次主場出賽 : Sure, it was only the third most dramatic homer in seven days here. It was : also the most important, since it kept the Dodgers a game-and-a-half behind : San Diego and a half-game of Philadelphia, and beat Arizona, 5-1. 這支全壘打也是道奇球場在這七天以來的第三支充滿戲劇性的全壘打, 這也有可能是最重要的一支,這支全壘打讓道奇隊能保持與教士隊之間1.5場的勝場差 還有在外卡爭奪裡與費城人半場的差距, 也就是這支全壘打讓道奇能以5:1的差距擊敗響尾蛇隊 : "Everybody did the little things," Garciaparra said, "but you can't say : enough about what the pitching staff did. This was their game today." : Kuo used this 100-pitch extravaganza to earn a Friday start in San Francisco, : a game the Dodgers hope is meaningful. "每個隊員都對勝利做出了貢獻"Garciaparra這麼說, "但是你沒有辦法形容這個小子對我們所做的貢獻,今天是屬於他的比賽" 小小郭在這場所投出的一百多球,替他爭取到了星期五在巨人隊主場的先發位置 這場比賽道奇隊仍對它滿懷希望,寄望藉著這場比賽來晉級季後賽 : For those inclined to think about 2007 and beyond, Kuo means hope - a : homegrown starting pitcher with real bullets, as long as the gun isn't : jammed. 這種種的跡象讓我們從小小郭的身上看到了道奇在2007年賽季的希望, ㄧ個來自道奇農場土生土長的先發投手,他的手臂是人間凶器,只要它不會再故障 : "I felt good," Kuo said, "and I threw good sliders. I just took it : inning-by-inning and tried to do my best." "我感覺很好""而且我的滑球滿犀利的,我就一局一局的投,盡力就對了" : "This guy's a strikeout pitcher," said Rick Honeycutt, the pitching coach. : "Today he did it to lots of right-handed hitters (eight righties on the : Arizona lineup card). We thought he could get ahead in some counts and then t : hrow some pitches into some 'chase' areas, and we'd have some success." "這個傢伙,很會丟三振"投手教練Rick Honeycutt說,"今天他K掉了很多右打者 (在響尾蛇的打序裡有八個打次被三振)我認為他能在球數上獲得領先, 在關鍵時候他的球又能'找到某些必殺'的區域,今天在這方面他很成功" : An error by Wilson Betemit set up an Arizona run and a second-and-third : problem in the third inning, but Kuo struck out Conor Jackson and walked off. : A first-and-third situation arose in the fourth, and Kuo froze Chris Snyder : to escape again. 唯一的失分出現在第三局,接二連三的問題考驗著小小郭,但是他藉著三振Conor Jackson 化解掉繼續失分的危機,在第四局又出現一三壘有人的考驗, 但是小小郭的三振讓Chris Snyder凍結在打擊區,再次從失分的危機中全身而退 : Then Kuo slammed a drive over left fielder Scott Hairston's head and off the : wall. He ambled to first, sprinted to second. 五局下小小郭大棒一揮,擊出一隻越過響尾蛇隊左外野手Scott Hairston頭上 打中全壘打牆的安打,他慢步上一壘,再衝刺上二壘 : "I didn't know if it was going out or not," said Kuo, who homered once in Las : Vegas this year. "I thought, OK, I got a hit." "我自己也不知道那球會不會出去"小小郭坦承,小小郭今年在3A也打過一支滿貫砲 "我只確定,恩,好吧,我打了一隻安打" : You were supposed to have heard about Kuo long before this. : His grand 2000 debut with San Bernardino was a party that dissipated into : smoke. Kuo struck out seven batters in three innings and then wrecked his : elbow. 你們也許在這之前曾經聽說過一些有關小小郭的鄉野傳奇, 在他2000年在San Bernardino謎一般的初登板之後, 一切的期待似乎變成了幻影,在三局的投球之中,三振了七位打者 在那之後,他的手肘就爆了 : He didn't pitch again until June of '01. Then he missed all of '03. : "He had a nerve entrapment issue," Honeycutt said. "When the scar tissue : builds up, sometimes it gets caught and you need to fix it again." : Maybe Kuo - and other pitchers - should have surgery more often. Kuo's : post-op stuff was just as lethal, striking out 86 in 54 innings in '05. : The Dodgers lifted him out of the bullpen at midseason in Las Vegas. In four : starters for the varsity, he's 2-2 with a 2.59 ERA, and 29 strikeouts in : 241/3 innings. 他一直到2001年7月才在次踏上投手丘,但他還是錯過了整個03年球季, "他的手肘有神經壓迫的問題"Honeycutt說."當結疤的組織重新生長之後, 它有可能壓迫到其他的神經組織,所以你需要再一次的手術徹底解決問題" 也許小小郭-還有其他的投手-都會常常接觸到這種手術, 但是小小郭面對到的手術後復建也許更為致命,縱使如此 小小郭在05年賽季復活了,他在54局的投球之中三振了86人 道奇隊在季中將小小郭移出牛棚下放到3A,重回他最熟悉的先發輪值, 在3A的四次先發中取得了2勝2敗自責分率2.59的成績, 在24又3分之1局的投球中三振了29個人次 : And, for the first time since Sept. 15, someone went seven innings for the : Dodgers who is not named Derek Lowe. 9月15號之後,除了Derek Lowe以外 又多一位投手能在道奇球場先發七局了 : "His stuff is obviously electric," bullpen coach Dan Warthen said. "But he : wasn't getting very good command of his breaking stuff when he was in the : bullpen. I think being a starter has relaxed him somewhat." "他的才能令人驚訝"牛棚教練Dan Warthen這麼說."但是他在牛棚的時候, 變化球投不太出來,先發會讓他比較自在吧,我想" : "We just wanted to build up innings and arm strength with him," Honeycutt : said. "It took him a while to throw the curveball. I think there was some : fear there, because he got hurt throwing that pitch at one point. He's had : some excellent starts." "我們想延長他的投球局數,還有加強他手臂的力量"Honeycutt說. "還需要花一些時間他才能投曲球,這可能多少有一點風險, 因為他就是投那顆球而受傷的,但他還是投了幾場相當精采的比賽" : Kuo dispelled a marine layer of pessimism at the Stadium, based upon the : refusal of either San Diego or Philadelphia to lose over the weekend. : An Arizona official tried to bring some sunshine by pointing out that the : Diamondbacks are 51-22 lifetime against San Diego in the downtown Phoenix : ballpark (known unofficially as A Big Bank Which Bought A Smaller Bank Field). The Padres play at Arizona next weekend. : However, the Padres first go to St. Louis, where Albert Pujols is limping and : Jason Isringhausen is out for the season. The three contenders all finish on : the road. The Dodgers' challenge is to emerge from Colorado (Tuesday through : Thursday) with hope, and a bullpen that can brush its teeth without : anti-inflammatories. 小小郭藉者在道奇球場的優秀表現讓過去的悲慘事蹟煙消雲散, 拒絕讓教士和費城人在週末之前提前買單 (沒有小小郭,中略) : Maybe the kid from Taiwan, with grafitti on his elbow and lots of time to : make up, is the best symbol for the Dodgers. They needed Hong-Chih Kuo : Sunday. They didn't need Status. 這位來自台灣的小夥子,帶著他手肘上那兩道圖騰, 以及許多描繪它數不清的日子, 將會成為道奇隊最好的象徵, 他們不需要大牌球星,他們需要郭泓志, 就在這個星期天 呼~~~~~終於翻完了,每次都是看到各位大大的翻譯 自己也難得來熱血一下,如果有誤請糾正一下吧 感恩阿!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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原po帥 真辛苦了
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因為Dogers現在西區跟外卡都落後分別1.5 0.5
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09/26 01:25, , 11F
不知道有沒有錯 :)
09/26 01:25, 11F

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09/26 01:43, , 13F
好文 推
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09/26 10:05, , 19F
推 人間凶器~XD~
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謝謝囉 ^^
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※ 編輯: mousebig31 來自: (09/26 21:02)

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