Re: [新聞]美國:台積造的晶片最後跑到中國對台導彈裡

看板Gossiping作者 (龍吟很難嗎?為什麼)時間4年前 (2019/11/06 11:35), 編輯推噓2(10827)
留言45則, 22人參與, 4年前最新討論串4/8 (看更多)
我談一下現實情況。 第一,軍用IC不需要多高級的製程,F22的計算系統還沒我們的手機計算能力強,但是 軍用IC需要高可靠性能在惡劣環境下運行的封裝、甚至最高級的宇航級IC能夠在 宇宙射線的環境下正常工作。 第二、大陸的軍用電子系統目前基本都已經國產化了,我舉幾個例子,第一是北斗導航 系統,北斗一代的核心電子系統都是歐洲進口的,比如原子鐘,比如CPU,北斗二代開始 原子鐘是一半國產一半進口,大陸有兩個企業研發出了Rb原子鐘和Cs原子鐘,北斗二代 後期開始使用宇航級封裝的龍芯CPU,中芯代工生產的。去年下半年開始北斗三代衛星 實現100%國產化,目前北斗衛星在軌四十多顆。再比如美國政府前些年對一家軍隊 大學和一家國防研究所進行了制裁,因為這兩家研發了當時世界最快和第二快的超級計 算機,國防科技大學的星河二號和江南計算所的太湖,制裁確實延緩了後續超級計算機 的開發,但是不就兩個單位就改用國產的飛騰和申威CPU了,最終產品依然是世界前五。 大陸這邊的中低端FPGA和DSP企業也很多,軍用不需要高端的產品,需要的是特殊封裝的 高可靠性產品。 第三,大陸的軍用產品幾乎都是中芯國際和華虹半導體代工的,不使用台積電代工。 中芯國際前幾年弄出28nm製程後就保證能夠生存了,挖來梁孟松後,14nm的試產也 成功了,預計12月或明年1月開始量產,軍用和中低端民用肯定夠了。 第四,其實美國讓台積電對大陸企業斷供,主要目的還是打擊民用市場。 ※ 引述《kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)》之銘言: : 1.媒體來源: : WCCFTECH : 2.記者署名 : Rohail Saleem : 3.完整新聞標題: : TSMC’s Semiconductors Ending up in Chinese Missile Guidance Systems Aimed at : Taiwan, as per U.S. Officials : 美國官員說:台積電生產的半導體最後會跑到中國對台導彈的導航系統中 : 4.完整新聞內文: : According to Financial Times, the Trump administration has been pressing : Taiwan to restrain the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) : (TPE:2330), the world’s largest contract chipmaker, from selling its : semiconductors to Huawei – the Chinese telecoms and tech behemoth at the : epicenter of the ongoing Sino-U.S. trade war – and to institute firmer : technology export controls vis-a-vis China. : 過去一年,川普不斷地施壓台灣去限制台積電對中國的出口 : Over the past year, Washington’s officialdom has repeatedly conveyed to the : Taiwanese government the urgency of curbing TSMC’s continuing sale of : sensitive components to Chinese entities in general and Huawei in particular. : The driving force behind this concerted push stems from the widespread belief : in Washington that China has been, for some time now, engaging in an : ever-increasing pace of technology transfer from the civilian sector to the : military one. This, in turn, has given rise to the Trump administration’s : concerns that China is able to procure the required sensitive components for : its military through the commercial civilian trade. : 華盛頓不斷地傳達管制台積電繼續銷售中國的急迫性。因為中國不斷地的加速把技術 : 從民間轉移到軍用。 : Last month, a U.S. official informed Taiwanese diplomats that the : semiconductors produced by TSMC and then procured by Huawei, were ending up : in Chinese missile guidance systems aimed at Taiwan, as per the reporting by : Financial Times. : 上個月,美國官員告訴台灣外交人員,台積製造給華為的半導體,已經跑到了中國 : 對準台灣的飛彈導航系統裡面了。 : "US officials often have conversations with Taiwan interlocutors about the : security and end-use of their technology supply chains. We have similar : general export control and non-proliferation conversations with many partners, : ” the official said. : 美國官員不斷地跟台灣講要對安全和它們科技的終端使用進行管制,美國也有同樣 : 類似的出國限制措施。 : “In this particular case, we have a partner that is under a direct military : threat from China, and is also one of the few places that produce certain : technologies China needs to support its military ambitions.” : 在這個特例裡,我們的夥伴最面對中國直接的軍事威脅,但它又幫中國製造中國 : 所需要的武器 : Of course, this conversation has been occurring in the wider context of the : Sino-U.S. trade war that has seen reprisals and counter moves from both : sides. Earlier in June, the U.S. Commerce Department added the Chinese tech : behemoth Huawei to the Entities List over national security concerns and for : violating U.S. sanctions on Iran (read our related coverage here). The step : bars Huawei from seeking sensitive components from American companies without : a prior approval from Trump administration. Thereafter, in August, the Trump : administration barred the use of federal grants for the purchase of : telecommunications equipment from five Chinese entities including Huawei. : The blacklisting of Huawei has disproportionately benefited TSMC. According : to Randy Abrams, the head of regional semiconductor research at Credit : Suisse, China accounted for about 20 percent of TSMC’s revenue in the third : quarter of 2019 with Huawei constituting almost half of that proportion. This : means that Huawei was directly responsible for about 10 percent of TSMC’s : total revenue in the quarter. Consequently, given the lucrative financial : stakes involved, industry experts remain skeptical that Washington can force : Taiwan’s hand in this matter. Randy Abrams believes that “if the Taiwan : government were to force TSMC to drop Huawei as a customer, the stock market : would react unfavorably.” : 目前中國佔台積電20%的營收,其中華為就佔了10% : Though Taipei has declined to directly comment on this matter, the : spokesperson for Taiwanese President has said that “Taiwan’s technology : industry strictly respects international rules and continues to co-operate : with major countries including the US.” : 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): : : ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊 : 6.備註: : 想到之前有個中國笑話 : 世界上最大的半導體製造公司在哪?在中國,在中國的台灣 : 老實說中國的導彈上的晶片,沒什麼意外應該也都是台積造的 : 這樣想想好像還真的有管制的理由 : 要不然就是把同樣的技術用在台灣的導彈上 : 台積電變成LBJ了嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (中國) ※ 文章網址:

11/06 11:39, 4年前 , 1F
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11/06 11:41, 4年前 , 4F
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11/06 11:41, 4年前 , 5F
他們最愛的詞就是實現國產 全球第一
11/06 11:41, 5F

11/06 11:42, 4年前 , 6F
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11/06 11:42, 4年前 , 7F
是說28nm就很夠用了 要做到14nm?
11/06 11:42, 7F

11/06 11:42, 4年前 , 8F
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11/06 11:42, 4年前 , 9F
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11/06 11:43, 4年前 , 10F
台積電說做軍用晶片真的外行 軍用真的不用
11/06 11:43, 10F

11/06 11:43, 4年前 , 11F
用到那麼高檔製程 主要還是拿來包裝打擊民
11/06 11:43, 11F

11/06 11:43, 4年前 , 12F
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11/06 11:45, 4年前 , 14F
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11/06 11:45, 4年前 , 15F
一直說大陸 你是國人嗎
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11/06 11:52, 4年前 , 20F
於軍用的 軍用在體積上面取捨不用大
11/06 11:52, 20F

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11/06 12:08, 4年前 , 24F
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11/06 12:09, 4年前 , 25F
協議 還要去買農產品
11/06 12:09, 25F

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11/06 12:16, 4年前 , 27F
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11/06 12:21, 4年前 , 28F
耐50g 我以為是要飛那美客星
11/06 12:21, 28F

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11/06 12:59, 4年前 , 36F
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11/06 12:59, 4年前 , 37F
都哀鴻遍野呢 根本下來幫SMIC debug的
11/06 12:59, 37F

11/06 13:00, 4年前 , 38F
UMC 28好不容易被tarin到穩定了
11/06 13:00, 38F

11/06 13:00, 4年前 , 39F
SMIC 28根本笑話 我不如用tsmc90
11/06 13:00, 39F

11/06 13:01, 4年前 , 40F
還提車用電子阿 T28的才有model啦
11/06 13:01, 40F

11/06 13:01, 4年前 , 41F
U的別想了 更別提S的
11/06 13:01, 41F

11/06 13:01, 4年前 , 42F
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11/06 13:03, 4年前 , 43F
說個笑話: SMIC談可靠度
11/06 13:03, 43F

11/06 14:14, 4年前 , 44F
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11/06 16:03, 4年前 , 45F
11/06 16:03, 45F
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