Re: [爆卦] 紐時踢爆今年亞馬遜大火並沒有比以往嚴重

看板Gossiping作者 (該怎麼說呢)時間4年前 (2019/08/26 03:28), 編輯推噓5(504)
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簡單翻譯一下原文 網址: What Satellite Imagery Tells Us About the Amazon Rain Forest Fires 衛星影像告訴我們關於亞馬遜雨林大火的事 Scientists studying satellite image data from the fires in the Amazon rain forest said that most of the fires are burning on agricultural land where the forest had already been cleared. 科學家由衛星影像的判讀指出,大部分的火是發生在已經沒有森林的農業用地上 Most of the fires were likely set by farmers preparing the land for next year’s planting, a common agricultural practice, said the scientists from the University of Maryland. 大部份的火很可能是農民們為了下一年的耕種做準備而放的,這是一個農業上 常見的做法。 Satellite images like the one below show smoke plumes from fires emanating from agricultural areas. 下方的衛星影像顯示煙是從農地上的火冒出來的 The majority of the agricultural land currently in use in Brazil’s Amazon region was created through years of deforestation. 巴西亞馬遜地區目前的農地絕大多數是多年來大量砍伐森林製造出來的。 “Most of this is land use that have replaced rain forest,” said Matthew Hansen, who is a co-leader of the Global Land Analysis and Discovery laboratory at the University of Maryland. 這些大部份都是取代雨林的土地利用 “Brazil has turned certain states like Mato Grosso into Iowa,” said Mr. Hanson, referring to the Brazilian state on the southern edge of the Amazon region. “You’ve got rain forest, and then there’s just an ocean of soybean.” 「巴西把某些州像是Mato Grosso變成像Iowa(美國農業州)」Hanson指的是 這個在亞馬遜南緣的州:「有一部份是雨林,然後是海洋一般的大豆田」 The grid of maps below show the month-by-month pattern of fires across the Amazon rain forest in Brazil each year since 2001. The increase in fires every August to October coincides with the season when farmers begin planting soybean and corn. 下方的圖是巴西自2001年以來巴西亞馬遜雨林逐月火災的分佈,每年八月到 十月火災增加的時間和農民們開始種植大豆和玉米的時間是一致的。 These maps were created using current and historical data from two NASA satellites, Terra and Aqua, which can detect the infrared radiation emitted by fires. 這些地圖是由可以偵測大火紅外線輻射的兩顆NASA衛星資料所製作的 Comparing the area that burned in August this year to an average of the areas burned during the same month in the previous five years illustrate part of the reason why this year’s fires have garnered so much attention. 把今年八月燃燒的區域跟過去五年的平均做比較的話,可以勾勒出為何今年 的大火吸引了這麼多注意力。 Scientists at Brazil’s National Institute of Space Research calculated that there were 35 percent more fires so far this year than in the average of the last eight years. 巴西太空署的科學家指出,相對於過去八年的平均,今年的火災多了35% “Fires are not a natural phenomenon in these forests,” said Mark Cochrane, an expert on wildfire and ecology at the University of Maryland. “All of the fires in this region are caused by people.” 「這些森林中的火災並不是自然現象」、「所有這個區域的火災都是人為的」 Maryland大學的野火與生態專家Cochrane如此表示 Mr. Cochrane noted that while a large majority of the fires were on land that had already been cleared, many others were detected burning with particular intensity. He said these were likely deforestation fires, not just fires for clearing previously deforested land. Cochrane指出儘管大部份的火是在沒有森林的土地上發生,還是有許多比較 劇烈的火被偵測到,這很可能是砍伐森林的大火,而不是在已經沒有森林的 土地上的火。 “When you slash an area, pile it up, let it dry and then burn it, it burns very intensely, and that’s also what puts off a lot of that smoke,” said Mr. Cochrane. 「當你砍伐一個區域、把砍下的樹堆起來,等它乾了以後再焚燒,火勢 會非常劇烈,而那種就是會產生很多煙的火。」 There has been a rise in deforestation in recent years, after a long period of decline. 在一個長時間的趨緩之後,近年來森林消失的速度又變快了。 Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who took office on Jan. 1 this year, has been criticized by environmentalists for policies that have increased deforestation. 今年一月一日就任的巴西總統Bolsonaro被環保團體批評其政策造成 森林消失的速度加快。 A New York Times analysis found that enforcement measures to protect against deforestation by Brazil’s main environmental agency fell by 20 percent during the first six months of this year, compared with the same period in 2018. 一個紐約時報的分析指出,今年前六個月和2018年的同期相比,巴西主要 環境局施行的保護森林措施減少了20% After days of growing international outrage over the fires, Mr. Bolsonaro reversed course on Friday and said that he would mobilize the military to enforce environmental laws and to help contain the fires. 在國際上針對大火的憤怒越演越烈的數天之後,巴西總統Bolsonaro在週五 改變立場並承諾會動員軍隊,執行環境相關法律來協助控制火勢。 ---- 蠻精彩的一篇報導,建議看完中文簡譯之後搭配原文的圖片/圖表閱讀 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

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