Re: [問題] 你想要什麼?

看板CareerPlan作者 (別拉我的鬍子)時間11年前 (2012/08/17 01:52), 編輯推噓3(308)
留言11則, 7人參與, 最新討論串8/8 (看更多)
Most people do not think outside the box. Those that do tend to be White males. Sometimes they are White females or Black. But it is an extreme rarity to find an Asian who can think independently outside the box, so rare in fact that most never even meet one. Winston Wu is one such rarity and anomaly. Generally, at least 99 percent of Asians are narrow-minded conformists and followers who are submissive to authority, devoid of independent thought, highly materialistic and limited to understanding only practical concepts. They believe whatever everyone else does, and whatever they are told by society/authority. They follow the pack, don’t think for themselves, thrive in safe routines, and live only to make a living and raise a family. This is an obvious and accurate but politically incorrect assessment of Asians in general that few dare make. However, anyone who meets Winston Wu will experience an Asian of a different breed and dimension. Wu is a Taiwanese American eclectic, writer, intellectual, traveler, romancer, freethinker, freespirit, philosopher, critical thinker, truth seeker, and leader of several movements. Unlike most Asians purely focused on the practical, he is interested in intellectual, social and existential matters. And unlike narrow Asian conformists, he is a master in critical thinking and debunking BS, as he sees through propaganda and brainwashing. Wu emerged from an oppressive and hellish childhood to a liberated and transcendent state of mind full of insight and free of mass control. As such, he serves as an inspiration and guidance to others. Some consider him a hero and inspiration while others see him as a dysfunctional loser. Either way, there is no denying that he is one of the most freethinking, unique and one-of-a-kind Asians in the world. Now you may have heard the phrase, “You are unique, just like everyone else” , which basically means that there are no two people exactly alike in every way – no two people’s DNA or fingerprints are identical. But that’s NOT the kind of uniqueness we are talking about here. We are talking about unique accomplishments and attributes that very few in the world can lay claim to, Asian or non-Asian. Below is a description of Wu’s uncommon accomplishments and attributes that very few can lay claim to. Other Asians may have fancy cars, houses and prestigious careers to show off. But Wu has these unique attributes that are unmatched. You will never find another Asian who possesses all ten of these. Thus Winston Wu could very well be the most Unique and Freethinking Asian you will ever meet! First, here is a summary of them. 1) All his views, thoughts and writings are "outside the box", insightful and intellectual. He is an expert in debunking propaganda, lies and brainwashing, evidenced by his writings. 2) In the areas of Travel and Culture, he is above the crowd. He has been to 12 countries and speaks 4 languages. 3) With his talent in strategy and logic, and an above average IQ, he can beat computers in Chess and Scrabble up to high levels. 4) Experienced travelers who have been to 100 countries and others have called him “the most atypical Asian male I’ve ever met”. 5) His fans have called him a "Hero, Inspiration and Legend". Very few are called such things. 6) He has started two websites and movements that are the first of their kind – Happier Abroad, the largest Global Dating and Living Website and Movement, and SCEPCOP, the first Coalition against Organized PseudoSkepticism. He has written books for those two movements that are also the first of their kind and widely acclaimed by many readers, fans and professionals. 7) He has written masterpiece books and great works of logic debunking the major arguments of Organized PseudoSkepticism and Christian Apologists. They have received endorsements and praises by prominent published figures. Some have hailed his work as “the BEST” of its kind. 8) He has been interviewed on radio shows and featured in magazines for his noteworthy works. 9) He has dated many beautiful women outside of his league (by American standards) by going “beyond the matrix” and utilizing his charming personality. 10) Due to the success of his websites and movements, he is one of the few able to make a living off of self-employment income, which many dream of doing but few are able to do. 我覺得這篇文章很有意思 內容大意就是指華人注重實際用途 缺乏想像力和追求精神 的高度 終其一生的目標 就是賺大錢 買房子 買車 娶嬌妻 等等傳統上被視為是成功 的象徵 例如勞斯萊斯的名車 法拉利 保時捷等 當初做出這些極致工藝品的人 心裡 想的絕不是我要怎麼賺大錢 再來才是怎麼做出這臺車 心裡想的一定是 我要怎麼做出 一個完美的產品 讓人人都喜愛? 接著賺大錢是一併而來的事情 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/17 02:09, , 1F
這篇也很narrow minded 妳不用急著點頭稱是
08/17 02:09, 1F

08/17 02:11, , 2F
不批判這篇的話 你就是他文中說的刻板東方人
08/17 02:11, 2F

08/17 02:11, , 3F
不會critical thinking
08/17 02:11, 3F

08/17 06:32, , 4F
這篇其實還滿噁的 看到第二句就知道沒有參考價值了吧
08/17 06:32, 4F

08/17 09:44, , 5F
這也太看不起華人了吧> <~~~
08/17 09:44, 5F

08/17 09:49, , 6F
08/17 09:49, 6F

08/17 10:04, , 7F
08/17 10:04, 7F

08/17 10:15, , 8F
你講錯了吧 這篇是在吹捧一個叫Winston Wu的人
08/17 10:15, 8F

08/17 10:29, , 9F ←這個人在自己的blog吹捧自己
08/17 10:29, 9F

08/17 13:45, , 10F
難怪這麼噁 原PO加油好嗎 少點崇洋自貶
08/17 13:45, 10F

08/17 18:09, , 11F
08/17 18:09, 11F
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