
看板CareerPlan作者 (咖啡杯)時間14年前 (2010/01/24 01:06), 編輯推噓24(2409)
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這篇文章是我在國外網站看到的,雖然說比較偏向美國的文化,但是我認為有些 部份其實值得去想一想。 就我個人來說,有些還滿受用的。雖然說再過幾年我就又過另一個18歲了。這些 事,對我現在來說已經是老生常談,但對於當年18歲的我來說,這些概念其實懵 懵懂懂的。大人雜唸的台詞而已。 當然現在真的經歷過後,有些道理其實不變的。但老實說,如果我再活一次,我 想我還是會選擇用身體力行去學習一次,才會真的知道「原來,以前大人說的還 是滿有道理的嘛。」 所以我到現在還是不斷在嘗試,還是想問:為什麼不可以? 這篇文章就當作是閒話看一看,順便也幫我訂正一下翻譯的錯字就好。 "18歲時,你該知道的50件事" 1) "If you are buying something that you will use often and for a long time, never go cheap. You'll end up replacing it sooner or paying more in maintenance costs than if you had spent more on good quality in the beginning. Plus, you'll enjoy the nicer product throughout its lifetime, rather than cringing every time you use something that is falling apart." -- bretts 如果你要買個常用而要用比較久的東西,不要買便宜的。因為很快就要換新或要支付額 外的維修的費用,那還不如一開始就選好一點的。而且你還會因為好的產品而享受到比較 好的生活品質,而不會老是用的時候壞掉而生氣。 2) Don't spend money on a credit card that you can't afford to pay back. The interest and late payments can put you in a hole that can take you years to pay back. 不要用信用卡支付你付不起的費用,利息及分期付款會把你拖進一個好幾年才能還完的 大洞裡。 3) Compound interest is your friend. Saving even a relatively small percentage of your income each year, starting at 18, can leave you in much better shape by the time you're ready to retire. 存款利息是你的好朋友,從18歲開始把自已收入的一部分存入銀行,是對自已退休生活的 良好規劃。 4) If you're working with someone who can be bargained down on a price, it seldom hurts to try. The exceptions may be someone of exceptional talent, someone you're going to have to work with on a regular basis, or someone whose help you're going to need in a timely manner. 如果可以和別人講價的話,儘量試著講看看,一般都不會有什麼損失。除非是你要跟 對方長期合作或有特別的技能 5) Try to keep enough cash to pay your bills for at least six months in reserve. It will make your life immeasurably easier if your car breaks down, you have a surprise medical expense, or you get an opportunity to get a fantastic bargain. 試著保有足夠支付你6個月生活的現金,當你的車子壞了或是其他緊急的醫療支出還是臨 時需要一筆錢以得到一個好機會時,你的生活不會為了這些事陷入困難。 6) Dogs are fantastic animals. They deserve to be called man's best friend. But, if you are under the impression that you just need to buy a collar and a bag of dry dog food every month and you're set, you're in for a rude awakening. Dogs tend to be much more expensive and time consuming than you'd think. 狗是神奇的動物,可以說是人類最好的朋友,但是你得每個月幫他買飼料、定期帶他去打 預防針或買其他相關用品,寵物其實每月的花費比你想像的多很多。 7) "Don't have any children or get married until you can support and love yourself first." -- D-Vega 在學會如何愛自已之前,不要結婚或有任何的孩子 8) "Don't trade your vehicle in on a new one just a couple of years after buying it. Pay it off and ride it until (the wheels fall off), all while putting that car payment in the bank." -- The_Muck_Man 不要把才買幾年的車子又賣掉換新的,尤其是大部分的貸款都還在銀行裡的時候,把貸款 付完,然後開到不能開為止(大概是輪胎會掉出來的程度吧 xd) 9) College is a lot more work than high school and your job will be a lot more work than college was. 大學的功課比高中多,出社會時功課也比大學多 10) Start looking for a new job BEFORE you quit your old job. 找到新的工作後再辭掉舊工作 11) Don't take any job that only pays commission unless you're either an expert salesman or ready to spend months working without pay to gain the skills you need to become an expert salesman. 不要接受任何只有佣金(獎金)的工作,除非你是超級業務員或是你願意好幾個月沒有收入 ,只為了學習如何成為超級業務員。 12) Ideally, you should choose something you love to do so much that you'd do it for free and find a way to make it into a career. 如果可以的話,找一件你熱愛而且你願意免費去作的事,然後試著把這件事加入到你的人 生事業中。 13) When asking for a salary, always have a figure you want in mind -- and then ask for significantly more than that number. That way, you may get more than what you want and even if you don't, you have a better chance of getting the amount you had in mind than if you had blurted it out right off the bat. 如果你想要求更多的薪水,不要不經大腦的說出來,記得心裡有個數字,然後加上一些就 是你要開口的數字。這樣的話 你會有機會得到比你想的更多,或至少有機會達你心裡的 那個數字。 14) There's no shame in taking any honest job. 作正當而且誠實的工作沒有什麼好丟臉的。 15) Getting fired or laid off isn't the end of the world. To the contrary, a lot of people, myself included, have moved on to bigger and better things after being laid off or fired. 被解雇或是裁員了不是世界末日,反過來想,很多人,也包括我自已都離開自已的工作準 備接受更好的未來。 16) If you're not happy with the job market, the government, or the schools in your area, remember that you can always move to another city or another state. Lots of Americans do just that every year. 如果你不滿意這個地方的工作市場、政府或是學校,記住,每年都有許多美國人都跟你一 樣,你永遠可以搬去別的地方或是其他的州, 17) "I wish that I had known to check the oil in my vehicles and to have changed it regularly. It would have saved a lot of money that I spent on repairs -- directly due to my lack of changing the oil per the mechanic." -- Ann H. 「早知道我就會經常檢查車子的機油而且記得去換它們,這樣我就可以省下那些因為我沒 換機油而導致故障的維修費用了」Ann H 18) Lefty loosey, righty tighty. Turn it to the left to loosen it and to the right to tighten it. 左鬆右緊,向左轉鬆,向右就是轉緊 19) Don't ever open a hot radiator cap or you can get seriously burned. 絕對不要在水箱散熱器還是熱的時候打開蓋子否則你會嚴重的燙傷 20) Here are 3 keys to keeping a reasonably clean house: don't leave any dishes in the sink overnight; every time you have a full load of clothes, wash 'em, and take out the trash every time the can is full. You do those things, wipe up your messes, and vacuum when the floor gets filthy, and you'll keep things reasonably neat. 要保持你的房子乾淨,有3個重要的關鍵:不要把碗盤留到明天才洗。洗衣籃滿了就馬上 拿去洗,垃圾滿了馬上拿出去倒。記得,把髒的地方擦乾淨,地板髒了就用吸塵器吸,這 樣你就有個整齊生活環境了。 21) If you use a computer even semi-regularly, it's worth your time to take a typing class. 如果你使用電腦或經常需要使用,那麼去上打字課是值得的。 22) It's not enough to buy a gun and stick it in a drawer like a lucky talisman. You need to learn to use the gun. 買把搶放在抽屜當你的護身符是不夠的,你還要學會怎麼用它 23) When you move, sell, throw away, and give away as much as possible or you'll just end up moving boxes from one closet, where they have been sitting for five years, to another closet, where they'll be sitting for the next five years. 當你要搬家的時候,儘可能的把東西,丟掉賣掉或是給別人,這些東西已經在櫃子裡放了 五年了,你只從櫃子裡放進搬家箱子然後在放到另一個櫃子再放個好幾個五年。 24) Don't ever loan your friends money if you want to keep them as friends. After all, if they were good with money and were likely to pay you back in a timely manner, they probably wouldn't need the loan in the first place. If they really need the money, you want to help them, and you can afford it -- just give it to them. 如果你要保持你的友誼,那就不要借給他們錢。畢竟,如果他們懂得用錢而且也會準時還 錢,那也不需要馬上就要借錢。如果他們真的需要錢,而你也想幫助他,你也負擔得起。 就把錢送他吧。 25) Women should never allow a boyfriend to take naked pictures. If it's on film, you shouldn't be surprised if it goes public in one form or fashion after a break-up. 絕對不要讓你的男友幫你拍裸照,如果還被拍成影片。那當妳們分手時,小心這些東西出 現在網路論壇或大眾媒體。 26) When men have a problem and they tell you about it, they want to know how to fix it. When women have a problem and they tell you about it, they just want you to listen. 當男人向你談他們的問題時,他們需要的解決的方法,當女人向你談她們的問題時,她們 需要的只是你的傾聽。 27) If you ever get arrested, don't say anything until you talk to a lawyer. 如果你被逮補了,在和律師談過以前,不要說任何事。 28) If you don't know the agenda of the people you're getting your news from, then you don't have the information you need to know if what they're telling you is true. 如果你無法確定現在別人跟你說的消息是從那裡來的,即便是真實的消息,其實你沒有得 到任何有效的資訊。 29) Government is a necessary evil. It's best to keep its tentacles out of your life and out of our society as much as possible. 政府是必要之惡,最好把你的生活及社交圈遠離它們的觸角。 30) "When you're 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you; when you're 40, you don't give a darn what anybody thinks of you; when you're 60, you realize nobody's been thinking about you at all." -- Daniel Amen 當你18歲時,你煩惱為什麼人們總是想到你該怎麼作。當你40歲時,你才不管別人怎麼想 你要作什麼。當你60歲時,你才明白其實從來就沒有人想你怎麼樣。 31) Trust your instincts. They're usually right. 相信你的直覺,通常都是對的 32) If you think a doctor's wrong, don't hesitate to ask for a second opinion. Your health is vitally important and doctors make mistakes just as often as anyone else. 你的健康非常重要,你覺得醫生的判斷有問題,不用遲疑馬上去看別的醫生,醫生就跟其 他的一樣時常會出錯。 33) Don't ever say anything that may offend someone who is going to be serving you food. You never know what they may stick in it when you're not looking. 絕對不要對幫你上菜的人不禮貌,因為你不知道他會不會在你沒看到時惡搞你的食物。 34) If you get into a business deal with someone who goes to unusual lengths to convince you of how honest or Christian they are, watch your wallet and make sure you have an iron clad contract. They "doth protest too much." 如果和別人談生意時,對方一直說自已多誠實或是他是教徒不會騙人,那最好看緊自已錢 包並且再三確認合約內容,因為他們發太多誓了。 35) "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." - Jim Rohn 你的個性會被你最常接觸的5個人所影響 36) If you want to do something exceptional, don't expect anyone to believe you can do it until you've done it. Unless you're already perceived as exceptional, most people won't believe in you. That's doubly true for the people who know you best and have therefore seen you at your most mediocre, like your parents, family, and friends. 如果你要作一件特別的事,除非你已經完成了,否則別期望別人會相信你作得到。尤其是 你的父母、家人、朋友哪些知道你有多普通的人。 37) If you don't feel like you're being treated fairly by a company, don't hesitate to ask for a manager. Oftentimes, a manager has gotten to where he is in a company because he is good at pleasing customers like you in the first place. 如果你覺得你在公司沒有被公平地對待,馬上去找經理談。因為大部分經理在公司除了 應付難搞的客戶還有像是你的問題都是他們的主要工作。 38) "You are not invulnerable and you are not going to live forever. You can (make) mistakes at 18 that you will have to live with for the rest of your life." -- Don_cos 你不是無敵的,你也不會永生不死,你18歲時犯的錯,會跟著你活下去。 39) Nobody owes you a living. 你得自已負責自已的生活,別人沒有欠你什麼。 40) You are not a victim. 你不是受害者 41) If you just assume that every conspiracy theory is wrong without even examining it, you will be right 99.99% of the time. 如果你想不都想就認為那些陰謀論都是錯的,那麼你有99.99%的機會是對的。 42) "It's likely that whatever challenges you have faced in your life currently could have been avoided but some better decisions upstream." -- Tony Robbins 不管你現在生活面對著什麼著的難題,其實你可以避免的,只要早些時候作了好一 點的決定 43) At a minimum, keep a basic "to do" list, a schedule, and a budget. 至少寫下一個簡單願望清單、設下行程跟保留預算。 44) "Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better." -- Pat Riley 卓越是因為不斷向更好挑戰 45) "If you want your life to have impact, focus it! Stop dabbling. Stop trying to do it all. Do less. Prune away even good activities and do only that which matters most. Never confuse activity with productivity. You can be busy without a purpose, but what's the point?" -- Rick Warren 如果你要你的生活緊縮一點,那就專心一點。不要再閒晃或去玩,最好想都不要想。就算 是有益的事也不用去作,只要作工作上的事就好。只要是有關工作的事就不要遲疑去做就 對了。然後你就會忙碌又沒有目的。不過 ,這又有什麼意義呢? 46) Ironically, successful people tend to fail a lot more than unsuccessful people. They also tend to ask a lot more questions. 諷刺的是,成功的人其實比不成功的人失敗更多次,他們也問了更多問題 47) When you consider Christianity, keep in mind this classic quotation from C.S. Lewis, "If I, being what I am, can consider that I am in some sense a Christian, why should the different vices of those people in the next pew prove that their religion is mere hypocrisy and convention?" 當你思考基督教教義時,想想C.S Lewis的經典格言「如果我以現在的情況自認對於基督 的教義有點認識,如果我覺得別人的信仰看起來只不過是偽善跟肓從那我和別人有何 不同?」 48) You beat 50% of the people by just showing up. You beat another 40% by working hard. The last 10% is a dogfight in the free enterprise system. 多表現一點你就打敗了百分之50的人了,再工作認真就打敗剩下百分之40的人,接下來的 百分之10是自由企業體系裡的惡鬥。 49) There are at least six key areas of your life: health, career, romantic, social, money, and religion. If you neglect any one of those areas, it will harm you in the other areas and keep you from being as happy as you can be otherwise. 你的生命中有6個重要關鍵領域:健康、事業、愛情、友情、金錢、信仰。如果你忽視任 何一項,那就會在其他領域裡受傷,同樣的,某個領域的成功或滿足也會幫助到其他的領 域。 50) When trying to decide between two closely matched alternatives, always have a bias towards action. In the long run, it'll lead to your having a lot more experience, great stories, and a richer, fuller life. 當處在兩難時,永遠選擇偏向行動的那一邊,長遠來看,你會得到更多經驗、更多故事、 更豐富、滿足的人生。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/24 02:15, , 1F
推好文,請問可以借轉 http://bfx.tw 嗎,會附上出處譯者
01/24 02:15, 1F

01/24 09:16, , 2F
台灣的父母:18歲,你應該好好念書 -.-
01/24 09:16, 2F

01/24 11:26, , 3F
01/24 11:26, 3F

01/24 11:46, , 4F
還是適合 大學以上的年輕人閱讀呀~
01/24 11:46, 4F

01/24 12:10, , 5F
01/24 12:10, 5F

01/24 12:11, , 6F
01/24 12:11, 6F

01/24 12:18, , 7F
01/24 12:18, 7F

01/24 13:37, , 8F
推好文 不過台灣....唉
01/24 13:37, 8F

01/24 14:16, , 9F
好人 借轉~
01/24 14:16, 9F

01/24 14:17, , 10F
01/24 14:17, 10F

01/24 15:28, , 11F
推樓上~ 一人想一項然後投票?
01/24 15:28, 11F

01/24 15:33, , 12F
01/24 15:33, 12F

01/24 16:26, , 13F
01/24 16:26, 13F

01/24 17:45, , 14F
01/24 17:45, 14F

01/24 18:16, , 15F
01/24 18:16, 15F

01/24 18:19, , 16F
01/24 18:19, 16F

01/24 19:24, , 17F
借轉 thx~
01/24 19:24, 17F

01/24 19:29, , 18F
01/24 19:29, 18F

01/24 22:18, , 19F
01/24 22:18, 19F

01/24 22:19, , 20F
btw 我不認為由bbs投票出來的人生道理會是什麼精華...
01/24 22:19, 20F

01/24 22:34, , 21F
01/24 22:34, 21F

01/24 22:54, , 22F
還好啦 小時候玩軌道車也是要轉螺絲呀@@
01/24 22:54, 22F

01/25 08:22, , 23F
01/25 08:22, 23F

01/25 08:23, , 24F
01/25 08:23, 24F

01/25 11:52, , 25F
01/25 11:52, 25F

01/25 19:31, , 26F
我比較推崇 2 樓
01/25 19:31, 26F

01/26 12:03, , 27F
01/26 12:03, 27F

01/26 15:23, , 28F
推 但我懷疑 18歲的年輕人真的能看的懂的有多少
01/26 15:23, 28F
※ 編輯: cofecup 來自: (01/27 11:52)

01/27 11:51, , 29F
01/27 11:51, 29F
※ 編輯: cofecup 來自: (01/27 12:17)

01/28 21:26, , 30F
01/28 21:26, 30F

01/30 02:53, , 31F
01/30 02:53, 31F

01/31 17:28, , 32F
好文,很有參考價值 :)
01/31 17:28, 32F

02/02 22:05, , 33F
借轉 謝謝~:)
02/02 22:05, 33F
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