[心情] 被學校英文老師嗆沒教師證後回給她的信

看板CS_TEACHER作者時間13年前 (2010/11/12 05:11), 編輯推噓16(16043)
留言59則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Dear Madam, 親愛的女士 Merely writing this letter whose intended reader practices the same profession as I do has sunk my heart with a sheer sense of futility profoundly, because I am defending not for the ideal of education I held a philosophical faith of, but I am virtually defending my rather insignificant survival as a teacher outside the system. 僅是提筆寫下這封信給您,我感覺到一陣難過及無奈。 因為這封信的動機並不是就教育的、 學識的意見分歧所做出的論戰,而(很可惜的)是在下對於己身處於 教育體制外,為求生存無奈的無病呻吟。 Yes, I have indeed stated that I am one of the best English teachers in the county or equivalent expressions like that in my class, 的確,在課堂上我確實向我的學生(也是您的學生)說出了 “我是這個區域中最為頂尖的英文老師之一” 的言論。 but, wait a minute… did my manifestation necessarily imply anyone’s academic or pedagogical inferiority in anyway? Am I, a cram school teacher without a certificate, required to concede defeated and to mend some broken ego when the confrontation,as such, is inevitable? These are the very questions bothering me, and the letter is here to clarify my stance with regarding to your demands on showing my certificate in practicing teaching. (姑且不論,這樣的大言不慚是否反射出我的夜郎自大….) 可,等等,這般的言論難道便必然 指名道姓出任何人學術上或教學上的絕對劣等嗎? 或是,換個自私一點的問題,在下,一位沒有教師證的 補教老師,當來自教育體制內的非難、質疑、甚或是挑釁是不可避免時。 難道顧全大局的小媳婦心態 是我,一位補習老師的唯一宿命嗎? 更有甚者, 我居然難道還得對體制內那抱殘守缺的受傷尊嚴示乖賣好? 這封信便是針對老師您要我出示教師證以資證明我教學合法性的回應, What’s more on this rather unpleasant exchange of opinions is that according to what I heard from the students, my existence as an English teacher without a government-issued certificate somehow amazes you. But not only that, it seems to you that possessing the certificate alone automatically guarantees the actual ability to both teach and apply the language --a hypothesis I think requires further scrutiny and verification. 更進一步的,自我側面聽到學生口中的描述, 您似乎對於在下沒有教師證卻行教學之實的這件事情 有著極大的成見。彷彿一紙教師證明便是實際的教學及運用這語言的唯一官方可能。 As much as I want to believe that a certificate could give a teacher the magical power to inspire the students to be spontaneously hungry for knowledge, to entertain the students in theirloneliest period period in their life given by puberty,and to educate the students to maximize their intellectual capacity to the fullest extent, 這幾年來儘管我想要相信一紙教師證書能賦予教師們魔法, 一種能激起學生對於知識產生自發性的熱愛的魔法、 一種能在他們最需要聽人說話的青春期對他們的寂寞撫慰的魔法、 跟一種能將他們學習上的潛力極大化的魔法, as having been a teacher without a certificate in the past few years, I fail to see how these tasks ever carried out by any school teacher with certificates. 在當了一位沒有教師證的補習老師的這些年下來,很可惜的, 我幾乎沒有看到任何一位學校老師實現過上述任何一項魔法。 My assumption is simple: If most the school teachers (with certificates of course….) actually fulfill the function they are assigned to, then 我的假設很簡單: 如果大部分的學校老師完全彰顯出他們 所被期待的教育功能時 why are parents still willing to spend seemingly unnecessary time and money on cram school? Well, I guess only a teacher legitimized by a certificate could solve the Holy-Grail riddle for me, because after all, a certificate apparently means everything. 那麼,為什麼那麼多的憂心自己兒女未來的父母親們 還是爭先恐後的把這些看似不必要的金錢開銷、 寶貴時間耗損在補習班上呢? 恕我直言,這答案似是不證自明的 Last, your challenging me makes me even more affirmatively convinced that teaching means extremely 最後,您對我的挑戰使我更加的篤定對於您與在下而言, 教學是處在光譜上的兩個極端; different to you and me; it may mean a life-assured way allowing you to mock people’ inferiority of their 對於您而言,教學似乎是 一場意外、 一局您隨時都能全身而退的遊戲、 一張便於您對於他人的教育背景做出嘲弄的長期飯票; background and their misfortune, but to me the exaggeration I perform in each and every class symbolizes something reverent; something true; something valuable; or to its ultimate form of metaphor, something that means dying or living. I wish my reply to you doesn’t end up conclusive in a malign mutual distrust. 然而對於我而言, 在課堂上的誇飾、戲劇化的表演卻代表著 某種虔誠的信仰、 某種代表著真實的處世價值、或是以最為通俗的話語來表達; 某種介於房租繳不起,三餐未有著落的生命窘況… 再者 我希望這樣的意見交換中所產生的火花, 可以不是以您我雙方的敵意滋長作為其燒灼的代價。 (不管我們誰是鍋底的燃料,這都太不堪了...) I simply ask you to understand my self-boast in class is not an indirect way to undermine your academic credibility but a very very humble way to get by. 在下只希冀您能明白, 任何我於課堂上的自我膨脹絕非是一種迂迴地針對您教學專業的詆毀 而卻只能是一種迫於現實無奈的生存方式。 Yours, very sincerely and respectfully, 誠摯的 Frank 法蘭克 敬上 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/12 07:17, , 1F
11/12 07:17, 1F

11/12 09:30, , 2F
11/12 09:30, 2F

11/12 11:23, , 3F
11/12 11:23, 3F
※ 編輯: maximus1523 來自: (11/12 13:35)

11/12 13:35, , 4F
11/12 13:35, 4F
※ 編輯: maximus1523 來自: (11/12 13:41)

11/12 16:08, , 5F
11/12 16:08, 5F

11/12 18:38, , 6F
= =+幹嘛當老師?! 去當主管都措措有餘了!!!!
11/12 18:38, 6F
※ 編輯: maximus1523 來自: (11/13 00:53)

11/12 23:33, , 7F
欣賞原作的才華 但不欣賞他的態度 太過挑釁不是好事
11/12 23:33, 7F

11/12 23:33, , 8F
樓上~是綽綽XDD ㄔㄨㄛˋ ~
11/12 23:33, 8F

11/12 23:34, , 9F
我說的是樓上上~ :P
11/12 23:34, 9F

11/13 00:54, , 10F
X的 排版真的是一門藝術.....
11/13 00:54, 10F
※ 編輯: maximus1523 來自: (11/13 01:17) ※ 編輯: maximus1523 來自: (11/13 01:22)

11/13 15:38, , 11F
11/13 15:38, 11F

11/13 16:30, , 12F
11/13 16:30, 12F
※ 編輯: maximus1523 來自: (11/13 19:15) ※ 編輯: maximus1523 來自: (11/13 20:23) ※ 編輯: maximus1523 來自: (11/13 20:32)

11/13 21:00, , 13F
阿就是 我上課時忘形的自吹自擂的說自己 有多優秀
11/13 21:00, 13F

11/13 21:01, , 14F
我的學生就跟他們學校老師說 我有多厲害云云
11/13 21:01, 14F

11/13 21:01, , 15F
11/13 21:01, 15F

11/13 21:02, , 16F
11/13 21:02, 16F

11/13 21:03, , 17F
我就不爽 叫學生拿信跟她說"我只有一張文學碩士文憑跟
11/13 21:03, 17F

11/13 21:04, , 18F
這封信 可是我沒教師證"
11/13 21:04, 18F

11/13 21:05, , 19F
學校老師接了信就跟學生說 "沒時麼阿 很簡單阿..."
11/13 21:05, 19F

11/13 21:05, , 20F
11/13 21:05, 20F

11/13 21:09, , 21F
恕我直言 您做了個不是很好的示範..唉.........
11/13 21:09, 21F

11/13 21:10, , 22F
11/13 21:10, 22F

11/13 21:12, , 23F
11/13 21:12, 23F

11/13 21:13, , 24F
11/13 21:13, 24F

11/13 21:14, , 25F
11/13 21:14, 25F

11/13 21:14, , 26F
11/13 21:14, 26F

11/13 21:25, , 27F
最不好的示範 我想就是教學生"好鬥"吧:p 兩邊都是
11/13 21:25, 27F

11/13 22:44, , 28F
好鬥+1 如果教師証沒什麼了不起那幹麻還考
11/13 22:44, 28F

11/13 22:59, , 29F
人外有人 天外有天 驕兵必敗 還是那句老話
11/13 22:59, 29F

11/13 22:59, , 30F
11/13 22:59, 30F

11/13 23:00, , 31F
其實到最後 老師您並沒有贏過學校老師
11/13 23:00, 31F

11/13 23:09, , 32F
其實 我是輸不起 我知道
11/13 23:09, 32F

11/13 23:18, , 33F
11/13 23:18, 33F

11/13 23:18, , 34F
因為學生說在補習班聽就好了 學校聽不懂
11/13 23:18, 34F

11/13 23:19, , 35F
11/13 23:19, 35F

11/13 23:19, , 36F
畢竟那脫離了我們該做的事 該執著的應該是教育而不是批鬥
11/13 23:19, 36F

11/13 23:20, , 37F
我了 這是我得控制低缺點 謝了
11/13 23:20, 37F

11/13 23:36, , 38F
11/13 23:36, 38F

11/13 23:36, , 39F
11/13 23:36, 39F

11/13 23:37, , 40F
11/13 23:37, 40F

11/14 00:31, , 41F
11/14 00:31, 41F

11/14 00:31, , 42F
這也是種機會教育 告訴他們 越是受高等教育的人 更應該要
11/14 00:31, 42F

11/14 00:32, , 43F
虛懷若谷 趁此機會教他們什麼是"雅量"吧:p
11/14 00:32, 43F

11/14 02:05, , 44F
你有沒有想過, 就是學校老師不行, 你才有飯吃
11/14 02:05, 44F

11/14 10:33, , 45F
我一直很感謝大部分學校裡的老師.有他們的存在 才能彰顯我
11/14 10:33, 45F

11/14 10:33, , 46F
11/14 10:33, 46F

11/14 19:45, , 47F
11/14 19:45, 47F

11/15 23:56, , 48F
11/15 23:56, 48F

11/15 23:56, , 49F
11/15 23:56, 49F

11/16 00:19, , 50F
11/16 00:19, 50F

11/16 00:22, , 51F
"老大哥 您真的獲得最後的勝利了....."
11/16 00:22, 51F

11/16 06:37, , 52F
11/16 06:37, 52F

11/16 06:38, , 53F
"A little learning is a dangerous thing."-Alexandra Pope
11/16 06:38, 53F

11/16 07:20, , 54F
11/16 07:20, 54F

11/19 16:04, , 55F
我覺得這不叫挑釁 這只是反擊而已
11/19 16:04, 55F

11/19 16:06, , 56F
我們的教育教了我們不要挑釁 但也教了我們不要反擊
11/19 16:06, 56F

11/19 16:07, , 57F
不挑釁造就和平 不反擊造就奴性跟鄉愿
11/19 16:07, 57F

11/19 16:10, , 58F
這件事情的開端是學校老師對教師證的質疑 但已模糊了
11/19 16:10, 58F

05/15 21:48, , 59F
05/15 21:48, 59F
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