Re: [心得] Pascal海獺哲學家正名運動暨佳句賞析

看板AnimalForest作者 (Sea Bass達人)時間16年前 (2008/06/19 18:12), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串3/6 (看更多)
15. 原句:Some relationships start with fights... But, usually only in romantic comedies. Life's not the movies. 翻譯:不打不相識這種東西...但通常只存在電影情結裡。但,生活它並不是電影阿... 16. 原句:Sometimes being a good friend means being harsh 翻譯:朋友要忠言逆耳 註解沒有... 我的英文程度很弱...就先意思意思一下 請各位高手繼續接力耶 XD ※ 引述《kokakola (摳卡 汪)》之銘言: : 好像都沒人領取耶 而且我的英文程度大概只有國小 qq 就先意思翻譯個幾句@@" : 註解就還是請高人吧 Orz : 2. : 原句:I'm moving, but don't worry! [Someone once] told me we're all on the same : planet, so I'll be okay! : 翻譯:我要搬走了,不過別擔心!有人告訴過我,我們會一直生活在同一個星球上,所以我會 : 好好的. : 3. : 原句:I'm terribly sorry, but nature is not always family friendly. : 翻譯:我感到非常抱歉,不過自然界不會永遠像家人般友善. : 4. : 原句:If you stand still outside you can hear it... Winter's footsteps, the : soundof falling leaves : 翻譯:若你平靜的站在外頭,你可以聽到..冬天的腳步聲,樹葉掉落的聲音. : 另外 推文有看到我今天也注意到的這句(換金斧頭講的) : 原句:When in doubt, get it gold-plated, maaann. : 翻譯:當存疑時,就拿去鍍金吧. : 最後本來看不懂 看看手中的金斧頭 就似乎有那麼一點...?道理? (其實還是不懂 囧) : 也許翻譯有錯 且其他佳句更具深度 希望有朝一日能明白這些話中含意@@a : 動森不及格英文教室 暫時先到這 下課!?(好混) XDD : : _____________________________________ : : 原句:Living in the ocean means never having to salt your food. : : 翻譯:活在海洋中意指著永遠不用在你的食物加鹽巴! : : 註解:有部阿罵級電影有著一句經典台詞 : : "Love means never having to say you're sorry." 愛就是永遠不必說抱歉 : : 原句的句型就很相似這樣的用法。 : : 許多人或許覺得現在生活的不如意,總是覺得他人生活的優越,而怨天尤人, : : 事實上倒不妨好好的思考,其實生活也是過的挺快樂挺愜意的, : : 像以往自己有時候都會覺得想早點離開學生階級,才能多賺點錢, : : 但直到服役後、工作後,才會曉得過去生活的無拘無束 : : 既然都居處於海洋之中,與其每天比較著陸地上的生活,倒不如去發掘 : : 海洋生活的好,至少、不用在食物加鹽巴。 : : <禮記-中庸>"無入而不自得"大概就是這樣的意境,當你放開心胸去享受生活 : : 或許你的人生將會變的更多采多姿些!共勉之! : : _____________________________________ : : 2. : : I'm moving, but don't worry! [Someone once] told me we're all on the same : : planet, so I'll be okay! : : 3. : : I'm terribly sorry, but nature is not always family friendly. : : 4. : : If you stand still outside you can hear it... Winter's footsteps, the sound : : of falling leaves : : 5. : : Is the question 'Why is it bad to do bad things?' the same as asking : : permission? : : 6. : : It doesn't matter if you win or lose in the big, scary jungle of the real : : world. Winners and losers... Enemies and allies... We don't live in a comic : : book! This is the real deal. : : 7. : : It is hard work, but there is happiness in it. : : 8. : : It may stink like me, but that's what makes it so collectible! : : 9. : : It's takin' whatever comes your way, the good AND the bad, that give life : : flavor. It's all the stuff rolled together that makes life worth livin'. : : 10. : : Life is shaped by the people you meet every day. : : 11. : : Looks are part of business. A businessman should never stand out more than : : his customers. His mannerisms, his clothes, everything about him... : : Moderation is the key. : : 12. : : Maybe it was only a second of your time, but you need to treasure life, every : : second. : : 13. : : Maybe it's what's inside that counts, but being told you look good feels : : good! : : 14. : : Mistakes and disappointment make the sweet things in life that much sweeter. : : 15. : : Some relationships start with fights... But, usually only in romantic : : comedies. Life's not the movies. : : 16. : : Sometimes being a good friend means being harsh. : : 17. : : That's just the way things go. We meet people, get to know them and then they : : get up and leave us behind. : : 18. : : That's the scent of dude! When you get a good stink on, you are at one with : : the cosmos! : : 19. : : The best accessory for an outfit like this is a grim-looking buddy by my : : side. : : 20. : : The less a person accomplishes in a day, the more he talks during meals. : : 21. : : The shortest route to getting things done is just do it. : : 22. : : This isn't the sort of thing you can leave to chance. You never know when you : : might find yourself in some sort of cake emergency. : : 23. : : We are like oil and water, but all my other relationships are like oil and : : vinegar! Delicious! : : 我期待明天過後會有什麼好文章的出現.....拭目以待中..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: keui 來自: (06/19 18:14)

06/19 18:16, , 1F
推推!! (多握一隻手) XD
06/19 18:16, 1F

06/19 20:56, , 2F
06/19 20:56, 2F
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