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作者 IAMSOBAD 在 PTT [ EngTalk ] 看板的留言(推文), 共147則
[Mind] Let time do the magic
[ EngTalk ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: thoughts - 發表於 2011/06/11 20:31(13年前)
3FIAMSOBAD:white lies are sometimes more harmful than the truth06/12 01:14
Re: [Mind] sad
[ EngTalk ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: imbbt - 發表於 2011/06/09 13:22(13年前)
1FIAMSOBAD:don't give a shit to that kind of friend06/10 11:10
2FIAMSOBAD:you don't deserve it06/10 11:11
[Talk] my wedding.
[ EngTalk ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: nike1234 - 發表於 2011/06/07 16:21(13年前)
4FIAMSOBAD:yeah congrats!!!06/10 11:12
Re: Hello everyone
[ EngTalk ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: nike1234 - 發表於 2011/06/06 16:44(13年前)
3FIAMSOBAD:nice one, thanks for quoting my post LOL06/10 11:13
[Talk] Stay or leave?
[ EngTalk ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: dosandonts - 發表於 2011/06/03 21:48(13年前)
4FIAMSOBAD:ya, our success comes not from how hard you can take06/10 11:15
5FIAMSOBAD:a hit, but how can you stand up after being hit06/10 11:16
Hello everyone
[ EngTalk ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: IAMSOBAD - 發表於 2011/06/03 11:07(13年前)
3FIAMSOBAD:glad someone know what i'm talking about :D06/04 00:20
[Idea] Msn List (updated)
[ EngTalk ]718 留言, 推噓總分: +626
作者: stool - 發表於 2008/06/16 13:39(16年前)
432FIAMSOBAD:Jim slimshady08_Jim@hotmail.com06/03 11:36