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作者 FLastname 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共77則
[問題] 香吉士應該可以解決路基吧?!
[ ONE_PIECE ]16 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: minhua2012 - 發表於 2022/12/20 16:29(1年前)
9FFLastname: りしれ供さ小12/20 20:49
[心得] 我知道為什麼燒燒果實這麼廢了(雷)
[ ONE_PIECE ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: gtjs45 - 發表於 2022/12/08 23:37(1年前)
1FFLastname: 可是我不知道為什麼這篇文這麼廢12/09 00:30
[閒聊] 路基跟羅賓最後有沒有可能在一起?
[ ONE_PIECE ]33 留言, 推噓總分: +18
作者: seabax - 發表於 2022/11/30 08:35(1年前)
32FFLastname: 羅賓是跟佛朗基12/01 18:46
[新聞] 北捷中山站改造再設計 運用科技智慧 打造智能車站
[ MRT ]17 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: Kazamatsuri - 發表於 2022/11/08 00:05(1年前)
13FFLastname: 只有我把幾分幾秒看成幾點幾分嗎...11/08 14:17
[新聞] 捷運中山站變美了! 售票機區域造再設計
[ MRT ]127 留言, 推噓總分: +36
作者: hicker - 發表於 2022/10/19 21:38(1年前)
107FFLastname: 這已經不是美醜的問題了10/20 22:13
108FFLastname: 設計團隊只要有一個人用過售票機幾次就不會設計出這種10/20 22:15
109FFLastname: 反智的東西10/20 22:15
[情報] 2022 Italian GP Starting Grid
[ FORMULA1 ]23 留言, 推噓總分: +14
作者: RoyOswalt - 發表於 2022/09/11 13:06(1年前)
14FFLastname: LAT Q2沒跑P10發車09/11 16:21
Re: [閒聊] 魯夫和凱多滿血一對一 是否很難贏凱多
[ ONE_PIECE ]28 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: ccherdoctor - 發表於 2022/08/11 20:19(1年前)
22FFLastname: 痾 樓上 建議更新到最新進度08/12 12:56
Re: [閒聊] 巴其是不是對霸王色免疫啊?
[ ONE_PIECE ]115 留言, 推噓總分: +29
作者: NARUTO - 發表於 2022/08/10 11:37(1年前)
12FFLastname: 怎麼現在還有人在問這個問題...08/10 12:47
[閒聊] Alpine回應了皮亞的聲明
[ FORMULA1 ]54 留言, 推噓總分: +32
作者: alanwang555 - 發表於 2022/08/03 09:53(1年前)
11FFLastname: 不讓法拉利獨佔版面08/03 11:14
[感想] niki lauda曾說…
[ FORMULA1 ]41 留言, 推噓總分: +12
作者: fedjam - 發表於 2022/07/31 23:57(1年前)
26FFLastname: Gentlemen, a short view back to the past.08/01 11:20
27FFLastname: Thirty years ago, Niki Lauda told us08/01 11:21
28FFLastname: ‘take a monkey, place him into the cockpit08/01 11:21
29FFLastname: and he is able to drive the car.’ Thirty years08/01 11:22
30FFLastname: later, Sebastian told us ‘I had to start my car08/01 11:22
31FFLastname: like a computer, it’s very complicated.’ And08/01 11:23
32FFLastname: Nico Rosberg said that during the race – I don’t08/01 11:23
33FFLastname: remember what race – he pressed the wrong button08/01 11:24
34FFLastname: on the wheel. Question for you both: is08/01 11:24
35FFLastname: Formula One driving today too complicated08/01 11:25
36FFLastname: with twenty and more buttons on the wheel,08/01 11:25
37FFLastname: are you too much under effort, under pressure?08/01 11:25
38FFLastname: What are your wishes for the future concerning the08/01 11:26
39FFLastname: technical programme during the race? Less buttons,08/01 11:26
40FFLastname: more? Or less and more communication with your08/01 11:27
41FFLastname: engineers?08/01 11:27