作者查詢 / SwiftLang

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作者 SwiftLang 在 PTT [ Test ] 看板的留言(推文), 共199則
[測試] Test
[ Test ]26 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: SwiftLang - 發表於 2021/07/07 23:50(2年前)
1FSwiftLang: 《後出師表》的真偽受到了廣泛的爭議,認為它是偽作的07/07 23:52
2FSwiftLang: 大致理由如下:07/07 23:52
3FSwiftLang: 陈寿修《三国志》时未將其收錄在十萬四千字的《諸葛氏07/07 23:52
4FSwiftLang: 集》之中。裴松之注《三國志》時,引用《漢晉春秋》的07/07 23:52
5FSwiftLang: 說法,即《後出師表》並沒有收錄《諸葛亮文集》之中,07/07 23:52
6FSwiftLang: 而是出於東吳張儼的《默記》,这显然不合常理。07/07 23:52
7FSwiftLang: 《後出師表》內容與正史亦有出入,如「自臣到漢中,中07/07 23:52
8FSwiftLang: 間期年耳,然喪趙雲......」即與《三國志》記載的趙雲07/07 23:52
9FSwiftLang: 卒年(建興七年,229年)不合。07/07 23:52
10FSwiftLang: 《后出师表》裏的语气非常沮丧,“然不伐賊,王業亦亡07/07 23:52
11FSwiftLang: 。惟坐而待亡,孰與伐之?”与《前出师表》积极的文辞07/07 23:52
12FSwiftLang: 截然不同。07/07 23:52
13FSwiftLang: 诸葛亮此时独揽大权,当时没有人质疑北伐的前景,而文07/07 23:52
14FSwiftLang: 中却谈到“议者所谓非计”,不符合蜀汉当时的情况。因07/07 23:52
15FSwiftLang: 此有學者怀疑这是东吴诸葛恪为了执行自己北伐政策而一07/07 23:52
16FSwiftLang: 手炮制的伪作。07/07 23:52
17FSwiftLang: 根據陳壽的概括,諸葛亮的文風是“文采不豔,而過於丁07/07 23:52
18FSwiftLang: 寧周至”,這在諸葛亮的其他作品里也可體現。然而《後07/07 23:52
19FSwiftLang: 出師表》中卻过分注重文辞修饰,有許多如“論安言計,07/07 23:52
20FSwiftLang: 動引聖人,羣疑滿腹,衆難塞胸,今歲不戰,明年不征”07/07 23:52
21FSwiftLang: 這樣使用對仗排比而導致文章意思不通順的地方。07/07 23:52
22FSwiftLang: 關於漢高祖的看法與諸葛亮其他作品不同。在同時期的作07/07 23:52
23FSwiftLang: 品《論光武》中,諸葛亮認為由於漢高祖相比漢光武帝水07/07 23:52
24FSwiftLang: 平有限,從而使漢初的群臣建立功業,且這種功業僅是“07/07 23:52
25FSwiftLang: 焦烂之功”[6];然而在《後出師表》中,諸葛亮高度評07/07 23:52
26FSwiftLang: 價漢朝的開國君臣為“高帝明並日月,謀臣淵深”。07/07 23:52
[ Test ]14 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: kid1a2b3c4d - 發表於 2021/07/06 17:53(2年前)
13FSwiftLang: Hihi07/06 21:47
14FSwiftLang: Qewqweqweqew07/06 21:47
[測試] 我七哥
[ Test ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: f873912 - 發表於 2021/07/06 15:30(2年前)
3FSwiftLang: QWELKQWJE07/06 21:41
[ Test ]63 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: kiii210 - 發表於 2021/06/13 12:16(3年前)
1FSwiftLang: 品牌聯慶強強聯手好康就是不一樣。金百利克拉克和膳魔06/13 12:39
2FSwiftLang: 師聯慶,優惠價之外還有好多好禮送,超多生活必需品一06/13 12:39
3FSwiftLang: 次購足。金百利克拉克旗下的品牌—舒潔、好奇、靠得住06/13 12:39
4FSwiftLang: 、護得住、利清爽,累積單筆最高前3名就送THERMOS膳魔06/13 12:39
5FSwiftLang: 師秘境藍不鏽鋼真空燜燒提鍋1.5L(市價$3450)。全館滿$06/13 12:39
6FSwiftLang: 1999送限量THERMOS膳魔師不鏽鋼真空吸管隨行瓶0.47L。06/13 12:39
7FSwiftLang: 滿額折價更划算,舒潔系列滿$918折$118、靠得住/護得06/13 12:39
8FSwiftLang: 住/利清爽滿$499折$100,還有好奇滿$1999送佩佩豬切蛋06/13 12:39
9FSwiftLang: 糕遊戲組和好奇滿$3999送好奇摺疊平衡車。膳魔師的好06/13 12:39
10FSwiftLang: 康也不少,全館滿額$999贈舒潔迪士尼三眼怪旅行包袖珍06/13 12:39
11FSwiftLang: 面紙、滿額$1388折168、滿$1688送舒潔迪士尼三眼怪棉06/13 12:39
12FSwiftLang: 柔舒適1串和膳魔師玻璃耐熱保鮮盒800ml,數量有限,加06/13 12:39
13FSwiftLang: 入購物車就別猶豫了舒潔新推出料理控油廚紙囉!讓宅家06/13 12:39
14FSwiftLang: 的自煮生活有了更多的廚房紙巾選擇。三層設計,經過HA06/13 12:39
15FSwiftLang: CCP食品級國際認證,接觸食品最安心。相較一般廚紙增06/13 12:39
16FSwiftLang: 量吸收更多油水,可帶走熱量等於119大卡的油脂。當作06/13 12:39
17FSwiftLang: 便利油刷,均勻在鍋中抹油,亦可在起鍋前吸一下油脂,06/13 12:39
18FSwiftLang: 或當作炸物吸油紙等,絕佳的吸油力,太好用了。06/13 12:39
19FSwiftLang: ——QQQ??sdkjadlksajdlkasjdlksdajlkasdjoiqwu12304806/13 12:41
20FSwiftLang: 109412394urweohjnldss06/13 12:41
21FSwiftLang: Df’sad06/13 12:41
22FSwiftLang: Sdfoijsdflkjewrl2k34joklsdfjs06/13 12:41
23FSwiftLang: Did06/13 12:41
24FSwiftLang: Add06/13 12:41
25FSwiftLang: S06/13 12:41
26FSwiftLang: Dfklsdjfldksjflk23oi4u2349as06/13 12:41
27FSwiftLang: Rd06/13 12:41
28FSwiftLang: dsflskdjflsdfjlsdkfjlskdfjnvx ,can,06/13 12:41
29FSwiftLang: 品牌聯慶強強聯手好康就是不一樣。金百利克拉克和膳魔06/13 12:43
30FSwiftLang: 師聯慶,優惠價之外還有好多好禮送,超多生活必需品一06/13 12:43
31FSwiftLang: 次購足。06/13 12:43
32FSwiftLang: 金百利克拉克旗下的品牌—舒潔、好奇、靠得住、護得住06/13 12:43
33FSwiftLang: 、利清爽,累積單筆最高前3名就送THERMOS膳魔師秘境藍06/13 12:43
34FSwiftLang: 不鏽鋼真空燜燒提鍋1.5L(市價$3450)。全館滿$1999送限06/13 12:43
35FSwiftLang: 量THERMOS膳魔師不鏽鋼06/13 12:43
36FSwiftLang: 真空吸管隨行瓶0.47L。滿額折價更划算,舒潔系列滿$9106/13 12:43
37FSwiftLang: 8折$118、靠得住06/13 12:43
38FSwiftLang: /護得住/利清爽滿$499折$100,還有好奇滿$1999送佩佩06/13 12:43
39FSwiftLang: 豬切蛋糕遊戲組和好奇滿$3999送好奇摺疊平衡車。膳魔06/13 12:43
40FSwiftLang: 師的好康也不少,全館滿額$999贈舒潔迪士尼三眼怪旅行06/13 12:43
41FSwiftLang: 包袖珍面紙、滿額$1388折168、滿$1688送舒潔迪士06/13 12:43
42FSwiftLang: 尼三眼怪06/13 12:43
43FSwiftLang: 棉柔舒適1串和膳魔師玻璃耐熱保鮮盒800ml,數量有限,06/13 12:43
44FSwiftLang: 加入購物車就別猶豫了舒潔新推出料理控油廚紙囉!讓宅06/13 12:43
45FSwiftLang: 家的自煮生活有了更多的廚房紙巾選擇。三層設計,經過06/13 12:43
46FSwiftLang: HACCP食品級國際認證,接觸食品最安心。相較一般廚紙06/13 12:43
47FSwiftLang: 增量吸收更多油水,可帶走熱量等於119大卡的油脂。當06/13 12:43
48FSwiftLang: 作便利油刷,均勻在鍋中抹油,亦可在起鍋前吸一下油脂06/13 12:43
49FSwiftLang: ,或當作炸06/13 12:43
50FSwiftLang: 物吸油紙等,絕佳的吸油力,太好用了。06/13 12:43
51FSwiftLang: Terminal apps just work: Xterm.js works with most06/13 12:50
52FSwiftLang: terminal apps such as bash, vim, and tmux, includi06/13 12:50
53FSwiftLang: ng support for curses-based apps and mouse events.06/13 12:50
54FSwiftLang: Performant: Xterm.js is really fast, it even inclu06/13 12:50
55FSwiftLang: des a GPU-accelerated renderer.06/13 12:50
56FSwiftLang: Rich Unicode support: Supports CJK, emojis, and IM06/13 12:50
57FSwiftLang: Es.06/13 12:50
58FSwiftLang: Self-contained: Requires zero dependencies to work06/13 12:50
59FSwiftLang: .06/13 12:50
60FSwiftLang: Accessible: Screen reader and minimum contrast rat06/13 12:50
61FSwiftLang: io support can be turned on.06/13 12:50
62FSwiftLang: And much more: Links, theming, addons, well docume06/13 12:50
63FSwiftLang: nted API, etc.06/13 12:50
[測試] 123123已刪文
[ Test ]123 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: SwiftLang - 發表於 2021/06/05 12:14(3年前)
19FSwiftLang: We would like to take the opportunity to communica06/05 12:26
20FSwiftLang: te a growing concern among our colleagues,” the l06/05 12:26
21FSwiftLang: etter says. “That Apple’s remote/location-flexib06/05 12:26
22FSwiftLang: le work policy, and the communication around it, h06/05 12:26
23FSwiftLang: ave already forced some of our colleagues to quit.06/05 12:26
24FSwiftLang: Without the inclusivity that flexibility brings,06/05 12:26
25FSwiftLang: many of us feel we have to choose between either a06/05 12:26
26FSwiftLang: combination of our families, our well-being, and06/05 12:26
27FSwiftLang: being empowered to do our best work, or being a pa06/05 12:26
28FSwiftLang: rt of Apple.”06/05 12:26
29FSwiftLang: We would like to take the opportunity to communica06/05 12:35
30FSwiftLang: te a growing concern among our colleagues,” the l06/05 12:35
31FSwiftLang: etter says. “That Apple’s remote/location-flexib06/05 12:35
32FSwiftLang: le work policy, and the communication around it, h06/05 12:35
33FSwiftLang: ave already forced some of our colleagues to quit.06/05 12:35
34FSwiftLang: Without the inclusivity that flexibility brings,06/05 12:35
35FSwiftLang: many of us feel we have to choose between either a06/05 12:35
36FSwiftLang: combination of our families, our well-being, and06/05 12:35
37FSwiftLang: being empowered to do our best work, or being a pa06/05 12:35
38FSwiftLang: rt of Apple.”06/05 12:35
39FSwiftLang: We would like to take the opportunity to communica06/05 12:37
40FSwiftLang: te a growing concern among our colleagues,” the l06/05 12:37
41FSwiftLang: etter says. “That Apple’s remote/location-flexib06/05 12:37
42FSwiftLang: le work policy, and the communication around it, h06/05 12:37
43FSwiftLang: ave already forced some of our colleagues to quit.06/05 12:37
44FSwiftLang: Without the inclusivity that flexibility brings,06/05 12:37
45FSwiftLang: many of us feel we have to choose between either a06/05 12:37
46FSwiftLang: combination of our families, our well-being, and06/05 12:37
47FSwiftLang: being empowered to do our best work, or being a pa06/05 12:37
48FSwiftLang: rt of Apple.”06/05 12:37
49FSwiftLang: The move comes just two days after Tim Cook sent o06/05 12:37
50FSwiftLang: ut a note to Apple employees saying they would nee06/05 12:37
51FSwiftLang: d return to the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and T06/05 12:37
52FSwiftLang: hursdays starting in the fall. Most employees can06/05 12:37
53FSwiftLang: work remotely twice a week. They can also be remot06/05 12:37
54FSwiftLang: e for up to two weeks a year, pending manager appr06/05 12:37
55FSwiftLang: oval.06/05 12:37
56FSwiftLang: It’s an easing of restrictions compared to Apple06/05 12:37
57FSwiftLang: ’s previous company culture, which famously disco06/05 12:37
58FSwiftLang: uraged employees from working from home prior to t06/05 12:37
59FSwiftLang: he pandemic. Yet it’s still more conservative com06/05 12:37
60FSwiftLang: pared to other tech giants. Both Twitter and Faceb06/05 12:37
61FSwiftLang: ook have told employees they can work from home fo06/05 12:37
62FSwiftLang: rever, even after the pandemic ends.06/05 12:37
63FSwiftLang: HahaQQQAAAA112312313???06/05 12:43
64FSwiftLang: Dear Tim and Executive Leadership,06/05 12:47
65FSwiftLang: Thank you for your thoughtful considerations on a06/05 12:47
66FSwiftLang: hybrid approach to returning to office work, and f06/05 12:47
67FSwiftLang: or sharing it with all of us early this week. We a06/05 12:47
68FSwiftLang: ppreciate your efforts in navigating what has been06/05 12:47
69FSwiftLang: undeniably an incredibly difficult time for every06/05 12:47
70FSwiftLang: one around the world, and doing so for over one hu06/05 12:47
71FSwiftLang: ndred thousand people. We are certain you have mor06/05 12:47
72FSwiftLang: e plans than were shared on Wednesday, but are fol06/05 12:47
73FSwiftLang: lowing Apple’s time-honored tradition of only ann06/05 12:47
74FSwiftLang: ouncing things when they are ready. However, we fe06/05 12:47
75FSwiftLang: el like the current policy is not sufficient in ad06/05 12:47
76FSwiftLang: dressing many of our needs, so we want to take som06/05 12:47
77FSwiftLang: e time to explain ourselves.06/05 12:47
78FSwiftLang: This past year has been an unprecedented challenge06/05 12:47
79FSwiftLang: for our company; we had to learn how to deliver t06/05 12:47
80FSwiftLang: he same quality of products and services that Appl06/05 12:47
81FSwiftLang: e is known for, all while working almost completel06/05 12:47
82FSwiftLang: y remotely. We did so, achieving another record-se06/05 12:47
83FSwiftLang: tting year. We found a way for everyone to support06/05 12:47
84FSwiftLang: each other and succeed in a completely new way of06/05 12:47
85FSwiftLang: working together — from locations we were able t06/05 12:47
86FSwiftLang: o choose at our own discretion (often at home).06/05 12:47
87FSwiftLang: However, we would like to take the opportunity to06/05 12:47
88FSwiftLang: communicate a growing concern among our colleagues06/05 12:47
89FSwiftLang: . That Apple’s remote/location-flexible work poli06/05 12:47
90FSwiftLang: cy, and the communication around it, have already06/05 12:47
91FSwiftLang: forced some of our colleagues to quit. Without the06/05 12:47
92FSwiftLang: inclusivity that flexibility brings, many of us f06/05 12:47
93FSwiftLang: eel we have to choose between either a combination06/05 12:47
94FSwiftLang: of our families, our well-being, and being empowe06/05 12:47
95FSwiftLang: red to do our best work, or being a part of Apple.06/05 12:47
96FSwiftLang: This is a decision none of us take lightly, and a06/05 12:47
97FSwiftLang: decision many would prefer not to have to make. T06/05 12:47
98FSwiftLang: hese concerns are largely what prompted us to advo06/05 12:47
99FSwiftLang: cate for changes to these policies, and data colle06/05 12:47
100FSwiftLang: cted will reflect those concerns.06/05 12:47
101FSwiftLang: Over the last year we often felt not just unheard,06/05 12:47
102FSwiftLang: but at times actively ignored. Messages like, ‘w06/05 12:47
103FSwiftLang: e know many of you are eager to reconnect in perso06/05 12:47
104FSwiftLang: n with your colleagues back in the office,’ with06/05 12:47
105FSwiftLang: no messaging acknowledging that there are directly06/05 12:47
106FSwiftLang: contradictory feelings amongst us feels dismissiv06/05 12:47
107FSwiftLang: e and invalidating. Not only do many of us already06/05 12:47
108FSwiftLang: feel well-connected with our colleagues worldwide06/05 12:47
109FSwiftLang: , but better-connected now than ever. We’ve come06/05 12:47
110FSwiftLang: to look forward to working as we are now, without06/05 12:47
111FSwiftLang: the daily need to return to the office. It feels l06/05 12:47
112FSwiftLang: ike there is a disconnect between how the executiv06/05 12:47
113FSwiftLang: e team thinks about remote / location-flexible wor06/05 12:47
114FSwiftLang: k and the lived experiences of many of Apple’s em06/05 12:47
115FSwiftLang: ployees.06/05 12:47
116FSwiftLang: For many of us at Apple, we have succeeded not des06/05 12:47
117FSwiftLang: pite working from home, but in large part because06/05 12:47
118FSwiftLang: of being able to work outside the office. The last06/05 12:47
119FSwiftLang: year has felt like we have truly been able to do06/05 12:47
120FSwiftLang: the best work of our lives for the first time, unc06/05 12:47
121FSwiftLang: onstrained by the challenges that daily commutes t06/05 12:47
122FSwiftLang: o offices and in-person co-located offices themsel06/05 12:47
123FSwiftLang: ves inevitably impose; all while still being able06/05 12:47
[測試] 已刪文
[ Test ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: neotek - 發表於 2020/07/17 15:31(3年前)
1128FSwiftLang: 嗎,我的朋友都能接受嗎、在一起久了、這是我的朋友們07/17 15:50
1129FSwiftLang: 可以試試這種人民幣匯率彈性的匯率政策的重要因素。。07/17 15:50