作者查詢 / NenaPolyglot

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作者 NenaPolyglot 在 PTT [ Gov_owned ] 看板的留言(推文), 共1169則
Re: [討論] 106職員英文疑義
[ Gov_owned ]39 留言, 推噓總分: +28
作者: BoYuChen - 發表於 2017/11/17 22:10(6年前)
19FNenaPolyglot: 回文解釋不錯,但第20題要小更正: however是副詞11/18 08:40
20FNenaPolyglot: ,不是連接詞,真的要使用在這題要改寫成:11/18 08:40
21FNenaPolyglot: We've devoted a lot of resources to locating th11/18 08:46
22FNenaPolyglot: e cause of this problem.(句點)/或 ;(分號)Ho11/18 08:46
23FNenaPolyglot: wever/however, we're still not sure we understa11/18 08:46
24FNenaPolyglot: nd it very well. 因果關係的位置才對11/18 08:46
25FNenaPolyglot: 第33題 (B)end up in + N 本身就是(最終以…狀態11/18 08:56
26FNenaPolyglot: /情形為結果)的用法, (D)have been left 才對解11/18 08:56
27FNenaPolyglot: 釋得正確11/18 08:56
[討論] 106 國營職員英文 29 題文法
[ Gov_owned ]21 留言, 推噓總分: +9
作者: IMPcsc - 發表於 2017/11/16 21:54(6年前)
12FNenaPolyglot: 後面這句才是主要子句,the amount (單數)(which/t11/16 22:57
13FNenaPolyglot: hat) they can save是主詞,averages是這整個句子11/16 22:57
14FNenaPolyglot: 的動詞,陳述事實用現在簡單式11/16 22:57
[討論] 英文第七題答案討論
[ Gov_owned ]84 留言, 推噓總分: +38
作者: Lujackal - 發表於 2017/11/13 18:23(6年前)
11FNenaPolyglot: "involved"才對,這句是使整個團隊"全員參與投入其11/13 19:00
12FNenaPolyglot: 中"的意思,11/13 19:00
14FNenaPolyglot: 表示整個團隊中任何成員缺一不可11/13 19:02
15FNenaPolyglot: Alright. To be concrete, it shall be explained11/13 19:13
16FNenaPolyglot: in English language. The verb "involve" employ11/13 19:13
17FNenaPolyglot: ed here in this sentence means to have every si11/13 19:13
18FNenaPolyglot: ngle member of a group to participate in an act11/13 19:13
19FNenaPolyglot: ivity, with none being left out.11/13 19:13
20FNenaPolyglot: Let's put it this way. We can "involve" people11/13 19:20
21FNenaPolyglot: ("the whole team" in this case) , whereas under11/13 19:20
22FNenaPolyglot: no circumstance are we able to "absorb" people11/13 19:20
23FNenaPolyglot: !11/13 19:20
24FNenaPolyglot: You are not to be bogged down with its literal11/13 19:31
25FNenaPolyglot: meaning of other entry or usage if you get the11/13 19:31
26FNenaPolyglot: point.11/13 19:31
35FNenaPolyglot: In the foregoing setence, by "to have", I mean11/13 19:41
36FNenaPolyglot: "to include" otherwise.11/13 19:41
37FNenaPolyglot: 要求,命令,建議性的形容詞,以虛主詞"It"開句首.11/13 19:58
38FNenaPolyglot: ..that...的句型,用法一樣11/13 19:58
39FNenaPolyglot: 緊急 急迫性的形容詞亦然11/13 20:00
40FNenaPolyglot: Subjunctive Mood 那題選項沒有出現 "makes" 或把11/13 20:05
41FNenaPolyglot: 整句的動詞改成過去式,出題者很善良11/13 20:05
43FNenaPolyglot: 回B大,不行喔,while在這脈絡是(雖然,然而,儘管11/13 20:31
44FNenaPolyglot: )although, though, inspite of the fact that的意11/13 20:31
45FNenaPolyglot: 思,只有選while(=whereas)才能呈現前後正反方意見11/13 20:31
46FNenaPolyglot: 的對比11/13 20:31
48FNenaPolyglot: 我上面的英文解釋,打太快有錯字,have (使役動詞)11/13 21:14
49FNenaPolyglot: every single member of a group participate in11/13 21:14
50FNenaPolyglot: an activity 前面的 "to" 請刪除11/13 21:14
54FNenaPolyglot: B大,小妹是104年上榜台電第56期的北區綜合行政雇11/13 22:33
55FNenaPolyglot: 員,國營版上有分享上榜心文11/13 22:33
56FNenaPolyglot: 進公司前是英文老師,英文西班牙文秘書和翻譯,剛11/13 22:41
57FNenaPolyglot: 從外語大學畢業時,當過空姐但生理很不適應,覺得11/13 22:41
58FNenaPolyglot: 挑戰沒成功11/13 22:41
71FNenaPolyglot: Whether semantically or pragmatically, "involv11/15 10:30
72FNenaPolyglot: ed"(O) rather than "absorbed"(X) applies to the11/15 10:30
73FNenaPolyglot: context serving as an object complement indeed11/15 10:30
74FNenaPolyglot: !11/15 10:30
[討論] 英文報分
[ Gov_owned ]214 留言, 推噓總分: +131
作者: CHECKITING - 發表於 2017/11/13 10:54(6年前)
16FNenaPolyglot: 英文93.33,國際貿易組11/13 11:04
21FNenaPolyglot: Holy crap! 閱測不是上當吧11/13 11:06
31FNenaPolyglot: 哈,英文比去年105年96.66多錯一題11/13 11:10
64FNenaPolyglot: 英文 93.33分, 專A採購法和商事法 70.74分錯多了11/13 11:39
71FNenaPolyglot: 唉,希望專B英文翻譯作文和國貿實務高一點,只取411/13 11:43
72FNenaPolyglot: 人11/13 11:43
107FNenaPolyglot: 哈,B大考得很不錯吧?我們同組嗎?11/13 12:24
117FNenaPolyglot: 自覺諷刺的是,本質就不難的考科,考題越簡單,分11/13 12:32
118FNenaPolyglot: 數反而下滑3.33分11/13 12:32
165FNenaPolyglot: 國貿專B第四大題解釋名詞FCA,D/A, advising bank,11/13 14:59
166FNenaPolyglot: sight draft, packing list, 大家都跟我一樣用英11/13 14:59
167FNenaPolyglot: 英解釋吧?11/13 14:59
168FNenaPolyglot: 有信心第一二三大題中翻英 英翻中 和 英文作文可拿11/13 15:02
169FNenaPolyglot: 近滿分11/13 15:02
173FNenaPolyglot: 羨慕全職考生的時間,學長說專A採購商事法也要很高11/13 15:11
174FNenaPolyglot: 才行11/13 15:11
[討論] 英文算難嗎?
[ Gov_owned ]312 留言, 推噓總分: +211
作者: roadfly - 發表於 2017/11/11 10:39(6年前)
12FNenaPolyglot: 英文考得太簡單了吧,不多說了11/11 10:44
14FNenaPolyglot: 根本是給高中生的段考考卷,非常簡單11/11 10:45
16FNenaPolyglot: 今年英文門檻會達史上新高11/11 10:47
22FNenaPolyglot: 沒什麼鑑別度可言,克漏字和閱讀測驗出題者還打錯11/11 10:52
23FNenaPolyglot: 字11/11 10:52
25FNenaPolyglot: 客漏字第二篇倒數第二行打 “environmentally frie11/11 11:00
26FNenaPolyglot: ndly” 才對11/11 11:00
30FNenaPolyglot: 閱讀測驗第一段倒數第二行,And if they "owned" t11/11 11:03
31FNenaPolyglot: heir own sheep才對,不是"owed"11/11 11:03
66FNenaPolyglot: 看得出來是公司的人出的,把考生當高二生11/11 13:03
70FNenaPolyglot: 期待下午專B的英文翻譯及寫作11/11 13:04
103FNenaPolyglot: 專B的英文翻譯考得也非常簡單,英文作文題目超好發11/11 16:05
104FNenaPolyglot: 揮的11/11 16:05
105FNenaPolyglot: “How to Stimulate Creativity at Work."11/11 16:07
106FNenaPolyglot: 不小心寫超過要求的250字11/11 16:10
107FNenaPolyglot: 國貿解釋名詞5小題,大家也都英英解釋嗎?11/11 16:11
192FNenaPolyglot: 回樓上上上H大閱讀測驗"The art of spinning"是紡11/11 22:35
193FNenaPolyglot: 織的藝術11/11 22:35
194FNenaPolyglot: clothes恆為複數,要 two (or more) pieces/articl11/11 22:43
195FNenaPolyglot: es/items of clothes 才成立11/11 22:43
196FNenaPolyglot: clothing不可數,但 one piece/article/ item of c11/11 22:46
197FNenaPolyglot: lothing 就對了11/11 22:46
199FNenaPolyglot: 回M大,dress 是正確答案沒錯11/11 22:55
201FNenaPolyglot: 回L大,當然 renowned 才是正確答案11/11 23:02
208FNenaPolyglot: 是的,get the whole team “involved" (C)才對11/11 23:09
214FNenaPolyglot: 回B大,分詞構句那題選(A)growing 文法正確啊11/11 23:26
217FNenaPolyglot: 你題號和我不同,另那題是Subjunctive Mood,11/11 23:30
218FNenaPolyglot: 完整句是It is important that the secretary( sho11/11 23:32
219FNenaPolyglot: uld ) make reservations ...,11/11 23:32
222FNenaPolyglot: "should"通常被省略11/11 23:33
225FNenaPolyglot: 克漏字(D) put aside (儲存) 才正確11/11 23:36
226FNenaPolyglot: 睡了11/11 23:39
268FNenaPolyglot: 公職王答案有錯,put aside= lay aside = lay by11/12 11:09
269FNenaPolyglot: = set aside,都是儲存待用的意思,11/12 11:13
270FNenaPolyglot: 不是put away (把東西收起來歸位)!11/12 11:14
278FNenaPolyglot: 回I大,那題是(C)involved正確無誤,為了再次確11/12 14:48
279FNenaPolyglot: 認問過英語母語的外國朋友,美 英 澳都有,看到都11/12 14:48
280FNenaPolyglot: 直覺本能告訴我答案是(C)involved, 這題不是文法11/12 14:48
286FNenaPolyglot: 閱測 main idea 選了(A)the technique of making11/12 18:43
287FNenaPolyglot: clothes11/12 18:43
289FNenaPolyglot: 希望不是陷阱11/12 18:48
290FNenaPolyglot: 我是從第一段的題幹主旨,和後三段的上下文判斷的11/12 18:52