作者查詢 / NenaPolyglot

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作者 NenaPolyglot 在 PTT [ NBA ] 看板的留言(推文), 共582則
[新聞] 長年關注林書豪曾親自到場鼓勵 NBA首位
[ NBA ]31 留言, 推噓總分: +27
作者: lagoon34 - 發表於 2019/11/23 02:44(4年前)
31FNenaPolyglot: 推11/24 06:43
[Live] 世界盃 冠軍戰 阿根廷 VS. 西班牙
[ NBA ]1489 留言, 推噓總分: +775
作者: Uranus20 - 發表於 2019/09/15 19:30(4年前)
27FNenaPolyglot: Quien hubiera pensado que un partido amistoso e09/15 19:52
28FNenaPolyglot: ntre Espa?a y Argentina (84:76) se haria la fi09/15 19:52
29FNenaPolyglot: nal del Copa Mundial ?09/15 19:52
34FNenaPolyglot: 誰能料想到西班牙和阿根廷的友誼賽(84:76)會變成09/15 19:54
35FNenaPolyglot: 冠軍賽?09/15 19:54
43FNenaPolyglot: Se lleva bien la gente de los dos países.09/15 19:58
52FNenaPolyglot: Lostinthecho 我知道,但手機打那問號會變亂碼 ?Lo09/15 20:01
53FNenaPolyglot: ves o no?09/15 20:01
56FNenaPolyglot: Me da igual cualquiera de ellos gane la medalla09/15 20:04
57FNenaPolyglot: de oro.09/15 20:04
63FNenaPolyglot: 西阿友好,誰贏冠軍對我都沒差09/15 20:05
73FNenaPolyglot: Vamos España ! !Vamos Argentina !!09/15 20:07
238FNenaPolyglot: ?Cu?ntos puntos ha metido Hernagomez en el prim09/15 20:24
239FNenaPolyglot: er cuarto?09/15 20:24
298FNenaPolyglot: Anda!Anda!09/15 20:29
362FNenaPolyglot: jaja, obviamente el ?rbitro juezca a favor de E09/15 20:32
363FNenaPolyglot: spa?a09/15 20:32
407FNenaPolyglot: Los españoles maneja las pelotas como nadie.09/15 20:37
480FNenaPolyglot: Con este ritmo, estoy sugura que ganaremos los09/15 20:45
481FNenaPolyglot: espa?oles el campeonato.09/15 20:45
514FNenaPolyglot: ?Recuperaran los argentinos despu?s del medio t09/15 20:54
515FNenaPolyglot: iempo?Casi simpre pierden a su papa, ya sea ba09/15 20:54
516FNenaPolyglot: loncesto o futbol...09/15 20:54
713FNenaPolyglot: Se ha estropeado todo el equipo argentino... Lo09/15 21:14
714FNenaPolyglot: s espa?oles tienen absoluta superioridad en cua09/15 21:14
715FNenaPolyglot: nto a la posesion del balon... increible!09/15 21:14
907FNenaPolyglot: No es un juego competitivo competitive mas bien09/15 21:33
910FNenaPolyglot: desequilibrado...09/15 21:33
1003FNenaPolyglot: Poco posible que los argentinos puedan superar09/15 21:43
1012FNenaPolyglot: el partido, dado que todavia van a la zaga de l09/15 21:43
1021FNenaPolyglot: os espa?oles por 12 puntos pero solo quedan 5 m09/15 21:43
1035FNenaPolyglot: inutos09/15 21:43
1071FNenaPolyglot: Espa?a, sin prisa, a cuatro minutos de ser camp09/15 21:46
1074FNenaPolyglot: eon del mundo de nuevo!09/15 21:46
1116FNenaPolyglot: ¡ No os rindeis, los argentinos!09/15 21:50
1243FNenaPolyglot: Rubio, Llull, Marc, Hernagomez dominan la conch09/15 21:58
1247FNenaPolyglot: a hoy. Ya estan celebrando los espa?oles con la09/15 21:59
1249FNenaPolyglot: grimad de alegria!Me vuelve loca el resultado09/15 21:59
1254FNenaPolyglot: !09/15 22:00
1267FNenaPolyglot: jaja, Llull corta la red de la canasta para gua09/15 22:03
1269FNenaPolyglot: darla como recuerdos09/15 22:03
1433FNenaPolyglot: Jaja, estos chavales se han redimido la actuaci09/15 22:15
1436FNenaPolyglot: on decepcionante de los futbolistas de la selec09/15 22:15
1437FNenaPolyglot: cion espa?ola de futbol el a?o pasado!09/15 22:15
1481FNenaPolyglot: Viva Espa?a Campeon!un momento historico!una09/15 22:32
1482FNenaPolyglot: leyenda! Me agrada veros levantar el trofeo y09/15 22:32
1484FNenaPolyglot: si os lo mereceis!09/15 22:32
[Live] 世界盃 西班牙 VS 澳洲
[ NBA ]1076 留言, 推噓總分: +538
作者: thnlkj0665 - 發表於 2019/09/13 15:46(4年前)
5FNenaPolyglot: Cantemos el himno nacional de España,09/13 15:52
6FNenaPolyglot: Cantemos el himno nacional de España,09/13 15:52
10FNenaPolyglot: la versión con letras, para animar a los09/13 15:56
11FNenaPolyglot: españolas.09/13 15:57
15FNenaPolyglot: Viva España, alzad los brazos, hijos del pueblo09/13 16:00
16FNenaPolyglot: español, que vuelve a resurgir!09/13 16:02
17FNenaPolyglot: El primer triplazo de Rubio!09/13 16:04
20FNenaPolyglot: ? Ojo, toreros ! Los canguros son docenas de mi09/13 16:13
21FNenaPolyglot: les veces m?s feroces que los toros e incluso e09/13 16:13
22FNenaPolyglot: sconden su poder de combate en la concha. (鬥牛09/13 16:13
23FNenaPolyglot: 士們小心!袋鼠比鬥牛更兇猛成千上萬倍而且隱藏場09/13 16:13
24FNenaPolyglot: 上戰鬥力)09/13 16:13
34FNenaPolyglot: Sí, necesitamos triplazos ! Bien hecho, Llul !09/13 16:23
35FNenaPolyglot: boles perdidos...09/13 16:25
44FNenaPolyglot: Que pena!Lanzamiento no anota....09/13 16:28
65FNenaPolyglot: Resulta que Rubio se desempe?a como el lider de09/13 16:36
66FNenaPolyglot: su equipo.09/13 16:36
67FNenaPolyglot: tiros libres buenos09/13 16:38
71FNenaPolyglot: Dobles!por fin...09/13 16:40
78FNenaPolyglot: Cobrad los rebotes!Faltan rebotes!09/13 16:43
84FNenaPolyglot: A medio tiempo Espa?a todavia va a la zaga por09/13 16:52
85FNenaPolyglot: cinco puntos...09/13 16:52
86FNenaPolyglot: Lo que pas? es que al principio la Seleccion de09/13 16:55
87FNenaPolyglot: Baloncesto de09/13 16:55
88FNenaPolyglot: Espa?a parecio menos brillante sin Pau Gasol.09/13 16:57
89FNenaPolyglot: 自從沒有Paul Gasol後星光有點...09/13 16:57
90FNenaPolyglot: Venga, venga, chicos!Vamos!09/13 17:00
96FNenaPolyglot: Dios os bendiga con mas triplazos09/13 17:03
104FNenaPolyglot: Qué va!Qué sucios los canguros !09/13 17:09
107FNenaPolyglot: otro tiempo muerto tenico de los australianos09/13 17:18
128FNenaPolyglot: Ribas!Espa?a depende demasiado de Rubio y no e09/13 17:26
129FNenaPolyglot: sta en su forma de ritmo hoy09/13 17:26
162FNenaPolyglot: Los jugadores no disparan con bastante precisio09/13 17:37
163FNenaPolyglot: n en este partido...09/13 17:37
173FNenaPolyglot: Marc Gasol!Arriba esa anima !09/13 17:41
180FNenaPolyglot: Maravilloso!Estupendo!Fenomenal!09/13 17:42
242FNenaPolyglot: Contra-ataque !Ahora misimo!09/13 17:49
269FNenaPolyglot: Rezando por mi segunda tierra ~~09/13 17:52
294FNenaPolyglot: jajajajaja, falta australia!09/13 17:54
333FNenaPolyglot: Sólo nos quedan 8.7 segundos!Tened cuidado!09/13 17:56
446FNenaPolyglot: El ?rbitro maljuezca, una mierda! (裁判誤判,09/13 18:00
447FNenaPolyglot: 噁心)09/13 18:00
480FNenaPolyglot: Muy bien!triplazo + doble09/13 18:03
590FNenaPolyglot: un juego comprado (一場被收買的球賽)09/13 18:12
684FNenaPolyglot: el segundo tiempo añadido...09/13 18:17
709FNenaPolyglot: triplazos triplazos rebotes rebotes, por favor09/13 18:20
710FNenaPolyglot:09/13 18:20
776FNenaPolyglot: Llull!Eres nuestro salvador de verdad!09/13 18:22
820FNenaPolyglot: Seguid la defensa s?lida y muy pronto lograreis09/13 18:24
821FNenaPolyglot: el triunfo de nuevo!09/13 18:24
925FNenaPolyglot: Espa?a cada vez mejor!!!!!!!!!!A la f09/13 18:30
926FNenaPolyglot: inal !!!!09/13 18:30
958FNenaPolyglot: jajajajaja, Adi?s Australia!Hasta nunca!Id a09/13 18:35
959FNenaPolyglot: moriros (澳洲再見,永別了,去X吧,哈哈哈哈哈)09/13 18:35
981FNenaPolyglot: Enhorabuena a Espa?a!!Ya estais en la final09/13 18:51
982FNenaPolyglot: !!Felicidades!! Que tengais buenisima suert09/13 18:51
983FNenaPolyglot: e para volver a ser el campeon del mundo!!Tod09/13 18:51
984FNenaPolyglot: os los chinos y yo os apoyamos como siempre!!09/13 18:51
985FNenaPolyglot: Triunfa Espa?a !!09/13 18:51
992FNenaPolyglot: Rubio es sindudamente un gal?n, llevando barba09/13 19:11
993FNenaPolyglot: y bigote, pero su estilo de pelo ha sido un rol09/13 19:11
994FNenaPolyglot: lo. Me gusta Hernangomez tambien con su tatuaj09/13 19:11
995FNenaPolyglot: e. *\(^o^)/* Siempre que les veo, me siento fe09/13 19:11
996FNenaPolyglot: liz como si fuera un flechazo.09/13 19:11
999FNenaPolyglot: Espa?a se encuentra en apuros casi todo el pa09/13 19:32
1000FNenaPolyglot: rtido y tengo miedo de la dorrota. No obstant09/13 19:32
1001FNenaPolyglot: e, el giro o milagro le debe a Llull en la pror09/13 19:32
1002FNenaPolyglot: roga!jajajaja, se me ha mojado mi concha por l09/13 19:32
1003FNenaPolyglot: a actuacion de los heroes (un chiste)!Muy buen09/13 19:33
1004FNenaPolyglot: trabajo!09/13 19:33
1017FNenaPolyglot: Pobrecitos!Vosotros sois los burros imbeciles09/13 22:04
1018FNenaPolyglot: que no tienen ni un poquito de conocimiento sob09/13 22:05
1019FNenaPolyglot: re la lengua espa?ola y que se ponen celosos po09/13 22:05
1020FNenaPolyglot: r un09/13 22:05
1021FNenaPolyglot: coraz?n hecho de cristal!Pues, todos mis comen09/13 22:11
1022FNenaPolyglot: tarios lo vinculan al deporte baloncesto y enci09/13 22:11
1023FNenaPolyglot: ma quien pueda comunicarse en un idioma extranj09/13 22:12
1024FNenaPolyglot: ero tendra 100% confianza en si mismo!jaja09/13 22:12
1025FNenaPolyglot: 謝謝讚美,西班牙文是第二主修外語,不是第一,愛09/13 22:21
1026FNenaPolyglot: 的西班牙是我留學過的國家,用西文評論集氣加油更09/13 22:21
1028FNenaPolyglot: 到位,結果奏效了呀!超開心~09/13 22:21
1029FNenaPolyglot: 澳洲球迷就別氣了(拍拍),比賽總是有輸贏嘛~09/13 22:24
1041FNenaPolyglot: 某S傻B, 要麼認定自己是專家職業籃球員,要麼西文09/14 08:43
1042FNenaPolyglot: 僅止於三腳貓功夫,連區域性俚俗用語也沒翻譯出來09/14 08:44
1043FNenaPolyglot: XD09/14 08:44
1044FNenaPolyglot: 某t 又知道誰在西班牙和台灣沒跟白人數次CCR,FB I09/14 08:59
1045FNenaPolyglot: G 外國朋友比本國多,原來在控訴台女崇洋啊09/14 08:59
1046FNenaPolyglot: 某No,我推文可沒使用冷辟的字彙和真正高階的文法09/14 09:09
1047FNenaPolyglot: 句型,既然看得懂,過目如同看中文一樣,有何大驚09/14 09:10
1048FNenaPolyglot: 小怪09/14 09:10
1049FNenaPolyglot: 某Z 又在箝制民主國家台灣人民的言論自由了,還在09/14 09:27
1050FNenaPolyglot: 那裡編制"ptt的送中(送終)條例", ptt 可沒規定推09/14 09:28
1051FNenaPolyglot: 文只能用中文和英文,何況西文是5億人口母語世界第09/14 09:28
1052FNenaPolyglot: 二大語言,雖然ptt系統不支援俄文和韓文,世界盃都09/14 09:28
1053FNenaPolyglot: 要曲終人散了,笑09/14 09:28
1054FNenaPolyglot: 某K顯然無法了解西班牙球迷的心情,去年世足賽西班09/14 11:02
1055FNenaPolyglot: 牙明明是4強保證的,16強淘汰賽創紀錄破千傳球次數09/14 11:02
1056FNenaPolyglot: ,高控球率和準確率,卻爆冷輸歐洲三流地主球隊俄09/14 11:02
1057FNenaPolyglot: 羅斯。今年世籃賽默默關注,西班牙終於低調闖進決09/14 11:03
1058FNenaPolyglot: 賽,當然雀躍不已,冠軍戰對手還是8/27熱身賽的西09/14 11:03
1059FNenaPolyglot: 語系國家阿根廷,西班牙剛開始落後,後來同樣又逆09/14 11:03
1060FNenaPolyglot: 轉反超84:76獲勝!其實這兩國人民感情友好,無論09/14 11:03
1061FNenaPolyglot: 誰拿冠軍我都很開心,沒想到前4強有3國是拉丁語系(09/14 11:03
1062FNenaPolyglot: 西班牙、阿根廷、法國),斯拉夫語系國家跑到5~8強09/14 11:04
1063FNenaPolyglot: 了(塞爾維亞、波蘭、捷克) XD09/14 11:04
1072FNenaPolyglot: 原來國小籃球教學這麼紮實啊09/14 21:42
1073FNenaPolyglot: 你我現實人生不識,ptt 說穿了是酸民本營,我的推09/14 22:01
1074FNenaPolyglot: 文你卻用心字字剖析解讀,斟酌我的話語,互動這麼09/14 22:01
1075FNenaPolyglot: 熱絡,期待著我的訊息,只差沒秒讀秒回,誰比較傻B09/14 22:02
1076FNenaPolyglot: 呼之欲出09/14 22:02
[外絮] Reddit鄉民討論美國對法國戰
[ NBA ]262 留言, 推噓總分: +123
作者: bigDwinsch - 發表於 2019/09/12 00:26(4年前)
206FNenaPolyglot: Cringeworthy... Disillusioned Team USA's World09/12 13:20
207FNenaPolyglot: Cup hope took a hard beating after losing to Fr09/12 13:20
208FNenaPolyglot: ance during the knockout quarterfinals on Chine09/12 13:20
209FNenaPolyglot: se soil, only to commemorate the 18th anniversa09/12 13:20
210FNenaPolyglot: ry of 911 terrorist attack. Assuredly, the ups09/12 13:20
211FNenaPolyglot: et will be one of the darkest moments in Americ09/12 13:20
212FNenaPolyglot: an basketball history!Reliable media outlets i09/12 13:20
213FNenaPolyglot: n the post-match press conference have been quo09/12 13:20
214FNenaPolyglot: ted as alleging that throughout the tournament,09/12 13:20
215FNenaPolyglot: players of the reigning champion bidding to be09/12 13:20
216FNenaPolyglot: come the first country to win three consecutive09/12 13:20
217FNenaPolyglot: titles suffered physical and mental retardatio09/12 13:20
218FNenaPolyglot: n arising from severe concussions which brought09/12 13:20
219FNenaPolyglot: about the sub-par performance. hahahaha Donal09/12 13:20
220FNenaPolyglot: d Trump has his face buried in mortification, h09/12 13:20
221FNenaPolyglot: is balls castrated, much to the delight of the09/12 13:20
222FNenaPolyglot: fans worldwide!XD XD Laugh my darn asshole and09/12 13:20
223FNenaPolyglot: cunt off!Indeed, USA's unnecessary loss or un09/12 13:20
224FNenaPolyglot: timely departure from semifinals is a testament09/12 13:20
225FNenaPolyglot: to the fact that the ball is round, and thus n09/12 13:20
226FNenaPolyglot: o squad is invincible but equally likely to mak09/12 13:20
227FNenaPolyglot: e the impossible possible. That being said, t09/12 13:20
228FNenaPolyglot: he global superpower is bound to dispatch their09/12 13:20
229FNenaPolyglot: Dream Team with the best all-star line-up to v09/12 13:20
230FNenaPolyglot: ie for the gold medal in 2020 Tokyo Olympics no09/12 13:20
231FNenaPolyglot: less than redeem their worst finish in the FIB09/12 13:20
232FNenaPolyglot: A competitions.09/12 13:20
241FNenaPolyglot: 回樓上,推文這是我本人寫的,川普那段確實不雅,09/12 15:10
242FNenaPolyglot: 但這位狂人總統有太多種族歧視的政策令人不恥。美09/12 15:10
243FNenaPolyglot: 國差點輸土耳其,就有世界第一強國人玻璃心碎,留09/12 15:10
244FNenaPolyglot: 言回覆 "Seriously, this is USA's Team C, D or F09/12 15:10
245FNenaPolyglot: only(僅是美國第三、四或五隊), not our Dream Te09/12 15:10
246FNenaPolyglot: am. We simply can't care less about the world09/12 15:10
247FNenaPolyglot: cup, needless to mention one held in shitty Chi09/12 15:10
248FNenaPolyglot: na!You'll all be smashed in the Olympics!"09/12 15:10
249FNenaPolyglot: 樓上指djching大09/12 15:14
250FNenaPolyglot: 賽後記者會的媒體和隊員因嚴重腦震盪身心遲鈍是我09/12 15:26
251FNenaPolyglot: 開玩笑用來揶揄昨晚美國隊的表現,要有幽默感嘛!09/12 15:26
255FNenaPolyglot: "Seriouly, this is USA's team C, D only, or som09/12 21:06
256FNenaPolyglot: ewhere between E and F, not our Dream Team!"(09/12 21:06
257FNenaPolyglot: 老實講,這不過是美國的三、四隊或介於五六隊之間09/12 21:06
258FNenaPolyglot: ,不是我們的夢幻隊!)09/12 21:06
259FNenaPolyglot: 事實再次證明 "驕兵必敗",哈哈哈哈哈,美國又輸給09/12 21:12
260FNenaPolyglot: 斯拉夫民族塞爾維亞了齁 XD XD09/12 21:12
[新聞] 世界盃/美國第4節當機 輸給法國
[ NBA ]49 留言, 推噓總分: +14
作者: zuben666 - 發表於 2019/09/11 23:19(4年前)
11FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's World Cup hope takes a09/12 00:42
12FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/12 00:42
13FNenaPolyglot: knockout quarterfinals on Chinese soil, only t09/12 00:42
14FNenaPolyglot: o commemorate the 18th anniversary of 911 terro09/12 00:42
15FNenaPolyglot: rist attack. Assuredly, the upset will be one09/12 00:42
16FNenaPolyglot: of the darkest moments in American basketball h09/12 00:42
17FNenaPolyglot: istory!Reliable media outlets in the post-matc09/12 00:42
18FNenaPolyglot: h conference have been quoted as alleging that09/12 00:42
19FNenaPolyglot: throughout the tournament the players suffered09/12 00:42
20FNenaPolyglot: physical and mental retardation arising from se09/12 00:42
21FNenaPolyglot: vere concussions which brought about the sub-pa09/12 00:42
22FNenaPolyglot: r performance tonight. hahahaha Donald Trump h09/12 00:42
23FNenaPolyglot: as his face buried in mortification, his balls09/12 00:42
24FNenaPolyglot: castrated, much to the delight of the fans worl09/12 00:42
25FNenaPolyglot: dwide!XD XD Laugh my f**king asshole and cunt09/12 00:42
26FNenaPolyglot: off!09/12 00:42
35FNenaPolyglot: Cringeworthy..........Indeed, USA's unnecessary09/12 13:26
36FNenaPolyglot: loss or untimely departure from semifinals is09/12 13:26
37FNenaPolyglot: a testament to the fact that the ball is round,09/12 13:26
38FNenaPolyglot: and thus no squad is invincible but equally li09/12 13:26
39FNenaPolyglot: kely to make the impossible possible. That be09/12 13:26
40FNenaPolyglot: ing said, the global superpower is bound to dis09/12 13:26
41FNenaPolyglot: patch their Dream Team with the best all-star l09/12 13:26
42FNenaPolyglot: ine-up to vie for the gold medal in 2020 Tokyo09/12 13:26
43FNenaPolyglot: Olympics no less than redeem their worst finish09/12 13:26
44FNenaPolyglot: in the FIBA competitions.09/12 13:26
45FNenaPolyglot: My apology for the typo!It was meant for "pres09/12 13:31
46FNenaPolyglot: s conference" rather than "conference".09/12 13:31
[情報] 美國隊13年後再次在世界盃吞敗
[ NBA ]122 留言, 推噓總分: +50
作者: dragon803 - 發表於 2019/09/11 21:08(4年前)
87FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's World Cup hope takes a09/12 00:15
88FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/12 00:15
89FNenaPolyglot: knockout quarterfinals on Chinese soil, only t09/12 00:15
90FNenaPolyglot: o commemorate the 18th anniversary of 911 terro09/12 00:15
91FNenaPolyglot: rist attack. Assuredly, the upset will be one09/12 00:15
92FNenaPolyglot: of the darkest moments in American basketball h09/12 00:15
93FNenaPolyglot: istory!Reliable media outlets in the post-matc09/12 00:15
94FNenaPolyglot: h conference have been quoted as alleging that09/12 00:15
95FNenaPolyglot: throughout the tournament the players suffered09/12 00:15
96FNenaPolyglot: physical and mental retardation arising from se09/12 00:15
97FNenaPolyglot: vere concussions. hahahaha Donald Trump has hi09/12 00:15
98FNenaPolyglot: s face buried in mortification, his balls castr09/12 00:15
99FNenaPolyglot: ated, much to the delight of the fans worldwide09/12 00:15
100FNenaPolyglot: !XD XD Laugh my f**king asshole and cunt off!09/12 00:15
102FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's World Cup hope takes a09/12 01:00
103FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/12 01:00
104FNenaPolyglot: knockout quarterfinals on Chinese soil, only t09/12 01:00
105FNenaPolyglot: o commemorate the 18th anniversary of 911 terro09/12 01:00
106FNenaPolyglot: rist attack. Assuredly, the upset will be one09/12 01:00
107FNenaPolyglot: of the darkest moments in American basketball h09/12 01:00
108FNenaPolyglot: istory!Reliable media outlets in the post-matc09/12 01:00
109FNenaPolyglot: h conference have been quoted as alleging that09/12 01:00
110FNenaPolyglot: throughout the tournament the players of the re09/12 01:00
111FNenaPolyglot: igning champion suffered physical and mental re09/12 01:00
112FNenaPolyglot: tardation arising from severe concussions which09/12 01:00
113FNenaPolyglot: brought about the sub-par performance tonight.09/12 01:00
114FNenaPolyglot: hahahaha Donald Trump has his face buried in09/12 01:00
115FNenaPolyglot: mortification, his balls castrated, much to the09/12 01:00
116FNenaPolyglot: delight of the fans worldwide!XD XD Laugh my09/12 01:00
117FNenaPolyglot: f**king asshole and cunt off!09/12 01:00
[Live] 世界盃 美國 VS. 法國
[ NBA ]1501 留言, 推噓總分: +788
作者: Uranus20 - 發表於 2019/09/11 18:30(4年前)
1298FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's world cup hope takes a09/11 20:57
1305FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/11 20:57
1324FNenaPolyglot: knock out quarterfinals on Chinese soil.09/11 20:57
1467FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's World Cup hope takes a09/11 21:13
1468FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/11 21:13
1469FNenaPolyglot: knockout quarterfinals on Chinese soil. hahah09/11 21:13
1470FNenaPolyglot: aha09/11 21:14
1474FNenaPolyglot: , only to commemorate the 18th anniversary of 909/11 21:29
1475FNenaPolyglot: 11 terrorist attack. Assuredly, the upset will09/11 21:29
1476FNenaPolyglot: be one of the darkest moments in American bas09/11 21:29
1477FNenaPolyglot: ketball history!hahahaha09/11 21:29
1484FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's World Cup hope takes a09/11 22:10
1485FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/11 22:10
1486FNenaPolyglot: knockout quarterfinals on Chinese soil, only t09/11 22:10
1487FNenaPolyglot: o commemorate the 18th anniversary of 911 terro09/11 22:11
1488FNenaPolyglot: rist attack. Assuredly, the upset will be one09/11 22:11
1489FNenaPolyglot: of the darkest moments in American basketball h09/11 22:11
1490FNenaPolyglot: istory!hahahaha Donald Trump has his face buri09/11 22:11
1491FNenaPolyglot: ed in mortification, his balls castrated, much09/11 22:12
1492FNenaPolyglot: to the delight of the fans worldwide!XD XD Lau09/11 22:12
1493FNenaPolyglot: gh my f**king asshole and cunt off!09/11 22:13
[情報] 美國世界盃止步八強
[ NBA ]889 留言, 推噓總分: +762
作者: balcony5566 - 發表於 2019/09/11 20:57(4年前)
518FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's World Cup hope takes a09/11 21:26
519FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/11 21:26
520FNenaPolyglot: knockout quarterfinals on Chinese soil, only t09/11 21:26
521FNenaPolyglot: o commemorate the 18th anniversary of 911 terro09/11 21:26
522FNenaPolyglot: rist attack. Assuredly, the upset will be one09/11 21:26
523FNenaPolyglot: of the darkest moments in American basketball09/11 21:26
524FNenaPolyglot: history!hahahaha09/11 21:26
653FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's World Cup hope takes a09/11 22:07
654FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/11 22:07
655FNenaPolyglot: knockout quarterfinals on Chinese soil, only t09/11 22:07
656FNenaPolyglot: o commemorate the 18th anniversary of 911 terro09/11 22:07
657FNenaPolyglot: rist attack. Assuredly, the upset will be one09/11 22:07
658FNenaPolyglot: of the darkest moments in American basketball h09/11 22:07
659FNenaPolyglot: istory!hahahaha Donald Trump has his face buri09/11 22:07
660FNenaPolyglot: ed in mortification, his balls castrated, much09/11 22:07
661FNenaPolyglot: to the delight of the fans worldwide!XD XD Lau09/11 22:07
662FNenaPolyglot: gh my f**king asshole and cunt off!09/11 22:07
[BOX ] 2019 FIBA World Cup USA 79 vs 89 FRA
[ NBA ]297 留言, 推噓總分: +176
作者: JoelEmbiid - 發表於 2019/09/11 21:01(4年前)
213FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's World Cup hope takes a09/11 22:00
214FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/11 22:00
215FNenaPolyglot: knockout quarterfinals, only to commemorate th09/11 22:00
216FNenaPolyglot: e 18th anniversary of 911 terrorist attack. As09/11 22:00
217FNenaPolyglot: suredly, the upset will be one of the darkest m09/11 22:00
218FNenaPolyglot: oments in American basketball history!hahahaha09/11 22:00
219FNenaPolyglot: Donald Trump has his face buried in mortificat09/11 22:00
220FNenaPolyglot: ion, his balls castrated, much to the delight o09/11 22:00
221FNenaPolyglot: f the fans worldwide!XD XD09/11 22:00
223FNenaPolyglot: Disillusioned Team USA's World Cup hope takes a09/11 22:06
224FNenaPolyglot: hard beating after losing to France during the09/11 22:06
225FNenaPolyglot: knockout quarterfinals on Chinese soil, only t09/11 22:06
226FNenaPolyglot: o commemorate the 18th anniversary of 911 terro09/11 22:06
227FNenaPolyglot: rist attack. Assuredly, the upset will be one09/11 22:06
228FNenaPolyglot: of the darkest moments in American basketball h09/11 22:06
229FNenaPolyglot: istory!hahahaha Donald Trump has his face buri09/11 22:06
230FNenaPolyglot: ed in mortification, his balls castrated, much09/11 22:06
231FNenaPolyglot: to the delight of the fans worldwide!XD XD Lau09/11 22:06
232FNenaPolyglot: gh my f**king asshole and cunt off!09/11 22:06
Fw: [BOX ] 2019 FIBA World Cup ESP 90 vs 78 POL
[ NBA ]36 留言, 推噓總分: +23
作者: JoelEmbiid - 發表於 2019/09/11 00:25(4年前)
22FNenaPolyglot: Resumen de la Seleccion de Baloncesto de Espa?a09/11 13:42
23FNenaPolyglot: :tiros libres: 15/22 68%, dobles(tiros de dos09/11 13:42
24FNenaPolyglot: puntos): 21/36 58%, triplazos(tiros de tres pun09/11 13:42
25FNenaPolyglot: tos): 11/28 39%09/11 13:42
26FNenaPolyglot: puntos desde el banco:25, puntos dentro de la09/11 13:50
27FNenaPolyglot: zona llave:34, puntos desde los balones perdid09/11 13:50
28FNenaPolyglot: os:2009/11 13:50
29FNenaPolyglot: los mejores anotadores:Rubio 19 puntos, Hernan09/11 13:54
30FNenaPolyglot: gomez Geuer 18 puntos, Fernandez 16 puntos09/11 13:54
31FNenaPolyglot: Buen trabajo!Viva gran Espa?a!Felicidades!Pa09/11 14:00
32FNenaPolyglot: sito a pasito a luchar para alcanzar el oro en09/11 14:00
33FNenaPolyglot: la final!VAMOS Espa?a!09/11 14:00